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Outlaws Den - cannot pvp in a pvp designated area on pve instance?


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Just wondering if this is working as intended. Was in a PVE instance in Outlaws Den, which is a group PVP area but was unable to fight other people there.


Is the area working as designed or should a pvp area within a pve instance allow pvp? I assumed I would be able to fight still and this is just a BW oversight, but maybe I missed some info on this?

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Same with opposing factions bases, you get the warning to say you will be flagged pvp, and when timer runs out, you aren't flagged


See now I 100% dont agree with this. I am glad they made it so people cant carelessly flag themselves for pvp, and then come on the forums to complain about it. But if you attack a base, whether it is for an event or not, you should receive the same warning, and before you are able to kill anything, be transported to the pvp instance.

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See now I 100% dont agree with this. I am glad they made it so people cant carelessly flag themselves for pvp, and then come on the forums to complain about it. But if you attack a base, whether it is for an event or not, you should receive the same warning, and before you are able to kill anything, be transported to the pvp instance.


Don't agree with it either, if it's an opposing faction base, you should get flagged. Was just pointing out, that I didn't :)

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Same with opposing factions bases, you get the warning to say you will be flagged pvp, and when timer runs out, you aren't flagged


Im willing to bet Bioware simply forgot that such areas existed... :D


Does this open the possibility for griefing by killing quest NPCs at enemy bases?


I suspect Bioware will fix this with their standard pace... maybe little over a month or three.


ps. You should repost this thread to the bug report forum.

Edited by Karkais
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I guess the only way to defend faction capitals now a days is to simply heal your allies :(.


exactly how(without an exploit) can you attack an opposing factions capital? so you wont have any need to defend your capital..



switch to the pvp instance...all the people that want to pvp are already there.

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exactly how(without an exploit) can you attack an opposing factions capital? so you wont have any need to defend your capital..



switch to the pvp instance...all the people that want to pvp are already there.


Welp... my wording skrebs up another post... I meant opposing faction bases.

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People were making note of this when the test server went up for the Odessen warzone testing. People were mentioning having checked out Outlaw's Den / center section of Gree event area / other faction's bases within the first few hours of the test server going up.


PVP flagging as a usually-but-not-always optional mechanism no longer exists. Now you can only be permanently flagged (PVP instance) or permanently unflagged (PVE instance). The instance types removed the optional flag.


I see this as a welcome change overall. Especially where the Rakghoul tunnels and the PVE half of the Gree event and going to Tatooine for its HK part are concerned. But I'll agree that it does seem like a weird change for faction bases...


Random idea for the devs to consider: For PVE instances (only PVE, not PVP) add something to the rules so that entering the other faction's base gives you a special debuff instead of the irrelevant PVP warning and this debuff will add a stack of another debuff for every X amount of time that you spend behind enemy lines. The main debuff would also spawn extra faction base guards (automatically putting you in combat with them) at your location (or maybe it'd function more like the Rakghoul event's plaguebearer spawns?) every Y amount of time so long as you aren't already in combat, with the number and rating of the spawns scaling based on the stacking debuff.


Ideally, for grouped players it ought to look at the total of the group's stacked debuffs and summon one mob for the group as a whole instead of spawning a unique group for each player. Which would mean that the difficulty of the spawns ramps up quicker so it isn't really making things any easier for you. (They probably would just leave it at spawning things for each person separately though. Just like the plaguebearers.) At any rate, these spawns would of course have to be set up to despawn if they lose sight of you or if you leave the base so they don't clutter up the base for the other faction's players.


I suppose that could be a thing for Outlaw's Den as well, so long as the time between spawns is generous enough to browse a bit at the vendors. Spend time there in a PVE instance and get attacked by increasingly more difficult waves of bandits.

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Just wondering if this is working as intended. Was in a PVE instance in Outlaws Den, which is a group PVP area but was unable to fight other people there.


Is the area working as designed or should a pvp area within a pve instance allow pvp? I assumed I would be able to fight still and this is just a BW oversight, but maybe I missed some info on this?


PvE instances, since the new patch, are as far as I can tell... PvE only. The fact that there is some left-over auto-flag code that does not trigger actual PvP is irrelevant. Bug report it and then change to a PvP instance if you want to PvP.

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PvE instances, since the new patch, are as far as I can tell... PvE only. The fact that there is some left-over auto-flag code that does not trigger actual PvP is irrelevant. Bug report it and then change to a PvP instance if you want to PvP.


At most, Bioware needs to tweak the areas like faction bases, that some would say should trigger PvP. Other than giving players a chance to defend their own faction against attacks from the other, I really don't care that much about PvP flags in faction bases, personally.


I'm quite happy that areas like Outlaw's Den or parts of the western area of Ilum can no longer trigger the PvP flag -- boo freaking hoo for gankers and griefers.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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At most, Bioware needs to tweak the areas like faction bases, that some would say should trigger PvP. Other than giving players a chance to defend their own faction against attacks from the other, I really don't care that much about PvP flags in faction bases, personally.


