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I really love continuing paying for my subscription , nothing beats waiting for upwards of an hour after work for a warzone match to pop up!!!


Can you please address server population as your game becomes more and more unpopular to the point that server populations make it hard to enjoy the game as intended.


Straight forward and to the point.


Enter the fan club to tell me how stupid I am for complaining..

Please address this issue or stay in denile of an issue. I won't continue to make it my poor choice to stay subbed much longer.

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No, not stupid at all..... most of the PVP'ers left long ago.... EAWare's reluctance to address class balancing (which they said they would NOT address next big patch) has continued to run off the PVP'ers... .sure there are plenty still around, but it's a fraction of what was here quite awhile back ......
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No, not stupid at all..... most of the PVP'ers left long ago.... EAWare's reluctance to address class balancing (which they said they would NOT address next big patch) has continued to run off the PVP'ers... .sure there are plenty still around, but it's a fraction of what was here quite awhile back ......




Most PVP'ers left ages ago. Most now who play are PVE'ers who PVP, hence the wait times.


The class imbalance is very bad right now. Which explains why there are so many sorc/sages, operatives/scoundrels, and mercs. And a few juggs here and there. I can't remember the last time I saw a commando, or a mara/sent int he 65 bracket. Hell, even assassins are few and far between.

Edited by cagthehack
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No, not stupid at all..... most of the PVP'ers left long ago.... EAWare's reluctance to address class balancing (which they said they would NOT address next big patch) has continued to run off the PVP'ers... .sure there are plenty still around, but it's a fraction of what was here quite awhile back ......

This, and also that they have only arena for ranked, which broke lots of guilds, that they are so slow with new warzones or that people get fed up waiting for the next ranked season, and the upcoming change to the server structure is also something that annoys PvP players... and don't get me started that game failed so hard when in comes to open PvP, Outlaw's Den is a joke and Ilum never worked.


Oh, and of corse the nice GSF seems also pretty much dead, I have not seen a game open up in a long time on my server. Also, have they removed the daily and weekly missions for that?

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Most PVP'ers left ages ago. Most now who play are PVE'ers who PVP, hence the wait times.


The class imbalance is very bad right now. Which explains why there are so many sorc/sages, operatives/scoundrels, and mercs. And a few juggs here and there. I can't remember the last time I saw a commando, or a mara/sent int he 65 bracket. Hell, even assassins are few and far between.



Most left with the lack of development, or worse, ages ago. More left when they removed hybrid builds and promised better balance. The complete lack of balance and neglect have driven even more and more off over the past 2 years.


It's frustrating...

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Mate did you listen to what I posted in your last whining thread about leaving the Bastion? No? Well then why are you back to complain some more about stupid PvP pops on a near dead server.. No sympathy. If it's as bad as you say then unsubscribe and stop ranting. Solve everyones problem. Edited by Lil_Fusion
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Oh, and of corse the nice GSF seems also pretty much dead, I have not seen a game open up in a long time on my server. Also, have they removed the daily and weekly missions for that?


I am not denying there is a problem but it does vary greatly server to server. I was a bit short of my conquest total a week ago so clicked on PvP, Ops, FPs and GSF. I never play GSF normally but I just needed four matches to finish conquest and it popped instantly, finished the match, joined the queue for all four again and GSP again popped right away. Happened four times. So my tiny sample says GSF is not dead everywhere, just on some servers. This was on Harbinger.


On the other hand I was queued up for six hours today for a Story Mode Operation on Begeren Colony and it never popped.


I really think cross server queues for all four of these would be a massive step forward.

Edited by abigfishy
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No, not stupid at all..... most of the PVP'ers left long ago.... EAWare's reluctance to address class balancing (which they said they would NOT address next big patch) has continued to run off the PVP'ers... .sure there are plenty still around, but it's a fraction of what was here quite awhile back ......


I don't think it's the reluctance to address class balance that's the problem. It was their attempts at class balance that caused the problem.


There is probably a second bigger problem with class balance.


Balance is a myth.


The underlying assumption to most arguments about balance is that it is actually achievable. It just isn't. Every game struggles with it to some degree, with developers constantly tinkering thinking they fixed it when some combat genius finds the new broken or "best" combination. Look at any game board. When something gets changed one camp is in the "about damn time" the other in the "why did you nerf x". Even if I give everyone a club that does exactly 100 damage per hit, someone will say, "well I have lag so I'm at a disadvantage" or only those with the best computers and peripherals will win.


