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Subscribers check your cartel coin ledgers, BioWare may be ripping you off.


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They are fixing it going forward, they aren't going to reset our date back to where it should be. So now everyone who was subbed during the issue will receive their cartel coins 18 days into their sub cycle. They've already said there is going to be no other fixing of the issue, we'll just need to keep an eye and make sure we don't get pushed past the 30 day mark for delays (at that point they would owe us an extra 500 coins).
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See, a fix already in the works and no one getting 'ripped off'...imagine that.
More like, he made the post, then started on a fix, because people are getting ripped off, and there's no getting around dealing with this. I'd like to think that even under the relatively primitive e-commerce laws here in the states that's illegal.


Speaking of, did it get fixed?


I'm willing to bet there's a good chance those who were greater than 30 days overdue lost a month's stipend.


What if the delay at any point benefitted me because I was now able to buy an item on special or a new pack that I otherwise would have missed out on due to spending my CC at the time of receiving them ( i.e. their actual due time )? It goes both ways when you don't have a static market. ;)
That's a poor example, like a drug dealer pleading clemency because the addict was so desperate.


The 30 day grant would be something else.
No, it wouldn't. EA/Bioware sells cartel coins and the subscription service, and maybe runs a merchandise shop. Being that the coins are what you buy, its the coins that are the virtual good. Everything coins are used to purchase very likely falls outside the status of "virtual good." If it was a free pet grant, or a free crafting materials grant, or literally anything else except for cartel coins, game time or physical merchandise, it "would be something else." Edited by Ansultares
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They are fixing it going forward, they aren't going to reset our date back to where it should be. So now everyone who was subbed during the issue will receive their cartel coins 18 days into their sub cycle. They've already said there is going to be no other fixing of the issue, we'll just need to keep an eye and make sure we don't get pushed past the 30 day mark for delays (at that point they would owe us an extra 500 coins).


yeah 18 days speak for your self, im at 24. And as squirrel pointed out he is still getting an issue so this month that 24 goes up to 27 for me....

Edited by Xcurtx
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Happening here as well. The last 4 for a quick check:







And there's still ppl defending this company. This is something I'll never understand. Anyways...

Well, I have my issues with BW lately, but this is not among them.


You missed a payment in a calendar month, but as long they hit your account once every 30 days sub time then they have upheld their end of the deal.


I bet if you go back 8-12 stipends, you originally subscribed around the 14th-15th of the month. Over 6-7 months you have shifted out of the calendar month, but not out of the 30 day blocks from when you subscribed.

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Well, I have my issues with BW lately, but this is not among them.


You missed a payment in a calendar month, but as long they hit your account once every 30 days sub time then they have upheld their end of the deal.

Have you even read the thread?


They are moving outside the subscription block. Everyone is. You are billed 30 days from the last date you were billed. Coins are provided 33 days from the last day coins were provided. Coins are not being provided 30-33 days from the date you were billed. The lag time between when you're billed and when you receive coins is cumulative. 3 days the first month it occurs, 6 the second, 9 the third, etc (individual users experiences vary the first two months, but invariably it falls into 33 day cycles).


So, by month 11, you're billed a second time before you receive your coins for the previous month. By month 21, you're billed three times before you receive the coins for the first of those three payments.


I bet if you go back 8-12 stipends, you originally subscribed around the 14th-15th of the month. Over 6-7 months you have shifted out of the calendar month, but not out of the 30 day blocks from when you subscribed.
This may seem true over 6-7 months. It breaks down after 10 months.


Reporting the issue to customer service has resulted in the missing coins being provided, at the expense of coins being provided during the payment period in which the ticket is resolved (ie the user missed their january coins, reported it in february, received january coins via CS resolution, only to never receive their february coins, ever).

Edited by Ansultares
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All the whining and complaining. Now look back at your sub times and see how much free CC you got in all that time? Just this month, this exact week all subs will get free 500 cc. So please stop the pointless whining. Edited by papragu
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No matter which way you look at this youre still not getting what you are paying for...how mad are you when Mcdinks messes up and doesn't give you what you pay for. Unless youre a millenial and don't care about dollas becase you have never paid for anything yourself (no, going halfsies with your parents on a new paintbrush set doesnt count).



Edited by ShredderStatus
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So, by month 11, you're billed a second time before you receive your coins for the previous month. By month 21, you're billed three times before you receive the coins for the first of those three payments.


This may seem true over 6-7 months. It breaks down after 10 months.

Right, and the issue, by all accounts, has only occurred over the course of 6-8 months... hence no one should have been pushed into a scenario where they had not received them once per billing cycle. They would only have been pushed out of a calendar month. So far have not seen any substantiated claims that a billing cycle has been missed.

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*Goes to the Cartel Coin office in Downtown Naar Shaddaa.*


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "I didn't get my wellfare check this month..."


Hutt Banking Mogul: "Guards, throw him into the K'lor'slug pit."


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "Wait a minute! What about my check? Ain't you even gonna see why I didn't get it this month?!"


Hutt Banking Mogul: "You did not send my tribute as you should have. Guards! What am I paying you for?! Why isn't he in the pit?!"


Gamorrean Strong Arm: "Oink! OOOIIINNNNNKK! Oink! Oink!"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "What does that even mean? What does that mean?!"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: *gets dragged out from office and thrown out into the street*


Gamorrean Strong Arm: "Oink! Oinnnk! Oink, Ooooiinn***!"


