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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Trooper Title (class spoiler)


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How many troopers out there would like to have..



..the new title 'Colonel' made available to them now that we know it was "posthumously" granted by the Republic?



This is unless the fact that the PC is still alive is supposed to be a secret..

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Yeah, I would like the new rank granted when you meet up with Havoc again, well I would whenever I get to doing kotfe with a trooper.


While I guess you could have become a colonel after SOR and given a General rank after 'death' I think general would mean he would not be on the front lines again if ever he goes back to republic military and would be given a desk job instead.

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Any trooper who doesn't agree with this should resign their commission. The next rank I deserve after colonel is supreme commander (there is precedent). Edited by hooty
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It just goes to show the devaluation of military ranks over time.


In SWTOR, you're stuck at Major, even after all you've done to safeguard the galaxy. 3,000 years from now, they toss the title "General" to every scruffy-looking Nerf-herder who helps destroy a Death Star (pretty sure the janitorial droid in RoTJ was a General too).

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Oh yes, please.

Every other class gets a shiny new title at the end of their class story, only the trooper gets stuck with the one they got at the beginning of Act 3.


You get stuck with the "Major" title because that's what his/her rank is at the end of Chapter 3 of the vanilla story. Saresh and Garza didn't promote him/her after the events of Corellia, so at the time there was no need for BW to provide a new title other than Major.


Now it would be a different story. But officially Havoc is still in Republic space (Went AWOL to Zakuul), which means that nobody else but them know that their CO is all but KIA. Maybe at the end of Season 1 they'll finally grant some new titles (Republic characters will have to come back to their worlds one day or another, same for Imperial characters) so that they would finally be acknowledged for what they are or potentially become ("Colonel" for the trooper, Emperor/Empress for the inquisitor, "Baras Ate All The Cake" for the warrior, "The Great Hunt Was Harder Than This" for the bounty hunter, "Doesn't Matter, Still A Rogue Operative" for the agent, "Who's Overcompensating Now?" for the smuggler, "Jedi Code Is Boring" for knight/consular).

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Any trooper who doesn't agree with this should resign their commission. The next rank I deserve after colonel is supreme commander (there is precedent).


Then you'd have to be replacing Malcom though. I'm personally quite happy to let him have the job.

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  • 4 weeks later...
ok I think there a codex or achievement bug. but the title Colonel is in-game. open your character sheet click on title scroll to the bottom that were just mine. now my trooper has done all class and world quest required so not sure if that makes a different Edited by dewayne
just afdding too
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Should of been awarded Colonel at the end of Makeb. By the time you get to the Alliance, should be a damn General.


You know both of those are desk jobs, right? Colonels and generals don't fight on the front lines. They court the favour of politicians and do logistical paperwork.

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How many troopers out there would like to have..



..the new title 'Colonel' made available to them now that we know it was "posthumously" granted by the Republic?



This is unless the fact that the PC is still alive is supposed to be a secret..

ME! ME! I do! I do!


The second I finished that chapter I checked my titles to see if we get it but sadly we don't. :(



Oh and I'm speaking for two people on this.

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Then you'd have to be replacing Malcom though. I'm personally quite happy to let him have the job.


I'd have no problem with that, I already tried to kill his baby momma, and said baby(if I have my way) isn't surviving the events of chapter one.

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