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Personal Warbot - opinions... what?!


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Talking about this CM companion:



After waiting a while for him to drop in price I bought one today and got him to Influence rank 31.


To my surprise his damage seems lackluster (?!). He misses most of his attacks and somehow manages to perform bad.


I made a test on some random target on Ilum.


Kill time for the Personal Warbot (rank 31) is 30+ seconds.

Kill time for Andronikos Revel (rank 28) is ~20 seconds.


In the companion sheet I can see that his base critical hit chance is 0%, where as for the rest of my class companions it's 5%.


Do I miss something obvious here? Weren't the companions supposed to be equal?

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BioWare screwed the companions up when they removed the statted gear from them. When every single companion was made to be "the same" with trinity stances, unique companion abilities and quick bars were removed.


Companions still don't perform as well as pre-4.0 companions. Level sync makes them seem powerful but end game testers have proven post-4.0 companions don't hold a candle to pre-40 companions


Less special attacks and abilities. Unique looks and abilities. Their stories are in blocks according to class story, instead of your characters level.


All companions in any stance melt in high burst DPS phases. Take them to a hard mode flashpoint and watch them fail where post-4.0 companions when properly geared owned boss fights.



BW developers will never admit to failing the gaming community with 4.0 and the damage it caused. It's Sony Online Entertainment and New Game Enhancement all over again. Mishandled expansion and game changes that pushed the community away without a test center to have the community look for issues before going live.


This is BioWares New Game Entitlements to a simple minded casual player base,

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Yeah, I miss gearing companions as well. It gave me something to use radiant / ultimate comms on. A well geared comp with their own unique skills was a lot more fun than what we have now.


But in regards to the warbot, I agree he's pretty poor. I lucked out with getting one from a pack and used my jawa junk to get him to 50, and then realized that my Xalak at level 32 did better. I haven't used the warbot since, and going around fleet I'd say the warbot is one of the least seen comps with the nexu being the most common of the CM ones.


One thing I did notice for him though in dps stance was that putting a better barrel in his weapon upped his damage in the tool tip. Adding a level 60 barrel to his empty cannon raised his damage by about 300 iirc.

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I am also rather underwhelmed by the Warbot. I was "lucky" enough to get him from a Cartel Pack and I currently have him at rank 40-something and he's...meh. Merely okay? I use him as a tank and his ability to hold aggro kind of sucks.


OTOH, I don't have to listen to my Consular's "real" companions whining in my ear every time I breathe the wrong way, so for that he's kind of worth it.


I won't be using him again for any of my other characters though.

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At least he's not the K'lor'slug, which doesn't actually scale with level after a certain point and is essentially worthless as a companion at this point.


BW needs to do a serious pass on the Cartel pack companions to bring them in line with the others, if all companions are supposed to be equal. Cause right now, the ones that cost CCs suck.

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It's Sony Online Entertainment and New Game Enhancement all over again. Mishandled expansion and game changes that pushed the community away without a test center to have the community look for issues before going live.

I won't argue anything else you've written because I agree with a lot of it, but...


Comparing this to the NGE is just silly...4.0 isn't even remotely on the same level as the NGE was. The NGE completely changed the entire combat system and removed and replaced every class. This is NOTHING like the NGE.

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People also need to consider the nerf they did the first couple of weeks when 4.0 was new. The nerf pertained to Starfortress Heroic 2's. The companions were considered overpowered and nerfed. Soon enough the silent majority of solo players arose to complain and they buffed the healing of the companion halfway to what it was at 4.0.


What they didn't seem to fix was the DPS , it stayed at that 4.0 nerf level. Most people use their companions as healers so it went unnoticed.

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I have the token, but have not applied it yet in order to use it as a companion.


If you feel a companion is bugged..... bug report it. I checked the bug report forum and did not see any Warbot Is Underpowered posts at all. Did I miss it?

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My main is a healer and I use the companion to dps. I did the star fortresses fine that way. I run around with a level 50 Xalek and he only needs me in the star fortresses. Only the last room and the boss is an issue... and possibly the Mara (?) type Paladins. The story and the dailies, i can send him off and go make a coffee as long as I'm not in a rush. There is no way though, that the Warbot stands up to the task the same as the other companions. I got him to level 44 and he stumbled around weaker than my level 10 companions. Whatever the problem is, it seems unique to these CM ones and separate to the overall balancing issues.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Link to the thread in the bug reports section:




It was said it'd be fixed in 4.3, yet for me there is no change - anyone else?


Hey folks,


We are aware of the issue and working on getting it addressed. It is currently slated to be addressed in Game Update 4.3. We will pass on updates as we have them. Thanks!



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