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Why are players leaving games - pugs


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Not even ranked but pugs! Damn pvp is bad enough in this game but now this? I was just in a game where 4 players left in the middle.


There's needs to be some sort of penalty for leaving any wz game. I like what warcraft does, and locks them out for 10 mins


*** is going on? Does a lose in pugs count in ranked? I don't run ranked pvp, cause frankly I pvp to kill time. But if it continues to be this bad screw it.

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doesnt change a thing to add a deserter debuff. I'll just log another alt. I leave wow games all the time too, if your being gyard farmed and they are holding your flag while they camp you why spend 12 more mins in the BG? leave and go do dailies until the ten min debuff falls off and queue again.


I'll leave games which aren't fun for me. Note that doesnt mean losing. It does mean hutballs where my sage is being farmed by 2 operatives and they killed me 7 times already, where I called inc on a base im defending and my team ignored it then abused me in chat, games where theres a good trinity premade on each team and Im the frustrated pug, being farmed for kills and can't get a kill or anything actually past the enemy heals and taunts. My healers ofc focusing on "their" pros not some random puggy so Its a game where I will a) die alot b) achieve not alot c) not recieve any mvp votes even if I solo a base hero style and win the match cos the premades all vote for their friends.


There reachs a point where you have to ask what am I trying to achieve here? If you can't achieve it /leave and try again in a different match.


bottom line: If I'm not having fun I'm not playing and you can't make me.

Edited by LadyDarkkitten
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Not even ranked but pugs! Damn pvp is bad enough in this game but now this? I was just in a game where 4 players left in the middle.


There's needs to be some sort of penalty for leaving any wz game. I like what warcraft does, and locks them out for 10 mins


*** is going on? Does a lose in pugs count in ranked? I don't run ranked pvp, cause frankly I pvp to kill time. But if it continues to be this bad screw it.


Good players or frustrated players leave for heaps of reasons.


Here's a few of mine.

-The team won't listen to calls, won't try and win or are a death match team. I will leave if all of these conditions are all met in one match. But sometimes I will leave if only one condition is met, it depends on my level of frustration from playing multiple matches in a row with these sort of people.

-I will definitely leave if it's Hutt ball and people aren't even trying to play the ball. Hutt ball is my favourite map and if people won't try it ruins my favourite game.

-People get abusive to me, especially if I'm trying to give good advice and they are noobs.

-I have a real life issue to deal with.

-People on my team who queue over and over again and don't gear. This includes the people who don't equipe crystals, people who wear the highest lvl PVE gear and have low bolster, people who have empty gear slots, people only wearing empty Armor shells, people who mix PVP and PVE mods etc in the same Armor shells.

I give those people a chance. I try to help them with advice. But when you are either ignored or abused for tryin to help, it's time to leave.


People have suggested a lock out timer before. But PVP pops are so slow now and the population is low, that a lock out would just increase queue times.

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I'll leave games which aren't fun for me. Note that doesnt mean losing. It does mean hutballs where my sage is being farmed by 2 operatives and they killed me 7 times already, where I called inc on a base im defending and my team ignored it then abused me in chat, games where theres a good trinity premade on each team and Im the frustrated pug, being farmed for kills and can't get a kill or anything actually past the enemy heals and taunts. My healers ofc focusing on "their" pros not some random puggy so Its a game where I will a) die alot b) achieve not alot c) not recieve any mvp votes even if I solo a base hero style and win the match cos the premades all vote for their friends.


Those are awful lot of words to describe, "losing".


Oh yes. I've seen a lot of "It's not losing I hate, but dull games, rather" folks over the years. Across all sorts of MMOs. The funny thing though -- they never leave a winning game, no matter how stupidly dull and boring it is.


So excuse me when I generally tend to snicker at comments like yours, because I've spent enough time in the age of multiplayer games long enough to know that it's just all bullshi* self-justification for doing cheesy and weasly things.

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.

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Oh yes. I've seen a lot of "It's not losing I hate, but dull games, rather" folks over the years. Across all sorts of MMOs. The funny thing though -- they never leave a winning game, no matter how stupidly dull and boring it is.

This made me giggle, and its true.

Frankly, people are pretty bad at predicting match end results. For some reason people quit immediately after 2 nodes are lost, but tbh it is easy to get those back while the enemy runs off full of self confidence seeking for kills now that nodes are secured. Anyone who quits directly after objective is lost usually doesnt really know how to counter attack, and just assume if the first assault was lost the entire match is a loss, which is false on all accounts. You really need to observe your team more than that to really tell if they can recover or not, and most quitters skip this part.

