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Posting your Refer a Friend code in chat for creds


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I'm sure this has been addressed before. I know it's against policy (though I can't find it in ToS) to post RaF in forums unless it's in your signature, but is it acceptable to chat post your code with or without an offer of credits for using it (specifically to subs for the purpose of getting the immediate 600 CC payout)? I see people doing this sometimes.

Please provide source.

Edited by RubyRiver
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I'm sure this has been addressed before. I know it's against policy (though I can't find it in ToS) to post RaF in forums unless it's in your signature, but is it acceptable to chat post your code with or without an offer of credits for using it (specifically to subs for the purpose of getting the immediate 600 CC payout)? I see people doing this sometimes.

Please provide source.


A lot of people do this, and none of them who do it have ever been banned. So yes.

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A lot of people do this, and none of them who do it have ever been banned. So yes.


It's not "a lot of people", not even close, and I personally have many on my "friends" list with a "Referral Spammer / Reported On <date>" comment that are never on anymore and it's too much of a coincidence to say all of them "probably uninstalled or deleted that character".


If it *were* allowed you'd see it a lot more referral spam in chat, and just like you can't spam your referral links here, they're only allowed in your signature. And people know it's not allowed which is probably why on Harbinger I haven't actually seen a referral spammer in probably a month.


I actually think referral spammers are worse than credit farmers since they are real people preying on others that don't know any better by pretending that "you get so many goodies" but always conveniently leaving out the fact that they are the ones who *really* benefit from the referral. Bots are bots and they don't know any better but referral spammers will sweet-talk people into falling for their scam.

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It's not "a lot of people", not even close, and I personally have many on my "friends" list with a "Referral Spammer / Reported On <date>" comment that are never on anymore and it's too much of a coincidence to say all of them "probably uninstalled or deleted that character".


If it *were* allowed you'd see it a lot more referral spam in chat, and just like you can't spam your referral links here, they're only allowed in your signature. And people know it's not allowed which is probably why on Harbinger I haven't actually seen a referral spammer in probably a month.


I actually think referral spammers are worse than credit farmers since they are real people preying on others that don't know any better by pretending that "you get so many goodies" but always conveniently leaving out the fact that they are the ones who *really* benefit from the referral. Bots are bots and they don't know any better but referral spammers will sweet-talk people into falling for their scam.


I've never posted my link because it doesn't interest me but 7 days of free subscription time worth $3.50. So that's $3.50 (7 days) you got "paid" for clicking a link. That's not including the account unlocks valued at 1,225CC.

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It's not "a lot of people", not even close, and I personally have many on my "friends" list with a "Referral Spammer / Reported On <date>" comment that are never on anymore and it's too much of a coincidence to say all of them "probably uninstalled or deleted that character".


If it *were* allowed you'd see it a lot more referral spam in chat, and just like you can't spam your referral links here, they're only allowed in your signature. And people know it's not allowed which is probably why on Harbinger I haven't actually seen a referral spammer in probably a month.


I actually think referral spammers are worse than credit farmers since they are real people preying on others that don't know any better by pretending that "you get so many goodies" but always conveniently leaving out the fact that they are the ones who *really* benefit from the referral. Bots are bots and they don't know any better but referral spammers will sweet-talk people into falling for their scam.


Again, please source this info. No one seems to be able to come up with it. I really am not looking for opinions or suppositions. Please source it.

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How come you didn't ask the person who said it's OK to do this to source it?


All I can tell you is what I know from personal experience but you can't deny that if it *were* allowed there would be way more referral spam in chat but there isn't so that should tell you something.


Ultimately, it's up to you if you want to take the risk, but if you get in trouble for it don't say you weren't cautioned about it.

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From an old thread..





Needless to say that people who 'spam' their Ref-Link in Chat are not very well received by most people. At least not on my server. I assume most people (including me) will just place you among the others on the ignore list.

After 1-2 messages in Chat with a Ref-Link, people start to get annoyed and block you.. probably insult you first.

Edited by Focusangel
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Do it and be your own source.


I am about say those three little words that all men don't like to say. (You know what they are :p )

"I don't know." This is why I asked.


If you can't add anything constructive, why would you reply? To show your abundance of knowledge?


Again, please source this info. No one seems to be able to come up with it. I really am not looking for opinions or suppositions. Please source it.
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It appears like you've already made up your mind about it and are looking for some justification or a definitive "thumbs up" permission to spam and bribe your referral.


Even though we've tried to be civil and help and at least offer you *something*, you don't seem to want to accept anything unless it's packaged exactly how you want it and it's exactly what you want to hear, which it appears is a "good to go" on the referral spam.


I'll ask again though, if it *were* allowed, how come it's not being flooded in chat? That *should* tell you all you need to know.

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I am about say those three little words that all men don't like to say. (You know what they are :p )

"I don't know." This is why I asked.


If you can't add anything constructive, why would you reply? To show your abundance of knowledge?


Because I can. People have posted multiple paragraph thoughts on the subject and you have completely dismissed them. So this isn't much different.


I'll ask again though, if it *were* allowed, how come it's not being flooded in chat? That *should* tell you all you need to know.


I see it very often on Nar Shaddaa and the starter planets.

Edited by GelstonJ
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Blatant link posting in chat will probably get a lot of quick reports resulting in a squelch and review which may or may not end in a ban ... can't really talk on forums when banned and then not about actions taken at risk of another ban so we don't hear about it. Best bet is ask on reddit.


