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7 hours played

k/d ratio 0.14

hit/miss % 15.7

Average dmg dealt per game: 5378



Et Cetera.



I have tried so hard to play this game, I have read every guide I could find, watched hours of youtube videos, and i cant even win a fight against a stationary turret. Should I give up? I am not seeing any improvement, and I dont feel like I am learning anything or gaining any experience getting blown up as soon as something sees me. Whats worse, with a win/less ratio of 25%, I am not only having a miserable time myself, but I am forcing the people I play with to endure losses too.



Is there any hope for me?

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GSF has a pretty steep learning curve and in most cases the stock ships suck. Tips:

* If you're exhausted, take a break. It should be fun, not torture.

* Spend initial requisition points on defensive abilities: Large Reactors and whatnot. Staying alive longer will improve your experience.

* Avoid the scouts, at least at first. Scouts can be incredibly powerful but are also hard to handle (and very squishy). Strike fighters are not the best or most balanced BUT they are considerably more survivable and generally easier to fly.

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What are you currently flying and what components are you using? Have you done the tutorial and gotten the first quest to get the 5k fleet req?


If you're saying that you're losing a fight to a stationary turret while also reading guides then there is a huge step that you missed somewhere lol.

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I bought the Ocula premium scout ship, figuring that since I played the fastest and most maneuverable ships in another space game I play (STO) that it would suit me.


I have tried Burst, Light and Quad lasers, cant hit anything with any of them. Targeting telemetry, distortion field, lightweight armor, damage capacitor, turbo reactor, turbo thrusters. I have tried to pick the best components to play to the strengths of a fast, light armor ship with light shields.


I dont earn enough requisition points to upgrade anything with my scores, and the game constantly taunts me with 'You Are Not Contributing' - when I am, I am just not hitting anything and I cant get close enough to a capture point to turn it over before one of its pathetic turrets kills me.


I dont have much trouble handling the ship, im not smashing myself into rocks or anything, and I try to fly as close to obstacles as I can to minimize enemy firing solutions, My biggest problem is that I just cant hit anything even when it isnt moving it just doesent seem to register damage, if I pull up to a probe or a turret I take too much damage trying to destroy it.


I understand I am not going to win a joust shootout with a bigger ship in open space, but I dont understand why I can be <4000 away from an ai turret or probe and not see any damage when I have it lined up, if I could at least do that I might think about scoring points on something that Is moving, and controlled by a player.

Edited by PulseRazor
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if I pull up to a probe or a turret I take too much damage trying to destroy it.

Satellite turrets are armored, which means you need to have weapons that ignore armor in order to do damage quickly enough to take out that turret before your unupgraded ship is worn down by its weapons and/or any defenders that are nearby. Burst Laser Cannon is great for this, but it will be a while before you have enough requisition to get it to the 4th level on the talent tree where it gains the option to ignore armor. The quickest method for you to gain a weapon that tears through armor is to buy Rocket Pods for 2000 req. and get the first upgrade level (1000 more). Since turrets don't move, you'll find it pretty easy to blast them with your Rocket Pods as long as you are in range.


To make sure you're getting some requisition out of matches, though, I recommend that you try to be in with the group of your teammates that are capturing satellites, especially at the beginning of matches when they are undefended or lightly defended. You will earn plenty of req for just being in the near vicinity of a satellite that flips to green. When you launch from the capship at the start of the match, hit F3 for power to your engines, and use spacebar to boost all the way to either B or whichever of the other two sats your team calls out at the start of the match.


Fighting close to where your teammates are is good for you and them. If you decide to stick with Cluster Missiles instead of Rocket Pods, just try to lock and launch as many as you can while you're dodging fire and staying near your allies. Don't worry about getting kills. That will come in time. Assists will get you some req, and will help your team too.


- Despon

Edited by caederon
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You might find this useful, (the requisition guide).


This is a not very good game in a low requisition scout, but between the match time, the daily bonus, and the win, the requisition points from the battle weren't terrible. Here's another, this time a Domination match.


