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Treek is broken, worthless, we paid REAL MONEY for her.


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I used her for a while on my Mara, but frankly, she wasn't any better than my properly geared companions, back in the day when one had to actually gear their comps. In fact, when I did replace her, with a well geared Jaesa, I didn't miss her healing a bit, since a dual DPS set up was chewing up at level content like it was Korriban.


In fact, with 27 toons across two servers, I've used her exactly once, on the aforementioned Mara, the rest of my toons that use her use her for crafting, exclusively. For that, she's no better or worse, back in the day, than others, although now she's less effective if you haven't showered her with gifts, which I haven't.


As a Mara yeah, no big deal, but as an Assassin, that NEEDS people to NOT be looking at them, she's a god send. She keeps their back turned and can heal between fights leading to less downtime. Made dailies a breeze.

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And some people will disagree just in order to disagree. THAT'S the world we live in.


And some will complain just to complain, that's also the world we live in.


Now if you genuinely thought she was broken or bugged, you could have posted in the Bug Report section or made a ticket instead.

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But it won't change the fact that he is right - Treek is the weakest healer companion in the game.


Actually I believe that title belongs to the Warbot companion at the moment because it only has one active heal ability. All of the others are toggled off and have no actual toggle button.

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I agree with OP that Treek is now one of the weakest if not the weakest comp now. This is not a huge problem for me but certainly see why it does bother a lot of players. I do with they would fix her affection from conversations. Same as HK, since last update none of my character's can recruit HK as this is bugged. As a brought comp and a reward comp it is poor. Ok this don't bother me all that much, but certainly understand the complaints.


Yes well a where you can get Treek free from the vender, but a lot of us did buy her.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Treek is still useful in the fact she is an additional companion you can summon while leveling and restricted to the companions your get via doing your class story.


Stuck with just your starter planet comp but want to level crew skills? Get Treek, now you can have a comp for travel and a comp for sending out on missions.

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Treek is still useful in the fact she is an additional companion you can summon while leveling and restricted to the companions your get via doing your class story.


Stuck with just your starter planet comp but want to level crew skills? Get Treek, now you can have a comp for travel and a comp for sending out on missions.


Yes, but that means that EVERYONE who bought her with real money for the tank/heals is royally screwed out of their money. At she's not just subpar compared the other comps, she's worthless compared to them. 38 secs to heal vs 18, broken...

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I have heard that Treek was "too overpowered" at the release of KOTFE which I find hard to believe, but if you know how she "was OP", please state.


Because every companion was overpowered shortly after KotFE was released. With most of the healers being shockingly effective, Treek's slightly different combination was plenty effective at healing but with some changes that some people liked.


However, for the most part, declarations of her being "OP" were just internet exaggerations made by people trying to get attention by being sufficiently loud. You seem to understand that idea.


It's bad enough that the main reason we spent REAL MONEY on her,


Legal notice: No. You spent money on cartel coins. Those coins come with no guarantees. They buy game stuff and there's no statement about how useful that game stuff is or how well it will work or how much you'll enjoy it. You chose to spend those coins on a companion. You knew at the time you used them that Treek could be changed in the future. You knew that balance changes might make her the weakest companion. Or that she might have other changes that made you stop liking her. This was in the agreement you signed.


her being a Tank/Heals combo companion was taken away, but she's been nerfed to the point she is useless.


No. She's not useless.


She might not be as useful as you want, or rather: she might not perform the way you like for the purposes you're using her, but that isn't the same as being useless. I've seen people soloing H2 Star Fortresses with her, so apparently she's far from useless.


Of course... that's not what you meant, was it? You just used "useless" because you thought it would be more dramatic and convincing.... if the truth isn't convincing, just exaggerate until it sounds convincing, right?


I am an Assassin and her being tank/heals was a godsend,


And now she's about the same as everyone else. What you want is a tank. Most of them function the same way. There are loads of Shadows/Assassins in the game and they get on just fine with normal Tank companions. You'll be fine.


How is this NOT a bait and switch? We we sold something that was on thing, then it was changed in dramatic fashion to something else ENTIRELY.


1: Because you didn't buy her. You bought cartel coins.

2: Because you got exactly what they said you'd get at the time you "bought" it.

3: Because you were never told that she would retain the features or performance you wanted. On the contrary, you were told that her abilities --just like every other thing in the game-- might change in the future. You made an agreement saying that you were okay with that.

