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Have you ever been wrong about doomsaying in SWTOR?


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Anyone going to point out the irony involved when a person [1] snarks about the thread being "dragged, kicking and screaming, off-topic" after two off-topic posts, and then [2] makes six off-topic posts in a back-and-forth argument in that same thread? Anyone?


I was wondering when that was going to get noticed :p

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Thought Cartel Packs were a terrible money grubbing idea, turns out they were.


Thought open world PvP was going to suck when huttball was announced, turns out it does; it's non existent.


Haha thought battlegrounds were going to suck when huttball was announced, turns out they do. OK so this one is a personal opinion, not a fan of the way PvP went in this game.

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Nothing I said is "doom". It's fact. Disagree if you like but I'm not doomsaying. I like this game and want it to thrive for another decade...but it won't at the rate it's currently going.


Fact? Any chance you can post your figures so I can have a look?


I point to the latest Cartel Pack issues/changes as one example.

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Fact? Any chance you can post your figures so I can have a look?


You do realize that, due to the way companies release information, everything will be awesome and an unqualified success, right until the day they shut down the game for not being profitable, right? There is no "proof" to be had, because EA will not risk releasing figures that could scare investors away.


In the absence of hard figures, indirect observation still has some value. Your dismissal of Bioware's Full-Heavy-Standard-Light population monitors is baseless, because we are looking at variation, not the exact numerical values behind each state.


Provided the thresholds for each state haven't changed (and we have no reason to think they have), there are now less players playing the game at any given time than there were after BW increased server capacity post-4.0. Unless you can provide evidence that the criteria used to gauge server population have changed, it would seem that server population, as measured by Bioware themselves is declining.


Your asking for proof that you know doesn't exist, leads me to believe that you're more interested in being "technically right" and sounding clever than having a discussion that leads somewhere. You're neither cute nor funny, and most certainly not informative or insightful. So exactly what are you trying to prove?

Edited by Unperson
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It's not a claim, it's a statement. It's factual based on my experience in-game. Without any official numbers from Bioware (which you both know we don't have access to), it's all I we to go by.


The whole "burden of proof" thing is for court...this is a gaming forum.


If you're going to say it's a fact you should be able to back that up with facts, not personal experiences and opinions. You have every right to your opinion, mind you, but when you start claiming that it's a fact is when you should expect to either back that statement up or be called on it.


There's nothing wrong with stating an opinion, so why claim something is a fact when it's not? You outright admit that you don't have official numbers so it's not a fact, just say your experiences show that population is declining and leave it at that. It's rather dishonest otherwise and comes across as trying to make your opinion seem to have more weight than others because "it's a fact."

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I was right about what 2.0 brought. What happen to those 8 week patches and community discussions with devs? Oh those blogs and threads were removed.....


Was right when changes with 2.6 and forward. Ability changes, merges, removals....examples, acid blade turned into a passive, hidden strike removed, attack FOV was increased, backstab changes, knockdown removed, then turned into a root, then turned into a stun, so why remove it to begin with? DPS lowered on concealment. It's still a wet noodle.


Was right about x12XP boosts and the entitled rants that came with it, the speedy leveling and lack of endgame doom. Players blew through levels fast then complained there was nothing to do. Player don't know their skills and their roll in group content.


Was right about 3.0 and how it has screwed up class balance more so than previous patches. FOTM have turned into FOTY. Bringing revan back was a mistake and just wasn't written to be believable.


Was right about 4.0 and lack of content, companion changes and how it negatively doomed solo play, no more solo HMFP with these garbage companions. Level sync flushed team play while leveling. Companions feel over powered when you're level synced to lower planets (do harder content). KOTFE dumbed down the game for a simple minded casual gamer. These gamers are not long time subscribers and have shown will not support the game over the long run. They want everything handed to them with as little work as possible. New Game Etitlements has been passed around when you combine 2.6 changes through 4.0 changes. It has impacted the game just as Sony Online Entertainment did with New Game Enhancements with Star Wars Galaxies. It just took a bit more time and more laid off developers. KOTFE story isn't Star Wars. It's Star Trek with glow sticks and poor writing.



We've already watched subs fall off, F2P is falling off faster as these subs aren't even sticking around for F2P. Other games have come that pulled active players away from SWTOR servers.


Companions without gear are dolls to play dress up with. They aren't unique. Not memorable. You could have KOTFE with companion gearing and original unique abilities. Those that were confused with gearing in SWTOR really shouldn't have been playing an already very simple game and gear/stat load out.


Lack of PTS to test KOTFE. we beta tested the expansions for months and still have issues today. Subs still beta test patches before the rest of the community gets a chance with early access. Changes are made 2 days later on our finding. This hurts the community as all we posted was problems and issues. When new players or f2p read these threads it takes the steam out of the excitement.