They're not good flying on my part, but it's something to look at if you want to see not-so-great scout piloting getting enough requisition to exhaust the daily bonus in one or two matches.


Non-participation hurts the requisition yield a lot. In many cases it's better to land one shot and be blown up than to live for 5 min but not score. Perverse incentives, but programming a good non-contributer system is hard.




The scout is pretty weak with low requisition, but with BLCs and Cluster missiles, you should be able to hit without too much trouble if you have the target: selected, centered in the screen, mouse over the lead reticle, and at a range of 3000 m to 1500 m. Wingman copilot ability helps, and avoiding targets with distortion field active also helps.


It's not fair to the strikes, but learning by harassing strikes is the easy way to learn to hit things with a dogfighting battlescout build. Just don't try jousting until you have distortion field and lightweight armor maxed out.



Edit: BTW, though you're not pleased with your stats, for a true beginner they're really not that bad.

Edited by Ramalina
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I bought the Ocula premium scout ship, figuring that since I played the fastest and most maneuverable ships in another space game I play (STO) that it would suit me.


I have tried Burst, Light and Quad lasers, cant hit anything with any of them. Targeting telemetry, distortion field, lightweight armor, damage capacitor, turbo reactor, turbo thrusters. I have tried to pick the best components to play to the strengths of a fast, light armor ship with light shields.


I dont earn enough requisition points to upgrade anything with my scores, and the game constantly taunts me with 'You Are Not Contributing' - when I am, I am just not hitting anything and I cant get close enough to a capture point to turn it over before one of its pathetic turrets kills me.


I dont have much trouble handling the ship, im not smashing myself into rocks or anything, and I try to fly as close to obstacles as I can to minimize enemy firing solutions, My biggest problem is that I just cant hit anything even when it isnt moving it just doesent seem to register damage, if I pull up to a probe or a turret I take too much damage trying to destroy it.


I understand I am not going to win a joust shootout with a bigger ship in open space, but I dont understand why I can be <4000 away from an ai turret or probe and not see any damage when I have it lined up, if I could at least do that I might think about scoring points on something that Is moving, and controlled by a player.


Your problem with turrets is probably lack of AP. Turrets are armored and QLC and LLC are both don't have it. BLC has AP as an upgrade but it is a very short range weapon so you will be getting hammered before you can hit it. Mines and drones don't always show the damage numbers, sometimes the only way I know I destroyed one is with the pop up saying I did. Also you can't cap a sat unless you take out the turrets and any enemy ships in range. For taking sats (especially when you have low req ships) it's good to be with someone who can cover you with a GS

If you let us know where and when you fly there will probably be a few good pilots willing to help. Also asking in gsf chat will sometimes help to find a group but people don't always watch it.

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I'm going to hazard a guess that you're missing something fundamental re: aiming and/or targeting. like not aiming at the lead reticule, or shooting things out of range (or as corollary to the latter, not shooting at ideal range, because certain weapons become wildly inaccurate at a specific distance). None of this is intuitive, and it definitely takes practice. Where do you play? My suggestion would be to /cjoin gsf on your server and group with some vets who can watch you play and give some pointers.


This goes without saying, but we were all noobs once. Most everyone who sticks with GSF puts the pieces together eventually. You're probably due for a "eureka" moment soon. Keep at it.

Edited by MaximilianPower
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The learning curve is quite steep and if you solo queue, you very likely end up with poor teams. Which server do you fly on and which side? This also may be a contributing factor in things.

I consider myself a solid pilot and I'm not the best at anything. It usually takes 2-3 matches to max out my daily earned req on a given ship. By preference I fly GS (Mangler/Quarrel), the healing and hyper bombers. Tensor at the start of a domination match and then pick something different if I die. Rarely do I top the scoreboard, but more often than not my teams win. Most often, I sit at a node we hold and guard it. Defend what we have and call out of I need support to keep a hold of it. Quite often, my damage is low and sometimes even below 10k.

Most servers have a /gsf channel. When you log in next, make sure to /cjoin gsf. Ask questions, look for a group or whatever there. You've made a good step by making your post here. Many people on the forum and in game are always willing to help. Just ask :)

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I suppose that recording and posting a movie from your battle would help us identify your problems.