4: Because nothing about how she was presented to you was ever false. A change in implementation does not justify a "bait and switch". Having an airline change my plane or my seat assignment isn't grounds for a bait and switch complaint. Having HBO change actors in one of their shows is not bait and switch. Having Microsoft break support for some devices in a Windows update is not a bait and switch. The core of 'bait and switch' is deception with the intent to drive sales that would not have occurred if there had been honesty. Treek was working as initially advertised for a long time before changes were made.

5: And the changes that were made were both legal, fully disclosed to you, and applied in a global fashion.


You don't even use her as you say, so you literally know jack about this and are just taking the time to post nonsense about something you know nothing of, wow, some people.


That's a bit ironic coming from the guy who didn't realize you could recruit her with in-game credits.

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I got it for ingame credits (1m from legacy vendor), nobody told you to spend real money.


Same here.


And Treek had her heyday of being probably the best and most versatile companion in the game... two years ago.


Things change, adapt or fall into oblivion.

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Treek is still useful in the fact she is an additional companion you can summon while leveling and restricted to the companions your get via doing your class story.


Absolutely. I love Treek, HK-51 and Nico on my toons. Those three companions are constants. You can buff up their influence and not have to sweat losing them when you do KotFE. They just keep on trucking. Totally worth it if you do any Crafting whatsoever.



So yes, Treek is broken, worthless and needs to be fixed. Just having cool animations won't change the fact that she is uber weak.


Treek isn't broken. She is suffering from old age and her skills have diminished. It's going to happen to us all. Just ask Kobe. :D


But seriously, what is this "weakest companion" talk. The daily PvE gameplay is so stupid easy in this game, a companion is completely unnecessary. I did KotFE completely without a companion and didn't break a sweat on my Shadow. I get that FPs can be a challenge, but don't people normally do those with other people? The solo FPs have the super Warbot and you definitely don't need a companion for those.



I've never "recruited" Treek because she's an Ewok... and also because it's about 4000 years before Ewoks were supposedly discovered by outsiders...


She's a mercenary though. Maybe nobody knows about Endor, but is it really outside the realm of possibility that an Ewok could have escaped her planet on a spaceship that crashed there, got lost in a galaxy far away, and then made a career in bounty hunting?

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Because every companion was overpowered shortly after KotFE was released. With most of the healers being shockingly effective, Treek's slightly different combination was plenty effective at healing but with some changes that some people liked.


However, for the most part, declarations of her being "OP" were just internet exaggerations made by people trying to get attention by being sufficiently loud. You seem to understand that idea.




Legal notice: No. You spent money on cartel coins. Those coins come with no guarantees. They buy game stuff and there's no statement about how useful that game stuff is or how well it will work or how much you'll enjoy it. You chose to spend those coins on a companion. You knew at the time you used them that Treek could be changed in the future. You knew that balance changes might make her the weakest companion. Or that she might have other changes that made you stop liking her. This was in the agreement you signed.




No. She's not useless.


She might not be as useful as you want, or rather: she might not perform the way you like for the purposes you're using her, but that isn't the same as being useless. I've seen people soloing H2 Star Fortresses with her, so apparently she's far from useless.


Of course... that's not what you meant, was it? You just used "useless" because you thought it would be more dramatic and convincing.... if the truth isn't convincing, just exaggerate until it sounds convincing, right?




And now she's about the same as everyone else. What you want is a tank. Most of them function the same way. There are loads of Shadows/Assassins in the game and they get on just fine with normal Tank companions. You'll be fine.




1: Because you didn't buy her. You bought cartel coins.

2: Because you got exactly what they said you'd get at the time you "bought" it.

3: Because you were never told that she would retain the features or performance you wanted. On the contrary, you were told that her abilities --just like every other thing in the game-- might change in the future. You made an agreement saying that you were okay with that.

4: Because nothing about how she was presented to you was ever false. A change in implementation does not justify a "bait and switch". Having an airline change my plane or my seat assignment isn't grounds for a bait and switch complaint. Having HBO change actors in one of their shows is not bait and switch. Having Microsoft break support for some devices in a Windows update is not a bait and switch. The core of 'bait and switch' is deception with the intent to drive sales that would not have occurred if there had been honesty. Treek was working as initially advertised for a long time before changes were made.

5: And the changes that were made were both legal, fully disclosed to you, and applied in a global fashion.




