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Eternal Championship is a joke


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I actually think that for experienced PVPers EC is probably easier than it is for even moderately experienced PVEers.

1. PVPers are used to using their stuns pretty much on cool down. PVEers don't bother since most bosses are immune.

2. PVPers are used to being in constant motion. Most PVEers stay relatively stationary in most fights as positioning is critical.


Change the mechanics of EC just slightly so that the mobs are "Boss immune" like FP and Raid bosses instead of "immune to stuns that break on damage" and the PVEers will find it much more of a challenge.


Personally I found it challenging. I certainly don't think I'm going to get the sprint achievement any time soon, though getting the one for not dying certainly seems attainable. Some of the mechanics definitely seem better suited for some classes over others. Companion positioning was certainly a challenge on one of the fights as the companion would get knocked back into the electric field if he had aggro at one point and I didn't reposition him. I don't think a majority of the player base is finding this 'a snooze fest that can be run through naked with a level 1 companion". I'm sure some elite players can do that but they are definitely in the smallest percentages of the player base.

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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.


Try it without a companion. That would be the next logical "challenge" wouldn't it? You beat it once on easy mode...time to step it up.

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Basically, the Eternal Championship is not for experienced and skilled players. It's way too easy for us. Completely destroying every round with ease and without dying was not meant for those players. The mechanics in the Eternal Championship from boss encounters rival a "Heroic" NPC on a starter planet. You can ignore 99% of the mechanics. To be honest, I rarely seen any mechanic to even follow in EC. It's embarrassing that BioWare announced that EC would test skilled players yet I haven't seen anything in EC that tested myself. It was literally a waste of time for crappy 208 drops.


I don't think they ever said that, I think they said players in 224 gear would have no trouble with EC but they hoped that EC would be INTERESTING for these players to play. I know I definitely heard that quote somewhere I can't see it on the dev tracker so maybe it was said during a live stream that talked about it.

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It is a joke. You got exactly what you wanted. They aren't going to make content were a player needs better gear than can obtain from doing said content. Because people are going to complain the rewards aren't worth it. People got exactly what they asked for. Garbage content with garbage rewards. Maybe if people didn't live in the past we could have gotten something challenging. Edited by Warrgames
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I don't think they ever said that, I think they said players in 224 gear would have no trouble with EC but they hoped that EC would be INTERESTING for these players to play.


I know I definitely heard that quote somewhere I can't see it on the dev tracker so maybe it was said during a live stream that talked about it.


Thats what I remember.


My problem with EC is that it was interesting about 3 times. It wasn't hard. It wasn't an entire push over but after 3 times on 3 different toons and with various gear, I don't have a reason to go back.


It just doesn't have much replay-ability beyond some achievements and those are pretty much worthless.

Edited by Quraswren
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Thats what I remember.


My problem with EC is that it was interesting about 3 times. It wasn't hard. It wasn't an entire push over but after 3 times on 3 different toons and with various gear, I don't have a reason to go back.


It just doesn't have much replay-ability beyond some achievements and those are pretty much worthless.


Yeah past Bodwaar I can't see any point of the EC for me, it's not even a efficient way of gearing myself past 208 rated gear.

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Here's your Challenge. Do it with every class you have. Do it as a healer.


I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.

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...Did you hear that woosh sound? That was the sound of you missing the point. For those of us paying attention to the mechanics, jumping on the adds, and having decent gear it's one thing. But most players are not at that level. Hell, many players keyboard turn, have no keybinds, and take 3-5 seconds to get out of the bad. Imagine one of those players trying it?


It ain't pretty. I got my arse handed to me right quick much like the way it got handed to me on my first "heroic mode" SF ("It can't be THAT different, can it?"). I wasn't expecting it.


What bothers me is the arrogance of some. It's not jealousy on my part, pretty sure if I'd "grown" my characters on OPs and PvP it'd be a different story and that's down to me and my choices and limits (I'm old, arthritic and have disabilities that can make doing some of the jump-y, twitch-y, react-y stuff difficult if not nearly impossible). I'm not complaining about that, it is what it is.


The "I did it, naked, with the sun in my eyes, one hand tied behind my back and blindfolded" really does little, so far as I'm concerned other than point out that whilst they certainly do have a handle on content in a video game, they're lacking in other areas.


I've made it to round 3 where I got to laughing so hard at my ineptitude, it was a total loss. :)

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Yeah, it totally sucks when you're too 1337 for the content. Bioware pandering to the normal players again.


I am SO sorry for having contributed to the lack of challenge for those for whom vindication in a game is all consuming.



