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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Still doing a little SWTOR most nights, but I don't have a lot of time or mental energy to waste on certain people saying things about the game that are plainly untrue, or that they cannot prove are true -- and then said certain people launching personal attacks against anyone who asks for proof, and claiming to have offered proof that no one can find in any of their posts anywhere on the forums.



E: PS, 10:20pm server time on a Saturday night, TEH Hoth has 3 PvE and 1 PvP instances, all appear to be full or close to full.


Glad you're playing the game and having fun. I probably should play more of the actual game and less of Forum PvP myself.

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Your "advice" was that it was ok to break the legal speed limit, as long as everyone else was doing it. I'll try that excuse if I'm ever up in court and hope the judge views the law as flexible as you seem to. "But everyone else was doing it" wouldn't get me out of punishments at school, never mind in a Court of Justice.


I did not say that at all.


Actually, I said in Texas "If everyone is driving 65 in a 55, then the normal flow is 65. Obviously, this rule is limited by an objective rule of reasonableness. Common sense should guide most people." Further, this is a specific scenario where the cars are congested and a slower car in the passing lane is blocking the easiest path to a solution. I keep forgetting some people lack common sense and/or the ability to comprehend the term "reasonable."


God bless you. Your type has made me a ton of money...:p

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I did not say that at all.


Actually, I said in Texas "If everyone is driving 65 in a 55, then the normal flow is 65. Obviously, this rule is limited by an objective rule of reasonableness. Common sense should guide most people." Further, this is a specific scenario where the cars are congested and a slower car in the passing lane is blocking the easiest path to a solution. I keep forgetting some people lack common sense and/or the ability to comprehend the term "reasonable."


God bless you. Your type has made me a ton of money...:p


My "type"? Someone who doesn't break laws? Or someone who wouldn't try the defence that I was only doing it because it was "reasonable", and "common sense" to be going 65 in a 55?

Edited by CrazyCT
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My "type"? Someone who doesn't break laws? Or someone who wouldn't try the defence that I was only doing it because it was "reasonable", and "common sense" to be going 65 in a 55?


Did you miss my statement that "Texas law determines that driving in way that is 'not unreasonable under the circumstances' allows you certain leeway. Many a ticket has been dismissed for this very reason"?


You do realize there are more laws in play other than just the speed limit?


Regardless, you go ahead and drive slower than the flow of traffic in the passing lane in Texas, creating an unsafe logjam. The look on your face when you get ticketed for it will be priceless. Will you post it here? I'm sure this thread will still be up...

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Did you miss my statement that "Texas law determines that driving in way that is 'not unreasonable under the circumstances' allows you certain leeway. Many a ticket has been dismissed for this very reason"?


You do realize there are more laws in play other than just the speed limit?


Regardless, you go ahead and drive slower than the flow of traffic in the passing lane in Texas, creating an unsafe logjam. The look on your face when you get ticketed for it will be priceless. Will you post it here? I'm sure this thread will still be up...


Why would I fly all the way over to Texas because of an amateur playground lawyer on an MMO's forums?

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Why would I fly all the way over to Texas because of an amateur playground lawyer on an MMO's forums?


The same reason you keep posting on this subject? I'd also recommend driving so you can really apply your limited understanding of the law with as many jurisdictions as you can muster...

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i wouldnt bother, i have lived in TX for 3 decades and have never seen anyone ticketed for what he is saying.


The truth of the matter is that in Texas, a ridiculous proportion of traffic law breakers don't get caught or ticketed. It's a numbers game, and with little public transportation, there's just too many drivers on the road. And, I'm not even sure how one would know what a random person being pulled over is being ticketed for...unless you pull over and ask...which seems hilarious.


And, the only reason why any law discussion came up was because it was challenged. My main theme was to exhibit some common courtesy and move over.


I'm going to stand by that as the point one should counter. Trolling is fun and all but this discussion has now sunk to name calling...which doesn't interest me.

