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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

new update where is everyone...


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Sounds to me like you are playing on a PvP server, but you are in a PvE instance (ie: new patch separates the two domains on ALL servers).


As for dead guild.. who knows.. why don't you contact the GM and find out.

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Either completing the new chapter or recovering from finishing it. The new chapter (which is excellent) is rather time consuming.


Most likely answer. I finished up on Tuesday and will not log in to the game until Monday or so.

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It's really a time thing. I don't see any of the servers get really active until after people get off work anymore (5 PM EST).


~ Eudoxia


I agree with this. That's why as I guild leader I try to hop around different times of the day to recruit, and get my recruiters to do the same, to fill it out a bit across more hours in the day.

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The most obvious answer is playing something different.


You can get all of the new content for 15 bucks if you subscribe in August, so unless you really want to build your new weapon and then have 3 or 4 months before it is of any use why not wait 4 months build it, go on a vault job, do some more filler chapters and then defeat Arcann all in one afternoon.


As for recovering form the new chapter, outside of a BW employee I don't think anyone would consider between 30 mins to an hour of content requiring recovering from. More likely they completed the chapter in 38 minutes picked up the new companion in 10 minutes (longs as you know to go outside for the last tablet) and then quit cause there was nothing new to do.

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I still haven't played last months chapter, much less this new one.


I'm finding that there just isn't enough story in each month to bother with. I found Chapter X to be utterly pointless and boring.


Frankly, I would prefer something every three months, but the size and length of Chapter 1-9.


One chapter is just not worth the trouble.

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I still haven't played last months chapter, much less this new one.


I'm finding that there just isn't enough story in each month to bother with. I found Chapter X to be utterly pointless and boring.


Frankly, I would prefer something every three months, but the size and length of Chapter 1-9.


One chapter is just not worth the trouble.


I don't mind the length. It's just feeling like hardly anything changes. I have no motivation to play it, let alone on 8+ characters.

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I don't mind the length. It's just feeling like hardly anything changes. I have no motivation to play it, let alone on 8+ characters.


That is a good point...


It is like each Chapter is another world, having nothing to do with anything.


The whole KotFE itself seems rather pointless. The fact that all the existing worlds don't change is a problem.

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My guilds are empty and the fleet is too...


Game is not dead it was busier one week ago what happened....


a total of 2 on couracant.

and 15 in fleet. 7 pm Thursday day after update...


Most likely is because you might be on a pvp instance on an pve server or an pve instance on an pvp server below your map there is something that tells if you are on pve or pvp instance and yes it can happen on fleet

Edited by commanderwar
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My guilds are empty and the fleet is too...


Game is not dead it was busier one week ago what happened....


a total of 2 on couracant.

and 15 in fleet. 7 pm Thursday day after update...


How about me, I rarely play during the week anyway and the only reason I was logged in on on Tuesday was early access. Now I know for my guild we still had decent numbers (even though we are not a large guild) spread over both the imperial side and the republic side.

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Due to the new pvp/pve instances, people could be on, just in alternate instances.


Example: 13 People are in the pvp instance of tatooine, while 47 are in the pve instance of ttooine.


Maybe on a planet, I haven't tested that yet.. But on the fleet and other areas I've been on, clicking PVP or PVE doesn't move you to another instance.


I can tell you lots of pvpers were put off by being made to play that new WZ "only" for 48 hours straight... No one wants to play the same map over and over again.. And the ones that actually hate the map refused to play it too.. So they don't login..

I usually play PVP for 4-8 hours a day (yes I'm an addict).. But after an hour of pops for that same WZ, I logged off for 2 days..

It took me about 5 matches to work out how it works as well as reading a guide on line.. I login today and people who have only been playing this new WZ since its release, still don't understand the mechanics.. Extremely frustrating..

That, plus the fact that they've broken the PVP queue system when they tried to include all WZs again has made a lot of people log off.. I stayed on for 2 hours.. Got 5 matches and waited a long time for pops even though there were easily enough people queued to run multiple matches of 8v8..

It would have been better for the Devs to make a little tutorial on the new WZ, like they did for GSF when it was released.. Plus somewhere to read how it is supposed to work.. This would have been better than making people fumble through it for 48 hours and ultimately make them hate it... I mean really, did they need to change PVP quest icons from yellow to purple, making them harder to actually see.. Did we need a new type of guild window that shows people's legacy.. That sort of time and money would have been better spent making sure there were no launch issues and also information of some sort on how these new game inclusions work..


