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Arsenal Mercenary is completely overpowerd


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Hahahaha,., lol... Rofl ... Lmao... Damn, I can't express my amusement anymore of how absolutely true that is...

"If I can't beat a certain class they must be OP" or "my class is UP"


Sure some classes are better against certain classes, but they will also have a class that can beat them.. If no class could beat another, then the game would be a stalemate.


Ha ha! Seriously! The butthurt never, ever ends. I am, though, still waiting for someone to come on here and gripe about Sage Telekenetics (or whatever that AC is called). "N3rf sayj tele thing. OP!11!! They runoff and boomboomboom with attack and i jst deye!11"

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I play OP, merc, jugg, assassin, guardian. Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses but I will say merc is not over powered , any giving Sunday you can lose. And if mercs group good for them, don't always make them more powerful than any other pre-mades. Some spreadsheet stats don't make it so. It is the skill of the player or lack of either killing or dying. Edited by slim_shady
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Ha ha! Seriously! The butthurt never, ever ends. I am, though, still waiting for someone to come on here and gripe about Sage Telekenetics (or whatever that AC is called). "N3rf sayj tele thing. OP!11!! They runoff and boomboomboom with attack and i jst deye!11"


I think I would die of laughter if someone started griping about telekenetics or lightning builds being OP and needing a nerf.

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I think I would die of laughter if someone started griping about telekenetics or lightning builds being OP and needing a nerf.


Someone did, one guy complained about the ling sorcs boom, boom, boom sound and "burst" or some crap. It was in an old whine thread about sorcs. People mostly were talking about madness, and then this one guy chimed in about ling sorcs. As the saying goes, If it's been thought of, it's been done.

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Oh I see you Mercs are still going at it on this thread. You Mercs just wont give up and i admire your persistence. Its as if you think each Merc that comes here and cries is just going to enforce claims that Mercs are "under performing".


I saw one Merc on this thread, who wants electronet on a 30 second cooldown. Enough said. The Merc community has always been like this, and will always be like this. You Merc boys wont be satisfied until Mercenary's have undying rage, force barrier, and enraged defense. Might as well throw phase walk in because the 20 second disengage just isn't cutting it for you ladies.


Just keep it coming though, its quite entertaining reading about how bad you guys feel like you are "suffering". Another Merc on this thread even went as far as to say mercs are extremely underpowerd in damage AND survivability.


If i had a dollar for all of the backpedaling Mercs and Mandos I see in warzones with their iconic hydraulic overrides + s key, id be a rich man. And that's who's coming to this thread btw. I know I'm not the only person to have this opinion, but Mercs are the most whiny community in this game, always have been and always will be.


There are the Mercs who know how to play this class, and they are destroying in PvP, and I'm sure any sensible person would agree the damage is pretty overkill right now. Sure go ahead and call it a class cannon if you want, but that doesn't mean the cannon is putting out a little too much firepower.


Merc boys could have the whole world handed to them on a silver platter, and they would still want more.


I recently watched a video of a dueling tournament that took place on the Harbinger not long ago, with Mercenary's killing sorcs 1v1. I think that says enough right there about their viability. At around 8 mins into the video the first Merc duel occurs.


Here is the entire tournament if anyone is interested.

Edited by alienwareguy
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I play OP, merc, jugg, assassin, guardian. Each has it's own strengths and weaknesses but I will say merc is not over powered , any giving Sunday you can lose. And if mercs group good for them, don't always make them more powerful than any other pre-mades. Some spreadsheet stats don't make it so. It is the skill of the player or lack of either killing or dying.


Thank you for saying this, because I think that the Merc is about where it needs to be.


Given space any Merc as far as I am concerned can wreck and with good heals or a dedicated healer for sure that Merc is going to wreck most of you in the PVP environment, but any class given space can wreck, can't they.


