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if you just gonna leave the flashpoint cause of non spacebarers


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This is why I SOLO FP. If I'm in a FP I haven't done yet then I like to actually read through the dialogues. I'm a quick reader but it still takes longer than tap tap tap and the last thing I wanna deal with is "Spacebar ffs, *** u guys, SB SB". I'm also the kind of person who actually does feel like a bother if I'm holding others up so I kinda just run them by myself instead.
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People should really work that out at the beginning.


"So, everyone run this before? Every one cool with spacebar?" "


"No, first time through. Alright if we don't skip?"


That would solve 95% of problems that arise during flashpoints about someone not skipping. Unfortunately people barely talk, and don't hash that sort of thing out at the beginning.

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I always spacebar. I don't ask others to. Never have, never will. If someone in the group is asinine about it, guess what? I stop and let cinematic play out. What's a couple of minutes extra going to hurt? If someone's that pressed for time, then they shouldn't have queued up in the first place. If they leave, then they can be easily replaced with a comp that won't complain about a thing. ;)
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I always spacebar. I don't ask others to. Never have, never will. If someone in the group is asinine about it, guess what? I stop and let cinematic play out. What's a couple of minutes extra going to hurt? If someone's that pressed for time, then they shouldn't have queued up in the first place. If they leave, then they can be easily replaced with a comp that won't complain about a thing. ;)


Same here. I let people experience the cut scenes if they wish. They allowed me to do it once.

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IMO it should depend on the majority of the people their.


Ill admit I never got to fully enjoy the cut scenes first time around and was always rushed into a spacebar only group, and their was no solo mode back then, so I may be a bit biased. Their is a story mode now a days for people who want to enjoy the story only aspect, however I understand if they want to watch the cut scenes again, however not at the expense of three others. The same goes for the ratio of one space bar person to three other people wanting a cut scene.


I believe in democracy... and the majority should win... if theirs a tie I usually just roll between 1-100 and pick under 50 or over 50.

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It's really no big deal if one or two people leave a Tactical FP. You and the remaining player(s) can always pull out a companion to finish the run. In many cases, having a tank or healer (if you didn't have either before) will actually make the FP easier.
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When you figure out that they aren't gonna ''skip'' then just you shouldn't do it too.

It's better to be bored a little bit by watching the scene for the thousand time than being bored to death while waiting for the other players.

Edited by Kaedusz
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The more demanding a player is, the less likely I am to spacebar.


I've already entered flaspoints I've run umpteen times, fully intending to spacebar, but refusing to once someone started shouting OMG SKIP because another player hadn't hit spacebar fast enough.

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I'm ok with watching the cutscenes and not doing space bar runs on every FP except Black Talon/ Esseles.


If people are not spacing through those two than I'll likely just quit, takes too long other wise not to mention extremely boring.

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Never have, never will. If someone in the group is asinine about it, guess what? I stop and let cinematic play out.


The more demanding a player is, the less likely I am to spacebar.

I've already entered flaspoints I've run umpteen times, fully intending to spacebar, but refusing to once someone started shouting OMG SKIP because another player hadn't hit spacebar fast enough.


This is why I always queue with somone so we can abort the cinematic and vote kick passive-aggressive people like you. I had someone have the gall to say 'mind your own business' when I told them to skip. Mind my own business? Mother****er, when you join a flashpoint with a group, what you do is everybody's *********** business; especially when you want to waste the entire group's time. Needless to say, he was removed from the group immediately.


Of course I don't mean I just kick people who don't want to skip the cinematic. If someone says they want to watch it, then that's fine. I kick people who want to get a *********** attitude about things like they think they are better than everyone else. That includes people who pull mobs while half the group is still loading up, or people queuing as healers and then standing there and attacking without even saying anything.


Actually, queueing up with a friend/guildee/family member/whatever to vote-kick people who are going to be a problem is a great way to enhance your FP experience.

Edited by Gretzel_Eis
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They should put in some feature that would make it so you could ignore that person demanding you spacebar so you don't have to hear them complain. Hey then they should make it so you would never be grouped with that person in the future as well. That is a great idea. Maybe you should submit that.
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They should put in some feature that would make it so you could ignore that person demanding you spacebar so you don't have to hear them complain. Hey then they should make it so you would never be grouped with that person in the future as well. That is a great idea. Maybe you should submit that.