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What bothers me is the arrogance of some. It's not jealousy on my part, pretty sure if I'd "grown" my characters on OPs and PvP it'd be a different story and that's down to me and my choices and limits (I'm old, arthritic and have disabilities that can make doing some of the jump-y, twitch-y, react-y stuff difficult if not nearly impossible). I'm not complaining about that, it is what it is.


Unfortunately, this is the nature of MMO player base to have some percentage of bragtards who want to impress you with their epeen. You just have to kind of counter-point it and move on. They generally do not listen to counter-points, but it does put in on the record in the forum discussion for other readers when they amble by. Nonsense should not go unchallenged in forum discussion, IMO. Sometimes, when you go back and read someones post history, you find they are role playing as epeeners on one thing and role playing as victimized whimps on something else. :)


The "I did it, naked, with the sun in my eyes, one hand tied behind my back and blindfolded" <insert added from below> really does little, so far as I'm concerned other than point out that whilst they certainly do have a handle on content in a video game, they're lacking in other areas.


insert > and with a stick up my backside :p

Edited by Andryah
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Unfortunately, this is the nature of MMO player base to have some percentage of bragtards who want to impress you with their epeen. You just have to kind of counter-point it and move on. They generally do not listen to counter-points, but it does put in on the record in the forum discussion for other readers when they amble by. Nonsense should not go unchallenged in forum discussion, IMO. Sometimes, when you go back and read someones post history, you find they are role playing as epeeners on one thing and role playing as victimized whimps on something else. :)


Aye, that it is. After all these years it still rankles me. I love how some folk have taken the time and effort to type out a lot of great information on EC, many thanks to them.


insert > and with a stick up my backside :p



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They never said the EC was a way to push people with the best gear and experience. In fact, the literally said just the opposite whenever they talked about the difficulty.


They said your average player would find it a challenge. But hardcore raiders with the best gear might not see the challenge in it. They've said this a multitude of times in their streams leading up to its release.

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Aye, that it is. After all these years it still rankles me. I love how some folk have taken the time and effort to type out a lot of great information on EC, many thanks to them


Indeed. A benefit to other players, rather then the way it started out.


Though it was a little difficult to get information rolling in this thread at first. The OP does a provocative and vague drive-by. Then I and a few others challenge him and then I get ganked by one forum member for my efforts and only begrudgingly offers specifics (after I counter-point him) as to why it was so easy for him (basically over geared, maxed comp, playing as Jug, and a veteran). But after we got all that settled, it progressed as an informationally productive thread, IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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it's not a challenge for players used to pvp or ops(looking at HM), but if a player has only played kofte in a long time, it will be hard, since solo content, from levelling to heroics to kofte doesn't pose any kind of challenge, no dps, no gear check, no companion affection check, zero mechanics. said so, this is still an MMO, it's not a rule that everybody has to do everything. but in this case(EC) there are workarounds, you repeat only the fight where you died, you can bring a player with you in the solo+ (not ''group'' LOL) to see the figths. it's strange to me that people are failing a single solo fight progression, the first time i did it, i died in a fight and i was surprised how i had to strat from that one and not from fight 1...
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(after I counter-point him)


Meh, I only agreed to your demands so we could at least try and continue the discussion because you were rather insistent on asking the OP for proof over such a simple statement. I don't really think you countered my argument anyway, but you can see it/call it however you want.

Edited by DarthWoad
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Indeed. A benefit to other players, rather then the way it started out.


Though it was a little difficult to get information rolling in this thread at first. The OP does a provocative and vague drive-by. Then I and a few others challenge him and then I get ganked by one forum member for my efforts and only begrudgingly offers specifics (after I counter-point him) as to why it was so easy for him (basically over geared, maxed comp, playing as Jug, and a veteran). But after we got all that settled, it progressed as an informationally productive thread, IMO.


There's another really detailed one on here too. I'm still chewing through that one. In between reading it, I go give it another go, dissolve in giggles when I am proved, yet again, to really, really suck at this and then come back to read more.


Thanks to all who are at least trying to help out and not waving virtual appendages about expecting all praise. ;)

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Meh, I only agreed to your demands so we could at least try and continue the discussion because you were rather insistent on asking the OP for proof over such a simple statement. I don't really think you countered my argument anyway, but you can see it/call it however you want.


"A simple statement". Aye, it was that but it was one that beggared belief and folk challenged it as such.


Just making a "simple statement" doesn't proof against others calling BS. Would that it did! Life would be so much simpler.


Kind of like our moms saying: Because I said so.



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"A simple statement". Aye, it was that but it was one that beggared belief and folk challenged it as such.


Just making a "simple statement" doesn't proof against others calling BS. Would that it did! Life would be so much simpler.


Kind of like our moms saying: Because I said so.