Before though you had to do so much to compete being a Merc, so around 18 months ago, which led to headache after headache as you tried to compete. Even now, you still have to work that little bit more then the other classes to get the best out of your Merc, that is why I play the Merc as my main character, purely because it is a genuine challenge and not what I call one of the easy smash and grab classes, like say a Marauder or Sniper with their press 2 buttons and that is it scenario, which is the impression I get of those 2 specific classes. The same applies to Sentinal and Gunslingers, easier classes for the easier minded individuals of TOR. With the Merc you have to use every single button you have to your disposal to try and do what you need to do.


The Merc is not for noobs in PVP, that is for sure and takes a lot of work to get to the level some of the so called easier classes as I call them are at. I do not regard myself as a noob by the way in PVP on my Merc :p, but it is to me the most difficult class to be in PVP over all others, perhaps the PT may be its nearest rival for difficult to master. It requires more than 1 or 2 buttons to be pressed to wreck. But once you can master them as much as you can, they are a joy to play, they really are.


Some Mercs and PT's in this game are seriously good, but that is not across the board. Less good Mercs than good Marauders, Sorcs, Jugg's, etc, etc.


So for many people to say the Merc is completely overpowered, perhaps should go and try the Merc themselves to see that it is to me the most difficult class to master in phew phew. I do not know about the Commando?, I will assume they are equally as difficult to master, but I say this, bar Zachariah and one other Pub Mando whose name I forget, in general the Commando does not frighten me in the slightest and in my experience are quite simple to dispatch :).

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I'm totally ok with the **** u're written. I'm upon SWTOR since the begining, they pretented to hear the community, but in fact they're just lying, the main point is to earn money within commercial strategies. I think you should stop to make yourself sick. They didn't understand how would make work their game. So as sorcerors, merc won't be nerfed. Or maybe u'll have to wait a long time before it happens :(
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What I don't understand is why more people don't play this overpowered spec in ranked games.


Must be the worst players who bring it to ranked, they die like scrubs so often and usually first.


I bet people are too scared of being called out as FOTM rerollers, they'd rather play weaker classes like PT, Sorc, Assassin and Jug.


I see it all the time, an arsenal merc bursts on someone and keeps on firing and firing and firing like he won't run out of bullets. I'm looking and thinking if someone sits there for long enough they'll lose so much health they'll die.


It's not just the endless damage, it's the way they can do it without standing next to me. It doesn't make sense, they're able to do damage without standing next to me.


When I go to hit them they go away and shoot me again like they're laughing. And then they actually laugh so I try to hit them again and it gets worse.


Many times I'm hitting someone and I'm dead and I know it's an arsenal merc. I feel this burning sensation like I'm hot and angry and there's this salty taste in my mouth. I can't decide between spitting or not.


Help me.

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What I don't understand is why more people don't play this overpowered spec in ranked games.


Must be the worst players who bring it to ranked, they die like scrubs so often and usually first.


I bet people are too scared of being called out as FOTM rerollers, they'd rather play weaker classes like PT, Sorc, Assassin and Jug.


I see it all the time, an arsenal merc bursts on someone and keeps on firing and firing and firing like he won't run out of bullets. I'm looking and thinking if someone sits there for long enough they'll lose so much health they'll die.


It's not just the endless damage, it's the way they can do it without standing next to me. It doesn't make sense, they're able to do damage without standing next to me.


When I go to hit them they go away and shoot me again like they're laughing. And then they actually laugh so I try to hit them again and it gets worse.


Many times I'm hitting someone and I'm dead and I know it's an arsenal merc. I feel this burning sensation like I'm hot and angry and there's this salty taste in my mouth. I can't decide between spitting or not.


Help me.


lol, class comment :).

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What I don't understand is why more people don't play this overpowered spec in ranked games.


Must be the worst players who bring it to ranked, they die like scrubs so often and usually first.


I bet people are too scared of being called out as FOTM rerollers, they'd rather play weaker classes like PT, Sorc, Assassin and Jug.


I see it all the time, an arsenal merc bursts on someone and keeps on firing and firing and firing like he won't run out of bullets. I'm looking and thinking if someone sits there for long enough they'll lose so much health they'll die.


