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A topic for fun, future SH ideas


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I imagine this has already been done once or twice before but for the sake of staving off boredom and exciting the imagination what would your dream planets be for SWTOR if you could put an SH in them.


With SH getting some love in April maybe the time has come to see a new one appear soon, perhaps a smaller one or a larger one or maybe more than one new SH in the long term.


Given there was some teasery apartment like quality to a certain characters apartment in chapter 10, I wonder if they are planning on a Zakuul stronghold?


Either way, my thoughts were:


Small SH:

Zakuul (Would be great if it had an elivator, could be like a flat or apartment with multiple floors you have to unlock, roughly the same size as Nar Shadda/DK or Coruscant)

Manaan (An overwater area with an unlockable interior, and elivator to a lower floor with additional unlockable underwater rooms)


Large SH:

Hoth or Ilum (A snow themed planet would complete the "biome" SH theme with a large vast area similar to tatooines or maybe a little different like Yavin giving some levels of height and possibly verticality?, if Ilum, it could have a jedi temple ruin somewhere)


Medium SH:

New idea, basically, strongholds that have a middle grounded size, bigger than the Nar Shadda palace but smaller than Tatooine, having maybe a small garden or outdoor area but large enough that they are slightly more expansive.


Ideas for such:


Voss (A temple ruin which has a small verdant outdoor area, surrounded by a large dropping cliff on all segments)

Rishi (A coastal vista village on a remote island)



Eh, just my ten cents on trying to stirr some interest out of people, whadda you think, deluded maniac or fun ideas to share?

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These are some nice ideas, but yes, there have been many, many stronghold suggestions before. If you try typing something like 'stronghold' in the search bar at the top, you will see a lot of them. They usually get posted in the "Suggestion Box" or "Cartel Market Suggestions" sub-forums. You can reach them with the links at the top of the main page. Edited by CrazyCT
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Manaan..... I'd buy an underwater SH in a heartbeat :D


Manaan for sure, who doesn't want a submerged stronghold

Also Rishi for a tropical paradise

Alderaan for your own palace

Odessan just to give the planet more use than a tiny base that seems to dominate the planet

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Manaan for sure, who doesn't want a submerged stronghold

Also Rishi for a tropical paradise

Alderaan for your own palace

Odessan just to give the planet more use than a tiny base that seems to dominate the planet


Yes I agree those are all nice. Though you can have only four so I would likely not go for relatively mundane strongholds like Alderaan and Odessan. I would choose Rishi, Manaan, Nar Shadda and Tatooine. That would be great.

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I'm still hoping they'd release a Korriban and Tython stronghold. In Korriban we could have a tomb that a Sith could build into a private secret compound, and on Tython we could have temple ruins that a Jedi could use as a private meditating space or something.


Maybe even implement class-specific SHs, so then we could have SHs in Korriban, Tython, Hutta and Ord Mantell, and each SH can only be unlocked by the classes who started there. (I realize this is a far-fetched idea so let's just stick with Korriban and Tython XD)


Regarding the Odessen SH idea, I would love to have a SH there! Especially if we could access it directly from the Alliance base, similar to how we can access our player ship from the Hangar, maybe through a shuttle? It would be cool if we could do that! But imho, an Odessen SH has to be huge, or at least medium. If it's too small, it would be kinda boring.

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We have Forest SH (Yavin 4), Desert SH (Tatooine), Big City SH (Coruscant/Dromund Kaas), Night Life (Nar Shaddaa). Now we need Winter SH (Hoth), Autumn SH (Voss), Beach/Summer SH (Rishi or Rakata Prime), Underwater SH (Manaan), Open Space SH (space station like the one in the Yavin system from KOTOR with a nice view of rotating sun and planets).
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i'm still hoping they'd release a korriban and tython stronghold. In korriban we could have a tomb that a sith could build into a private secret compound, and on tython we could have temple ruins that a jedi could use as a private meditating space or something.


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These are some nice ideas, but yes, there have been many, many stronghold suggestions before. If you try typing something like 'stronghold' in the search bar at the top, you will see a lot of them. They usually get posted in the "Suggestion Box" or "Cartel Market Suggestions" sub-forums. You can reach them with the links at the top of the main page.


You should go post in those and stay out of this one.


There's only one I want: a ship in the heart of the "Fleet" - we'd have Fleet chat without having to be there or a Guildship

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There's only one I want: a ship in the heart of the "Fleet" - we'd have Fleet chat without having to be there or a Guildship

We should be able to use the Fleet chat in our SHs. We are decorating or cozy homes but there is no point to stay in there... Its so boring. Im 99% of the time on the ugly Fleet just for the chat.

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I'm still hoping they'd release a Korriban and Tython stronghold. In Korriban we could have a tomb that a Sith could build into a private secret compound, and on Tython we could have temple ruins that a Jedi could use as a private meditating space or something.


Maybe even implement class-specific SHs, so then we could have SHs in Korriban, Tython, Hutta and Ord Mantell, and each SH can only be unlocked by the classes who started there. (I realize this is a far-fetched idea so let's just stick with Korriban and Tython XD)


Regarding the Odessen SH idea, I would love to have a SH there! Especially if we could access it directly from the Alliance base, similar to how we can access our player ship from the Hangar, maybe through a shuttle? It would be cool if we could do that! But imho, an Odessen SH has to be huge, or at least medium. If it's too small, it would be kinda boring.


I love the idea of having more of the planets that are faction restrictive. This way every character can visit all the planets in a manner of speaking.


Side note......Hutt npcs to place in my hutt palace......make this a thing lol


Jabbas Palace was always the jam

Edited by kirorx
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I just want more small/ medium sized strongholds. I honestly find Yavin way too big... I am never going to go across that bridge very often and for nothing important.


The only two strongholds I have 100% are Coruscant and Dromund Kaas, not because they're the cheapest but I just like the layout and was able to do everything I wanted with that amount of space. I have Tatooine unlocked and fully expanded but I took all my decorations from there and put them into the other two.



I'd like a Alderaan mountainside estate.

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Or an asteroid stronghold, the center of the asteroid is dug out, pretty good hideout.


Oooooh, how about Strongholds based on Flashpoints? You unlock them by completing the flashpoint 100%, including all the lore and achievments inside.

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