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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why it's hard to sell on the GTN


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I've been recently putting a'lot up on the GTN, but it takes several days or weeks just to sell one item usually. My inference is because of the non subscriber money cap. Reasons are that almost all items up on the GTN are above the non subscriber money cap. But the problem is that people that subscribe don't buy a'lot on the GTN as non subscribers would if there were no cap, because subscribers have real life money in there pockets usually and buy hypercrates, supercrates, cartelpacks, etc. If there were no money cap non subscribers would do more dailies and heroics to buy cartel market items that subscribers buy. TOR is missing out on a'lot of money here. If an armor set is in high demand the non subscribers would have the money to buy it on the GTN, and more people would be buying stuff from the cartel market because of such high demand to sell to the non subscribers. Its a win/win situation. :jawa_smile:


P.S. I was also wondering why there is an escrow. Because most people that don't subscribe are free to play in general. I only used it once, but I can see how it can be handy when your subscriber status runs out and you have some cartel coins left, or you have some from a security key. :jawa_smile:

Edited by CommanderJoey
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BS, , I sells lots of stuff on gtn without any issue what so ever. if you cannot sell you are listing items to high. in other words it not worth what you are asking. giving f2p a higher credit cap would not change this because they are not stupid and would not buy your stuff either if you are asking to much Edited by DreadtechSavant
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BS, , I sells lots of stuff on gtn without any issue what so ever. if you cannot sell you are listing items to high. in other words it not worth what you are asking. giving f2p a higher credit cap would not change this because they arte not stupid and would not buy your stuff either if you are asking to much


Quoted for truth.


Sell at a competitive price, and sell items that are in demand and you never really have a problem.


While it is true that right after a major pack drops, selling can go a little soft on other items on the GTN for a week or two... but demand always returns.


On average, I make 5-8M credits per day just on GTN sales. I sell a wide variety of items as well.

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Look, another "lift the F2P credit cap" thread...


Seriously, we don't need ways for more people to F2P, we need to get them to sub.


What I'm saying is subscribers would buy a'lot more cartel market items and then resell on the GTN to non subscribers. I want to lower the price of things on the GTN not raise. My problems is that when I try to sell cartel market armor and weapons they go for 300k - a few million.A'lot of subscribers don't go on the GTN and buy the armor and weapons because they already got it from buying the cartel packs. I subscribe almost every month the money cap is not a problem for me, but of purchasers for items. I understand what people are saying about we need them to sub, but they still would because limited pvp, space combat, operations, flashpoints, lower xp gain, titles, emotes, guild bank, unify colors, hide head slot, crew skill, subscriber rewards, etc... If anything it would make more money for TOR because subscribers would buy more cartel packs to sell to an ever increasing market.

Edited by CommanderJoey
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And you've come to this conclusion after what? Extensive market research? You have zero clue whether the people buying on the GTN are f2p or subs.


If you want to sell more things to f2p at a lower price point...lower your prices. You don't need an outside authority to do that for you.


Just another gimme thread for f2p. If f2p = sub, why sub?

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So you think that just because you post something on the GTN, that it has to sell?


The GTN is a mini game after a fashion. In the end you have to look at what sells and what doesn't...and when. It's not just a matter of posting it and cashing in automatically.

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What I'm saying is subscribers would buy a'lot more cartel market items and then resell on the GTN to non subscribers. I want to lower the price of things on the GTN not raise.


Sure, but I don't think the prices will drop. Rather your idea will raise prices.


If all the F2P players suddenly had access to all their credits, holy crap would prices go up. All those trillions and trillions of escrowed credits would go on a buying frenzy.


What WOULD be interesting would be to have a weekend promotion, make everyone a "sub" for the weekend. Would be amazing to watch the GTN and see what happens. :D

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Not sure what your trying to sell but perhaps your trying to sell something theres too much of already?


Most of the stuff from the recent packs is flooding the market because so many people bought so many packs trying to get the Arbiter Sabers.


Unless you do a decent undercut, something there is a lot of usually takes a while to sell, especially if your on a high pop server.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Look, another "lift the F2P credit cap" thread...


Seriously, we don't need ways for more people to F2P, we need to get them to sub.

You are totaly wrong.

We (players) need to get them to play! There is no matter who play the game (sub, pref or f2p). The number of players online is the only matter for us.

EA need to get them to pay RL money. CM packs is good enough.

No one (not us, nor EA) need to get them sub really.

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You are totaly wrong.

We (players) need to get them to play! There is no matter who play the game (sub, pref or f2p). The number of players online is the only matter for us.

So if the game had 1 million players and zero subscribers, that would be great, eh? The game is a sub-based game with a MT store, not a MT-based game with a sub option. If you think the game would be better off if it transitioned to a pure MT-based (and possible P2W) game, just say that.

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Rarely have issues selling on GTN , only time I do is when a new pack comes out, get rare item, list if, then guaranteed someone will list it for millions less, but sells eventually

Only one I haven't been able to sell yet is the butler droid outfit

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Not sure what your trying to sell but perhaps your trying to sell something theres too much of already?


Most of the stuff from the recent packs is flooding the market because so many people bought so many packs trying to get the Arbiter Sabers.


Unless you do a decent undercut, something there is a lot of usually takes a while to sell, especially if your on a high pop server.


This is most likely the case. I have dabbled with the GTN, and some things just do not sell, unless you price it extremely cheap. Armor sets usually sells pretty ok, depending on the popularity of said sets, same with weapons.


