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Subscribers check your cartel coin ledgers, BioWare may be ripping you off.


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Hey folks,


I wanted to pop in this thread and address your concerns with the 3 day delay on Cartel Coin grants. Since August of last year an issue creeped into our granting system which caused Cartel Coins to be granted every 33 days, instead of every 30 days as intended. As you pointed out, if this issue went on for a long period of time, your monthly grant could be affected and so we definitely did not want that to happen. As of right now the only effect is that your grant may be delayed.


With that in mind, we have a fix for this issue planned with next week’s maintenance. After next week your grants should continue forward, 30 days apart, as intended. Thank you for raising this issue so we could get it addressed.




My LAST Cart Coin grant took 10 days, paid on the 17th, email on the 27th... I'm sure you can "improve" on this lead time :-/

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We got the nice extra cartel coins a while back so to me it is not a issue if they delay a month or so.

"Delay a month" = subscription with no cartel coins reward for that month. While it may be ok to you,for some weird masochistic reason, i would think that majority of customers would rightfully be pissed. So kudos to the guy that noticed this and fought with outsourced clueless customer service.

On a subject why this happened,i would go with usual swtor team incompetence over malice any day.

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No, you can still see your payment history. To see the actually money you've spent go to your subscription link it will show your subscription payment and all cartel coins you buy. You than have to go to your cartel coins link to see when you've spent cc or received cc. Sorry if someone's already told you this. :)

Yeah :) I found out. You can see your whole history in the Cartel Coins section.

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you presume to know what bioware is up to? how would you know if bioware would of patched it anyway even if no one had mentioned it? the point here is that you have absolutely no idea what you are writing so you just jump on the bandwagon and insult bioware just because you can?


i would like it if you attempted to again making a point that you apparently know bioware enough to make up an answer, but that i just wrote is that i am presuming to know what you are doing? and yet i have no idea what you may do in response.




leave the writing in yellow, the white writing puts strain on my eyes due to the black background.


anyway, one thing you have failed to factor in is that people have a choice what they wish to do and another thing that is true, is that nothing in life is guaranteed.


I didn't make any points. I asked questions. Learn to read bud. Asking a question does not make me presumably presuming to know anything. Asking questions is not against the ToS. Stubborn you are. Go on with your herd mentality. Apparently you are one of those people that think asking questions is somehow infringing upon peoples rights and is an attack against a person. Sorry, but asking questions means one does not know and wishes to know. Idk what you learned about the skills of language and communication but they seem to have let you down. You seem to be acting like a clown defending bioware for giving shady answers to a problem they have never addressed on their own, yet it was a player. Follow the herd bud. keep on...get.

Edited by LegionAlpha
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So kudos to the guy that noticed this and fought with outsourced clueless customer service.


I know folks will disagree with me but I think this is the biggest problem with this game. You get a clueless employee who's dumping tickets just to keep their numbers up and you can't get anything resolved.

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I know folks will disagree with me but I think this is the biggest problem with this game. You get a clueless employee who's dumping tickets just to keep their numbers up and you can't get anything resolved.


It's not just this game - it happens with any consumer-grade call center.

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It's not just this game - it happens with any consumer-grade call center.


I worked in an actual call center. If I was dumping calls, I'd be escorted out. Too much monitoring going on to allow that. Yes you get them off the phone as quickly as possible but the question still gets answered, the problem gets resolved or it gets passed along to someone who can deal with the problem.


With the ticket system here, all the employee has to do is email back the standard "You discovered a new bug" or "You need to call us to resolve this problem" template and mark the ticket as resolved. They don't even have to read the ticket.


And with an actual call center, you can always escalate. Here you never get a response.


I sent an arbitration request letter in a couple of weeks ago. Got it back yesterday marked "Return to Sender".

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I worked in an actual call center. If I was dumping calls, I'd be escorted out. Too much monitoring going on to allow that. Yes you get them off the phone as quickly as possible but the question still gets answered, the problem gets resolved or it gets passed along to someone who can deal with the problem.


With the ticket system here, all the employee has to do is email back the standard "You discovered a new bug" or "You need to call us to resolve this problem" template and mark the ticket as resolved. They don't even have to read the ticket.


And with an actual call center, you can always escalate. Here you never get a response.


I sent an arbitration request letter in a couple of weeks ago. Got it back yesterday marked "Return to Sender".


Obviously dumping? Yeah, escorted out. Just not caring? Maybe not so much. It also depends on the metrics being used and graded. I've worked in a call center as well, and also in an escalation group for a front-line call center. And I've dealt with any number of call centers as a customer. I tend to get better results with honey than with vinegar, too, when I call in. (Until the person I'm talking to is actively obstreperous, then I request escalation; and I can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times I've had to do that).

