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Why doesn't the Consular just shield himself from the Emperor?

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Yes you are. Valkorian isn't the emperor, Arcann is.


We're putting together a strike force (albeit a bigger one this time) to take on the Emperor, just like we did in Act 2. They are setting up the Emperor's enforcer (Vaylin) to betray him. At least Arcann isn't trying to murder the whole galaxy...yet.


when Arcann ordered Vaylin to do his task for him in a manner vaylin was not expecting, you could see the shock on her face to the order. its almost as if she couldnt believe that arcann just did that considering how careful he has been to placate vaylin so far.


the more things go wrong for arcann the more he is likely to get more desperate and reckless, like that bombing campaign and forcing zakuulan knights to fight each other to the death to regain their honor. he clearly has no regard for anyone around him.


considering what valkorion mentioned about vaylin in chapter 2 that she doesnt trust anyone, she is now more likely to be wary of arcann and in order if such a thing happens again, she will likely see it as a betrayal of trust and out of pure spite she may conduct some research of her own, perhaps even enough evidence to find out what arcann is really doing.


at that point she will become a wild card in the pazaak deck.

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So... the lightning that a Sith Sorc unleashes isn't electricity?


it is force lightning and to my knowledge there has not been anything to confirm if electricity and force lightning are the same. consider the EU was dumped not long ago, i doubt you can find a canon answer to that.

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Are actual electricity and force lightning that much different aside from their source? Though does anyone have any pictures of the buffs Arcaan has in the fight? They shed some light about his power.



Yes, he has an exploitable weakness. That doesn't mean he's not well experienced and powerful again his opponents. His other weakness is his easily exploitable insecurities.



The fight was a win for Arcaan, but overall Arcaan failed in killing the Outlander.


arguing for argument sake? perhaps when the later chapters come about, maybe we can find out what will kill arcann in the end.

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Not really, a credible villain needs to actually be a threat to the heroes in some way.


And the next villain always bigger than the last, and after that bigger, and after that bigger... ?


"Just throw a bigger villain at them" is transparent and hackneyed.

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And the next villain always bigger than the last, and after that bigger, and after that bigger... ?


"Just throw a bigger villain at them" is transparent and hackneyed.


Why throw in a threat that the heroes can easily take care of? Then again, the current villain is a smaller threat then the last Villain. Though that only works because we couldn't beat the last villain.

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So, he is more powerful then all the villains we have so far, bar Vitiate.


Sure, my point exactly. There is no need for him to be this super-powerful force combatant. It would have been a better story if you really could easily defeat him, but he refuses to stay still along enough for you to give him the beating he deserves.


It's like Lex Luthor, he's no match for Superman...except for his influence, brain and toys.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Sure, my point exactly. There is no need for him to be this super-powerful force combatant. It would have been a better story if you really could easily defeat him, but he refuses to stay still along enough for you to give him the beating he deserves.

There isn't a need, but he is. And it works. Plus it's pretty hard to take a Villain seriously after you've already continually kicked his arse. Take Thanaton, for example.

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Because the story assumes you're playing a Jedi Knight. :jawa_tongue:


I know you disagree, but search your feelings, you know it to be true. :jawa_biggrin:


Actually, my Assassin uses her saber a lot. I guess she's really a JK...


Check it out, my Warrior does the same thing, guess he's really a JK...


Check it out, my BH used her pistol... Oops.


Hey, ya' know what? My IA used a pistol too, guess she's really a BH?

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There isn't a need, but he is. And it works. Plus it's pretty hard to take a Villain seriously after you've already continually kicked his arse. Take Thanaton, for example.


No, it doesn't work for me and from this thread and others, it appears I'm not alone. It spits on everything that has come before this story. Arcann is so unbelievable a villain that it just makes KOTFE tedious. I played though SOR with dozens of characters. I've gotten through to Chapter 11 with one character, Chapter 9 with two others. I am scared that whatever comes next will assume you've done this garbage.

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Actually, my Assassin uses her saber a lot. I guess she's really a JK...


Check it out, my Warrior does the same thing, guess he's really a JK...


Check it out, my BH used her pistol... Oops.


Hey, ya' know what? My IA used a pistol too, guess she's really a BH?


You took that comment far too seriously.

