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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lack of Legacy info undermines alt creation


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The Legacy tab tells us that new features are coming, including new Character Creation options. That's all it says. We need to know more so we can make a decision about whether that is something we want to use with a new character or not. If it is just new cosmetic options, and a barber shop or recustomization will be possible, than we can make alts with impunity. If it will unlock different race/class combos like a Twi'lek Trooper, that might matter to someone who wants on, but not to people who don't want one. Some of us would be able to make alts, and those wanting that combo would know to wait to roll that Trooper.


We don't need a huge amount of info. We don't need screenshots of new hairstyles, especially if a recustomization method is being implemented.


Legacy is meant to encourage alts, and is aimed at those of us who love making alts and playing through all the options. This current implementation with just the one hint and no supporting info, however, works completely contrary to the purpose of the system. It stops us alt-addicts from rerolling.


And perhaps that is the point, to encourage us to focus on getting one or two to level 50 before alting it up. But for an alt encouragement system, the lack of information is completely contrary.


I made this before, but with no search function on the forums I couldn't find it and I feel this topic really needs addressing.

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Just think of it as a feature that was never announced and be pleasantly surprised when it's in and you already have a few levels of legacy xp. For now, it's just a last name, next month it might be hairstyles, a year from now it might be an I win button. Maybe they will just scrap it all together. This is an mmo, things constantly change. Play the game for what it currently is, not what it will be.
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Just think of it as a feature that was never announced and be pleasantly surprised when it's in and you already have a few levels of legacy xp. For now, it's just a last name, next month it might be hairstyles, a year from now it might be an I win button. Maybe they will just scrap it all together. This is an mmo, things constantly change. Play the game for what it currently is, not what it will be.


I've played a lot of MMOs, and I certainly don't mind having new things added in expansions (races, classes, etc).


The issue is that it claims these new features are coming soon, and that they add Character Creation options. If I was to play this normally as a just released MMO, I'd roll and alt of each class (AC) and play them all up to midlevel a bit to see which I liked most for an endgame main.


However, lvl 30 in this game takes a fair amount of time, and it is a bit much to delete a lvl 30 character to restart, so this hint with no additional info discourages that sort of alt-focused play.


Additional races in an expansion aren't a feature added specifically to encourage alts. In some games people simply pay to change their character to the new race. In others it is meant to inspire people to start playing or come back to the game.


The Legacy system is unique in that it is linked to the progress of all alts on the server and is meant specifically to encourage alt play. This makes it different than just playing and ignoring the possibility of new options in an expansion, because it is "soon" and is explicitly focused on playing your alts.


I'm not asking for a lot of info, I just want to know what new options in Character Creation are going to be available.

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If you honestly can't wait, don't wait and go ahead and make an alt. You never know, maby they themselves do not even fully know what/how they are implementing Legacy. You never know, Legacy may not even effect character creation at all. Maby it will simply make it so that when you make another character of the same starter class so you can get the other advanced class, the character starts at 10 and at the Fleet.


Seeing as this is already an amazing game, I really can't wait for Bioware to reveal it.

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I doubt that Legacy is around the corner, it is most likely a feature for an addon. It´s like a total new feature, they dont throw this at us for nothing.


It isn't an expansion feature. The ingame Legacy tab explicitly says "Coming Soon" and that it is adding Character Creation options.

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It isn't an expansion feature. The ingame Legacy tab explicitly says "Coming Soon" and that it is adding Character Creation options.


Coming soon, does not say tomorrow, next week or next month.


If you have MMO experience then you will unfortunately know, that a feature which is "coming soon" isnt always coming soon.


Even if they dont put it in the next addon, I doubt that it will come before summer.

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Ok i understand the OP's reasoning and I think its bollocks.


There are many servers, there are many slots per server. Just roll on another server or slot or keep some slots open instead of dreading a possible dream addon that may or may not happen, its just vapor until its live. The game just came online and you are so busy fretting about missing a new hairstyle that you are terrified to roll a new toon? I call BS there, and if its not bs then I pity you for the way you let fear rule your life.