If you are trying to sell, say, emotes or comp gifts, or other things that are plentifull, you need to consider if it is the right time to sell said item, or keep on to it and sell it at a time when there is few of said item on the GTN.


So, the GTN can make you tons of creds, or it can make you rich slowly, it is all down to supply and demand in the end...

Edited by Otowi
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Make up your mind, OP. First you state that F2P does not buy because items listed too high. Then you state that subs don't buy items at all. Then you state that subs are buying items that F2P want.


Which is it?


Anyway, if F2P players want items that are listed for larger amounts of credits, then they are merely getting a glimpse at one of the benefits of subbing. I'm sorry, but there should absolutely be limits for the freeloaders. The game is not a charity. Why sub when you could buy anything you ever need, including unlocks, without paying the monthly fee?


Everybody want stuff, but don't nobody want to pay for nothin'!

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It is not hard to sell on the GTN. Expensive items and items without any demand simply don't sell. I craft augments/stims/adrenals for a living. I can place fifteen augments on the GTN for somewhere inbetween 45k-77k, depending on the current supply, and I will log back in during the morning to find that at least ten have sold. The same goes for epic stims and adrenals, as well as crafting materials.


Crafting materials are an espescially good sell during crafting heavy conquest weeks. Some high-end guilds are so desperate for the win that they will buy crystals/scavenge metals for up to 2,200 credits a piece. I sold ten stacks of grade 9 archaeology materials for 220k each. I couldn't even supply enough to meet the demand even at 230k.


What's that supposed to mean? It's not hard to sell on the GTN. Stuff that is in demand sells incredibly well. It seems that you are simply trying to sell stuff either too expensive, in low demand, or in too high supply.

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You are totaly wrong.

We (players) need to get them to play! There is no matter who play the game (sub, pref or f2p). The number of players online is the only matter for us.

EA need to get them to pay RL money. CM packs is good enough.

No one (not us, nor EA) need to get them sub really.


F2P players largely aren't paying or buying CM packs. EA said some time ago that 80% of CC sales were to subs.


So perhaps we should all just unsub and stop spending money on the game. I'm sure it'll have a real bright future!

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F2P players largely aren't paying or buying CM packs. EA said some time ago that 80% of CC sales were to subs.


So perhaps we should all just unsub and stop spending money on the game. I'm sure it'll have a real bright future!

Well.. It's EA problem how to get my (and yours) money. Neither my nor yours.

But if online drops too low then this game will be fully converted to single player mode. And only idiots will be paying subscription fee for single player game. So then EA cancel SWTOR. Finita la commedia.

Edited by RangerPCW
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BS, , I sells lots of stuff on gtn without any issue what so ever. if you cannot sell you are listing items to high. in other words it not worth what you are asking. giving f2p a higher credit cap would not change this because they are not stupid and would not buy your stuff either if you are asking to much

^^^ This

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If you want an advice just skip GTN in all games because you are feeding all those speculators with items that them will resell, you don't sell in the GTN because it's rigged people LIVE in front of it and the soon you drop something cheaper thatn they are selling they just buy it and resell it, they can even buy all the stock of a certain item, then create scarcity of that product so yeah if you want to waste time feeding them just go ahead but if you want to get what you want maybe you can joing a guild and share what you have and barter what you don't have ;)
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If you want an advice just skip GTN in all games because you are feeding all those speculators with items that them will resell, you don't sell in the GTN because it's rigged people LIVE in front of it and the soon you drop something cheaper thatn they are selling they just buy it and resell it, they can even buy all the stock of a certain item, then create scarcity of that product so yeah if you want to waste time feeding them just go ahead but if you want to get what you want maybe you can joing a guild and share what you have and barter what you don't have ;)


How odd. I'm a casual GTN seller. I don't sit in front of the GTN all day. I can still make half a mil on just a few things when I price it for 2 days. And yes, if I see someone was an idiot and placed a 40K item on the GTN for 250 credits for its default price, I'll reprice it to meet market demand, but that doesn't make it "rigged."

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Yeah eventually you can make some proffit out of some items that are scarce at that time but those are opportunity windows for people that spend some time in the GTN.


If you have fun do it, just forget what I said

Edited by Mohamaguena
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I recently dumped over 100 hoarded moddable items (weapons, armor, off-hands, etc., levels 9-50) on the GTN over the past two weeks and netted more than 50 million credits. Nothing lasted longer than four days (two GTN cycles). Every item was priced above the credit cap.


I GTN all the green and blue drops I get as I level alts, and they all (eventually) sell for the prices I set.


Lately, I've been selling off left over pieces from CM armor sets I acquired long ago from packs (e.g., the Exquisite Dancer and Visas Marr). About half those items have sold in the past two weeks. Every one of those items was priced above the credit cap.


I don't know or care who is buying my stuff or why. It is not "hard to sell on the GTN". It may be hard to sell the items you're selling at the prices you're asking on the GTN.


The OP conjures an image of a retailer who sells feather dusters (made from 100% Bald Eagle feathers) complaining that the poor people can't afford his Bald-Eagle-Feather-Dusters. His solution is not to lower the price of Bald-Eagle-Feather-Dusters, but to give the poor folk enough money so they can pay his price for Bald-Eagle-Feather-Dusters. Not sure that's how free enterprise works.

Edited by Thoronmir
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