That's a bit ironic coming from the guy who didn't realize you could recruit her with in-game credits.


How is 38 seconds to heal about the same as 18? It's closer to double as slow as it is the same.....the rest of your points, I'll give you, but if you're gonna nerf her tank/heals ability, how are you gonna make her the slowest and WORST healer comp in the game???

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I just started using her recently for the first time when I rerolled my Bounty Hunter. I'm using her in tank stance.


Let me say that there is definitely something wrong when Mako in tank stance can hold aggro better.

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Who was Treek`s voice actor? I want to see/hear more of him in SWTOR. I would pay more money for a new companion with his/her voice acting masterpiece.


lol wise guy


Obviously I wasn't referring to Treek's own gibberish. Her companion conversations were fully voiced by all 16 class voice actors...that VO is what we're paying for, duh.

Edited by Hebruixe
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There are a couple of points that I think people are missing when they harp on the OP's use of Cartel Coins to purchase Treek. First, when Treek came out, not everyone met the eligibility requirements to pay for her with in-game credits:


"This version of the Mercenary Contract requires a Legacy Level of 40 and costs 1 million credits." - http://www.swtor.com/blog/treek-guide-gaining-new-companion


Treek was a very useful companion and unique when she came out because, for most players, it meant you didn't have to slog through several planets before getting your healing or tank companion. I know that, for me, she was worth the Cartel Coins.


Considering that we cannot gear our companions anymore to increase stats, the expectation is that they will all perform relatively the same (I could be wrong, I haven't tested it). If Treek is performing as poorly as the OP says, then it is something worth reporting, which the OP said he did.


There's also another bug with Treek that has been reported in the bug forum and reported via /bug and that's that she does not raise her influence through conversations on the ship, which is where a lot of her affection in the old system came from. The only way to raise her influence now is through gifts, which, if she starts at zero for new characters, can be costly. This makes her use as a crafting companion possible, but painful.


So, while many here are looking at this through the perspective of an end-game player with Legendary status or as a Founder (which I am), you may not recognize just how broken Treek is for new or mid-level players.

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There are a couple of points that I think people are missing when they harp on the OP's use of Cartel Coins to purchase Treek. First, when Treek came out, not everyone met the eligibility requirements to pay for her with in-game credits:


"This version of the Mercenary Contract requires a Legacy Level of 40 and costs 1 million credits." - http://www.swtor.com/blog/treek-guide-gaining-new-companion


When Treek was released, I was not legacy level 40. I purchased mine from the GTN for credits, courtesy of players who look to convert CCs into credits via the CM.


The OP never had to actually spend real money to get Treek, not from day one, and not now.

Edited by Andryah
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There are a couple of points that I think people are missing when they harp on the OP's use of Cartel Coins to purchase Treek. First, when Treek came out, not everyone met the eligibility requirements to pay for her with in-game credits:


"This version of the Mercenary Contract requires a Legacy Level of 40 and costs 1 million credits." - http://www.swtor.com/blog/treek-guide-gaining-new-companion


Treek was a very useful companion and unique when she came out because, for most players, it meant you didn't have to slog through several planets before getting your healing or tank companion. I know that, for me, she was worth the Cartel Coins.


Considering that we cannot gear our companions anymore to increase stats, the expectation is that they will all perform relatively the same (I could be wrong, I haven't tested it). If Treek is performing as poorly as the OP says, then it is something worth reporting, which the OP said he did.


There's also another bug with Treek that has been reported in the bug forum and reported via /bug and that's that she does not raise her influence through conversations on the ship, which is where a lot of her affection in the old system came from. The only way to raise her influence now is through gifts, which, if she starts at zero for new characters, can be costly. This makes her use as a crafting companion possible, but painful.


So, while many here are looking at this through the perspective of an end-game player with Legendary status or as a Founder (which I am), you may not recognize just how broken Treek is for new or mid-level players.


Ah, that's it, that's why I couldn't get her for my wife on her new account. She wasn't legacy 40 at that time(She's now nearly maxed). I was going off the assumption she was the same as before which is why I bought it for her. I'm on harbinger(only big server left where you can actually get queue's) and can show you how her lvl 50 heals are trash compared to many others of lvl 50. I don't mind having to raise her influence via gifts, I do mind that after, she is still trash, taking 20 more seconds to heal(MINIMUM) than the other healers.

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