So have I been wrong? Nope, drinking with devs has confirmed the SWTOR demise and rise of a new title coming which is to be announced in the near future.


Should have listened to veterans that warned what was coming. x12XP, abilities changes/removals/merges, companion gearing/abilities, and level sync has killed a very good game. The original direction and idea of the game was lost with 3.0-present. BW/EA pulled an SOE and screwed their community over.

Edited by knowmyname
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I still hate level sync and don't want it nor do I need it...at all. My opinion won't magically change and I've gotten 8 characters to rank 20 with all four specialists and made new characters. Level sync can go die in a fire.


Otherwise, nothing else really so far. But bioware is taking their sweet *** time getting my companions back to me via alerts and story.

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I was right about what 2.0 brought. What happen to those 8 week patches and community discussions with devs? Oh those blogs and threads were removed.....


Was right when changes with 2.6 and forward. Ability changes, merges, removals....examples, acid blade turned into a passive, hidden strike removed, attack FOV was increased, backstab changes, knockdown removed, then turned into a root, then turned into a stun, so why remove it to begin with? DPS lowered on concealment. It's still a wet noodle.


Was right about x12XP boosts and the entitled rants that came with it, the speedy leveling and lack of endgame doom. Players blew through levels fast then complained there was nothing to do. Player don't know their skills and their roll in group content.


Was right about 3.0 and how it has screwed up class balance more so than previous patches. FOTM have turned into FOTY. Bringing revan back was a mistake and just wasn't written to be believable.


Was right about 4.0 and lack of content, companion changes and how it negatively doomed solo play, no more solo HMFP with these garbage companions. Level sync flushed team play while leveling. Companions feel over powered when you're level synced to lower planets (do harder content). KOTFE dumbed down the game for a simple minded casual gamer. These gamers are not long time subscribers and have shown will not support the game over the long run. They want everything handed to them with as little work as possible. New Game Etitlements has been passed around when you combine 2.6 changes through 4.0 changes. It has impacted the game just as Sony Online Entertainment did with New Game Enhancements with Star Wars Galaxies. It just took a bit more time and more laid off developers. KOTFE story isn't Star Wars. It's Star Trek with glow sticks and poor writing.



We've already watched subs fall off, F2P is falling off faster as these subs aren't even sticking around for F2P. Other games have come that pulled active players away from SWTOR servers.


Companions without gear are dolls to play dress up with. They aren't unique. Not memorable. You could have KOTFE with companion gearing and original unique abilities. Those that were confused with gearing in SWTOR really shouldn't have been playing an already very simple game and gear/stat load out.


Lack of PTS to test KOTFE. we beta tested the expansions for months and still have issues today. Subs still beta test patches before the rest of the community gets a chance with early access. Changes are made 2 days later on our finding. This hurts the community as all we posted was problems and issues. When new players or f2p read these threads it takes the steam out of the excitement.



So have I been wrong? Nope, drinking with devs has confirmed the SWTOR demise and rise of a new title coming which is to be announced in the near future.


Should have listened to veterans that warned what was coming. x12XP, abilities changes/removals/merges, companion gearing/abilities, and level sync has killed a very good game. The original direction and idea of the game was lost with 3.0-present. BW/EA pulled an SOE and screwed their community over.



I hated to have to quote all this.

Last time I heard one so right was a man that fooled the world.

Most of what you said many of us thought....

But since I have yet to fine ANYONE to agreed with what I have thought...accept YOU because finding anyone who agrees we are losing players faster then Hillary can lie.

Thank you for backing me up HOWEVER

I have a video on youtube from Launch that oddly stated several things you did LONG before these things came into the game. ODD how i knew so much but the video is there.

HOWEVER the only thing I was wrong about...well i will post that a lone.


FINALLY someone besides me who keeps seeing massive mistakes after another.



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I was right about what 2.0 brought. What happen to those 8 week patches and community discussions with devs? Oh those blogs and threads were removed.....


Was right when changes with 2.6 and forward. Ability changes, merges, removals....examples, acid blade turned into a passive, hidden strike removed, attack FOV was increased, backstab changes, knockdown removed, then turned into a root, then turned into a stun, so why remove it to begin with? DPS lowered on concealment. It's still a wet noodle.


Was right about x12XP boosts and the entitled rants that came with it, the speedy leveling and lack of endgame doom. Players blew through levels fast then complained there was nothing to do. Player don't know their skills and their roll in group content.


Was right about 3.0 and how it has screwed up class balance more so than previous patches. FOTM have turned into FOTY. Bringing revan back was a mistake and just wasn't written to be believable.