There isnt really any way to "fix" that however, they themselves just need to learn to read their team more. And tbh if they quit after first cap loss they probably arent confident in their own skill to reclaim in the first place, you might be better off with a new player entering. Never quit on first node loss, victorious enemy is cocky enemy, cocky enemy is easily baited. Give it a good few counter goes, if they dont fall for your tricks yeah its probably a loss, but hey cant win every time right?

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Since I started PVP I never left warzones even when we're loosing badly, and I always vote for ppl that stick to the end.


Lately tho, I've been quitting when:

- Joining arenas. For some reason, I don't like them anymore, guilty :( I try to leave ASAP so another player can re-queue.

- Playing against obvious cheaters (speedhacks, superjumps, floats and teleports). Again - cheaters, not great players knowing their classes like super-operatives, I adore playing against them.

- Playing with very very bad team against premades with voice chat (or whatever they do to instantly coordinate and focus attacks). I try to stay as long as possible but at one point it is obvious your team is ignoring the objectives and is just running to get killed.

- Joining a team with fake players (lately, depending on the time of the day, in great deal of matches there would be a character that would just run in a corner and stand doing nothing.)

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


This happens so much.


The entire team zergs pylon even though the enemy went mid.

They get all the orbs, and on top of that not single person that rushed to cap pylon for their free medal stays to guard.

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


This is the most annoying thing ever. Whenever I see 2+ of our players run to our non-attacked pylon I know it's a loss, unless the other team is even more retarded than ours.

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1) AHG starts.

2) 5 people run to our pylon.

3) 1 goes to theirs.

4) We are 2 going mid. The other team has 5-7 at mid.

5) I quickly back out to not be killed and wait for my team mates.

6) The other team gets all the orbs before my team mates comes back.

7) Of the 5 that went to cap our pylon, no one remained behind to guard.

8) I cry internally and quit.


Yep, that will do it for me to.

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I leave games whenever Odessen pops, cause it is mindblowingly dull, usually I leave if it is a voidstar as well unless I have been in que for a long time. I leave arenas if there are too many healers (2+ on each team) because frankly I have better things to do with my time.
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Game is great.


For farmers, yes, indeed.


I once had an AHG where we had ... *at least* 5 quitters, rather more ... And that when the match was already hopelessly inbalanced ... I mean, they had already half of all points, and we like 20 or so ...


A good friend once told me of an AHG match with her team having 0 points ...

I actually had a similar thing once, I think it was the Denova map ...


Or, that one Voidstar match, in which they took the datacore within less than a minute ...


What kind of sense is there in playing matches like these, where there are only sheep vs. wolves ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Well since Bioware doesn't give us the option to choose what warzone we prefer to play then I'll gladly leave a warzone that I hate to play or just not in the mood to play before it even begins, especially arenas. Only if I'm feeling really bored will I occasionally play an arena, but most of the time I'll just leave it as soon as I pop into one. In-progress warzones hold no interest for me either. I usually just pop right back out of those. If Bioware starts imposing penalties for leaving a warzone then it makes no difference to me. I'm still going to leave the ones I don't feel like playing before it even begins. And I'm pretty sure most others would do the same. I'm betting imposing penalties will make no difference at all. You're still going to have to deal with rage quitters.
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Those are awful lot of words to describe, "losing".


Oh yes. I've seen a lot of "It's not losing I hate, but dull games, rather" folks over the years. Across all sorts of MMOs. The funny thing though -- they never leave a winning game, no matter how stupidly dull and boring it is.


So excuse me when I generally tend to snicker at comments like yours, because I've spent enough time in the age of multiplayer games long enough to know that it's just all bullshi* self-justification for doing cheesy and weasly things.


Yeah no. I was in a novarre coast I left early from 2 days ago. I was at middle. We owned west and east from the start thanks to hero stealthers. south was uncapped. At south 6 enemy all same guild fought 5 of ours, 4 were premade and then there was me. Enemy team had 2-3 healers and 2 tanks. I was being cross taunted. ever tried killing a healer when you have 2 diff taunts running on you? I wasn't being healed or guarded by the "pro" premade on my side. The game was 100% 34% in our favour when I quit after my 6th useless death. the alternative was to just go sit at east and wait for the win.


So take your patronising insults and shove 'erm. I play plenty of losing games to the bitter end., but only if theise a point or some merit to it.