What I meant to say was the person stated they completed EC, and Andyrah asked them for proof. I don't think anyone else on this forum has asked for proof from another player if they finished EC. It's like someone saying then got to max level and asking them for proof, not really needed imo. But they're well within their right to ask, it's just they don't have to be answered :rolleyes:


This is the internet after all...not everything people say is true ;)

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It's hard to say. Admittedly I only did it once, with an overgeared Guardian. I died once on the fight with the circles under the enemies, but otherwise cruised through.


I didnt find the mechanics to be as difficult as raids, but most of the time that difficulty is in coordination and everyone successfully completing them as well as a limited timeframe with enrage. I could see how this might be a challenge to solo players wearing unoptimized, no set bonus 216 gear or lower. The gear rewards don't seem to be appropriate to the content and I didn't look at the cosmetic stuff, so I can't say if I would keep doing it.

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It's hard to say. Admittedly I only did it once, with an overgeared Guardian. I died once on the fight with the circles under the enemies, but otherwise cruised through.


I didnt find the mechanics to be as difficult as raids, but most of the time that difficulty is in coordination and everyone successfully completing them as well as a limited timeframe with enrage. I could see how this might be a challenge to solo players wearing unoptimized, no set bonus 216 gear or lower. The gear rewards don't seem to be appropriate to the content and I didn't look at the cosmetic stuff, so I can't say if I would keep doing it.


I only did it a couple of times to get the under 15 minute achievement, which I eventually got. I agree that it's not much of a challenge for experienced players, and I wouldn't consider the EC a significant feature of the game tbh.

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It's hard to say. Admittedly I only did it once, with an overgeared Guardian. I died once on the fight with the circles under the enemies, but otherwise cruised through.


I didnt find the mechanics to be as difficult as raids, but most of the time that difficulty is in coordination and everyone successfully completing them as well as a limited timeframe with enrage. I could see how this might be a challenge to solo players wearing unoptimized, no set bonus 216 gear or lower. The gear rewards don't seem to be appropriate to the content and I didn't look at the cosmetic stuff, so I can't say if I would keep doing it.


I agree with your assessment.

For a player used to do OPs it's not that challenging at all. I wish they had implemented some kind of HM that really takes a lot of effort to get done...with rewards according to that effort of course. As it stands now, aside from the achievments I see no reason to do this more than once per class.

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What I meant to say was the person stated they completed EC, and Andyrah asked them for proof. I don't think anyone else on this forum has asked for proof from another player if they finished EC. It's like someone saying then got to max level and asking them for proof, not really needed imo. But they're well within their right to ask, it's just they don't have to be answered :rolleyes:


This is the internet after all...not everything people say is true ;)


No! Unpossible!


Way I see it is if you walk into a room, make an announcement that you are a marvelous being and you cannot understand why others aren't quite so marvelous, you're terribly naive if you expect everyone to nod and accept that just because "you" said so.


Of course he doesn't have to prove anything but usually people who have genuinely achieved ______ (fill in the blank) document the living bejabbers out of it because, as you say, Internet!

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It's hard to say. Admittedly I only did it once, with an overgeared Guardian. I died once on the fight with the circles under the enemies, but otherwise cruised through.


I didnt find the mechanics to be as difficult as raids, but most of the time that difficulty is in coordination and everyone successfully completing them as well as a limited timeframe with enrage. I could see how this might be a challenge to solo players wearing unoptimized, no set bonus 216 gear or lower. The gear rewards don't seem to be appropriate to the content and I didn't look at the cosmetic stuff, so I can't say if I would keep doing it.


That's me, although the characters I've given it a go with are in 208 or better. My downfall is lack of coordination. I just don't have the twitch-factor any more. That's okay and my not being able to do the EC content is also okay. I always give something a really serious try so that I can honestly say: Welp, did my best.


I agree on the rewards thing. I don't recall specifically what I got but I burst out laughing thinking: This? This is what I get? I think I've gotten better stuff in solo mode SF runs. I just found it a bit disproportionate and it amused me.

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No! Unpossible!


Way I see it is if you walk into a room, make an announcement that you are a marvelous being and you cannot understand why others aren't quite so marvelous, you're terribly naive if you expect everyone to nod and accept that just because "you" said so.


Of course he doesn't have to prove anything but usually people who have genuinely achieved ______ (fill in the blank) document the living bejabbers out of it because, as you say, Internet!


Well I think the priority here was to give feedback on EC and say how easy it was, rather than having to prove to other players that they completed. A lot of people have completed EC so I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me they completed it and I certainly wouldn't bother to ask for proof, mainly because I've completed it myself with easy.


Maybe if I was having extreme difficulty with EC, and found it incredibly hard to believe that ANYONE could possibly have completed it, I might ask them to prove if it's possible. ;)

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