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My friends playing list is down from 15 - 1 hmmm


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Shadowlands isn't bad either. One of my recruiters for our guild said it put out one guild spam, got 7 replies. Nothing dead here.


Gratz on that. I have noticed guild recruiting has taken a dive lately. Not sure why.

See too many anti social players that are guildless. One of the biggest things I've disliked about this "Story Content". It's brought in all the single player's to an MMO who basically diss guilds & are rude. *smh*


As for the other comments, I was not supporting this game in a White Knight stance. I was just referring to MCB's post as he pops in any thread he can to spew his "game is dying" drivel.


I for one am not happy there isn't any new Ops. Nor more WZ. Took them that long to add in Odessen WZ, only for them to nerf pops since adding it in, to I never see it pop. Really frustrating. Basically now, it's as if no new WZ has been added, so it's back to the stale content.

As for the Rishi arena, it's not really a warzone, that's an arena. No objectives but to deathmatch basically. lol Which I've only gotten that one twice now. :(


I just hope that season 2 isn't a continuation of the story, and we have NO new Ops, or FPs, or WZs. The story has no real replayable features that are bonuses.

Heck even choices don't matter. e.g. :


When you get to the visions in the dark chapter, it doesn't matter if you've accepted Valkorion's power all the times before or not. He still does the same thing. Disses you, berates you, etc...

Really bad story telling IMO. That should have been a choice that REALLY mattered. But alas it didn't. The only choices that have mattered have been whether or not you kill Kaliyo or Aric. *smh*


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Just to throw in my 2 cents, don't think an inactive player who logs in randomly and checks to see which people on his friend's list are on at that particular moment has any statistical significance in determining the current state of the game.
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Huh? How would that impact HIS friends list? I can add anyone I want to mine...no matter what they do, they remain on my list until "I" remove them. The only way they stop appearing is if they quit playing or move.


Or put a space in their name.

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Ok I'll clarify which "friends" list I am talking about... Ya know that little link in my sig? That one. I didn't want to cause an uproar about it. But i had average of 7+ people continuously playing, with over 15 on that list, yes I realize that people take breaks I am one. And yes I don't expect them all to be playing, but it was a tad shocking to see that only one was currently "Subscribed" to me that is a massive decline...


I just was Currious if anyone else had a decline as well, without calling doom and gloom is all, but thanks for all the responses! :)

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Just to throw in my 2 cents, don't think an inactive player who logs in randomly and checks to see which people on his friend's list are on at that particular moment has any statistical significance in determining the current state of the game.

You say that like it matters to an internet discussion. ;)

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Just to throw in my 2 cents, don't think an inactive player who logs in randomly and checks to see which people on his friend's list are on at that particular moment has any statistical significance in determining the current state of the game.


But it does determine if the game is alive :D?

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Ok I'll clarify which "friends" list I am talking about... Ya know that little link in my sig? That one. I didn't want to cause an uproar about it. But i had average of 7+ people continuously playing, with over 15 on that list, yes I realize that people take breaks I am one. And yes I don't expect them all to be playing, but it was a tad shocking to see that only one was currently "Subscribed" to me that is a massive decline...


I just was Currious if anyone else had a decline as well, without calling doom and gloom is all, but thanks for all the responses! :)


If you are talking about your referral list I wouldn't put much stock in that one. Those are hit and miss and a lot of times people will only use them for 7 days with no intention of subscribing.

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Maybe, maybe not. Too many possibilities to use it as a conclusive bit of data.


I just think its a bit hypocritical people go "nope... the game isn't dying based off of your anecdotal evidence" but if they do it to determine if the game is doing well, then its all of a sudden accepted.

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I just think its a bit hypocritical people go "nope... the game isn't dying based off of your anecdotal evidence" but if they do it to determine if the game is doing well, then its all of a sudden accepted.


I think it's basically silly and a waste of time for BOTH sides to attempt to cudgel one and other into a certain stance based on anecdotal "evidence".


BW has the data and they aren't posting it. They'll do what they think is best for the health of the game and their business. After all that's what this is, a business.

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Yes, it's got nothing to do with you not playing this game for months at a time. Or that you may have missed your so-called friends during your once-in-a-while check-ins. Or that some people remove inactive players from their friends list.


Or due to the serious drought in new content they just aren't playing any longer. I am sure the op missed some when they checked in but not all.

That might also explain all the dead server and transfer threads going on.

