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Why is the Eternal Championship DPS focused?


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There's an achievement to get all kills in under 15 minutes, something I think tanks and healers may have trouble doing.


I thought EC was a sort of gateway to get new players into OPS and flashpoint mechanics, yet as a DPS I can clear each boss without dying and without the need for a healer companion, all in under 15 minutes.


To me it's just do damage, move out of circles. That to me pretty much sums up EC.

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There's an achievement to get all kills in under 15 minutes, something I think tanks and healers may have trouble doing.


I thought EC was a sort of gateway to get new players into OPS and flashpoint mechanics, yet as a DPS I can clear each boss without dying and without the need for a healer companion, all in under 15 minutes.


To me it's just do damage, move out of circles. That to me pretty much sums up EC.


I've found it's heavily focused on melee. It's hard to remember this when I played my marksman sniper. My JK took maybe 20 min to do it. My sniper took 4-5 hours....don't ask, I'm still traumatized by it.

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There's an achievement to get all kills in under 15 minutes, something I think tanks and healers may have trouble doing.


I thought EC was a sort of gateway to get new players into OPS and flashpoint mechanics, yet as a DPS I can clear each boss without dying and without the need for a healer companion, all in under 15 minutes.


To me it's just do damage, move out of circles. That to me pretty much sums up EC.


Its not DPS focued. If you say you can dps through mechanics then that is so for every part of the game. Didnt you see the 8M Marauder teams doing SM and even HMs of operations, withouth tank or healer? If you have enough DPS you can DPS through every content, that is a fact.


You cannot make such a thing so that its for all 3 specs. Then it would have to be like challenges in Raptus for example, where each role needs to do their job. The EC is about killing your oponent, its an arena. If you go with healer or tank, you have more work with your companion about instructions on what to do, but overall, there are not many ways to do EC other than it is.


Overall I like the concept very much. I got all the achievments so im done with it, but was a few fun hours :)

Edited by merovejec
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eternal champ is about companions..bring one high enough and see..but with your thinking op, we could say regs in pvp are about healing and dpsing, because the achievement chains are mostly about kills or healing, you don't get manhunter tytle easy if you are a tank or a healer etc.
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eternal champ is about companions..bring one high enough and see..but with your thinking op, we could say regs in pvp are about healing and dpsing, because the achievement chains are mostly about kills or healing, you don't get manhunter tytle easy if you are a tank or a healer etc.


But theoretically you can get them, can't you? It would just take a long time.


Is it possible to get the 15 minute speed run on a tank or healer companion? I honestly don't know; it might be. If it isn't though, then the EC would be leaning on DPS focus.

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My tank was doing pretty good up until the 9th fight. So far that droid is winning. First power up I got 3 droids down and 4th I needed another second or two. Tried 4 times before logging off last night. Need to rethink what I am doing to get them down faster.
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But theoretically you can get them, can't you? It would just take a long time.


Is it possible to get the 15 minute speed run on a tank or healer companion? I honestly don't know; it might be. If it isn't though, then the EC would be leaning on DPS focus.


I'd say it wouldn't be possible, idk, maybe there's an uber tank out there that can do 5k dps, but I think that's unlikely. Speedwise, obviously dps main and dps comp is the only way to compete AND I agree, ofc this is too dps focused... it would be nice if they had done a similar heal or tank focused achieve, maybe not so easy to imagine as simply speed, but possible. But tbh, just look at the focus of the game... there's a dummy for parsing your dps output on... how do I gauge my hps exactly??

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I'd say it wouldn't be possible, idk, maybe there's an uber tank out there that can do 5k dps, but I think that's unlikely. Speedwise, obviously dps main and dps comp is the only way to compete AND I agree, ofc this is too dps focused... it would be nice if they had done a similar heal or tank focused achieve, maybe not so easy to imagine as simply speed, but possible. But tbh, just look at the focus of the game... there's a dummy for parsing your dps output on... how do I gauge my hps exactly??


I don't have any accuracy on my main (sorc healer) and I can't dps worth jack on my Jugg. So that leaves me with my 216 geared Sentinel + T7 or my 216 geared Merc + Senya. Which is a better option assuming I'm equally mediocre on both?


Should I just dps on my Sorc since I play him the most and he's got 224 healing gear?

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Hmmn, even heal specced it only took me 17:03. What level of influence was your companion? I had level 50 Lana dps every round.


My Lana was 50. I wasn't doing a speed run and had to check guide/videos so it took longer. I wiped once on #5, twice on #6, three times on #9 and twice on Zotar.

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I've found it's heavily focused on melee. It's hard to remember this when I played my marksman sniper. My JK took maybe 20 min to do it. My sniper took 4-5 hours....don't ask, I'm still traumatized by it.


Well, the story assumes that you're a JK Guardian.

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My tank was doing pretty good up until the 9th fight. So far that droid is winning. First power up I got 3 droids down and 4th I needed another second or two. Tried 4 times before logging off last night. Need to rethink what I am doing to get them down faster.


I figured I'd give a try to the Championship with my Shadow tank, I didn't have too many issues up to the last boss. This last fight is a pain when you are a tank and are obviously lacking DPS (and it is pretty much required to set your companions as heals for this round, even if you set it as DPS the fight will last long enough that you will need these heals).


I think it took me 3 times of the boss leaving the walker to get him down to 50% and push him to the last phase. That means a lot of focused laser to go through, I had quite a few closed calls with my companion that is barely in his 20s...


And regarding the melee question, definitely bring a melee companion if you don't want to spend your time micromanaging their position (which will fail eventually) especially in rounds 6 (brawler + pets), 8 (rancor) and 10 (walker). On the other hand I found it much easier to be a ranged class for this last fight than melee since you can stay at range to drop the mortar on the droids while you can still DPS the boss.