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I rarely leave games. When I do its because more than 50% of the team (in 65's) has less than 1500 expertise. With the fact we can now have up to 200k comms and comms are transferable in legacy,there is no excuse for it and when 50% of your team or more (I have actually been in a match where I was the only person in 2018) doesnt have 1500 expertise it is not only going to be a roflstomp,but one of epic proportions. I would absolutely be willing to take a 10 min hit to leaving a wz if they made certain that you had to be at least valor 15 or have pvp gear to get into 65 pvp.
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Or, that one Voidstar match, in which they took the datacore within less than a minute ...
That's not possible.


Anyway, a quick run in round 1 is merciful to the weaker team. The length of round 2 is reduced for every second left in round 1 when the datacore is accessed.


The worst thing in voidstar for pugs is getting farmed for the full 15 minutes.

Edited by Ansultares
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Maybe a bit egoistical, but...

I don't understand why anyone need a reason to quit from non-ranked wz. There was and still is times when I have to leave almost winning wz becouse suddenly I have some impornant issues at home. There was and still is times when I am in bad mood and quit if enemies check two turrets or plant a bomb. Or just don't want that some jerk kill me. Or too many pve's. Or my team is just stupid. I can quit just becouse I can, and if someone raging at it, it is not my problem.

Also I don't need valor or comms, I have all gear/medpacks/adrenals/crystals/etc I need, so I just play for my fun.

But I never quit from ranked :D

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- Backfilled games, regardless if my team is losing or winning. Want fresh matches, and I hate being backfilled. Would rather the game had some sort of concede-function where you can vote to end the game.

- Farmfests. If my team is totally **** and getting spawn farmed or something then I'll just leave.

- ****ball (Queshball.)


Don't care much for objectives, unless it's a proper Hutball. I just want good games. Don't really see much of an issue with leaving. I pay for the game, pretty sure that entitles me to leave games that I don't find fun in any way. If people want to whine about leavers then well, let me get my cup to store those salty tears in.

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For farmers, yes, indeed.


I once had an AHG where we had ... *at least* 5 quitters, rather more ... And that when the match was already hopelessly inbalanced ... I mean, they had already half of all points, and we like 20 or so ...


A good friend once told me of an AHG match with her team having 0 points ...

I actually had a similar thing once, I think it was the Denova map ...


Or, that one Voidstar match, in which they took the datacore within less than a minute ...


What kind of sense is there in playing matches like these, where there are only sheep vs. wolves ?


Because the more experienced people show that its easy to quit, the more people are likely to become "sheep" -- not in just the physical skill, but also in the mind set.


Frankly speaking, it's a defeatist attitude that spreads around when people are just sick and tired of lopsided matches. No, its not just the premades in this case, but certainly a repeated tendency to meet stuff like premades, or any other imbalanced situation that perpetually puts people into a situation where they regularly lose, and soon enough, people get accustomed to losing.


So, why play anything at all when things aren't going your way? Just stay around in games that you can win.


...and once even the veteran players start showing that attitude, what's the point in playing a game in the first place? Losing is a part of any game, just as much winning is. Sportsmanship is required at least to a certain extent so that the game can run at a healthy length --- or else, the concept of 'game' just falls apart.


Once that happens, how are we ever going to be able to criticize stuff like.. people pulling the plug in games that have ranks? People win-trading? People only cherry picking lesser people to fight against? People leaving at any random moment without even the least amount of obligation required to get a game running?


Really, it's not surprising why PvP is dying in this game. I don't mean this as a personal insult, but if most people think its ok to just call it quits if things don't go there own way, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to see why the game's not fair, nor fun, nor balanced.


The players themselves are part of the problem which kills every rule of ethics that makes it possible to run a game. If this is true, then honestly, every single rant and complaint and whine about how certain things break PvP, is just a heaping pile of hypocrisy.

Edited by kweassa
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For farmers, yes, indeed.


I once had an AHG where we had ... *at least* 5 quitters, rather more ... And that when the match was already hopelessly inbalanced ... I mean, they had already half of all points, and we like 20 or so ...


A good friend once told me of an AHG match with her team having 0 points ...

I actually had a similar thing once, I think it was the Denova map ...


Or, that one Voidstar match, in which they took the datacore within less than a minute ...


What kind of sense is there in playing matches like these, where there are only sheep vs. wolves ?


Finishing a game that quickly is the exact opposite of farming.

Farming is if they delayed capping just to, well farm kills.


They put your **** team out of its misery.

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