I know crazy talk but I just very well might be a possibility.

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I think it's basically silly and a waste of time for BOTH sides to attempt to cudgel one and other into a certain stance based on anecdotal "evidence".


BW has the data and they aren't posting it. They'll do what they think is best for the health of the game and their business. After all that's what this is, a business.


I wonder what is people's obsession with the whole "game is dying" TORtanic mentality, anyway. A couple days ago I read an article that called SWTOR 'the game where players are more concerned with the game's economic value than the game itself' (paraphrasing). I play a game, I pay for it while I enjoy it, if it dies, it dies, I had my fun. I give hints what would make me have fun with it a while longer, pay for it a while longer, if that doesn't get picked up, my choice is to take it or leave it, like with every other product or service.


At one point in 2012 I had Krayiss Obelisk almost exclusively to myself, and I still found ways to have fun. I'll probably be around when they pull the plug, lol.


ETA: Unless they kill Satele and bomb Tatooine to smithereens. That combination would be insta-unsub, no-look-back. xD

Edited by KyaniteD
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I wonder what is people's obsession with the whole "game is dying" TORtanic mentality, anyway. A couple days ago I read an article that called SWTOR 'the game where players are more concerned with the game's economic value than the game itself' (paraphrasing). I play a game, I pay for it while I enjoy it, if it dies, it dies, I had my fun. I give hints what would make me have fun with it a while longer, pay for it a while longer, if that doesn't get picked up, my choice is to take it or leave it, like with every other product or service.


At one point in 2012 I had Krayiss Obelisk almost exclusively to myself, and I still found ways to have fun. I'll probably be around when they pull the plug, lol.


That's me too. I really enjoy my gaming. But it is...gaming. I have left many MMOs because I was "done" (numerous reasons) and really had no regrets. Had fun, stopped being fun and I moved on.


I think folk, especially with a franchise like SW or LoTRO, are so embroiled in the franchise that it really upsets them when things don't go as they think they should because they'll be cut off from their fantasy world. I can relate to that but when that time comes (as it does to most all of us) no need to try and drag others with you. Or to insist that because it didn't go "your" way that it's a total write-off.

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That's me too. I really enjoy my gaming. But it is...gaming. I have left many MMOs because I was "done" (numerous reasons) and really had no regrets. Had fun, stopped being fun and I moved on.


I think folk, especially with a franchise like SW or LoTRO, are so embroiled in the franchise that it really upsets them when things don't go as they think they should because they'll be cut off from their fantasy world. I can relate to that but when that time comes (as it does to most all of us) no need to try and drag others with you. Or to insist that because it didn't go "your" way that it's a total write-off.

I wonder if it's just the subjective factor of how "important" a specific game is to a player. Not even factoring in genuine priorities (work, family, home, football, religion), I'm not sure SWTOR ranks in my top five recreational activities. I'll pass on SWTOR on a Sunday to play a round of golf. I'll pass on SWTOR on a Friday night to play around. I recently spent two consecutive nights and then most of the next day watching the NFL draft when I could have played SWTOR or LOTRO. SWTOR is a hobby ... one of many.

Edited by Thoronmir
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Ok I'll clarify which "friends" list I am talking about... Ya know that little link in my sig? That one. I didn't want to cause an uproar about it. But i had average of 7+ people continuously playing, with over 15 on that list, yes I realize that people take breaks I am one. And yes I don't expect them all to be playing, but it was a tad shocking to see that only one was currently "Subscribed" to me that is a massive decline...


I just was Currious if anyone else had a decline as well, without calling doom and gloom is all, but thanks for all the responses! :)


That's what I thought you might be referring too!!

Which is why my first comment mentioned that. lol

I've lost 29 subs. 41 referrals total. 12 still subbing. 11 didn't sub and 4 who have X amount of days left to Sub.

I mentioned the loss of subs to my husband awhile back. Very strange.


If you are talking about your referral list I wouldn't put much stock in that one. Those are hit and miss and a lot of times people will only use them for 7 days with no intention of subscribing.


Actually they're not hit & miss. If you'd actually look at yours, if you have any you could see it.

They're broke down, like I stated in the above paragraph so you can see exactly the info. You can even see how long they've been subbed via date listed & CC's granted to you.