Edited by demotivator
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I tried EC for the first time yesterday. Rounds 1-5 are pretty straightforward, though I seem to be unable to do it without a healing companion on my Sentinel with augmented 216 gear (yeah, guess I'm not a great player).


Round 6 is a pain. I did it once with T7 (Influence level 27). Took forever to kite the two pets and manage T7 out of danger, but I did it. I was unable to clear round 6 with a level 35 Lana, though (have I said I'm not a great player?).

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eternal champ is about companions..bring one high enough and see..but with your thinking op, we could say regs in pvp are about healing and dpsing, because the achievement chains are mostly about kills or healing, you don't get manhunter tytle easy if you are a tank or a healer etc.


Manhunter is easiest obtained on a healer just saying.

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Because most DPS are terrible at this game in its current state. Seriously though why would you want to take 45 minutes to do it on a healer or tank class. Obvious exaggeration but I don't see a reason to do it on a tank/heal spec when there is a speed run to be done. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Because most DPS are terrible at this game in its current state. Seriously though why would you want to take 45 minutes to do it on a healer or tank class. Obvious exaggeration but I don't see a reason to do it on a tank/heal spec when there is a speed run to be done.


And then people wonder where the tanks are.


Simply reason sir: different strokes for different folks. Some people enjoy healing or tanking. And it can be done, my scoundrel healer takes 20 minutes to complete the 10 rounds. Nowhere near the 15 minutes for the achievement but still...


And it brings the question: was it so hard to lock people to the role they went in (so that they can't cheese and they switch to DPS) and give a damage buff to healers/tanks? The Sprint Champion achievement only rewards DPS, this is beyond retarded. You can be the best healer or the best tank out there but good luck with that.

Edited by demotivator
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My tank was doing pretty good up until the 9th fight. So far that droid is winning. First power up I got 3 droids down and 4th I needed another second or two. Tried 4 times before logging off last night. Need to rethink what I am doing to get them down faster.


what's your comp specced as? I had similar issues with the doom droid, with tank character and healer comp. I switched my comp to DPS AND made sure to direct said comp to the pulse generator droids rather than the boss and it worked just fine.

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And then people wonder where the tanks are.


Simply reason sir: different strokes for different folks. Some people enjoy healing or tanking. And it can be done, my scoundrel healer takes 20 minutes to complete the 10 rounds. Nowhere near the 15 minutes for the achievement but still...


And it brings the question: was it so hard to lock people to the role they went in (so that they can't cheese and they switch to DPS) and give a damage buff to healers/tanks? The Sprint Champion achievement only rewards DPS, this is beyond retarded. You can be the best healer or the best tank out there but good luck with that.


Pretty much this. People are going to choose DPS and this means less incentive for people to try out tanking or healing

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why is the sky blue, why does the earth have gravity why does..


The answer to the OP question is, it really cannot be done much of any other way unless they tune each series of matches to the class of player (8x as much work for the dev team at a minimum!) and then what about group play?


I have absolutly no chance what so ever myself of getting a short time on getting the matches done so I'm not even worrying about it. I'll muddle through all rounds of the EC eventually but to hell with the contest. I refuse to even get excited about it. Any of the "contests"


I know folks play this game with programmable key boards that have Combat Macros written that can kill a a traget in half the time of my best DPS toon because they dont play clicky the icon, press the skill hot key... One of them is likely going to be the event winner.


Piece of advice for your piece of mind... IGNORE the contest. Just ignore it. One of the usually group of "leet" dogs with win in.. and don't be at all surprised if its a player that hass won **** before.

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It is just an achievement. There are achievements for all sorts of things that reward one thing over another. Manhunter title rewards pvp kills - don't want to pvp, you won't get it. Same with pvp achievements for dealing damage or total heals - role specific.


Don't like playing on the imp side, you won't get the achievements for completing imperial stories. Don't like GSF, kiss those achievements goodbye.


the list goes on and on. If you've got the bug to be a completionist, it will require you to play all aspects of the game.

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I just tried TEC on a Vig Guardian in a mix of 216-220 gear w/ augs and a rank 20 Qyzen, monkeying with his role, and wiped several times and hit the wall at boss 6 (though some things I learned later might let me survive that fight); with some awful repair bills before I gave up and cashed out my chips.


I then went in with a Shadow Tank wearing 204 PvP gear (a couple of 208 pieces, including the mainhand), no augs whatsoever (but an rank 30 Senya, strictly heals - which almost certainly helped a lot), and while I'll not win the speedrun achievement, I wiped once (due to completely losing my head and panicking vs the Rancor) before getting done in my the autokill mechanic of Boss 9, missing killing the charging droids by seconds. I cashed out at that point, but if I remember to use my Heroic Moment and retarget my comp, I'd probably have passed that mechanic.


Next up is probably my sage healer

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It is just an achievement. There are achievements for all sorts of things that reward one thing over another. Manhunter title rewards pvp kills - don't want to pvp, you won't get it. Same with pvp achievements for dealing damage or total heals - role specific.


Don't like playing on the imp side, you won't get the achievements for completing imperial stories. Don't like GSF, kiss those achievements goodbye.


the list goes on and on. If you've got the bug to be a completionist, it will require you to play all aspects of the game.


what i'm saying is that EC is just for the DPSers, there aren't any mechanics which require taunting, or any that require intensive healing. I'm disappointed that there's a timed achievement, which means you'll need to play DPS in order to get that achievement. Where's the achievement for surviving through an intense healing or tanking phase?


in fact there are even health nodes on the floor for DPSers to pick up.

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