In saying that offering to pay people to click your link ( without posting it direct in chat i.e. ask them to whisper you if interested ) and not repetitively posting such an advertisement seems to be fine ... it's the actual url spam that seems to get the most attention and possible consequences.

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A lot of people do this, and none of them who do it have ever been banned. So yes.


I have always wondered about this. We see so many "I didn't get credit for a referral" threads here that I'm wondering if they are being reported for spam and they're loosing whatever recent referrals that they have received because of it.


Of course then I read the "My husband plays, he referred off of me and I'm not getting credit for it" threads also and just think the system is messed up.


Still a thought though.


I'll ask again though, if it *were* allowed, how come it's not being flooded in chat? That *should* tell you all you need to know.


It's a pain I would think. You can't copy and paste a link out of chat. They're going to have to write it down and do so correctly. And then actually use it. Can't see all that effort just for a simple 100 coins grant.


And yes, many players see it as spam. We had someone yesterday do this and they got jumped on.

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And yes, many players see it as spam. We had someone yesterday do this and they got jumped on.
I've never participated in the referral system, and I rarely ever "listen" to General Chat anywhere. But I'm curious. These "many players" who see it as spam ... do they jump on a single posting or do they wait for it to actually become spam? I'm unaware of any prohibition against posting one's referral info or offering to pay someone to use it. Until the poster actually spams the screen with the offer.
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I've never participated in the referral system, and I rarely ever "listen" to General Chat anywhere. But I'm curious. These "many players" who see it as spam ... do they jump on a single posting or do they wait for it to actually become spam? I'm unaware of any prohibition against posting one's referral info or offering to pay someone to use it. Until the poster actually spams the screen with the offer.


Practically speaking, if you post it say three times with three minute intervals, it would be pretty hard for anyone not paying close attention to gen chat to even see it, so when it's posted in gen chat it's usually only noticed if it is spammed a few times.

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OP there is no real info for you to have. BW hasn't taken a stance on this. Just on the forums you can't list it but in your signature. Even Eric came out & said that a few months ago when there was a question.


What I do know of you're not supposed to post your link. They have to whisper you. (But again I was told that. So no real credible link there.)

I've never paid credits to anyone who has clicked my link, but I have given them gifts in items.


Idk where Petfish has been playing but on Harb it used to have a ton of ppl doing that on fleet as well as planets. And unless the person is spamming & filling your screen, you can't report them as spam. Sure you can report them but it's just wasting BW's time & yours as it does not constitute spam.

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I post it pretty casually whenever I hop to fleet or Coruscant or something. I only post it once per hour (because people do get inordinately annoyed by it for some reason,) and I've never gotten so much as a warning. I have received several thank yous, however, for helping newbies to transfer to their friends for free, etc. I also tend to try and be nice to others in chat and buff lowbies I see, help them out with H2s, etc, so maybe people don't get angry because they can tell I'm not a credit farmer.
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  • 2 months later...
I'm sure this has been addressed before. I know it's against policy (though I can't find it in ToS) to post RaF in forums unless it's in your signature, but is it acceptable to chat post your code with or without an offer of credits for using it (specifically to subs for the purpose of getting the immediate 600 CC payout)? I see people doing this sometimes.

Please provide source.


It's legal and there is no rule which prohibits it. You just another mad one who got jealous aren't you?

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It's legal and there is no rule which prohibits it. You just another mad one who got jealous aren't you?


{Buying and selling a real world currency (CC) for in-game credits is totally legal and not against the rules now? Cool. Maybe that's why the gold spammers aren't getting dealt with as quickly as some people would like}

Edited by CrazyCT
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I'm sure this has been addressed before. I know it's against policy (though I can't find it in ToS) to post RaF in forums unless it's in your signature, but is it acceptable to chat post your code with or without an offer of credits for using it (specifically to subs for the purpose of getting the immediate 600 CC payout)? I see people doing this sometimes.

Please provide source.


Actually it is legal as long as you not spamming it constantly, SWTOR TV at

was told this by a moderator.
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It's legal and there is no rule which prohibits it. You just another mad one who got jealous aren't you?


Sounds like it.


It's exactly the same offer as if you were to trade an item in the game.


It's ridiculous how people call it spam even though the breaks between messages are reasonable.

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{Buying and selling a real world currency (CC) for in-game credits is totally legal and not against the rules now? Cool. Maybe that's why the gold spammers aren't getting dealt with as quickly as some people would like}


It's not the same. CC is the same currency as credits just harder to get. For example i never spent any real money on CC, i always used my monthly CC for purchases. Trading CC for credits is the same as trading unstable lightsaber for credits. The only way to get unstable lightsaber originally is Cartel Market through buying packs for real money but still people are buying it with credits from those who got it for real money aren't they? So why people who buy CC for credits must be banned and those who buy unstable lightsaber for credits musn't? Both unstable lightsaber and CC are cartel market features.

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This "selling" the referral link is no different to RMT's buying credits for real money. If you support people trading a click on a referral link for in-game credits, you can't be against gold spamming - it's the exact same thing. But you'll probably just ignore that, and justify it any way you can.


Funny how people can do stuff like that, just ignore some things to justify that it's OK for them to break the rules - tell themselves "it's a victimless crime" or, my personal favourite, "everyone else is doing it". These forums are a huge source for material for psychology students.

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