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EQN dead, Wildstar dying...swtor?


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Ok here we go. Besides the storyline, name me one thing that this game has over SWG. Im not asking you to compare graphics engines either. Don't be a smart ***. Game for game, what does this game offer that SWG did not? Name me 1. Just 1.


A pulse.

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I obviously struck a very sensitive nerve. Ok let me dumb it down a little for you. It seems your making a mountain out of a molehill. Let me try to simplify it for you. Maybe I confused you a little by going onto to many specifics.


Ok here we go. Besides the storyline, name me one thing that this game has over SWG. Im not asking you to compare graphics engines either. Don't be a smart ***. Game for game, what does this game offer that SWG did not? Name me 1. Just 1.


I wont hold my breath waiting for your response. I don't want to pass out for lack of air.


Does "fun" count?


OK, to be less of a smart aleck, I didn't enjoy SWG. I didn't think it was bad, but it just wasn't for me. I prefer the games that are somewhat open, but give you guidance as well. Basically, the games that say "You can go this way, at some point, to continue the story. Oh, you don't want to? That's cool, I'll wait."


SWG was more of picking you up, throwing you into the ocean, and saying "K, swim now."

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I obviously struck a very sensitive nerve. Ok let me dumb it down a little for you. It seems your making a mountain out of a molehill. Let me try to simplify it for you. Maybe I confused you a little by going onto to many specifics.


Ok here we go. Besides the storyline, name me one thing that this game has over SWG. Im not asking you to compare graphics engines either. Don't be a smart ***. Game for game, what does this game offer that SWG did not? Name me 1. Just 1.


I wont hold my breath waiting for your response. I don't want to pass out for lack of air.


  • Looks better
  • Sounds better
  • Combats better
  • The levels look more interesting
  • Galactic Starfighter is better
  • Framerate is better

Just off the top of my head

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  • Looks better
  • Sounds better
  • Framerate is better


The game is naturally older so of course the sound and looks are going to be better. If we compare star wars dark forces sound affects and looks to battlefront EA, of course the newer game is going to look better.


Frame rate varies person to person.

  • Combats better
  • The levels look more interesting
  • Galactic Starfighter is better


Subjective to the person unless stated why.

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  • Looks better I said besides graphics engines smart ***
  • Sounds better Besides storyline like I said.
  • Combats better Your joking right? Nice try. SWG was amazing combat.
  • The levels look more interesting Besides storyline like I said
  • Galactic Starfighter is better ROFLMAO!! Jump to lighspeed was more involved then this entire game. Starfighter, LOLOLOL WOW!! just WOW!
  • Framerate is better Graphics again, nice try.

Just off the top of my head


Do you read? Read my post bro. I said besides the storyline. And we are not comparing an engine built in 1999.

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Guy is obviously trolling but I'll bite anyways:


SWG had three things going for it: a better crafting system, better player housing, and Jump to Lightspeed's space content.


I'll take SWTOR's superior story and characters, superior settings / worlds, superior small group PVE content, superior instanced PVP content, superior solo content / questing, superior class design, superior combat design, and the overall more immersive gameplay experience it provides, hands down.

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Guy is obviously trolling but I'll bite anyways:


SWG had three things going for it: a better crafting system, better player housing, and Jump to Lightspeed's space content.


I'll take SWTOR's superior story and characters, superior settings / worlds, superior small group PVE content, superior instanced PVP content, superior solo content / questing, superior class design, superior combat design, and the overall more immersive gameplay experience it provides, hands down.


Can we just admit both games were good, had there faults, and are similar, however not the same?

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Do you read? Read my post bro. I said besides the storyline. And we are not comparing an engine built in 1999.


Looks better I said besides graphics engines smart ***

Sounds better Besides storyline like I said.

Combats better Your joking right? Nice try. SWG was amazing combat.

The levels look more interesting Besides storyline like I said

Galactic Starfighter is better ROFLMAO!! Jump to lighspeed was more involved then this entire game. Starfighter, LOLOLOL WOW!! just WOW!

Framerate is better Graphics again, nice try.


Sound and level design isn't story.

Combat for me is better and more enjoyable then SWG

Same for GSF

Oh, wait. Sorry, is me expressing an opinion in the subjective topic of what I enjoy too much for you? I know it's hard when someone disagrees with your deluded reality, where your word is law.

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Can we just admit both games were good, had there faults, and are similar, however not the same?

Both games have their fans, obviously, and I'm not going to go the "your fun is wrong!" route on those who prefer SWG, but overall it was definitely not my cup of tea - nothing about it ever jumped out and said "this is a good game" to me, other than how they integrated the Jump to Lightspeed space content into a ground-based MMO, which I thought was really solid.

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So in judging between two MMOs, we can't count story, graphics, audio... we can only count combat, the one thing our resident dudebro thinks was better in the other game...




Graphics and Audio shouldn't be used to compare games unless there of the same year or currently still both going. These over time will look grainy as hell, and at one time innovative looks like complete crap now a days. Metal gear solid 1 in 1998 was innovative... now you can count the pixels in one hand.


However, a good story never gets old, it may be subjective though.


Combat may get old... but its best to compare it to the same as you would with audio and graphics, if both are still going are were near a decent timespan, and if it was the main focus or not.

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Guy is obviously trolling but I'll bite anyways:


SWG had three things going for it: a better crafting system, better player housing, and Jump to Lightspeed's space content.


I'll take SWTOR's superior story and characters, superior settings / worlds, superior small group PVE content, superior instanced PVP content, superior solo content / questing, superior class design, superior combat design, and the overall more immersive gameplay experience it provides, hands down.


