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SWTOR is so bad now.

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Coming back a few weeks ago I realize how bad this game has become regarding PVE...

(Oh and the "feeling" to the game has tremendously FALLEN apart aswell)


My takes on it:


1. Making Nadia, Ashara, Maka, Quinn, or any female, male small companion as tank. Making them use their "multi-grapple and have the same strength Khem Val or any female, male big companion is hilarious.

2. Using the SAME gear from level 1 to level 40 and it doesnt feel any difference.

3. Why have 200 companions and followers, when they have THE SAME ABILITES, act and are played the same. WHAT? WHY?

4. I remember when it was fun to gear up my companion!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED??

5. Okey I got it. SWTOR wants the kids to start playing. Problem is that kids wont sub, and dont have money for it.



6. Im so dissapointed about what happened to this LOVELY Game. Its not fun anymore.


Im looking for another game, where PVE, companions and GEAR matters...


Anyone have an idea? Thanks!

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I do agree with you to some extent, they have dumbed down the game way to much, but let me tell you how this thread will progress if you put it in general.


Basically a bunch of story casuals are going to jump your sh% $# and call you an elitest. That story quests SHOULD BE EASY, that if you dont like it leave....your an elitest (enter insult)....and so on...


Just save yourself the grief and keep the thread here.

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1. Making Nadia, Ashara, Maka, Quinn, or any female, male small companion as tank. Making them use their "multi-grapple and have the same strength Khem Val or any female, male big companion is hilarious.

(Not that I disagree with the other points you were making, but I had to comment on this one.)


My favorite tank toon (Shadow) is a body-type-1 wearing the "Formal Wear" Coruscant social gear.


I find it vastly funny to be a tiny little dude in a suit facing off against some of the oversized bosses in this game.

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So... you take the time and effort to come onto a forum about a game, just to complain about a game, in the wrong place, and then ask the community to help you find another game?


Can't just, y'know, research it yourself? Or perhaps not complain about a game in a place that it shouldn't be? Or better yet, not complain at all?


.....just sayin...



(The games O.K. in my opinion :jawa_frown:)

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You know, you don't need to make those tiny companions to tank...


.... You could already have body type 1 female tank in bikini, how's that any different? By all means keep using Khem and Pierce as tank if you want, but allow also Marauders have Vette tank because a) they want to run around with their romance b) tank comp is faster than healer but more safe than DPS comp so it's at least my preference with my DPS toons


I agree about lack of distinct abilities. But then people would cry how some comp is better than other. Different names and visuals would be sweet thou.


Removal of gear brings good things too. Droid companions used to be rather impossible to gear as OPS comms gear wasn't compactible with droid pieces. Finally I can viably use my favorite companion of all time, T7 and not be stuck with either rather cool Sith Lord but he ain't adorable (Scource), padawan with negative IQ I cry I cannot airlock (Kira), grumpy soldier (Rusk) or random dude (Doc).

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Coming back a few weeks ago I realize how bad this game has become regarding PVE...


4. I remember when it was fun to gear up my companion!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED??


6. Im so dissapointed about what happened to this LOVELY Game. Its not fun anymore.


Im looking for another game, where PVE, companions and GEAR matters...


Anyone have an idea? Thanks!

If it was so "fun" before, why the hell did you quit?


If it was such a "lovely game" before, why the hell did you quit?


You're one of the reasons it changed...because too many people did exactly what you did and quit.

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1. Making Nadia, Ashara, Maka, Quinn, or any female, male small companion as tank. Making them use their "multi-grapple and have the same strength Khem Val or any female, male big companion is hilarious.