Developers seem to swing for the fence when they make a change for balance reasons and effectively break something else, often making it effectively worse. I said around patch 1.4 they should quit doing that. Make an incremental change instead. See if it gets closer. Quit changing systems and abilities, just change the numbers a percent or two. In the end, though, they will not achieve balance.


Balance is a lie.


The reason I left this game a few years ago was this incessant tinkering with PvP in the name of balance. Cut it out. Make a few incremental changes, get reasonably close. One class or ability will end up "best" (often because the community is to lazy to accept or look for better choices, but that is another matter), the community will sell it that way. In the end the "best" is what is situationally easy for the most players. Exceptional players will find something that is often better, but only as it suits their play style. Just get close and if an ability gets too annoying give it a nudge...nothing more.


Time would be much better spent in making the PvP environments support different play styles, something that makes different abilities more valuable at different stages of the fight. In that environment balance as an issue becomes somewhat less relevant as different tactics become more of the debate.


But in the end, balance is a myth.

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Balance is a myth.


Balance is a lie.


But in the end, balance is a myth.

Nah...Balance doesn't need to be "perfect", it just can't be 100% flat out jacked up like it is in this game.


Balance (meaning "close" balance) here should absolutely be easy to achieve - all Bioware need(s)ed to do is adjust how Expertise works PER class. Nothing more. Tweak the values each class gets from Expertise and it would be easy to achieve.

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Nah...Balance doesn't need to be "perfect", it just can't be 100% flat out jacked up like it is in this game.


Balance (meaning "close" balance) here should absolutely be easy to achieve - all Bioware need(s)ed to do is adjust how Expertise works PER class. Nothing more. Tweak the values each class gets from Expertise and it would be easy to achieve.


The problem is balance is in the eye of the beholder. So your close and my close are not guaranteed to be the same. Therein lies the problem...and the source of the balance myth. Even if they tell us it is close in numerical terms someone is bound to be the unbeliever. Screaming for balance, regardless of relative value, will lead to tinkering. Tinkering leads to someone being pissed off because their cheese got moved. They literally cannot win. It is the Holy Grail. It is non-existent. It is the invisible pink unicorn. You either believe or don't and no matter the metric someone will be a non-believer.

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The problem is balance is in the eye of the beholder. So your close and my close are not guaranteed to be the same. Therein lies the problem...and the source of the balance myth. Even if they tell us it is close in numerical terms someone is bound to be the unbeliever. Screaming for balance, regardless of relative value, will lead to tinkering. Tinkering leads to someone being pissed off because their cheese got moved. They literally cannot win. It is the Holy Grail. It is non-existent. It is the invisible pink unicorn. You either believe or don't and no matter the metric someone will be a non-believer.

Ever look at the leaderboards? Balance issues are abundantly clear.

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Ever look at the leaderboards? Balance issues are abundantly clear.


Let's say you can get within one percent balance-wise (I have no reason to believe it is possible as there are too many variables to get that close, but for the sake of argument it suffices). That board will look the same with whatever is one percent better being on top. The PvP community will ferret out what is the best ability that is easiest to propagate through it. No matter how you change it there will be a class, or ability, or build that is on top. That class, or ability, or build will get communicated throughout the community and will get used. Instead of changing build/ability balance, change the battlefield conditions so multiple builds work. Get it so no one class can do it all in the metrics necessary to win the match and balance drops by the wayside is irrelevant.

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Let's say you can get within one percent balance-wise (I have no reason to believe it is possible as there are too many variables to get that close, but for the sake of argument it suffices). That board will look the same with whatever is one percent better being on top. The PvP community will ferret out what is the best ability that is easiest to propagate through it. No matter how you change it there will be a class, or ability, or build that is on top. That class, or ability, or build will get communicated throughout the community and will get used. Instead of changing build/ability balance, change the battlefield conditions so multiple builds work. Get it so no one class can do it all in the metrics necessary to win the match and balance drops by the wayside is irrelevant.

If we were only allowed to play one toon, you may be right...but we aren't. PvPing on multiple toons is extremely common for quite a few people. That eliminates "skill" as the factor and forces us to look at balance as the true issue.

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If we were only allowed to play one toon, you may be right...but we aren't. PvPing on multiple toons is extremely common for quite a few people. That eliminates "skill" as the factor and forces us to look at balance as the true issue.


Balance is the issue, but the issue is it's not achievable. No one has done it, and no one will. Skill can mitigate imbalance (it's one of the variables that makes true balance impossible in any case), but in the end any effective change will change what is on top, particularly if the same metric is the standard for success.