Low requisitions gain comes from 'not contributing' I suppose - each time you are 'not contributing' hits your requisitions gain heavily. In Domination matches this can be easily avoided - each time you go near sat (friendly or enemy) the 'time to non contribution) counter is reset, In TDM though, it is harder to avoid. Get a companion with Wingman ability as a copilot, try to score at least one hit on some stationary tartget (enemy drones, enemy gunships - sniping some other people, going straight at railgun's businness end pointing at you is a bad idea, unless you're below 4k range etc.).

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I bought the Ocula premium scout ship, figuring that since I played the fastest and most maneuverable ships in another space game I play (STO) that it would suit me.


The Ocula (T2 Scout) is a good choice. What did you spend your 5k fleet requisition from the quest on? I hope you bought the T1 Gunship (Mangler/Quarrel) and T1 Bomber (Razorwire/Rampart).

(Also, STO is nothing like GSF)


I have tried Burst, Light and Quad lasers, cant hit anything with any of them. [...]

I understand I am not going to win a joust shootout with a bigger ship in open space, but I dont understand why I can be <4000 away from an ai turret or probe and not see any damage when I have it lined up, if I could at least do that I might think about scoring points on something that Is moving, and controlled by a player.


It seems like your problem is how aim works in GSF.

In steps:

1. Select your target.

2. Check if target is in range - A red indicator means it is in range of your primary weapon.

3. Check LoS - If the Square is hatched, you don't have LoS.

4. Position your cursor over the lead indicator (Circle) - If the cursor changes slightly, you can* hit.

5. Fire.


*Depending on which cooldowns are active a target may passively evade your shots.


When flying Ocula I recommend BLC (Burst Laser) because it has an armor piercing upgrade on tier 4 as well as the best tracking and lowest penalty (read: best chance to hit) and they synergize well with Cluster Missiles.


And remember, practice is everything in GSF. Reading guides or watching videos just helps to learn the mechanics.

Edited by Danalon
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There is hope for you.


First, it sounds like you are not getting much requisition. Are you getting the daily and weekly GSF missions? When you start out GSF, you should have gotten the Introduction to GSF mission, which rewards 5000 fleet requisition, so you can get other ships and crew members. After you complete that. you can get the daily and weekly, which reward ship requisition to every ship you own, as well as fleet req. You can get these missions from PvP mission terminals, such as the one in the combat training section of fleet.


My other suggestion is to start out with a T1 gunship (Quarrel on pub side, Mangler on Imp side). If you are a sub you get one automatically, or you can buy one with the fleet req you get from the intro to GSF mission. The reason I suggest this is that you can shoot at long range and usually do damage before the enemy starts shooting at you. As an inexperienced player, you might want to follow a bit behind teammates, and start sniping when they get involved in fighting. You can shoot fixed targets like turrets, drones, and mines and help your team. If you are on a team with good players, the enemy might be busy enough worrying about your teammates that you will have more time to snipe before they come after you. Get Barrel Roll for quick getaway if they come after you, and Dampening Sensors so they might not see you until you are almost in range. Use slug railgun as your weapon, later as you get more used to it you can start using Ion railgun. Take ignore armor on slug railgun when you can. In fact, any weapon that has an ignore armor upgrade should always go after that as soon as possible. When you get enough req eventually you can upgrade ion railgun to do AoE damage, especially useful against mines and drones around satellites.


I started out with gunships, and eventually started using scouts with some success, but still prefer gunships when the opposition looks strong.


A less experienced pilot should equip Burst Laser Cannon on any ship that has them available. The reason is the BLC has a better chance to hit at wider angles than any other weapon. This is especially useful when fighting close to satellites.


Another possibility in domination matches is bombers. They are not expected to dogfight, and can be useful to a team in a domination match without firing a single laser shot. Get to a satellite, hide under it as close as possible to it on the far side from the enemy spawn point, and spread your mines or drones. The biggest problem is getting to the satellite, since bombers are slow, so follow teammates to the satellite. Avoid fights in open space if possible and use los against gunships. To get as close as possible to a satellite, use the S key to slow as you get close, and the X key to stop, though be careful, you will still coast a bit after you hit X.