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yeah 'coming soon' in MMORPG terms means a period of time anywhere between a week and never.


Personally i'm hoping the 'extra character creation options' means we'll get an ingame hairdresser/surgeon. that'll allow me to check them out and maybe use them.

Edited by Cormey
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Ok i understand the OP's reasoning and I think its bollocks.


There are many servers, there are many slots per server. Just roll on another server or slot or keep some slots open instead of dreading a possible dream addon that may or may not happen, its just vapor until its live. The game just came online and you are so busy fretting about missing a new hairstyle that you are terrified to roll a new toon? I call BS there, and if its not bs then I pity you for the way you let fear rule your life.


You understand neither my reasoning nor the Legacy system, apparently.


The system discourages rolling on another server, and encourages rolling alts. A Legacy name only applies on one server, and some names are in high demand.


There are not many slots, there are 8, and 8 ACs with some specs filling different roles. That may seem like a lot to someone who only tends to play one character, but to people who enjoy alts, it is not.


I, and those who agree with me, are not fretting about missing a hairstyle. We don't know what the options that they are referring to are, and it is this lack of info that we are requesting be corrected. If they come out and say "5 new hairstyles," I will freely roll my alts since I don't much care. If they say certain race/class combos, new races, etc, then I may have to wait to roll certain alts.


You can keep your pity, I have no interest in it. This isn't a matter of fear, it's a matter of wanting all relevant information so we can make informed decisions on how best to spend our time in-game. As another poster said, they don't want to level their alts past lvl 12 in-case the Legacy system unlocks something they want for that alt class. It takes time to level a character, and there is an opportunity cost to leveling any character.


To use my Twi'lek Trooper example, imagine a player who already leveled a smuggler, and would like a Twi'lek Trooper as well as a Twi'lek Sage. They think they would prefer a Vanguard, and are planning to roll one next as a human, but wishing it could be a Twi'lek. If Legacy unlocks Twi'lek troopers, they will be upset to have to scrap the human. If they knew now that this was coming, they could focus on leveling their sage, using a currently available combo, while awaiting the release of Legacy unlocks. If the only thing coming from Legacy is more hairstyles, tattoos, skin tones, etc with no hope of ever getting a Twi'lek trooper, then they can level that Vanguard as human safely.


Any assumption that it is only hairstyles is just that, an assumption. To suggest those who care about this Legacy system should ignore a potentially substantial part of its benefits is absurd. To suggest that because you don't care, no one should, is absurd.


It's not about fear, it's about the time investment it takes to level a character and planning out your alts effectively. Making these decisions requires information, and right now the only information is that things will be changing "soon." Uncertainty is bad for the stock market, and it is bad for the Legacy system.

Edited by RuQu
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I know enough of the legacy system to not want to create alts. It's for me all about the surname, I just want one for my main that fits that character, but I don't want to use that as surname or legacy title for my alts, so I don't create any alts (at least not on the same server, and maybe not too soon at all).
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You understand neither my reasoning nor the Legacy system, apparently.


The system discourages rolling on another server, and encourages rolling alts. A Legacy name only applies on one server, and some names are in high demand.


There are not many slots, there are 8, and 8 ACs with some specs filling different roles. That may seem like a lot to someone who only tends to play one character, but to people who enjoy alts, it is not.


I, and those who agree with me, are not fretting about missing a hairstyle. We don't know what the options that they are referring to are, and it is this lack of info that we are requesting be corrected. If they come out and say "5 new hairstyles," I will freely roll my alts since I don't much care. If they say certain race/class combos, new races, etc, then I may have to wait to roll certain alts.


You can keep your pity, I have no interest in it. This isn't a matter of fear, it's a matter of wanting all relevant information so we can make informed decisions on how best to spend our time in-game. As another poster said, they don't want to level their alts past lvl 12 in-case the Legacy system unlocks something they want for that alt class. It takes time to level a character, and there is an opportunity cost to leveling any character.


