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Character Transfer Sale 5/26 – 6/5


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Agreement: Add the fact that (while BW should have advertised it better) anyone willing to take part in the sale that found out about the sale would have known about it from the Dev Tracker. Anyone that uses that know it's a good idea to check it regularly each day throughout the day because it's the quickest way to get the latest information about the game/events/etc. Had they done that, they wouldn't have missed out.


Clarification: For those that don't know of and therefore don't use the Dev Tracker having missed out, it is the fault of BioWare for not advertising it better. But those that do have only themselves to blame as they should be checking it daily. If you are one of the latter and are ragequitting, I pitty you.

They put on Twitter and Facebook as well not just Dev tracker

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While I do agree that the Dev Tracker should be advertised more, you have to remember only around 10% of the player base actively use the forum, yet 100% of the player base uses the launcher to load the game. Besides, requiring them to check everyday when they go several days without even a single post is a lot to do for some people. They really need to advertise more than their cartel packs on the launcher and teaser videos, as stuff like this should of been on there.


Statement: Which is exactly what I said. It is not a stretch, however, to check the dev tracker 1 time every day. Bookmark it or pin it as a tab on your browser. That way every time you open your browser it's right there and will be updated every day. I'm very rarely here on the forums myself be wise the place is so toxic, but I have the Dev Tracker open and refresh the page two or three times a day.

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They put on Twitter and Facebook as well not just Dev tracker


It still requires the use of third party websites when they literally have space for it on the launcher. As much as I hate mobile games and think they are cancer to gaming, I do like how they have a "newsletter" for all important events in the game on a tab in the main menu rather than having to access the forums.

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So wanting the game to remain financially successful so that it doesn't get further budget cuts or shut down all together before its time is being a white knight now? The game needs as many paying customers as it can get. I'll leave it to you to figure out whether dead/dying servers are more likely to be a boon or a detriment to a MMO's success.


90cc tranfers were a good first step to give current players a chance to get off their sinking ships, but with regard to new and returning players, it certainly shouldn't be the last one.


Somebody really needs to go back to business school. You dont maintain a financially successful company by cutting away all types of income, or giving your product away for practically free.. And i just love how everyone tries to say they are doing it "because they want the best for the game" lol.

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Here is (IMO) a nice compromise solution:


ALL accounts should get one 90CC transfer per character. As soon as you log into a given character a timer begins. You have 30 days to use that 90CC transfer for that character. If you use it and you want to transfer again with that character it now costs you 1000CC. If you do not use it within the 30 day timer, it is GONE; on the 31st day and beyond you pay 1000CC to transfer.


IMO this would cover both bases:

  • Players that missed the opportunities still have a chance to transfer cheaply if they want
  • New players that create characters on "dead" servers can transfer to a more populous server if they want.


It wouldnt do ANYTHING to stop people from complaining about this, because then they would complain that it was only 1 90CC transfer, and not enough for all their alts.


Next strawman argument please....

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Don't let the logout screen hit you in the posterior on the way out.


If any player was so oblivious that they missed out on 10 months of 90 CC transfers which were followed by another 11 days of 90 CC transfers, then the fault is NOT on BW, IMO.


Yeah, what lovely community i'm missing out. LOL.. Anyway i've been busy with my real life, sorry if you don't have one. So i've been away a lot and playing casually with my friends. Now that it's almost summer and we could play together again i've found out that our server is empty, so instead of a mmorpg i find myself playing a single player game (not very much sense to pay for a subscription anymore). The solution to have at least 90cc for character starting with the log in would be really appreciated.

Edited by AuronBlake
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Yeah, what lovely community i'm missing out. LOL.. Anyway i've been busy with my real life, sorry if you don't have one. So i've been away a lot and playing casually with my friends. Now that it's almost summer and we could play together again i've found out that our server is empty, so instead of a mmorpg i find myself playing a single player game (not very much sense to pay for a subscription anymore). The solution to have at least 90cc for character starting with the log in would be really appreciated.


Nice assumption and personal attack, there.


No, I guess I don't have a RL. I only work normally 40-50 hours a week, have a family and family obligations, and other RL commitments. If I get 3-4 hours a week to play, I consider myself lucky. I play VERY casually due to my RL commitments.


Somehow, I still managed to know about the 10 MONTH sale on transfers AND the additional 11 DAYS, as did MANY other players who are just as casual as I am.

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Nice assumption and personal attack, there.


No, I guess I don't have a RL. I only work normally 40-50 hours a week, have a family and family obligations, and other RL commitments. If I get 3-4 hours a week to play, I consider myself lucky. I play VERY casually due to my RL commitments.


Somehow, I still managed to know about the 10 MONTH sale on transfers AND the additional 11 DAYS, as did MANY other players who are just as casual as I am.

Oh, did i hurt your precious feelings? Well guess what, that's what happen when you're a jerk on a forum. Again, i'd give you a medal because you knew about the fee transfer change, but i don't care at all about your personal life or you in general. I'm here just to complain about the lack of communication they had in this matter.

Usually bioware send me every kind of email to advertise anything they do, except for this! I wonder why...

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Oh, did i hurt your precious feelings? Well guess what, that's what happen when you're a jerk on a forum. Again, i'd give you a medal because you knew about the fee transfer change, but i don't care at all about your personal life or you in general. I'm here just to complain about the lack of communication they had in this matter.

Usually bioware send me every kind of email to advertise anything they do, except for this! I wonder why...


Lack of communication?