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The truth of the matter is that in Texas, a ridiculous proportion of traffic law breakers don't get caught or ticketed. It's a numbers game, and with little public transportation, there's just too many drivers on the road. And, I'm not even sure how one would know what a random person being pulled over is being ticketed for...unless you pull over and ask...which seems hilarious.


And, the only reason why any law discussion came up was because it was challenged. My main theme was to exhibit some common courtesy and move over.


I'm going to stand by that as the point one should counter. Trolling is fun and all but this discussion has now sunk to name calling...which doesn't interest me.


Awww, and y'all were doing so well, teaching all us country folks about all that legal mumbo-jumbo.


Maybe next time though, instead of trying to "educate us", you could read the arguments that were going on. Someone said that driving in the passing lane was against the law, and then said it made them happy when a multi-tonne vehicle tailgated that person to force them out of that lane. It was never said it wasn't against the law to drive in the passing lane without passing, but it was mentioned that it was ironic that the argument was advocating the braking of multiple laws and endangering lives was somehow better than breaking another law.


But keep up with that law thing, I'm sure it's working out well for you, asking people to visit another country just to break laws to prove you right. I suppose it's against the nature of your job to tell people to obey the law - if everyone did that, you'd be out of a job.

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The truth of the matter is that in Texas, a ridiculous proportion of traffic law breakers don't get caught or ticketed. It's a numbers game, and with little public transportation, there's just too many drivers on the road. And, I'm not even sure how one would know what a random person being pulled over is being ticketed for...unless you pull over and ask...which seems hilarious.


And, the only reason why any law discussion came up was because it was challenged. My main theme was to exhibit some common courtesy and move over.


I'm going to stand by that as the point one should counter. Trolling is fun and all but this discussion has now sunk to name calling...which doesn't interest me.


or you know watching who the cops pull over.they still mostly go for danny bonadouchey with his sports car even in the speed traps

Edited by MWidowmaker
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My "type"? Someone who doesn't break laws? Or someone who wouldn't try the defence that I was only doing it because it was "reasonable", and "common sense" to be going 65 in a 55?


The law in my state says that if the flow of traffic is going 65 in a 55, you must go 65 with the flow of traffic or be in the far right lane. In addition, even in the far right lane there often is a posted minimum speed as well.

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I haven't replied to this thread in a while because the thread's content long ago lost any reason to deserve the dignity of a sane reply. It's a convoluted mess of player attacks, illogic, multiple references to the same thing, and now, as we can see from the last several posts, the thread has achieved complete and utter irrelevance to any and all content of Star Wars The Old Republic.


This thread served its original purpose to advertise MCB/MO's campaign involving PVP, cross-server queues, promoting the player population to move to the servers he deemed worthy of migration, etc.


But now, this thread has clearly devolved into a particularly worthless level of drivel not even worthy of the inane and useless conversations perpetuated by ill-informed but somehow authoritative first-year students gathered in any student commons of any university.


If anyone at Bioware still bothers to read this thread, this thread, more so than probably any thread that's ever existed on these forums, is worthy of being locked, archived, put away... ended.

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The law in my state says that if the flow of traffic is going 65 in a 55, you must go 65 with the flow of traffic or be in the far right lane. In addition, even in the far right lane there often is a posted minimum speed as well.


In Rhode Island, Texas and Utah, driving faster than the speed limit is prima facie evidence of unreasonable speed - meaning you can argue in court that although you were driving faster than the speed limit, you can prove that you were driving safely. I don't think it would be considered safe if you were tailgating and forcing another driver out your lane.

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In Rhode Island, Texas and Utah, driving faster than the speed limit is prima facie evidence of unreasonable speed - meaning you can argue in court that although you were driving faster than the speed limit, you can prove that you were driving safely. I don't think it would be considered safe if you were tailgating and forcing another driver out your lane.



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The first rule of Forum PvP club is "you don't talk about Forum PvP Club!"


Or more laughably, "MCB, don't talk to yourself by replying to your alt account MaximumOwnage." Pathetic desperation for bumps when there hasn't been one in an hour is all that says.

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