I hope you join the GSF chat (/cjoin gsf) to talk to other pilots. If you are on Shadowlands you can talk to me anytime you see me (Erannov on pub side, Boadicae on Imp side).


Good luck in the future.

Edited by ThutmoseV
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I am playing on Jedi Covenant, Imperial side, which I am told is not going to be easy, it seems like most games I play my teammates have 2-4 ships, and the Republic team has many players with 5 ships, which suggests a bit more experience.


Thank you all for the great tips, I have learned a lot in the last couple days reaching out to vets.


I dont want to jinx myself, but I think I am getting somewhere, bringing my dpi down from 1500 to 800 was the biggest difference, now I can score hits and chase people down and I can focus more on things like spatial awareness, intelligent skill activation, and discipline. I still catch myslef getting into gunfights without power to weapons. I'm still making mistakes but I expect that and I will learn from them.


I'm also getting closer to how I want my keys bound, and using the binds to pick targets, determine what They are aiming at and predict their attack vector, as well as target and snap the camera to what might be attacking me so I can play to the strengths of the Ocula and turn an escape into a retaliation.


This is a lot of fun, I appreciate all of the advice.


The requisition points are a lot nicer now.

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There are some really good pilots that fly imp, just usually not until evening. Check out the space pvp shoutouts on the JC forum, I don't see a lot of them anymore but it helps to know who to watch out for. I'm not that good but am always willing to help new players, just let me know if you see me on. I've been q'ing imp in the morning/afternoon before work trying to master my last few ships.
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I am playing on Jedi Covenant, Imperial side, which I am told is not going to be easy, it seems like most games I play my teammates have 2-4 ships, and the Republic team has many players with 5 ships, which suggests a bit more experience.


Thank you all for the great tips, I have learned a lot in the last couple days reaching out to vets.


I dont want to jinx myself, but I think I am getting somewhere, bringing my dpi down from 1500 to 800 was the biggest difference, now I can score hits and chase people down and I can focus more on things like spatial awareness, intelligent skill activation, and discipline. I still catch myslef getting into gunfights without power to weapons. I'm still making mistakes but I expect that and I will learn from them.


I'm also getting closer to how I want my keys bound, and using the binds to pick targets, determine what They are aiming at and predict their attack vector, as well as target and snap the camera to what might be attacking me so I can play to the strengths of the Ocula and turn an escape into a retaliation.


This is a lot of fun, I appreciate all of the advice.


The requisition points are a lot nicer now.


Excellent. I spend quite a bit of time on JC, usually imp side. It isn't really any tougher than playing pub side (at least, in my experience), but obviously your fortunes will be dependent on who else is flying at the time. There are a lot of good pilots on both sides.


What's your toon's name? Mine are in my sig below, but I'm usually on Zuckerkorn these days. If you're on in the evenings, eventually we'll run into one another. If you're looking for a group, or have questions, fire away in the /gsf channel (if you haven't already, just type /cjoin gsf).

Edited by MaximilianPower
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I have a problem with Deathmatch though.

Seems like its always 50 - <10, and I cant do a single thing without getting blown up.


I like capture points much better


Very true, lopsided TDMs are tough. You can't really learn anything when you're unable to stay alive for more than a few seconds at a time.


The answer is to try to group up, ideally with some decent pilots who can at least give your side a fighting chance. As I said above, next time you're on, shout out in /gsf and we'll see if we can help.

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Just to add to this I was trying to cap all my guys conquest on imp JC this week. Couldn't do it. after the 4th death match that went 50-~4 against us and every time I came out alemor blew me up. (record was 12 deaths to him in one match) I couldn't make myself queue anymore. Its been real nasty trying to cap with just 250 conquest per wz and only 3 of my guys made it this week before the deadline :(


the key points I took away from this are:


1) the controls are unintuitive and I have no idea what was going on


2) dog fighting is hard. Ale literally flew around me in circles. I would be behind him pounding away seeing little 131 130 pop up, then he would vanish to one side get behind me and kill me. Death would be near instantaneous.