I guess you could just /ignore him. ;)

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It's an MMO people...go with what the GROUP wants. If you wanna watch the movies, SAY SOMETHING! If you want people to skip them, SAY SOMETHING! A little communication goes a long freaking way.


You people who intentionally don't spacebar are just as bad as those who insist you do.

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They should put in some feature that would make it so you could ignore that person demanding you spacebar so you don't have to hear them complain. Hey then they should make it so you would never be grouped with that person in the future as well. That is a great idea. Maybe you should submit that.


Ha funny. Though, I should say that what they DO need to do is remove the damn limit on the size of your ignore list. Like, if I want to ignore literally every other player on the server (I wouldn't want to, but just saying) why can't I?

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It's an MMO people...go with what the GROUP wants. If you wanna watch the movies, SAY SOMETHING! If you want people to skip them, SAY SOMETHING! A little communication goes a long freaking way.


You people who intentionally don't spacebar are just as bad as those who insist you do.


I would have to argue it makes you somewhat worse in a way. While yes, people who yell "OMG SPACEBAR ALREADY" are being inconsiderate of others, not space barring is just specifically to spite them and make it worse for everyone.

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I would have to argue it makes you somewhat worse in a way. While yes, people who yell "OMG SPACEBAR ALREADY" are being inconsiderate of others, not space barring is just specifically to spite them and make it worse for everyone.

True...one is born from impatience, one is meant to upset others...I can relate to being impatient, I don't relate to finding joy in other peoples frustration.

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It's an MMO people...go with what the GROUP wants. If you wanna watch the movies, SAY SOMETHING! If you want people to skip them, SAY SOMETHING! A little communication goes a long freaking way.


You people who intentionally don't spacebar are just as bad as those who insist you do.

I almost always space bar, but if someone tells others to space bar (as opposed to asking, and "skip please" is not asking any more than just plain "skip" is; all it takes is a "?" on the end), then I stop space barring. Courtesy goes both ways.


I mean really, they are already wasting their time by playing a computer game in the first place. If they truly have something more valuable to do with their time, they should stop playing and go do it.


True...one is born from impatience, one is meant to upset others...I can relate to being impatient, I don't relate to finding joy in other peoples frustration.

It's not impatience, it self-centered childishness. If someone can't deal with a couple minutes of extra delay, they should stick to single-player games.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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The rewards for Flashpoints are terrible compared to the rewards for pretty much any other content, the only real tangible reward is the daily conquest reward but that is hardly the reason people play flashpoints.


Since you could profit more from doing anything else, I see no reason to 'rush' the flashpoint by mashing your spacebar, the whole appeal to the flashpoint really should be the interactive story. If I am going to wait in line for a flashpoint that rewards me less gear, less experience, and certainly less credits the running heroics or farming, I am going to enjoy the cutscenes even if I have seen them several times.


As far as seeing them several times goes, I have been playing for years, and I still have not seen every class every gender, every decision made, and though the story is the same, all it takes is a unique costume and a dialogue choice I haven't experienced to make it fresh.



The biggest reason I dont skip the cutscenes is because if I do, and one of three others Dont, I am stuck staring at the final frame of the sequence for what feels like an eternity. Time geos faster and more enjoyable if I get to watch and hear things rather then stare at a lifeless cartoon face.

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Many of the "no space bar? then I'm gonna ragequit" folks cut off their nose to spite their face. More than once, I have seen a person quit because someone would not space bar. Then the rest of us go on and finish and when I've checked out the ragequitter, he's still in some other FP.
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I mean really, they are already wasting their time by playing a computer game in the first place. If they truly have something more valuable to do with their time, they should stop playing and go do it.

You have kids bran? A wife? A partner?


Perhaps it's bedtime in 20min...maybe a spouse gets home in 20min...maybe it's their guilds raid time in 20min...maybe someone is just trying to do a quick 20min FP before bed or company or dinner or whatever...


Point is, FPs are meant to be fairly quick...players join them with ideas on timing all the time. And tbh, I prefer to waste my time doing something "I" enjoy, not something you enjoy.


Again..just ASK at the start.

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