To use my Twi'lek Trooper example, imagine a player who already leveled a smuggler, and would like a Twi'lek Trooper as well as a Twi'lek Sage. They think they would prefer a Vanguard, and are planning to roll one next as a human, but wishing it could be a Twi'lek. If Legacy unlocks Twi'lek troopers, they will be upset to have to scrap the human. If they knew now that this was coming, they could focus on leveling their sage, using a currently available combo, while awaiting the release of Legacy unlocks. If the only thing coming from Legacy is more hairstyles, tattoos, skin tones, etc with no hope of ever getting a Twi'lek trooper, then they can level that Vanguard as human safely.


Any assumption that it is only hairstyles is just that, an assumption. To suggest those who care about this Legacy system should ignore a potentially substantial part of its benefits is absurd. To suggest that because you don't care, no one should, is absurd.


It's not about fear, it's about the time investment it takes to level a character and planning out your alts effectively. Making these decisions requires information, and right now the only information is that things will be changing "soon." Uncertainty is bad for the stock market, and it is bad for the Legacy system.


This is exactly it. I hope everyone reads this!

Edited by GenericBadGuy
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Why would you need to re-roll... You get your legacy unlocked and it goes across the board for all characters... whats the problem?


You are not losing anything by rolling characters before reaching that point.


Apparently you people aren't reading into his posts in a correct manner..so let's spell it out.


If you pick a toon (alt) and level it to say level 30, thats "x" many of hours playing etc. Time devoted to the game..in which some people don't have an inexhaustable amount of time to spend playing.


Next BW decides that through the legacy you can unlock a new race to play..let's say, wookies. So now your bummed..because you spent all that time leveling a certain toon, but desired to play a wookie, but there were none available. Now there is, thru the legacy unlock.


In closing, you feel like you've wasted your time. And while you may start a new toon that's a wookie, chances are you'll never end up playing that one toon you leveled to 30, and thus completely lose that time, money, and effort. Further, you only get so many slots for alternate toons, thus if you never play one, thats just a wasted spot.


That's what the OP's main concern is about (its not hairsytles or whatever). You can't switch a race of a character after starting the character (unless they add that in..but HIGHLY unlikely). Anyone who's played MMO's or has experience in MMO's should know that.


So I agree OP, I'd like to know what they generally have planned for legacy rewards...it would be nice to know.

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See BW I hope you learn a valuable lesson. You should never announce something if it is not going to be ready in a week's time.


All these poor souls would have been happier not knowing.



More importantly, you should consider the implications of your announcement, and not make an announcement until you are ready to give enough information for your players to make an informed decision based on your announcement.


Imagine they said "Major Consular Changes Coming Soon!" What effect would this have? Most likely, players aware of the announcement would do one of two things. Those with a mid-high level Consular would rush to level cap if they liked the current build. Those who disliked it and anyone who didn't have one yet would wait and see what was coming before giving it any more play time.


Perhaps it is a giant buff, perhaps a giant nerf, perhaps they just decided to change the graphics on effects so they don't throw pebbles anymore as a main attack. Without more info, the uncertainty, rightly, discourages action. This is rational.


Now imagine they said "Major Consular Graphics Changes Coming Soon!" Now people can freely play that character knowing that the playstyle will remain the same, even if the abilities are all animated differently. If they say "Nerfs incoming!" players rush to get as far as they can pre-nerf. If "buffs incoming" you wait. It doesn't take a lot more information, but it does take a little to make a decision.

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Im 34 and i still havent unlocked the Legacy ( i do have a legacy bar beneath the XP bar though).



What goes?


It is tied to your class quest. Follow the chain until just past Alderaan and you should get the announcement.

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I agree. It would be nice to at least have some foreshadowing as to what to expect other than the blanket vagueness we got. I've got one alt at the moment, and that's because I knew I wanted to make him human anyway. The others I'm waiting to see what will become available.
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