3) gear seems to be a real big issue. it felt like trying do wzs v full 208s in pve gear without bolster


4) by the end of the death matchs when we were 40-3 I noticed a suspicous amount of self destructs. I'm not saying people were flying deliberately into asteroids to end the pain faster. honest.


5) I'll be unsubscribing before I queue for another gsf. Not fun in any way shape or form.

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Alemore is good, I noticed right away in one game I played with him, because I was keeping an eye out for him since he only had 1 ship in the hanger, a scout. People in that game cried about hax, but it is more likely that he is just a good player with a lot of experience, and inspires confidence in his teammates.


My big problem is waiting a half hour or more for a que to come up just to lose 1000-1 or 0-50 in 2 minutes, because I am not learning anything getting my *** kicked every time I peek out from behind a rock

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Just to add to this I was trying to cap all my guys conquest on imp JC this week. Couldn't do it. after the 4th death match that went 50-~4 against us and every time I came out alemor blew me up. (record was 12 deaths to him in one match) I couldn't make myself queue anymore. Its been real nasty trying to cap with just 250 conquest per wz and only 3 of my guys made it this week before the deadline :(


the key points I took away from this are:


1) the controls are unintuitive and I have no idea what was going on


2) dog fighting is hard. Ale literally flew around me in circles. I would be behind him pounding away seeing little 131 130 pop up, then he would vanish to one side get behind me and kill me. Death would be near instantaneous.


3) gear seems to be a real big issue. it felt like trying do wzs v full 208s in pve gear without bolster


4) by the end of the death matchs when we were 40-3 I noticed a suspicous amount of self destructs. I'm not saying people were flying deliberately into asteroids to end the pain faster. honest.


5) I'll be unsubscribing before I queue for another gsf. Not fun in any way shape or form.


Well, its pretty much the same questions as before. What are you flying? What components do you use? Did you do the tutorial? Are you picking up the daily/weekly?


In regards to gear, yes there are key components when unlocked boost your performance quite a bit, however as I believe most people below me will start posting, having the best gear doesn't mean anything if you don't have the skill to land your shots or out fly your opponent, and skill gained through time and flying. Oh and deaths. Lots of fiery, explosive, embarassing, keyboard hammering deaths.

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5) I'll be unsubscribing before I queue for another gsf. Not fun in any way shape or form.

It is never easy to step into a game unprepared and be pitted against players that know a lot more than you about the game. Trust me when I say that gear is not the deciding factor in whether or not you can contribute and learn to play GSF well. Veterans in stock ships will beat inexperienced players in fully mastered ships.


It's unfortunate you had a bad experience the first time you tried GSF, but I hope you don't follow through on your threat and instead try reading a few guides to get you started like this one, this one, and this one . You will learn a lot and be better prepared. Group with some experienced players, there are lots of them who will be glad to help you.


I have even been holding GSF School classes on JC pubside for the last three weeks. There are ways to get past the frustration and learn the game.



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So I had the opportunity to fly with the OP for a bunch of games tonight, and we had a good discussion along with another long-time JC GSFer (Cevanik). I think we helped shed some light on a couple of possible issues; he's been using quads and BO on his Ocula, which is of course a perfectly viable combo, but they aren't necessarily the most user-friendly components when just starting out. We went over some of the basics like targeting, tracking penalty, hit-box size, evasion vs accuracy, etcetera. A lot to absorb but I'm pretty sure OP is moving in the right direction.


Here's one of tonight's matches; OP is L'autrechienne. 27k damage and 40% accuracy is pretty damn respectable, if you ask me. As he said, this was one of his better games, but clearly there's hope here. Keep it up, man!

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GSF has a pretty steep learning curve and in most cases the stock ships suck. Tips:

* If you're exhausted, take a break. It should be fun, not torture.

* Spend initial requisition points on defensive abilities: Large Reactors and whatnot. Staying alive longer will improve your experience.