I'm quite happy that areas like Outlaw's Den or parts of the western area of Ilum can no longer trigger the PvP flag -- boo freaking hoo for gankers and griefers.


How else am I suppose to pad my eagle if I can't use the FOTY sorcs and come across unsuspecting players fully stealthed having no way to detect me while in full PVP gear and giving them no chance to fight back.


Unfair Plane, He Kemp Bush

Your Not Winner

AEK Overlord

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At most, Bioware needs to tweak the areas like faction bases, that some would say should trigger PvP. Other than giving players a chance to defend their own faction against attacks from the other, I really don't care that much about PvP flags in faction bases, personally.


I'm quite happy that areas like Outlaw's Den or parts of the western area of Ilum can no longer trigger the PvP flag -- boo freaking hoo for gankers and griefers.


People can simply switch to a PvP instance and attack a base if they are looking for some PvP taunting for fun. That is after all, about the only reason people ever bother attacking base NPCs.


There is not hard and fast rule that attacking an "enemy" base has to flag you for PvP. It's common convention in MMOs where there is PvP... but that is not a rule, it's more of a design convenience for PvE servers where OWPvP is permitted.


But if some players feel strongly about it... then I encourage them to spam the suggestion forum on it. :)

Edited by Andryah
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Wait... so how does this work with planetary conquest? Are pve and pvp instances two separate worlds within the same server or do we now just have to stand there and watch helplessly as our faction bases are overrun? Does conquest of a planet on a pve instance equal conquest of said planet on the pvp instance? :confused:
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Don't really have an opinion on this, be interesting if BW do.


Are there any other areas like Outlaws Den on any other planet? Normally I do the class mission and side quests, but hardly ever do any of the worlds bonus quests. As such there's normally a lot of the map on most worlds still uncovered. Just wondered if there was any other outlaw den like places, I have missed and never gone though.

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Don't really have an opinion on this, be interesting if BW do.


Are there any other areas like Outlaws Den on any other planet? Normally I do the class mission and side quests, but hardly ever do any of the worlds bonus quests. As such there's normally a lot of the map on most worlds still uncovered. Just wondered if there was any other outlaw den like places, I have missed and never gone though.


Part of the "Gree event area" on Ilum is auto-flag, I believe.

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Hmmmm... wait, you can go to Outlaw Den without being flagged for PvP now? Well... I think I might get HK-51 for my Imperial characters after all.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one thinking along those lines. though I'm more thinking of doing some seeker droid stuffs and hell - gree quests in pvp area, well.. what used to be pvp area

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gree quests in pvp area, well.. what used to be pvp area


Should work for an easier option to get the event's heroic done since the enemies at the PVP area's pylons are weaker than they are at the PVE area's pylons (unless they sneak in some tweaks to that before the event comes back again). But the two missions that are specifically tagged as [PVP] shouldn't be possible to complete in the PVE instance since the game now has coding in place that's supposed to prevent [PVP] missions from progressing outside of PVP instances and warzones. We'll see what happens the next time the event happens though.


Hmmm... in theory having 6 pylons to go to instead of 3 ought to help in being able to find one that's not too busy, but if 3 of them provide easier fights than the others those might just become everybody's first choice and the easy ones will all be crowded anyway.



Are there any other areas like Outlaws Den on any other planet?


Yeah, the only other place in the game like Outlaw's Den is the southern 2/3 of the western half of Ilum. (The top 2/3 of the western half is used for the Gree event. The bottom 1/3 is unused space leftover from the failed open world PVP attempt that Ilum's western half used to be, long before they remodeled it for the Gree event.)


Outside of those two zones, everywhere else that automatically flagged us was either a med station or a full base for the other faction's players.

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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I seem to remember that the original post announcing resp. explaining these areas said that Outlaw's Den and Ilum PvP area were exempt, but I can't find it anymore.


I for my part will get a couple things done just in case it's not working as intended.

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I wanted to check how possible it would be to grief enemy base NPCs with current system. Instead I got a C7 incompatible version error, noticed bitraider is back on same go, and fiddling with it caused full game redownload. Go Bioware! :rolleyes:


I wish that ******* bitraider would STAY disabled.


EDIT: After getting my login problems fixed, I got in, and went to pick up the red matrix shard datacron from top of the republic base on Ilum with my imp main character without problems. I have to say that I really like this new PVP flagging system. Lets hope that there wont be any griefing in enemy bases. At least level scaling makes it harder.

Edited by Karkais
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  • 4 weeks later...
Part of the "Gree event area" on Ilum is auto-flag, I believe.


Used to be. The message "travel to a pvp instance" is bit confusing but you just need to go to the pvp instance of the planet (as opposed to some random wz, as this very message used to come to get pvp rewards)


You still have the crystals and the heroic in the contested valley during the event but no orbs, nothing.

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