Besides the superior story, you are wrong. And not only wrong but I would have to say by your comment that you never 1 time played SWG. Crafting, housing, JTL wasn't better, it cant even be compared. No comparison at all. As far as everything else you said besides storyline, your must be either high on some sort of narcotic, or your a troll and never played SWG and just trying to act like you know something.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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Besides the superior story, you are wrong. And not only wrong but I would have to say by your comment that you never 1 time played SWG. Crafting, housing, JTL wasn't better, it cant even be compared. No comparison at all. As far as everything else you said besides storyline, your must be either high on some sort of narcotic, or your a troll and never played SWG and just trying to act like you know something.


Yes, that's right. Stay in you personal bubble of reality, where telling people what they should and shouldn't enjoy isn't complete and utter idiocy.

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Besides the superior story, you are wrong. And not only wrong but I would have to say by your comment that you never 1 time played SWG. Crafting, housing, JTL wasn't better, it cant even be compared. No comparison at all. As far as everything else you said besides storyline, your must be either high on some sort of narcotic, or your a troll and never played SWG and just trying to act like you know something.


I... I ... I guess let... lets just ignore me...


Honestly we can go without the personal attacks bad cuz mad.

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Yes, that's right. Stay in you personal bubble of reality, where telling people what they should and shouldn't enjoy isn't complete and utter idiocy.


I don't care what you like or I like. Im not asking you what you like better. I said was you can not compare SWG to TOR. Its like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Ford Focus. Its not debatable. SWG had 50 times what this game has. Now whether you like it or not is not the question.


Hey look I like this game, otherwise I wouldn't be playing it. But an SWG it is not. Its not my opinion, its a fact. SWG was a powerhouse of an MMO next to this. Get over it already and move on with life. Its not debatable.

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Its not my opinion, its a fact. SWG was a powerhouse of an MMO next to this. Get over it already and move on with life. Its not debatable.


No, it is your opinion.

It being your opinion isn't my opinion, it's a fact.

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Since my last post was ignored.... AHEM






Both games had there flaws, there weaknesses, there faults, but also there strengths, what we love about them, and our memories we share with them. Both games are similar, however not the same, one may be better than the other in one aspect, but may lack a feature from the other. Both games are great, and the most important parts of these games are the memories we will have, and the ones we will remember when we look past on these games.

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Both games had there flaws, there weaknesses, there faults, but also there strengths, what we love about them, and our memories we share with them. Both games are similar, however not the same, one may be better than the other in one aspect, but may lack a feature from the other. Both games are great, and the most important parts of these games are the memories we will have, and the ones we will remember when we look past on these games.


You mean 'their'. :cool:

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I don't care what you like or I like. Im not asking you what you like better. I said was you can not compare SWG to TOR. Its like comparing a Rolls Royce to a Ford Focus. Its not debatable. SWG had 50 times what this game has. Now whether you like it or not is not the question.

Genuine question from someone that never played SWG in any incarnation.


What about SWG makes it a "Rolls Royce" compared to this game being a "Ford Focus"? I mean, I've seen people wax nostalgia about SWG, but I've seen just as many people complain that they didn't like it.


So -- in your opinion what made it better?

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No, it is your opinion.

It being your opinion isn't my opinion, it's a fact.


You don't even know what we are comparing. So your opinion is null.


I played SWG for 8 years. I am not even getting into which game I like better. That's not even the point. The point is SWG had 50 times of what this game has. Like it or not. Its not an opinion. Its like saying buying a car with all the bells and whistles has the same stuff as buying a car bare bones and stripped. They are not the same and can not be compared.


I don't give a crap how much you like or dislike this game. I could not care less. I don't care how much you liked or disliked SWG. I couldn't care less. But the truth be told SWG was a loaded up Rolls Royce and TOR is a stripped down Ford Focus with an EPIC storyline. That is in comparison one to another.


Anyone who denies that just plain and simply never played SWG. Anyone who played SWG would have absolutely zero problem agreeing with what I just said.


End of story. If you don't like it, you can lump it. Don't get mad at me, go yell at yourself or something. Getting mad at me for pointing out an obvious fact is just plain old stupid. Get over it already.

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Since my last post was ignored.... AHEM






Both games had there flaws, there weaknesses, there faults, but also there strengths, what we love about them, and our memories we share with them. Both games are similar, however not the same, one may be better than the other in one aspect, but may lack a feature from the other. Both games are great, and the most important parts of these games are the memories we will have, and the ones we will remember when we look past on these games.


I didn't ignore you! :D

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You don't even know what we are comparing. So your opinion is null.


Uh, I played SWG too?


LMAO. You just assume that I didn't based on me not thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread. Get over yourself, idiot.

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You don't even know what we are comparing. So your opinion is null.


I played SWG for 8 years. I am not even getting into which game I like better. That's not even the point. The point is SWG had 50 times of what this game has. Like it or not. Its not an opinion. Its like saying buying a car with all the bells and whistles has the same stuff as buying a car bare bones and stripped. They are not the same and can not be compared.


I don't give a crap how much you like or dislike this game. I could not care less. I don't care how much you liked or disliked SWG. I couldn't care less. But the truth be told SWG was a loaded up Rolls Royce and TOR is a stripped down Ford Focus with an EPIC storyline. That is in comparison one to another.


Anyone who denies that just plain and simply never played SWG. Anyone who played SWG would have absolutely zero problem agreeing with what I just said.


End of story. If you don't like it, you can lump it. Don't get mad at me, go yell at yourself or something. Getting mad at me for pointing out an obvious fact is just plain old stupid. Get over it already.


Are you sure your name shouldn't be MadCuzSWToRIzBetterThanSWGWaz ?

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