Was right about 4.0 and lack of content, companion changes and how it negatively doomed solo play, no more solo HMFP with these garbage companions. Level sync flushed team play while leveling. Companions feel over powered when you're level synced to lower planets (do harder content). KOTFE dumbed down the game for a simple minded casual gamer. These gamers are not long time subscribers and have shown will not support the game over the long run. They want everything handed to them with as little work as possible. New Game Etitlements has been passed around when you combine 2.6 changes through 4.0 changes. It has impacted the game just as Sony Online Entertainment did with New Game Enhancements with Star Wars Galaxies. It just took a bit more time and more laid off developers. KOTFE story isn't Star Wars. It's Star Trek with glow sticks and poor writing.



We've already watched subs fall off, F2P is falling off faster as these subs aren't even sticking around for F2P. Other games have come that pulled active players away from SWTOR servers.


Companions without gear are dolls to play dress up with. They aren't unique. Not memorable. You could have KOTFE with companion gearing and original unique abilities. Those that were confused with gearing in SWTOR really shouldn't have been playing an already very simple game and gear/stat load out.


Lack of PTS to test KOTFE. we beta tested the expansions for months and still have issues today. Subs still beta test patches before the rest of the community gets a chance with early access. Changes are made 2 days later on our finding. This hurts the community as all we posted was problems and issues. When new players or f2p read these threads it takes the steam out of the excitement.



So have I been wrong? Nope, drinking with devs has confirmed the SWTOR demise and rise of a new title coming which is to be announced in the near future.


Should have listened to veterans that warned what was coming. x12XP, abilities changes/removals/merges, companion gearing/abilities, and level sync has killed a very good game. The original direction and idea of the game was lost with 3.0-present. BW/EA pulled an SOE and screwed their community over.


Don't 100% agree...but ^ this.

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Also, those who whine about not being able to do simple puzzles (looking at you chapter 11). I am still angry about them making every companion basically worth-less. I LIKED gearing mine with left over crystals and gear I didn't need. Giving them augments. I had some killer companions that way. Instead they dumb down the game. People ************ the leveling is too slow (PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPFT!), nothing to do at end game when they space bar the **** out of the stories trying to do end game as fast as possible. Have no idea how to do SIMPLE flashpoints like the Tacticals...doesn't matter if a flashpoint was originally made for it or not, it's NOT kriffing hard. Seriously. I'm really getting tired of Bioware dumbing this game down for the Call of Duty generation and the extremely casual casuals.


I don't care if there are new players, young, old, casuals, etc. But when you make a game that was hella easy to begin with way too easy? You kinda wonder what the point is.

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It's just so clear TOR is not doing well.


The sub base is leaving for games like WoW, FFXIV and BDO. The monthly story content isn't keeping people here. There's nothing to do at max level besides the same raids, and that's what we need more end game content.


This is why SWG was so much better, you could make your own on top of what the Devs put in.

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funny to see the biofail white knights swoop in and start denying all the facts like torstatus.


if logging in and seeing your server is empty when two months ago it was full and had multiple instances isn't enough evidence, then I suppose you're just beyond reason.

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I was right about what 2.0 brought. What happen to those 8 week patches and community discussions with devs? Oh those blogs and threads were removed.....


Was right when changes with 2.6 and forward. Ability changes, merges, removals....examples, acid blade turned into a passive, hidden strike removed, attack FOV was increased, backstab changes, knockdown removed, then turned into a root, then turned into a stun, so why remove it to begin with? DPS lowered on concealment. It's still a wet noodle.


Was right about x12XP boosts and the entitled rants that came with it, the speedy leveling and lack of endgame doom. Players blew through levels fast then complained there was nothing to do. Player don't know their skills and their roll in group content.


Was right about 3.0 and how it has screwed up class balance more so than previous patches. FOTM have turned into FOTY. Bringing revan back was a mistake and just wasn't written to be believable.


Was right about 4.0 and lack of content, companion changes and how it negatively doomed solo play, no more solo HMFP with these garbage companions. Level sync flushed team play while leveling. Companions feel over powered when you're level synced to lower planets (do harder content). KOTFE dumbed down the game for a simple minded casual gamer. These gamers are not long time subscribers and have shown will not support the game over the long run. They want everything handed to them with as little work as possible. New Game Etitlements has been passed around when you combine 2.6 changes through 4.0 changes. It has impacted the game just as Sony Online Entertainment did with New Game Enhancements with Star Wars Galaxies. It just took a bit more time and more laid off developers. KOTFE story isn't Star Wars. It's Star Trek with glow sticks and poor writing.



We've already watched subs fall off, F2P is falling off faster as these subs aren't even sticking around for F2P. Other games have come that pulled active players away from SWTOR servers.


Companions without gear are dolls to play dress up with. They aren't unique. Not memorable. You could have KOTFE with companion gearing and original unique abilities. Those that were confused with gearing in SWTOR really shouldn't have been playing an already very simple game and gear/stat load out.