It's not just the endless damage, it's the way they can do it without standing next to me. It doesn't make sense, they're able to do damage without standing next to me.


When I go to hit them they go away and shoot me again like they're laughing. And then they actually laugh so I try to hit them again and it gets worse.


Many times I'm hitting someone and I'm dead and I know it's an arsenal merc. I feel this burning sensation like I'm hot and angry and there's this salty taste in my mouth. I can't decide between spitting or not.


Help me.


Lmao :D

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Someone did, one guy complained about the ling sorcs boom, boom, boom sound and "burst" or some crap. It was in an old whine thread about sorcs. People mostly were talking about madness, and then this one guy chimed in about ling sorcs. As the saying goes, If it's been thought of, it's been done.


I want to go read it.. But I'm scared I'll die from laughter

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What I don't understand is why more people don't play this overpowered spec in ranked games.


Must be the worst players who bring it to ranked, they die like scrubs so often and usually first.


I bet people are too scared of being called out as FOTM rerollers, they'd rather play weaker classes like PT, Sorc, Assassin and Jug.


I see it all the time, an arsenal merc bursts on someone and keeps on firing and firing and firing like he won't run out of bullets. I'm looking and thinking if someone sits there for long enough they'll lose so much health they'll die.


It's not just the endless damage, it's the way they can do it without standing next to me. It doesn't make sense, they're able to do damage without standing next to me.


When I go to hit them they go away and shoot me again like they're laughing. And then they actually laugh so I try to hit them again and it gets worse.


Many times I'm hitting someone and I'm dead and I know it's an arsenal merc. I feel this burning sensation like I'm hot and angry and there's this salty taste in my mouth. I can't decide between spitting or not.


Help me.


rofl. I am waiting for someone to read this and take it literally, it always happens. :p

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Mercs are only op if there is a premade of like 4 of them queing and you have no heals on your team. 1v1 mercs die to just about every class.



Mercs are great when they have the ability to free cast an entire game, but if they receive enemy focus they're easy to shut down. If mercs are consistently topping dps, it's more of a reflection on the declining quality of players in regs, rather than mercs being op.

When I play heals I'm finding more and more that I'm marking enemy snipers and mercs who are being left to happily free cast. I type in chat to focus those players, which is mostly ignored. Occasionally will get asked "why focus a dps?" or get the comment "but he's not healers" or something along those lines.

The devs have the ability to nerf and buff the different classes; unfortunately they can't buff common sense.

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Mercs are only op if there is a premade of like 4 of them queing and you have no heals on your team. 1v1 mercs die to just about every class.


I lolled hard. Merc is incredibly strong 1v1. Maybe third after operative and sorc.

I don't consider them op tho.

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I lolled hard. Merc is incredibly strong 1v1. Maybe third after operative and sorc.

I don't consider them op tho.


Maybe I'm just facing bad mercs then but I find most of them die pretty quickly.


you're both correct. I will wreck the vast majority of sins I meet in regs. I'm not the best merc. I'm not incompetent by any means, but there are many I can name better than me. I look forward to 1v1's with most classes.



  • arsenal vs. sin (any spec) is a fight I look forward to. a well played sin will beat me, usually b/c he can cc me and grab a med pack. very rarely because he just spanks me.
  • arsenal vs. PT isn't nearly what it was in 3.x. someone who's good behind the PT will still wax me, but the general flux of APs are easy kills.
  • arsenal vs. op is meh. I can't kill a half decent op, because no op in the game should ever die in a 1v1. they have too much in the way of escapes and heals to allow that to happen. but there's no fear in the matchup.


I could keep going, but the list is the same. the only spec that I feel even mediocre players are likely to kill me with are juggs. really any dpsish jugg: rage, veng, skank. I also have a hard time with competent (not necessarily great) maras. so the warrior class, I find frustrating. and I can't stand in front of a sniper, but who can? every other fight, I feel as if I'm in the fight. it's not some forgone conclusion. so I'd say arsenal is middle of the pack in dueling.

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