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It's easy to make an MMO, why are some Devs so blind?


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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO

That makes me think that you have no idea of how things work in the industry. Which makes the rest of your post useless.


If making an MMO is so easy, do it. You don't need so much money as long as you stick to gameplay and sacrifice the glitter. Good luck and keep us up to date. Hope to see results soon. :)

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No I don't damn, never thought of that. :confused:



Oh wait, I have an idea, I would hire a load of programmers, wow what a great idea :rolleyes:


My point is that if you don't even grasp the basics of programming, how can you even begin to say that the creation of an MMORPG is easy, even with experienced and seasoned programmers? I suppose designing an operating system must be easy, as well...



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Well great game, BW. But what OP. says... Ive not met one PVP player. World PVP..


Great single player game tho..


/played 5 days lvl 38.. not one fight with jedi... pvp sever... ??


Love the story tho...... But pvp sever. why call it that..


We've been blockading outpost on Tatooine.


forcing world PvP on other players is always fun

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My point is that if you don't even grasp the basics of programming, how can you even begin to say that the creation of an MMORPG is easy, even with experienced and seasoned programmers? I suppose designing an operating system must be easy, as well...




I say give up on it. The child is disgusting at best and he can have as many seasoned programmers as he wants, but if they have a poor leader then the quality is going to reflect on it.


It's like the medieval ages where they had spoiled noble boys leading armies. With a lack of tactical knowledge, they sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths and lost battles in droves.

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No I don't damn, never thought of that. :confused:



Oh wait, I have an idea, I would hire a load of programmers, wow what a great idea :rolleyes:


You are so arrogant its sickening. You probably thought of programmers, but what else do you need?


-Voice Actors

-Script Writers

-Script Editors

-People to manager the writers and script editors

-Quality Control

-Graphic designers for characters

-World designers

-Concept Artists

-People to program abilities

-People to make sure abilities are not over powered

-People to create the hundreds, if not thousands of quests


Hey, here's some more


-Someone has to read through all the dialogue, do you have any idea how much profreading that would require?

-People to add new music, and remaster some of the old scores

-PvP Balance

-PvP maps

-People to create, code, and name every piece of stupid gear out there

-People to create the hundreds of different vendor trash you can find

-People to make companions seem more than just a pet

-People to correct the physics engine

-People to examine the millions of parts of data that had to be analyzed from all the betas

-Accountants to dictate where the budget goes

-Someone to write the credits


Hey, I found some more over here!


-People to rewrite the entire goddamn text of everything in French

-People to moderate these forums

-People to get the forums working

-People to maintain the servers

-People to set up new servers

-People who examine the game economy constantly to make decisions who credits are placed in the game

-Space combat creaters

-People who write out space combat missions

-Technical support who constantly try to fix bugs

-Staff to create completely new content

-People who come up with flashpoint scenarios

-People who give flashpoint bosses some character

-People who construct flashpoint floor plans


I am probably not thinking of a thousand more things you need to think of. Did you get all that? Did you think of all that? Can you manage all that? Are you managing a multi-million dollar company with thousands of employees? Do you have the ability to create a story, and attempt to make a massive universe out of that? A functioning universe? Do you have all the knowledge to run a successful company like BioWare?

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I say give up on it. The child is disgusting at best and he can have as many seasoned programmers as he wants, but if they have a poor leader then the quality is going to reflect on it.


It's like the medieval ages where they had spoiled noble boys leading armies. With a lack of tactical knowledge, they sent thousands of soldiers to their deaths and lost battles in droves.


Why am I a poor leader? All the points I made are active now in other MMO's, am not inventing the wheel, it's already there, you just copy it.

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You are so arrogant its sickening. You probably thought of programmers, but what else do you need?


-Voice Actors

-Script Writers

-Script Editors

-People to manager the writers and script editors

-Quality Control

-Graphic designers for characters

-World designers

-Concept Artists

-People to program abilities

-People to make sure abilities are not over powered

-People to create the hundreds, if not thousands of quests


Hey, here's some more


-Someone has to read through all the dialogue, do you have any idea how much profreading that would require?

-People to add new music, and remaster some of the old scores

-PvP Balance

-PvP maps

-People to create, code, and name every piece of stupid gear out there

-People to create the hundreds of different vendor trash you can find

-People to make companions seem more than just a pet

-People to correct the physics engine

-People to examine the millions of parts of data that had to be analyzed from all the betas

-Accountants to dictate where the budget goes

-Someone to write the credits


Hey, I found some more over here!