Lack of PTS to test KOTFE. we beta tested the expansions for months and still have issues today. Subs still beta test patches before the rest of the community gets a chance with early access. Changes are made 2 days later on our finding. This hurts the community as all we posted was problems and issues. When new players or f2p read these threads it takes the steam out of the excitement.



So have I been wrong? Nope, drinking with devs has confirmed the SWTOR demise and rise of a new title coming which is to be announced in the near future.


Should have listened to veterans that warned what was coming. x12XP, abilities changes/removals/merges, companion gearing/abilities, and level sync has killed a very good game. The original direction and idea of the game was lost with 3.0-present. BW/EA pulled an SOE and screwed their community over.

^^AGREE^^ 100% with everything stated in this post... This is the reason and the fall of this game...

Edited by Legolose
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It's just so clear TOR is not doing well.


The sub base is leaving for games like WoW, FFXIV and BDO. The monthly story content isn't keeping people here. There's nothing to do at max level besides the same raids, and that's what we need more end game content.


This is why SWG was so much better, you could make your own on top of what the Devs put in.


I would throw so much money at Bioware for this option...

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Proof? How about you try to disprove it. Any dolt who logs in can see the population is in decline and anyone who plays the game can see we're in the midst of severe stagnation.


If you make a claim without anything real to back it up except "personal experience" it just means you're talking out of your rear end. Expressions like "anyone who plays the game can see" are sure signs that you have nothing to offer but your own impressions...which is fine but don't present that as facts.


It's not factual, it's your opinion. The difference matters.

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Ooh, torstatus. Where do I click to see the actual figures? Or at least how much the servers can hold, what range each level portrays, how many are subs, how many are spending on the CM, anything with a number attached that we can compare with any other time? Anything?

Care to present something better? I'm open to you proving me wrong...in fact I hope you do. Please try.

Burden of proof is for any time you want a point to be taken seriously, yes it's mostly used in courts, but it applies outside them as well.

Since you know the numbers aren't shared, what would you suggest I submit? torstatus is the best I can offer for a visual, and if you logged in 6 months ago vs tonight, you'll notice it for yourself if you pay any attention to server health.

Edited by TUXs
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I would throw so much money at Bioware for this option...

IF they did a full revamp of the game that went with SWG faction system, Pre-CU combat/skill system, open space, open world pvp and housing, and made Jedi a unlockable class along with end game content like raids? They would be rolling in the money.


Story isn't what drives people to MMO's it's massive group content.

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IF they did a full revamp of the game that went with SWG faction system, Pre-CU combat/skill system, open space, open world pvp and housing, and made Jedi a unlockable class along with end game content like raids? They would be rolling in the money.


Story isn't what drives people to MMO's it's massive group content.

It wouldn't take much to take the best of SWG and combine it with the best of SWTOR and have a killer game.

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If you make a claim without anything real to back it up except "personal experience" it just means you're talking out of your rear end. Expressions like "anyone who plays the game can see" are sure signs that you have nothing to offer but your own impressions...which is fine but don't present that as facts.


It's not factual, it's your opinion. The difference matters.

unless it's a shared, real experience. he either witnessed his server declined or is lying.


my server went from full to light.


all you need to do is login to these serves but I suppose denial is a more favourable option.


if what players see isn't acceptable...then what is? this backpedaling is pathetic, frankly.

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unless it's a shared, real experience. he either witnessed his server declined or is lying.


my server went from full to light.


all you need to do is login to these serves but I suppose denial is a more favourable option.


if what players see isn't acceptable...then what is? this backpedaling is pathetic, frankly.

EXACTLY Pagy. Anyone being honest can see the decline, it's not a matter of opinion...it's happened.


What we do to STOP it and REVERSE it is what I care about.

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Since you know the numbers aren't shared, what would you suggest I submit? torstatus is the best I can offer for a visual, and if you logged in 6 months ago vs tonight, you'll notice it for yourself if you pay any attention to server health.


I wasn't responding to your argument on if the servers are declining or not, I do not know enough about the site linked, nor do I ewatch the server numbers enough to have any grounds there. I was responding to you making a claim, then when asked for evidence to back it up, say that the poster in question has to disprove your claim before you give the evidence.

That is not how any decent point presented as fact works. If you want something to be taken as fact that isn't common sense by this point, you have to put forward evidence before it can be disproved. Though this is only if you want it to seriously taken as a fact as you say it is.

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It's just so clear TOR is not doing well.


The sub base is leaving for games like WoW, FFXIV and BDO. The monthly story content isn't keeping people here. There's nothing to do at max level besides the same raids, and that's what we need more end game content.


This is why SWG was so much better, you could make your own on top of what the Devs put in.


Man take off the rose colored glasses in regards to SWG, yeah it was SO POPULAR that it had so few subs in the end, you could barely call it a MMO.

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