It's this sort of mentality that drives people away from the game.. Plus the people they tried to hook with story mode are over it.. The whole story mode thing was to make a quick buck while the movie was out.. They neglected and alienated the rest of their players, which was almost everyone.. Lots of those people have left the game for good.. This new story mode as a stand alone was never going to work long term.. By neglecting the rest of the player base to pursue this direction they basically lost a lot of their established players for some fly by night fanbois who have already lost interest.. If they'd wanted to play swtor, they would have been playing before the movie and may have tried it during the movie.. They were always going to be a short term audience, but the Devs haven't worked that out yet

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They're bored. Everyone says the new chapter was amazing - I've already practically forgotten it.


If you are a non force user or darkside force user the chapter doest make much sense so it's easily forgotten.

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That is a good point...


It is like each Chapter is another world, having nothing to do with anything.


The whole KotFE itself seems rather pointless. The fact that all the existing worlds don't change is a problem.

That's a good point...and one I hadn't considered until you mentioned it. The fact that nothing else in game changes does make it feel kinda pointless. There's no reference to it once you exit your story instance...

Yeah, as a Commando, it felt VERY odd...it was a decent story, but it was clearly meant for a Jedi/Sith character.

Edited by TUXs
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That is a good point...


It is like each Chapter is another world, having nothing to do with anything.


The whole KotFE itself seems rather pointless. The fact that all the existing worlds don't change is a problem.


I totally agree. I don't understand why they wouldn't update the look of the worlds that are under siege. That would add immersion and at least give us something new (maybe even interesting) to look at.


I'm guessing they were lazy but came up with the excuse: "We don't want to ruin the story for noobs." Or something along those lines.

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You realise that this is a unrealistic target right? something the size of 1-9 would be at least 6 months.


Is it?


Whole games come out every week with more content than that.


You'd simply need more than one team working on it.


An example is Call of Duty, they could never release a new game every year by having the same people work on it, so they have multiple teams working for 2 years on each title, swaping every other year. Or did, until they switched to 3 teams to give each team 3 years instead of 2.


SWTOR could have 4 teams, a Chapter 1-9 size story shouldn't take more than a year to do well, so if you have 4 groups working on it, every 3 months is totally doable.

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Is it?


Whole games come out every week with more content than that.


You'd simply need more than one team working on it.


An example is Call of Duty, they could never release a new game every year by having the same people work on it, so they have multiple teams working for 2 years on each title, swaping every other year. Or did, until they switched to 3 teams to give each team 3 years instead of 2.


SWTOR could have 4 teams, a Chapter 1-9 size story shouldn't take more than a year to do well, so if you have 4 groups working on it, every 3 months is totally doable.


Agreed. It's not at all unrealistic, it's just not possible with a skeleton crew that this game obviously has.


SWTOR is a tiny fish in the BIG EA pond.

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I totally agree. I don't understand why they wouldn't update the look of the worlds that are under siege. That would add immersion and at least give us something new (maybe even interesting) to look at.


I'm guessing they were lazy but came up with the excuse: "We don't want to ruin the story for noobs." Or something along those lines.


And thus you have the problem of jumping the story forward through time by 5 years.


In 5 years, lots of things change, yet somehow I can still teleport back to Oricon and fight the Dread Masters? Black Hole is still under siege? All the same heroics still need to be fought?


Fair enough, it is just a game, no need to remove content, but it is massively jarring and makes it feel completely out of place.


It worked in Mass Effect 2 because you couldn't go back to the ME1 areas after you started ME2 (not with the same toon anyway). But that wasn't a MMO, this is.


I think KotFE was a mistake, but we're past that point now, so onward we go. Or onward you all go, since I haven't played past Chapter X yet and may not touch any of them until they are all out. Even then, I'm not sure I care, since nothing actually matters since once you leave the chapter, it is like it never even happened.

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SWTOR could have 4 teams, a Chapter 1-9 size story shouldn't take more than a year to do well, so if you have 4 groups working on it, every 3 months is totally doable.


You realize your talking about EA right? That means they would have to put money into swtor instead of taking it away

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My guilds are empty and the fleet is too...


Game is not dead it was busier one week ago what happened....


a total of 2 on couracant.

and 15 in fleet. 7 pm Thursday day after update...


Your gonna get attacked by a hoard of cheerleaders. It was nice knowing you :D

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