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Digital Walk Out over Crystal Colors


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First things first,

If You Are Content/Happy with the current state of Color Crystals in game...

/waves hand in front of your face

"This is not the thread your looking for."


I have an idea, and it's a little outside the box.


The Situation as I see it thus far-


1). So far the only reported options for Purple crystaled sabers/blasters are

A. EMPIRE lvl 50 PVP.

B. REPUBLIC lvl 50 Raid.


I will concede this as not fact if we get information stating Purple crystals (a VERY popular NPC color crystal btw, get into 25+ content and you will see) is available through out levels 20+ (i.e. Legacy)


2). Red/Blue/Green Restrictions

A. Make absolutely 0 sense

-Every arguement FOR this has been made with misinterpretted information. Its a bit embarrassing how poorly some of these individuals interpret the current state.

B. Half of the people are making dark side /light side choices based on light saber colors. I will conceed this if Bioware makes an official statement saying they wanted our LS/DS choices to be based on our color preference for Light Sabers.


3). This game was supposed to be about CHOICE. Not RESTRICTION.

A. The best example of choice the players have been given so far is ORANGE MODABLE GEAR.


My proposal -


I personally think the best way those of us who are dissappointed with the way color crystals are handled, can get our point across is by organizing a massive digital walk out on The Old Republic, and cancel our subscription packages on a designated day, and those of us who are doing this for the "Cause" can put the same exact messege for "Reason for Canceling"


"By implementing unneccasry and unlogical saber/blaster colors restrictions, you have unquestionably decreased my enjoyment of the game."


If 50,000 of the 1,000,000+ who signed up for subs were to do this all with a 8 hour window, say




...I think we would see change, or at a minimum get a response.


Plus, if we do it this soon, they would have the chance to change it before our free month runs out, and we could reapply our subscription terms and have uninterrupted service.


That 50,000 may seem like a lot but thats only 5% of the subscription base. But apparently its gonna take something drastic to get someone to sit up and take notice, that to a very large portion of the playerbase these restrictions are simply that, restrictions.


In closing, come on people, worst case scenario, they do nothing, all remains the same, we spent 5 extra minutes on the internet, and we know for ever and always were stuck with the scenario we've been given.


Master Dracko, out

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This game was supposed to be about CHOICE. Not RESTRICTION.


Without RESTRICTION the CHOICE becomes meaningless...


Restriction only enhances the choices you make in game, and make it so you have to give more thought into the choices you make and give them more meaning for choosing what you choose....

Edited by Draxonfly
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How about we just give everyone every mod item for free, so that way their choices aren't restricted. Oh and let's get rid of classes, everyone should have the choice to use any skill they want. We should also have access to every companion. The choices I've made shouldn't restrict all this, it's unacceptable.



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dude, srsly keep your pants on. You know how many people are complaining about purple sabers? EVERYONE, so just ride it out and let them patch the game in the future to make them more readily available, cause you know it's going to happen.




I dont want purple. Im quite happy to stick with my red (Republic Sentinel) duals.

Im not going to lie... I dont see a problem with it.


Why dont we just make everything available to buy in the game at no cost?

That way we all get to choose.


I like the fact i had to kill innocents as a jedi and have sexy time with Twis' to get my red saber...

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dude, srsly keep your pants on. You know how many people are complaining about purple sabers? EVERYONE, so just ride it out and let them patch the game in the future to make them more readily available, cause you know it's going to happen.


What is so cool about purple, forgive me if I dont get it. I use whatever gives me the best stats available to me.

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In 2 hours, I'll be level 50.


I need no combat log to do the math for me, I have a wonderful piece of software called Excel and my Force Ability in Algebra/Math enables me to maximize dps to always stay in either 1 or 2 position in raids with out any mods.


UI, no issues there, Play more than one game in your life and you should be able to adapt to a different UI.


Taris, memory leak? I played through it, sucked but was able to quest and level efficiently.


Social grouping? Whats the issue? Learn to speak in more than guild chat and you can find groups in minutes.


To ME, many of youz guyz issues are non existant, yet I do not waste my time arguing against you attaining your particular version/level of enjoyment, I could....


Living in a free country and paying for the game allows me to post on this website about my issues my thoughts issues and beliefs accordingly.


I have one issue with this game to date, and that is color crystal scenario.

Edited by DrackoMeridian
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Living in a free country and paying for the game allows me to post on this website about my issues my thoughts issues and beliefs accordingly.


And that same country allows me to tell you I think your attempt to organize a meaningless boycott about an issue that really isn't an issue and in fact is in line with Star Wars canon is silly. I don't give two farts whether you comment in threads about issues I am experiencing or not.


Edit: Oh, and one more point I forgot to mention: the whole reason there are purple lightsabers in the Star Wars universe? Samuel L. 'MF'in snakes on a MF'in plane!' Jackson's favorite color is purple and he wanted to stand out from other Jedi in the final battle in episode II. It actually saddens me that the canon is tainted with BS like this.

Edited by baconflavored
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While I certainly agree that Lightsaber color restrictions make zero sense (the creators of the Star Wars universe have stated as much), this is unrealistic and probably unnecessary, OP.



BW has proven that they'll cave into complaints as long as people are vocal enough (even if it's from a minority). So with the amount of QQ on the forums already, you shouldn't have to wait too long before they relax the restrictions.

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dude, srsly keep your pants on. You know how many people are complaining about purple sabers? EVERYONE, so just ride it out and let them patch the game in the future to make them more readily available, cause you know it's going to happen.


It's soooooo odd. One of the number one complaints is there's no outfit dyes so we could have Spiderman colored outfits in this game and the OP quits over purple and yellow light sabers.




Personally the more attrition of the whiners that happens the better off the community in the long run.

Edited by Daeborn
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Edit: Oh, and one more point I forgot to mention: the whole reason there are purple lightsabers in the Star Wars universe? Samuel L. 'MF'in snakes on a MF'in plane!' Jackson's favorite color is purple and he wanted to stand out from other Jedi in the final battle in episode II. It actually saddens me that the canon is tainted with BS like this.


It saddens me George Lucas lacked the creativity to think of it himself.


Also, if you think this piece of info is actually news to me?, it saddens me, and my cannon

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