-People to rewrite the entire gosh darn text of everything in French

-People to moderate these forums

-People to get the forums working

-People to maintain the servers

-People to set up new servers

-People who examine the game economy constantly to make decisions who credits are placed in the game

-Space combat creaters

-People who write out space combat missions

-Technical support who constantly try to fix bugs

-Staff to create completely new content

-People who come up with flashpoint scenarios

-People who give flashpoint bosses some character

-People who construct flashpoint floor plans


I am probably not thinking of a thousand more things you need to think of. Did you get all that? Did you think of all that? Can you manage all that? Are you managing a multi-million dollar company with thousands of employees? Do you have the ability to create a story, and attempt to make a massive universe out of that? A functioning universe? Do you have all the knowledge to run a successful company like BioWare?


Did you really just waste you time typing that or am I still asleep? What a waste.

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Why am I a poor leader? All the points I made are active now in other MMO's, am not inventing the wheel, it's already there, you just copy it.


You're a poor leader because you're throwing the "Budget," around as if the money from it could solve every single problem about a game. You're a poor leader because you trivialize others jobs so easily that it is absolutely disgusting. You're a poor leader because you have absolutely no desire for innovation and just say "Copy from other games."


One person created the wheel. The next person created the car. The next person created the plane. If the same person just copied the wheel over, rather then having planes we'd have guess what? Three more wheels.

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Ah, one of THESE kind of ideas.


It's easy to think of ideas for an MMO. I do it all the time. In my head they're amazing.


I don't hold delusions that they'd actually be any good though. Thinking and imagining is one thing. Making it real? Totally different.


Copying everything from other MMOs, is a good way for your MMO to get shut down when the lawsuits hit. Believe it or not, you can't just go copy/pasting someone elses work, call it your own, and sell it. Its kind of illegal.


It isn't easy in this day and age, to make anything "original" anymore, but you have too. If you just steal from someone else constantly, your game will flop because it brings nothing new to the table. BioWare has a large budget, yes, but do you have any idea how much voice actors cost?


They cost a lot. This isn't Japan - voice acting isn't considered a "real" profession, and they aren't cheap. If this was Japan, they would have a lot more money. Don't believe me? There are fanmade animes using professional, well-known, famous voice actors. They don't have million yen budgets. Heck, they probably had in the thousands or tens of thousands. But they can pull it off, but you can't do that here. Voice acting isn't cheap.


Not to mention all the wages for employees alone.

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90% of these posts are trolling flames simply because no one can pull apart what i actually posted in the main body of text, you all know am right but are skating around the issue so I am going to force it on you.


I apologise, I could not make an MMO, it's not easy and I give full respect to BW for their effort.


I really wish they had included all the points in my OP though as I think it would have turned out so much better.


There no no more flames, start talking about my content :p

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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


1. Make all planets seamless, no instancing at all. If you have to queue for a mob to spawn tough luck, get over it as these things happen when a mmo is launched. The world would be totally free, you can go where ever you like, it would be just like in the film, hop on your speeder and explore.


2. There would be a LFG facility but you would not be allowed to teleport to your flashpoint, you have to make your own way there to keep the game as realistic as possible.


3. From level 20 - 50 on there would be plot crossovers so meeting the enemy faction will happen very often when you quest. You would be rewarded for killing enemy players and even get quests to take out their leaders. Yes ganking would happen, roll PvE if you can't cope.


4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.


5. I would copy the UI from WOW, it works and is excellent.


6. Priority would be given to crafting and the AH, I would copy from Rift.


7. World events and world quests like in Rift would be on every planet to make teaming up an attractive option.


8. Level design would be taken from WOW, love it or hate it that game has some awesome designed levels. A mix of very open terrain but with the odd choke point added for ambushes. Loads of life, small towns and HUGE Cities and the odd little outpost. No invisible barriers.


When you pay a fee to play, you need to feel you belong in the world, you need to be part of it, it's almost your second home. SWTOR feels more like a chore than a exciting adventure, it's just too linear and too boxed in for me.



Nice post, pretty much summed it up.


The worlds feel like instances not a MMO.


I have ganked 3 empire and been ganked 0 times and im lvl 35. Seeing a enemy is like seeing the rare blue footed booby.


They really dropped the ball on the most simple elements of mmo design.

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I am sure it is not easy but I do like your ideas. I also wonder if MMO Devs have a clue at all with all of the failed MMOS. It seems BIO didn't learn from any of the recently failed MMO's. Well there is always Archeage and maybe Dawntide :).


Having said that I will give this a couple of months to see where they take it.

Edited by gleeb
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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


1. Make all planets seamless, no instancing at all. If you have to queue for a mob to spawn tough luck, get over it as these things happen when a mmo is launched. The world would be totally free, you can go where ever you like, it would be just like in the film, hop on your speeder and explore.