Edited by Master-Nala
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No, it doesn't work for me and from this thread and others, it appears I'm not alone. It spits on everything that has come before this story. Arcann is so unbelievable a villain that it just makes KOTFE tedious. I played though SOR with dozens of characters. I've gotten through to Chapter 11 with one character, Chapter 9 with two others. I am scared that whatever comes next will assume you've done this garbage.


That's my worry, too -- that whatever comes next, there won't be any way around this -- that whatever comes after will either require you to take the character through KotFE before you can do that next content, or will just assume that every character has been "the outlander" whether they ever did a single moment of KotFE or not.

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That's my worry, too -- that whatever comes next, there won't be any way around this -- that whatever comes after will either require you to take the character through KotFE before you can do that next content, or will just assume that every character has been "the outlander" whether they ever did a single moment of KotFE or not.


Yup, my main fear is that you'll be locked out of content. For example, most of my characters can't get the HK-55 reward because I have no intention of suffering through KOTFE with 30+ characters.

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So who would make a good villain to replace Arcann, Vaylin and Valkorion as KotFE progresses into S2 and S3? Like, who or what at this point would be 'acceptable' as opposition to our heroes? I'm seeing plenty reason why our current villains 'suck', or that seems to be the gist of it, but I see little suggestions on who'd make for a better bad guy.
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That's my worry, too -- that whatever comes next, there won't be any way around this -- that whatever comes after will either require you to take the character through KotFE before you can do that next content, or will just assume that every character has been "the outlander" whether they ever did a single moment of KotFE or not.


Why would you think there's any chance that it won't? Everything that is vital story-wise has always been assumed as you did it. Plus, what is being assumed your character did the content you skipped actually do to your experience?

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So who would make a good villain to replace Arcann, Vaylin and Valkorion as KotFE progresses into S2 and S3? Like, who or what at this point would be 'acceptable' as opposition to our heroes? I'm seeing plenty reason why our current villains 'suck', or that seems to be the gist of it, but I see little suggestions on who'd make for a better bad guy.


Jenny, you know who will be the villain of Season 2...

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None of the characters who have abilities that might help them fight off the Emperor's influence/presence ever even considers using them. The JC can shield against power Sith magics. The JK can through will alone break Vitiate's domination. The SI can dominate and/or expel powerful Sith Force Ghosts. Not even hinted at once in KOTFE. None of their companions bring up those past experiences. No one goes, "Hey, remember when...?"


If you beat some big bad the last time the galaxy was at stake using Tactic A, don't you think, just maybe, it might come up in brainstorming sessions that Tactic A might be useful against the next big bad threat? Even if you then have to toss Tactic A, because Valkorian is just too teh awesome, you're not going to know that unless you actually try.


It's almost like what happened in the vanilla story doesn't matter to the writers of KOTFE, if it conflicts in any way with the Story of the Infinitely Powerful Valkorian-Sue and his magical Infinitely Powerful Secret Empire.*


*Such power being no help against a single blaster shot that blows through the back and front body armor and one-shots him, which, of course, was all part of his Rube Goldberg Master Plan to do ...something, at some point, because reasons.

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The JC can shield against power Sith magics.


Sith Magics of somone who was no where near the power of anyone we fought after act 2.


The JK can through will alone break Vitiate's domination.

With the help of his dead master and while Vitiate is trapped on Voss.


The SI can dominate and/or expel powerful Sith Force Ghosts.

We're never told how powerful the ghosts are. At best they're probably just above average.

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Why would you think there's any chance that it won't? Everything that is vital story-wise has always been assumed as you did it.


Actually, I've run into quite a few places where it's not assumed that THE player character on hand did something, only that it happened. For example, (minor spoilers at this point) when you first directly speak with the Dread Masters on Oricon, in the watchtower, they don't say that YOU killed Styrak, they say that the EMPIRE killed Styrak. I don't know if that changes for characters who've actually done S&V, and refers to them directly having a hand in Styrak's death -- but depending, it either acknowledges the character's actual history, or words things in such a way as to leave either possibility open.



Plus, what is being assumed your character did the content you skipped actually do to your experience?


It does quite a bit, and in a negative way, if NPCs and story elements keep referring to things that my character never did as if the character had done them.

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