*slams door in Cartel Coin Grant Recipient's face.*


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: ........ *walks back home.* "...... K'lor'slug pit?"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: *checks the mail and finds his Cartel Coin Grant waiting in the mail.*

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Right, and the issue, by all accounts, has only occurred over the course of 6-8 months... hence no one should have been pushed into a scenario where they had not received them once per billing cycle. They would only have been pushed out of a calendar month. So far have not seen any substantiated claims that a billing cycle has been missed.


I particularly liked the guy who added it up and divided again and complained because he was 300cc short. How do you get to be 300cc short if it's 500cc a month?:confused:

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*Goes to the Cartel Coin office in Downtown Naar Shaddaa.*


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "I didn't get my wellfare check this month..."


Hutt Banking Mogul: "Guards, throw him into the K'lor'slug pit."


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "Wait a minute! What about my check? Ain't you even gonna see why I didn't get it this month?!"


Hutt Banking Mogul: "You did not send my tribute as you should have. Guards! What am I paying you for?! Why isn't he in the pit?!"


Gamorrean Strong Arm: "Oink! OOOIIINNNNNKK! Oink! Oink!"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: "What does that even mean? What does that mean?!"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: *gets dragged out from office and thrown out into the street*


Gamorrean Strong Arm: "Oink! Oinnnk! Oink, Ooooiinn***!"


*slams door in Cartel Coin Grant Recipient's face.*


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: ........ *walks back home.* "...... K'lor'slug pit?"


Cartel Coin Grant Recipient: *checks the mail and finds his Cartel Coin Grant waiting in the mail.*


Wth did I just read lol.

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So the issue hasn't been fixed with the last patch ?


My last cc grants were:






If I'm correct the next grant I will receive at 04/15. My next billing date is 04/16, so when the issue won't be fixed in the next 4 weeks the cc grant will move outside of the subscription block next month.


If I let my sub lapse next month, will the date of the grant reset when I resub a few days after I've gotten the outstanding grant ?

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This may seem true over 6-7 months. It breaks down after 10 months.



It hasn't been 10 months yet since the issue started (by official statement


Since August of last year an issue creeped into our granting system which caused Cartel Coins to be granted every 33 days, instead of every 30 days as intended. As you pointed out, if this issue went on for a long period of time, your monthly grant could be affected and so we definitely did not want that to happen. As of right now the only effect is that your grant may be delayed.



The start date seems to be a little cautionary - I actually didn't see the delay until my October grant (10/13 instead of 10/10), and then every 33 days since then - I'm expecting my April grant on 4/25 if it's fixed to every 30 days and 4/28 if it's not fixed. If it's not fixed the accumulated error for me will be 18 days. For someone who's errors started accumulating in August (ie, their august grant date was 33 days from July grant date), that would be 30 days accumulated error on the nose (and a problem; but I haven't seen anyone post that their august grant was late yet. Yet). Eric's wording suggests but does not say absolutely that the 33 days started after the August grant.


Until the accumulated error is >=30 days, it's still in-bounds

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Until the accumulated error is >=30 days, it's still in-bounds


The concern I have about that is that we had a half dozen or so recent threads here with players saying that they were missing coins and being told by CS that they had already received it. I have a feeling the two problems are related as CS may be misreading ledgers and not accounting for the drift.

Edited by dr_mike
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Says they planned a fix in the 4/5 maintenance.




Yes, I read this post, but it seems they didn't fix it yet. If fixed, my cc grant should've arrived yesterday, but it didn't. Also, there are other posts after 4/5 that stated it's not fixed.


EDIT: I just checked my ledger and saw that the delay didn't start in August 2015 but in March 2015. In march I had the first 2 days delay, in May an additional one, one more in June, and in August I started with 7 days delay. Every other month added 3 more days delay.


So the whole issue started earlier than Eric said. He's right, the continous 3 day delay has started in August, but there have been irregular delays earlier in 2015.

Edited by Kheeleb
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Yes, I read this post, but it seems they didn't fix it yet. If fixed, my cc grant should've arrived yesterday, but it didn't. Also, there are other posts after 4/5 that stated it's not fixed.


I know.


But per a one sided discussion with a certain member of the Community Service team, we're supposed to show that they're resolving issues.

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I am having the same issue...every month it gets later and later. My subscription renews on the 11th of every month. I have submitted tickets before and told it can take up to 72 hours to receive CC's.

Everything has been on track until this year.

I received my coins on :

12/11/2015 (normal)

1/12/2016 (1 day)

2/14/2016 (3 days)

3/18/2016 (7 days)

and still have not received them for this month (April) yet. (6 days so far)

If I did not pay my fee on time every month then my subscription would be cancelled....so why do they feel that they can give us what is owed to us as part of our subscriber incentives whenever they feel like it?

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I just went back through my account from March of 2014 and the CC came through like clock work. I didn't really see an issue until this past November/December rolled around. I got my CC on 10/25/15. They came through on 11/24/15, then I don't get another payment until 01/29/16. Then I see the three day creep. The payments after that are every 33 not 30. Payment after the 01/29/16 is 03/02/16 and the one after that 04/04/16.


I guess Santa Sith didn't think I had been a boy and withheld my CC for Christmas. Welp, looks like I get to try to explain this to CS. I'll tall you how that works out. (Want to take any side bets on this one?)

Edited by Destvar
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Of course that is different.

You are a very reasonable human from your post history, no need for trying to bend me using such word tricks, don't belittle yourself.


In my opinion, this is a non issue.


Others dissagree.


Both opinions are valid, they are opinions.


With things like a mortgage and a presidential race that looks more like a reality TV show, seeing gamers rant over the minutia of these things is always entertaining to distract me, so everyone wins.



You are a LOL person.

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