3. Why have 200 companions and followers, when they have THE SAME ABILITES, act and are played the same. WHAT? WHY?

4. I remember when it was fun to gear up my companion!!!!!! WHAT HAPPENED??


The developers decided, based on feedback from people who left the game, that it would be more fun overall to run with a companion you liked, or was attached to, rather than one that you had to use because she/he/it had the correct role, or was geared better, or whatever. So, now you can choose the companion you want purely based on personal preference, and you do not have to worry about their effectiveness in combat. It was a move towards personal choice over game depth and its one with which I can live, as can many others. Instead of the gear grind, you now have the influence grind. I guess in many ways its better than having to roll "need" in operations or flashpoints just to get your companion into decent gear. It's certainly better to have just one grind (influence affects both combat and crew skills as opposed to just crew skills like affection did by itself before) than two. While there is, as I mentioned, a loss of game depth in that you are not required to min/max your companion's stats, you can get the same game lessons simply with your own toon or your alts who play different roles.


So, I hope that answers your questions.

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I'll fully admit that I enjoy the new companion changes far more than the old ones. I like using my favorite companion regardless of spec. Losing HK's assassinate and Treek's kolto sling is a small price to pay for having Vette heal or Nadia tank.


Gearing companions had some appeal, sure. I get the same enjoyment by putting them in matching outfits, though. Making them more powerful through more gifts works the same way. Sure its not quite as good, but again its worth it to have Lana take on any role I need.


My advice to you is FFXIV though. Chocobo companions have what you're looking for. All you lose is the romance angle and the lightsabers.

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(Not that I disagree with the other points you were making, but I had to comment on this one.)


My favorite tank toon (Shadow) is a body-type-1 wearing the "Formal Wear" Coruscant social gear.


I find it vastly funny to be a tiny little dude in a suit facing off against some of the oversized bosses in this game.


Do try to run the Nar Shaddaa plant story arc sometimes until you run into The mountain or The flame... I want a screenie.

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To answer your first point you do realise that Blizz was a ranged tank, also T7 not exactly huge companions.


To answer another point I like many others do like the fact that we can now level with our 'favourite' companion rather than a one we are 'forced' to level with just because a companion just happens to be your classes healer/tank/dps (as appropriate).


Also not gearing companions is also I change that I like as it means that I can use any companion at any time without thinking I never upgraded them from their starting gear. How many times did people used to complain that they were forced to use T7 in the final battle and that they had not changed any gear from level 10.


What you call bad I call good QOL changes.

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How many times did people used to complain that they were forced to use T7 in the final battle and that they had not changed any gear from level 10.

That's only because it was easier for players to come to the forums and complain that it was to solve the simple Doomsday puzzle for the free droid gear.

Do try to run the Nar Shaddaa plant story arc sometimes until you run into The mountain or The flame... I want a screenie.

Hmm. Can you do those a second time?

Edited by Khevar
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If it was so "fun" before, why the hell did you quit?


If it was such a "lovely game" before, why the hell did you quit?


You're one of the reasons it changed...because too many people did exactly what you did and quit.


THANK YOU! What it would say if I made this thread was "Have been playing since launch with only small breaks and have noticed simplification of game."...I mean this 4.0 been out for a minute naow and if its news to someone at this point then they must have missed 3.0 as well...

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1. Making Nadia, Ashara, Maka, Quinn, or any female, male small companion as tank. Making them use their "multi-grapple and have the same strength Khem Val or any female, male big companion is hilarious.


I only use body type 1 for tanking player or comp. The ridiculousness of the scrawniest character in the room taking all of the damage just makes some of those mob fights worth every second wasted. :D

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All I read was you whine and moan about nothing even PvE related except how easy solo story mode time is and that's to cater to the casual audience. If you want a challenge join a guild and raid or even PvP.


I agree companions have no difference now, but then again who gave a crap about any of them before except when they were a healer or you wanted influence with them.


I'm glad they made leveling a joke it was stupidly annoying to level before having to grind out every planet with every stupid side mission to make it out on top. On that note who cares about that you get to use the same gear 1-64.. You should be trying to upgrade it every 10 levels as normal, but anything below 65 is irrelevant anyways as pvp and flashpoints are bolstered anyways.

Edited by Lil_Fusion
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