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If we were only allowed to play one toon, you may be right...but we aren't. PvPing on multiple toons is extremely common for quite a few people. That eliminates "skill" as the factor and forces us to look at balance as the true issue.
I don't think he meant that skill was the differentiating factor. I read his post to conclude that there will always be imbalance among the classes because perfect balance among all classes is impossible to achieve. As long as one class/build can squeeze out some advantage over the others ... one "ideal" class/build to rule them all. I suppose it's a recognition of the min/max skills of PvPers (if that's a thing).


Picture PvP as an obstacle course. If all of the obstacles require jumping high, the class/build that jumps the highest will generally always win. The guy you quoted suggest that PvP be revamped to include other types of obstacles: crawling under wires, swinging on ropes, ridding one's self of a clingy girlfriend, etc. Then the class/builds that are better at those obstacles stand a chance.

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Any of your valid complaints went out the window with this


"Enter the fan club to tell me how stupid I am for complaining.. "


A deliberate belittling of anyone who disagrees with you, by saying they must be in a fan club is nothing more than a attempt at starting a flame war. Should everyone else now start a grip thread at all you who clearly must be in the PVP Fan Club?


No just not worth it as most of us are more grown up than that.

Edited by DreadtechSavant
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Even if they were "individually" balanced to "close-enough" by role, since PvP covers group play in wildly-differing environments with wildly different points-scoring conditions and different team sizes and compositions, you're still going to have imbalance in the combos and team comps. Monkeying with Expertise effects won't help with the mechanical differences (some classes having better resource management than others, more DCDs and CCs, etc)


And since they also have to balance abilities against PvE (Which has an entirely different set of constraints), balance in PvP is going to be a myth as the theorists pick up on the differences and the FotM follows.

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Let's say you can get within one percent balance-wise (I have no reason to believe it is possible as there are too many variables to get that close, but for the sake of argument it suffices). That board will look the same with whatever is one percent better being on top. The PvP community will ferret out what is the best ability that is easiest to propagate through it. No matter how you change it there will be a class, or ability, or build that is on top. That class, or ability, or build will get communicated throughout the community and will get used. Instead of changing build/ability balance, change the battlefield conditions so multiple builds work. Get it so no one class can do it all in the metrics necessary to win the match and balance drops by the wayside is irrelevant.


Looking just at characters with at least a few wins under their belt on the solo ranked board, the current average rating by ac disparity is as high as it has ever been. Just because you can't get perfect balance doesn't mean many things can't be fixed. Look at B&S - another MMO that has ESport pvp - much better balanced than this and much more dev interaction as well (and with a very likely smaller budget). Actually most mmos, if not all, had much better pvp balance than this does, especially 4 years into release.

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I really love continuing paying for my subscription

I'm positive they appreciate your support.


, nothing beats waiting for upwards of an hour after work for a warzone match to pop up!!!

I'd personally think that maybe a good sandwich might beat that.


Oh, you were being sarcastic? Okay. If PvP is your focus, this may not be the game for you. Or consider moving to another realm.


Can you please address server population as your game becomes more and more unpopular to the point that server populations make it hard to enjoy the game as intended.

You can choose to go to another server at your leisure. You can look at server status and figure out which one(s) meet your needs in terms of population.


Straight forward and to the point.

Not quite, but a reasonable effort.


Enter the fan club to tell me how stupid I am for complaining..

You aren't stupid for complaining. But you have the ability to effect a solution on your own; why should BioWare make efforts to change things they don't control (player population) when you can solve the issue yourself with a server transfer?


Please address this issue or stay in denile of an issue. I won't continue to make it my poor choice to stay subbed much longer.

If you're not going to be subscribed, it isn't much of an issue, is it? The game is perfectly enjoyable even in Preferred status.

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I'm on Harbinger, and I've never waited longer than about 10 minutes for a PVP queue to pop, and that was in the wee hours. While I agree that the class imbalance is in MASSIVE need of addressing, the problem is that you're on a dead server. Switch servers, and your problem goes away. No need to thank me.


BioDevs - Have you considered making all warzones cross-server?

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BioDevs - Have you considered making all warzones cross-server?

Not worth the effort or expense. Anyone wanting better queues switched servers already anyway. That $ would be better spent improving the PvP experience (balance and maps).

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I'm sick of checking in every day for any word on S7 from the the devs, The game would be so much better if they did a class balance patch, cross server WZ ques or hell... make 2 mega servers ( east and west ) and for any word at all from the devs on Season 7... tell us if it's even going to come out because i'm close to giving up hope.
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