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Treek is broken, worthless, we paid REAL MONEY for her.


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I have heard that Treek was "too overpowered" at the release of KOTFE which I find hard to believe, but if you know how she "was OP", please state. As it is now, if you use "Sacrifice" on Treek, at lvl 50 influence it will take her 38 seconds to recharge herself, if you do the same with lvl 40 HK-55, it only takes him 15-18 seconds to do the same. It's bad enough that the main reason we spent REAL MONEY on her, her being a Tank/Heals combo companion was taken away, but she's been nerfed to the point she is useless. I am an Assassin and her being tank/heals was a godsend, she's the perfect Assassin companion, she keeps the mobs out of my face so I can backstap(Maul) them and did a bit of healing as well which helped limit downtime to heal up between small fights. Can you PLEASE buff her healing? Or preferably, put her back to the way she was(Tank/Heals) combo Companion?? How is this NOT a bait and switch? We we sold something that was on thing, then it was changed in dramatic fashion to something else ENTIRELY.
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Okay, we can flame him for spending real money all day.


But it won't change the fact that he is right - Treek is the weakest healer companion in the game. To a point where you might get close do death on squishier classes or even die. Heck, there is a heroic on Nar Shaddaa - called Terminal Injuries. It has a bonus objective to kill 45 enemies. As the area is instanced, you can just aggro them all together, bring to the corner room and kill all 30-40 at once. My rank 50 Jaesa heals me through this massacre without any issues. With rank 50 Treek I die when grouping them up... Can't even get to the point where I can spam my aoe.


That's just one of the tests I did. DPS Treek is weak as well. I have tested with my friend's rank 50 companion. We started a duel, and let his rank 50 Vette fight my rank 50 Treek. Both in dps stance. Treek lost. Completely. Same in tank stance.


In tank stance Treek has no taunt. At all. Only weak aggro generating abilities. Basically, she can't hold even 2 enemies on her.


So yes, Treek is broken, worthless and needs to be fixed. Just having cool animations won't change the fact that she is uber weak.

Edited by Equeliber
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Your money was for the VO and animations associated with Treek.

Who was Treek`s voice actor? I want to see/hear more of him in SWTOR. I would pay more money for a new companion with his/her voice acting masterpiece.

Edited by iankalo
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Your money was for the VO and animations associated with Treek. Not the overpowered abilities.


We used to have to gear Treek just as we did ourselves, she wasn't OP. Like I said, I heard she was OP when KOTFE came out, but I heard all comps were then too. Having a tank/heals comp didn't make her OP.

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okay, we can flame him for spending real money all day.


But it won't change the fact that he is right - treek is the weakest healer companion in the game. To a point where you might get close do death on squishier classes or even die. Heck, there is a heroic on nar shaddaa - called terminal injuries. It has a bonus objective to kill 45 enemies. As the area is instanced, you can just aggro them all together, bring to the corner room and kill all 30-40 at once. My rank 50 jaesa heals me through this massacre without any issues. With rank 50 treek i die when grouping them up... Can't even get to the point where i can spam my aoe.


That's just one of the tests i did. Dps treek is weak as well. I have tested with my friend's rank 50 companion. We started a duel, and let his rank 50 vette fight my rank 50 treek. Both in dps stance. Treek lost. Completely. Same in tank stance.


In tank stance treek has no taunt. At all. Only weak aggro generating abilities. Basically, she can't hold even 2 enemies on her.


So yes, treek is broken, worthless and needs to be fixed. Just having cool animations won't change the fact that she is uber weak.



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That is actually quite wrong, and here is the proof:





I never cared about that ugly thing, just bought with credits to get the achievement for having both Treek and HK-51. Only perk was being able to summon it at lv1, if unlocked. But then HK-51 could do the same, so it was a no brainer. Murder droid > ugly teddybear possessed by Satan.

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I never cared about that ugly thing, just bought with credits to get the achievement for having both Treek and HK-51. Only perk was being able to summon it at lv1, if unlocked. But then HK-51 could do the same, so it was a no brainer. Murder droid > ugly teddybear possessed by Satan.