* Avoid the scouts, at least at first. Scouts can be incredibly powerful but are also hard to handle (and very squishy). Strike fighters are not the best or most balanced BUT they are considerably more survivable and generally easier to fly.


I find it funny that you expect imrpovedment after 7 hours... Are you serious ? :D


One of the major reasons why GSF community is so low is that learning and becoming good takes a lot of time. First of all, unlike ground PVP, here you have to develop skills in flying the ship. So not only do you have to shoot and aim someone who is MOVING around, you also have to pilot the ship which makes it feel like an impossible task.


The good news is that I was like you and every player who is now an ace was like you. I know the frustration and feeling like whatever you do,is worhtless.


I started GSF 1 year ago and I had to play for a few months, to start feeling that I am getting good or that.. I can contribute something to the match. So.. for the first months I was just.. cannon fodder and died a lot., but also PRACTICED a lot. I haven't used tutorials. I just asked people in general chat.. and I was lucky to find someone named Sidolas I think who explained the basics and that was all I had to hear. I practiced what he said and felt like a pro when I did 5k damage and felt like god when I killed 1 enemy. :D Also remember that you are fighting people who have thousands of matches under their belts and have better ships. You have to give yourself time to gain experience and learn.


Remember, you have to practice. Locking on missle, stabilising the ship for better aiming with S.. and so on, but 7 hours is not enough. Play regularly.. and trust me, you will see improvment with time.


Ship stabilization is very improtant. I don't know if the tutorials tell mention it or not.

Edited by DavidAtkinson
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Just to add to this I was trying to cap all my guys conquest on imp JC this week. Couldn't do it. after the 4th death match that went 50-~4 against us and every time I came out alemor blew me up. (record was 12 deaths to him in one match) I couldn't make myself queue anymore. Its been real nasty trying to cap with just 250 conquest per wz and only 3 of my guys made it this week before the deadline :(


the key points I took away from this are:


1) the controls are unintuitive and I have no idea what was going on


2) dog fighting is hard. Ale literally flew around me in circles. I would be behind him pounding away seeing little 131 130 pop up, then he would vanish to one side get behind me and kill me. Death would be near instantaneous.


3) gear seems to be a real big issue. it felt like trying do wzs v full 208s in pve gear without bolster


4) by the end of the death matchs when we were 40-3 I noticed a suspicous amount of self destructs. I'm not saying people were flying deliberately into asteroids to end the pain faster. honest.


5) I'll be unsubscribing before I queue for another gsf. Not fun in any way shape or form.


Never heard of Alemor.


Again, it sucks for new players. And yes, "gear" i.e. what weapons you have equipped on your ship can make a HUGE difference. However, it's actually skill based more than it is "gear" based. Nevertheless he was probably flying a sting/flashfire which is widely considered a "meta" ship and the BLC/cluster missile combo can just annihilate everything, Newbie or Veteran pilot.


Frankly this is a HUGE problem with Jedi Cov now, because there's no imp veterans who queue during the daytime anymore, so what few matches we actually get are almost always lopsided. The lack of imp vets means there's nobody who can help you either, who can call out the basic controls in chat before the match begins.


If you wanna learn GSF during the day, your best bet is to play on pub side and /cjoin GSF.


I'm going to respond to your specific points:


1.) Yes, they are unintuitive. Again, unless a veteran is there to call out controls, it's very difficult to learn them. Hell I didn't know F1 through F4 changed your power levels until last November, and I've been flying a year now.


2.) A "running circles" fight varies depending on ship class and weapon type. Against a bomber he'd probably be doomed as soon as they dropped mines. Against another scout it would be even. A gunship or strike fighter would be cannon fodder. Any ship that didn't have a high turning rate and a close-range weapon would also suffer severely.


3.) It can be, but being very selective in the first few components you spend your comms on can make all the difference in the world. So can getting the intro quest and buying the Rampart/Razorwire and Quarrel/whatevertheimponeiscalled.


4.) Sadly, this is becoming more and more of a problem.


5. I'm sorry to hear that.


~ Eudoxia

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