2. There would be a LFG facility but you would not be allowed to teleport to your flashpoint, you have to make your own way there to keep the game as realistic as possible.


3. From level 20 - 50 on there would be plot crossovers so meeting the enemy faction will happen very often when you quest. You would be rewarded for killing enemy players and even get quests to take out their leaders. Yes ganking would happen, roll PvE if you can't cope.


4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.


5. I would copy the UI from WOW, it works and is excellent.


6. Priority would be given to crafting and the AH, I would copy from Rift.


7. World events and world quests like in Rift would be on every planet to make teaming up an attractive option.


8. Level design would be taken from WOW, love it or hate it that game has some awesome designed levels. A mix of very open terrain but with the odd choke point added for ambushes. Loads of life, small towns and HUGE Cities and the odd little outpost. No invisible barriers.


When you pay a fee to play, you need to feel you belong in the world, you need to be part of it, it's almost your second home. SWTOR feels more like a chore than a exciting adventure, it's just too linear and too boxed in for me.



You would have 50k players the first month and 10k players by month three.


Most of the things you want are things players do not want.

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Did you really just waste you time typing that or am I still asleep? What a waste.


Did you waste your time making a completely pointless post? Why is it a waste? Insulting comments and criticisms are two different things. Just slinging an insult for no reason has no real value, you literally said nothing. I said a lot.

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So you think with £130 million, EA behind you and a load of seasoned game developers at your disposal that it's hard then?


I will sum it up this way... They likely did a better job then you would have done with the same resources. You likely would have been in big trouble in alpha testing when all the feedback was "hate it" and you had to change things.

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90% of these posts are trolling flames simply because no one can pull apart what i actually posted in the main body of text, you all know am right but are skating around the issue so I am going to force it on you.


I apologise, I could not make an MMO, it's not easy and I give full respect to BW for their effort.


I really wish they had included all the points in my OP though as I think it would have turned out so much better.


There no no more flames, start talking about my content :p


Now you think your opinion is fact, and that anyone who disagrees with you is flaming and/or trolling.


Maybe some people think you have terrible ideas. And we're tired of seeing WoW brought up everywhere. If you like WoW's idea, go play WoW. Stop trying to make every game be WoW.


Also ganking isn't much of PvP, it's more of PKing. There's a pretty big difference.

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90% of these posts are trolling flames simply because no one can pull apart what i actually posted in the main body of text, you all know am right but are skating around the issue so I am going to force it on you.


I apologise, I could not make an MMO, it's not easy and I give full respect to BW for their effort.


I really wish they had included all the points in my OP though as I think it would have turned out so much better.


There no no more flames, start talking about my content :p


I've made two detailed post disagreeing with you, you just choose to either no read them, ignore their content, or have no response. Saying 'you know I am right' doesn't make you right, it makes you dismissive.


You are a hypocrite in so many ways not acknowledging half of these points. Someone disagreeing with you isn't trolling, its you having no response to deal with it.

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I thought about posting, not posting, then posting again and decided to do it as I wait in the queue.

Also because I know Ray and Greg are likely too busy to respond but also because I think I am in a place to respond with some merit.

First off with/without "EA's 130 million" making an MMO is about the most complicated thing short of creating missile defense programming or security systems I would imagine, maybe tougher.

The difference is I DID put my money where my mouth is and am now 5+ years into this and tens of millions of my own money as well.

There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, even remotely easy about what they did, or what we are doing.

Your game? You just spent 130 million dollars of someone else's money for a game that might, and I mean MIGHT, net you 10-50k subscribers, and likely only then if it was free to play.

Your game is fun to about 2%, maybe, of the MMO player base in my opinion. Maybe.

You didn't actually make a game anyway, you took every idea you liked from other MMO's and combined them into something that would end up being shotgun focused and execution light. I think that game would suck.

I'm an enormous fan of team, and I know the folks at Bioware who poured their hearts and souls into this thing and just got done losing their Christmas holiday to a 20th launch die just a little bit reading stuff like this.

Ya, maybe they shouldn't read it, but they're hard core gamers and they do, and posts like this kinda suck for them.

Me? I'm tipping my hat, I think they nailed this game, and I am loving it. It's the first MMO I've played in 7 years that I believe is good enough to finally cancel my WOW accounts, and for me that's something.

I';m impressed as hell. Are their issues? Heck ya, but given what I think I know about Ray and Greg they'll be addressed, this thing will get more polished and is going to leave it's mark, big time, on the MMO genre.

Given my team's head down focus on Copernicus I was really hoping SWtoR would NOT be great, for fear of a time sink NOT FOCUSED at work, but they did it imo....

Congrats to Bioware, and here's to an awesome year in the galaxy:)

Curt Schilling

Chairman/Founder 38 Studios

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