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i walked through every transaction i had listed and noticed a 600CC deficit on 11/1


a purchase is listed at -200, but, in total, 800cc were subtracted. every purchase/grant to that point was on mark.


i dont know if purchase lines have been omitted from my ledger and, due to a coma in 2012, my memory is faulty. i did buy a bunch of things in game...including 5500 coins...so...theres that.


as for the month thing. ive been at a steady 33 days since my 9/10 grant. august was at 29 days and july at 34 days.

i was then unsubbed from feb-june with dec 2014 unsubbed as well. before that, they were mostly at 30. one with 19 and another with a 40. i can post the list, but it is what it is.


incidentally, if the 33 day thing would continue, i would miss grants for june 2016, june 2017, July 2018, August 2019, and September 2020. if i were to stay subbed this entire time.

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incidentally, if the 33 day thing would continue, i would miss grants for june 2016, june 2017, July 2018, August 2019, and September 2020. if i were to stay subbed this entire time.


As Eric already pointed out in this thread, they committed to fix the issue before any of the above happens.


Everyone can continue to debate as to whether there was actually any unethical behavior going on in Austin about this issue, and I'm sure some forum members will work it to a high luster with the polish of faux indignation. But as long as it is fixed before it creates a missed monthly grant for any player.... all that polishing is just the normal negative nelly nonsense in a gaming forum.

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As Eric already pointed out in this thread, they committed to fix the issue before any of the above happens.


Everyone can continue to debate as to whether there was actually any unethical behavior going on in Austin about this issue, and I'm sure some forum members will work it to a high luster with the polish of faux indignation. But as long as it is fixed before it creates a missed monthly grant for any player.... all that polishing is just the normal negative nelly nonsense in a gaming forum.


I still think the most likely explanation is that they've been working on a fix for a while, but didn't want to say anything until it was ready because of exactly the sort of reaction some players have had in this thread.

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I still think the most likely explanation is that they've been working on a fix for a while, but didn't want to say anything until it was ready because of exactly the sort of reaction some players have had in this thread.


Overreaction on these forums? Inconceivable!

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Never thought much about it until reading this thread.










Seems to have finally corrected itself, but for awhile it was getting later every month. Eventually I would have missed a whole Grant

Edited by Airehn
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Interesting. I've been a subscriber for thirty-seven months now (2/27/13 to current), and I have a total of thirty six 600CC grants, with the last one posting 3/6/16. At face value, this is basically on schedule. But, here's the issue:


At 30-day intervals, we should receive 12.1666666 grants per year (e.g., anniversary-to-anniversary at 365 days per year). So, I should have received my 36th grant on 2/13/16 rather than 3/6/16. This means that grant came in 23 days later than it would have on a 30-day schedule. More interestingly, perhaps, is that these grants were consistently between 29 and 32 days apart until 5/20/15, after which I did not receive another grant for 62 days (7/22/15). There was another on 8/21 (29 days), and all the rest have been 32-34 days apart (which confirms what Eric noted).


So, I have to wonder why there was a gap of 62 days last summer! I would call this a lapse in rewards (there certainly wasn't a lapse in my subscription, as I'm on six months and that is mid-cycle). Honestly, I don't really care whether the rewards are "thirty days" or "monthly" (as noted above, there is a difference), but that gap last summer is of concern.


Now that I think about it further, since we get our grant at the beginning of the month rather than the end, I should have received my 37th grant on or about 2/27/16 (but received the 36th on 3/6/16).


Anyone else see similar behavior?

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Anyone else see similar behavior?


An update: When adding up all CC activity on the ledger, my current balance should be 7,950. However, my balance is 8,550. After I checked where the actual balance and the calculated balance went out of whack, it was June of 2015... the line that indicates a paid character transfer (-90 CC) includes a balance that is 600 CC higher than the ledger activity dictates. So, it appears that they did provide the monthly grant, it just failed to show up on the ledger lines.


Whew! Life will go on! :cool:

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As Eric already pointed out in this thread, they committed to fix the issue before any of the above happens.


Everyone can continue to debate as to whether there was actually any unethical behavior going on in Austin about this issue, and I'm sure some forum members will work it to a high luster with the polish of faux indignation. But as long as it is fixed before it creates a missed monthly grant for any player.... all that polishing is just the normal negative nelly nonsense in a gaming forum.


i know this was/is your thing, but i did not post anything that would imply i was getting bent out of shape, wanting to debate, and/or ignoring what eric posted. I had the ledger list and decided to have fun with it and then share how it worked out. in the future, if you want to use someones post to jump on your soap box, please find another.


edit: you also didnt use my entire post...just the portion that you wanted.

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Given I've been a non-stop sub since, like, late 2013 at the very least you could give me the CC's I'm meant to receive BW.