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I wonder if it's just the subjective factor of how "important" a specific game is to a player. Not even factoring in genuine priorities (work, family, home, football, religion), I'm not sure SWTOR ranks in my top five recreational activities. I'll pass on SWTOR on a Sunday to play a round of golf. I'll pass on SWTOR on a Friday night to play around. I recently spent two consecutive nights and then most of the next day watching the NFL draft when I could have played SWTOR or LOTRO. SWTOR is a hobby ... one of many.


It's number 3 in my list (preceded by reading/studying and fibre-arts). Well, gaming in general is. SWTOR happens to be my current game after a long spell in offline gaming. I have some health issues which preclude moving much on some days hence my pastimes being sedentary. Used to be cycling, horse-riding, outdoor photography and rambling.


I think you do have a point. Back in the original EQ days, gaming was the number one priority for me (after the essentials like earning my keep). I outgrew that, or moved past it. Still, when it dawned on me that EQ was turning into as much of an obligation as my career, I realised it was time for a re-think. That re-think has led to my much less "serious" approach to gaming and relegated it to the niche of "pastime" instead of obsession.


But I'm still grumpy about LoTRO.

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It's number 3 in my list (preceded by reading/studying and fibre-arts). Well, gaming in general is. SWTOR happens to be my current game after a long spell in offline gaming. I have some health issues which preclude moving much on some days hence my pastimes being sedentary. Used to be cycling, horse-riding, outdoor photography and rambling.


I think you do have a point. Back in the original EQ days, gaming was the number one priority for me (after the essentials like earning my keep). I outgrew that, or moved past it. Still, when it dawned on me that EQ was turning into as much of an obligation as my career, I realised it was time for a re-think. That re-think has led to my much less "serious" approach to gaming and relegated it to the niche of "pastime" instead of obsession.


But I'm still grumpy about LoTRO.


My top 3 are napping, eating and napping. Gaming is there somewhere as a pastime, but not nearly as important anymore. I used to be a raid healer in other MMOs, but have since slowed down some.

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My top 3 are napping, eating and napping. Gaming is there somewhere as a pastime, but not nearly as important anymore. I used to be a raid healer in other MMOs, but have since slowed down some.


Ah! Cleric in EQ. I must've been completely nuts. Well, pretty much was the only game in town at that point, literally.

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That's what I thought you might be referring too!!

Which is why my first comment mentioned that. lol

I've lost 29 subs. 41 referrals total. 12 still subbing. 11 didn't sub and 4 who have X amount of days left to Sub.

I mentioned the loss of subs to my husband awhile back. Very strange.




Actually they're not hit & miss. If you'd actually look at yours, if you have any you could see it.

They're broke down, like I stated in the above paragraph so you can see exactly the info. You can even see how long they've been subbed via date listed & CC's granted to you.


Yeah, last month I had 6 subscribers now at 1 on my referral page. But it is concerning, because yes they might be still playing.. But the point is they aren't subscribing! Which to me means... Less subscribers for the game. So I was Currious if anyone else noticed this. I was hoping it was just myself, but I see from this post that I am not alone. And if more people with RaF's see a decline as well, wouldn't that mean that the ship hit the iceberg? I hope that it makes its way to port. Cause the water looks dang Cold and those people in the dingy's look like they are half frozen.... :(

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Yeah, last month I had 6 subscribers now at 1 on my referral page. But it is concerning, because yes they might be still playing.. But the point is they aren't subscribing! Which to me means... Less subscribers for the game. So I was Currious if anyone else noticed this. I was hoping it was just myself, but I see from this post that I am not alone. And if more people with RaF's see a decline as well, wouldn't that mean that the ship hit the iceberg? I hope that it makes its way to port. Cause the water looks dang Cold and those people in the dingy's look like they are half frozen.... :(


Let me explain this as simply as I can. Harbringer has completely sucked the life out of all the remaining PVP servers and also hurt the other remaining PVE servers a bit. And after sucking all those PVP servers dry and taking some very large guilds from shadow, EH, and BC it still remains on the decline population wise. Its population from last year at this time has tumbled a lot. Shadowlands on any given day is usually about 1/2 the population as harbringer so the others are not fending any better. And that is in spite of sucking all those players from all those others servers.


So as simply put as possible, yes the games population is diminishing and in my opinion at a pretty astonishing rate. We have more ghost town servers than we do active ones. And unless bioware steps in quickly this snow ball effect goes from bad to worse very rapidly. That is why I have been sounding the ALARM for months now. I see that storm coming and I am trying to prevent as much damage as I can. I just hope that alarm is being heard and heard in time.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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