Well, Treek is addicted to kolto and collects dangly bits from dead opponents, so, yeah... Treek is Satan.


Though I enjoyed using her on my early Sith warriors. She was really awesome there.

Edited by Diefenbaker
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That is actually quite wrong, and here is the proof:



Hmmm, my wife just started like 3-4 months ago and I saw that it said 1,000,000 but I couldn't click it to buy(I gave her some starter money. It didn't say you needed a legacy level so I assumed that 1,000,000 was to get her on a diff toon after you bought her with real money the first time.

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First off, you weren't required to pay REAL MONEY for her.


Secondly, just because you did pay REAL MONEY, doesn't imply she is supposed to be any better or worse than any other companion.


She still functions like normal. All of her abilities are working. Although, comparably less effective than other companions. I don't see how that's a bug. Could she use some buffs? I dunno, maybe. I don't use her. But she certainly isn't broken.

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And, in spite of what some people say, Treek never really was all that wonderful. I never found her to be particularly better than any other companion, just different.


I've also spent REAL MONEY on armor and weapons from the CM, and they're NO BETTER THAN RANDOM DROPS!!


Edited by JediQuaker
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And, in spite of what some people say, Treek never really was all that wonderful. I never found her to be particularly better than any other companion, just different.


I've also spent REAL MONEY on armor and weapons from the CM, and they're NO BETTER THAN RANDOM DROPS!!


Treek was absolutely superior. Treek could tank AND heal...and Treek was the only companion I ever found who could hold agro for long.


Treek is still fine.

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First off, you weren't required to pay REAL MONEY for her.


Secondly, just because you did pay REAL MONEY, doesn't imply she is supposed to be any better or worse than any other companion.


She still functions like normal. All of her abilities are working. Although, comparably less effective than other companions. I don't see how that's a bug. Could she use some buffs? I dunno, maybe. I don't use her. But she certainly isn't broken.


When did I EVER, ONCE say that she should be better than any other companion? I never did. She's 20 seconds slower at healing, that is awful and broken. You don't even use her as you say, so you literally know jack about this and are just taking the time to post nonsense about something you know nothing of, wow, some people.

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And, in spite of what some people say, Treek never really was all that wonderful. I never found her to be particularly better than any other companion, just different.


I've also spent REAL MONEY on armor and weapons from the CM, and they're NO BETTER THAN RANDOM DROPS!!



I never demanded she be better, but 20 seconds slower? 5 seconds slower and it's fine, but 20....REALLY? at that's comparing lvl 50 Treek to lvl 40 HK-55. If you played assassin with her she's the hands down best comp. She can keep them out of your face so you can Maul and heal between fights for less downtime because of healing.

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Let's be honest. When Treek came out, she was extremely OP. You could face roll through pretty much everything with her back then.


They did make her useless since KOTFE, but I definitely got my money's worth all those months of her playing God, so I can't really complain.


Same could be said for HK-51 as well.

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Let's be honest. When Treek came out, she was extremely OP. You could face roll through pretty much everything with her back then.


They did make her useless since KOTFE, but I definitely got my money's worth all those months of her playing God, so I can't really complain.


Same could be said for HK-51 as well.


WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? We had to gear her the same as we did ourselves, the only way she could be OP is if you gave her all the gear you bought with comms before you gave it to yourself, which no one would do. I had my treek geared up pretty well, even augmented, but she was no where near my power and no where near OP.

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When did I EVER, ONCE say that she should be better than any other companion? I never did. She's 20 seconds slower at healing, that is awful and broken. You don't even use her as you say, so you literally know jack about this and are just taking the time to post nonsense about something you know nothing of, wow, some people.


I used her for a while on my Mara, but frankly, she wasn't any better than my properly geared companions, back in the day when one had to actually gear their comps. In fact, when I did replace her, with a well geared Jaesa, I didn't miss her healing a bit, since a dual DPS set up was chewing up at level content like it was Korriban.


In fact, with 27 toons across two servers, I've used her exactly once, on the aforementioned Mara, the rest of my toons that use her use her for crafting, exclusively. For that, she's no better or worse, back in the day, than others, although now she's less effective if you haven't showered her with gifts, which I haven't.

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