It was on the dev tracker, the forums, facebook and twitter. How much more does BW need to do? At what point does the PLAYER need to accept some responsibility for their inattention?


As I said, they could have hired a skywriter, sent mass e-mails or even sent a personal BW representative to every player's house to personally let them know and people would still complain that "BW never told me" or "I didn't know and I just missed the sale. It's not fair that Johnny got to transfer his characters for 90 CC and I have to pay 1000 CC. BW you OWE me. Let me transfer for FREE."

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Somebody really needs to go back to business school. You dont maintain a financially successful company by cutting away all types of income, or giving your product away for practically free.. And i just love how everyone tries to say they are doing it "because they want the best for the game" lol.


Your view is based on the assumption that they'll make more money from offering 1000cc tranfers than offering free transfer tokens to returning players on dead servers. I on the other hand believe that the profits gained by helping returning players to get back into the game right were they left off (on a healthy server) will far outweigh the potential 1000cc sales as I think that only very few returning players would be willing to pay 1000s of cc +sub just to continue playing on a healthy server. None of us have any data to back up our predictions of course.


Also note that this free transfer would require the returning player to sub for at least 1 month and would only be handed out to those players returning to a dead server as a one way ticket to a server of their choosing. All other kinds transfers would remain at 1000cc


And yes, I want this for the good of the game, but not because I'm an altruist. Sure, part of me is in favor of this because I think it would simply be the right thing to do, but mainly I want the game to stay profitable for as long as possible so I can keep playing.

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Somebody really needs to go back to business school. You dont maintain a financially successful company by cutting away all types of income, or giving your product away for practically free.. And i just love how everyone tries to say they are doing it "because they want the best for the game" lol.


Ever heard of Google? Microsoft?

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Are you joking? The products offered by those two companies are far from free. There's a reason they are valued so highly.

How much did you pay for your Android OS? Your Chrome Browser? Windows 10? Google search? Google Maps?


There is absolutely a price being paid...but the product itself, is "free". I was countering this statement:

You dont maintain a financially successful company by cutting away all types of income, or giving your product away for practically free

They actually DO give away their products for free...but then they take your privacy.

Edited by TUXs
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I've used google for well over a decade, search just about every day, email, file storage, YouTube, docs... Never gave Google a penny directly. If We did have to spend $ on every search we would all still be using yahoo.
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How much did you pay for your Android OS? Your Chrome Browser? Windows 10? Google search? Google Maps?


There is absolutely a price being paid...but the product itself, is "free". I was countering this statement:


They actually DO give away their products for free...but then they take your privacy.


I pay for Android when I buy my phone. You think it's free? No.


Google search is free to use, but not free to be found. Plus they license search to companies for internal use, so there's more money search brings in.


Windows 10 is "free" to upgrade, but not to buy new or for OEMs to include on systems.

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I pay for Android when I buy my phone. You think it's free? No.


Google search is free to use, but not free to be found. Plus they license search to companies for internal use, so there's more money search brings in.


Windows 10 is "free" to upgrade, but not to buy new or for OEMs to include on systems.

You still get the point.

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You still get the point.


My counter is that nothing is free. It's like saying Cartel Packs are free because you bought from GTN. Someone is still paying the price.


And the only reason Microsoft is giving free upgrades is because Win8 was such a disaster.


Kind of like KotFE is "free" when we had to pay for RotHC and SoR. The money was there and they had to do something good for the subs.

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My counter is that nothing is free. It's like saying Cartel Packs are free because you bought from GTN. Someone is still paying the price.


And the only reason Microsoft is giving free upgrades is because Win8 was such a disaster.


Kind of like KotFE is "free" when we had to pay for RotHC and SoR. The money was there and they had to do something good for the subs.

Whatever dude...you've changed.

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Ever heard of Google? Microsoft?


Not even going to bother with this tux, the fact your trying to argue that because google has free services, that BW should? Seriously? Not to mention, their business models is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, and market to advertising.


you are either getting a little desperate, or really just dont have any off the wall analogies left?

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Not even going to bother with this tux, the fact your trying to argue that because google has free services, that BW should? Seriously? Not to mention, their business models is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT, and market to advertising.


you are either getting a little desperate, or really just dont have any off the wall analogies left?

I was merely commenting on your statement - I never said Bioware should give anything away for free (except Character Transfers):

You dont maintain a financially successful company by cutting away all types of income, or giving your product away for practically free..

I named two major companies that DO give their "main" service away for "free" because they've found ways to capitalize off other sources of revenue from you. I don't quite understand Microsoft's approach yet, but I'm certain they have a long term plan. By all accounts I'd say Google and Microsoft are both fairly successful companies...

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Seriously, this isnt even worth countering.


The point is that Google has done very well without nickle and diming me. They haven't invented bogus charges or arbitrarily/whimsically changed them. People here saying BW should charge people for transfers (something that costs BW nothing or next to it at this point) just because BW needs money or because "players should pay to do that" are nothing more than lost souls to me. BW needs happy customers playing their game. They need people that are happy to return or happy to start up. They need people inspired to sub or to buy Cartel crap. They need to keep those spenders happy by keeping servers busy and qs popping (not everyone wants qs to pop but from what I have seen most people leave dying servers and games that look like they are dying). BW doesn't need to start slapping people with a $10 fee for trying to find a server with a population.


And btw - I get Google results from plenty of things related to SWTOR that probably weren't "paid for" and my company gets on the top of the results list without having paid any $ to google. Google makes money because many many people are happy to use their products.

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