Here's my ledger from present to last January:



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins


Notice anything missing? Because I do.




Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins


January CC???



Subscriber Monthly Grant: 525 Cartel Coins


Doesn't look like the claim of "the system hasn't been active long enough for you to lose CC" is accurate, and I don't think my having staying subbed on the off chance I get double CC 6 months down the line is going to work out.

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33 days difference - nothing missing there.


Except my monthly CC didn't come for the month of January, and I haven't gotten double CC for a different month. Don't feel like I should need to spell this out for anyone, nor should I have to sub indefinitely so I can get my January CC in October 2018 (aka some random point in the future).


Unless BW's fix grants me the missing CC, I'm being shortchanged. Just changing the broken date on their end isn't going to grant me CC automatically.

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No, you are not shortchanged.

You're just getting your CC grant on the 19st day of the 30 day cycle instead of the first day.

You're still getting the CC within you active sub time.


Except that I'm not, by your reasoning the CC I'm getting for the FOLLOWING month is this month's CC??


What part of the list of 12+ months is hard to understand? I can go all the way back to 2013, always getting CC on a monthly basis, yet here I am without a mail for January nor CC for January. I haven't changed how I've been billed, BW bugged their system.



I just went back through my ENTIRE sub history (17th January 2013 - 9th/10th April 2016, assuming I don't resub) and here are the results:


From and including: Thursday, 17 January 2013

To and including: Sunday, 10 April 2016

Result: 1180 days


Supposed to be billed every 30 days, no lapse in sub since first subbed:


For non-recurring Subscriptions, the Rewards program works as follows:

60 Days Fixed-time: First Reward Coins granted once payment is confirmed and game time is active, second grant at 30 days. Coins Rewarded: 525 each month for 2 months.


Works out to 39 billing months (rounded down because it's .3333)


39 billing months X 525 CC per billing month = 20,475 CC I'm meant to have



CC-given months according to my ledger is 37, not including April 9th/10th. So 38 CC-given months if that comes.


38 CC-given months x 525 CC per billing month = 19,950 CC I actually have (or will have in a week)




Seems pretty cut and dried I'm missing CC from my point of view, and what BW's system was meant to be giving me according to the quote above which has stayed accurate for me till January this year.

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Except that I'm not, by your reasoning the CC I'm getting for the FOLLOWING month is this month's CC??


What part of the list of 12+ months is hard to understand? I can go all the way back to 2013, always getting CC on a monthly basis, yet here I am without a mail for January nor CC for January. I haven't changed how I've been billed, BW bugged their system.


Acoording to that list, you are only missing your current grant, you should get it on 04/05/2016 .



I just went back through my ENTIRE sub history (17th January 2013 - 9th/10th April 2016, assuming I don't resub) and here are the results:


From and including: Thursday, 17 January 2013

To and including: Sunday, 10 April 2016

Result: 1180 days


Supposed to be billed every 30 days, no lapse in sub since first subbed:


10 days lapsed over the course of a bit more than three years.

Probably hickups in the billing system.


Works out to 39 billing months (rounded down because it's .3333)


39 billing months X 525 CC per billing month = 20,475 CC I'm meant to have



CC-given months according to my ledger is 37, not including April 9th/10th. So 38 CC-given months if that comes.


38 CC-given months x 525 CC per billing month = 19,950 CC I actually have (or will have in a week)

Yeah, you'll get another grant - not on April 9th/10th, but on April 5th (delayed grant for current cycle).

You don't get an additional grant on your last subscription day.

Nonetheless, there seems to be one grant missing - but that has to be from 2013/14 (2015/16 works out, when you add the grant you should receive next week).


Billing date	CC grant
16.01.15	16.01.15
15.02.15	15.02.15
17.03.15	17.03.15
16.04.15	16.04.15
16.05.15	20.05.15
15.06.15	20.06.15
15.07.15	22.07.15
14.08.15	21.08.15
13.09.15	23.09.15
13.10.15	26.10.15
12.11.15	        28.11.15
12.12.15	31.12.15
11.01.16	        02.02.16
10.02.16	06.03.16
11.03.16	        [i][b]05.04.16[/b][/i]

Seems pretty cut and dried I'm missing CC from my point of view, and what BW's system was meant to be giving me according to the quote above which has stayed accurate for me till January this year.

Edited by killershrike
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"Delay a month" = subscription with no cartel coins reward for that month. While it may be ok to you,for some weird masochistic reason, i would think that majority of customers would rightfully be pissed. So kudos to the guy that noticed this and fought with outsourced clueless customer service.

On a subject why this happened,i would go with usual swtor team incompetence over malice any day.


It is not a masochistic reason, I am happy the way it is. If they have done something wrong I am sure they will find it and correct it :tran_smile:

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