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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Ooo, let me: I play what's available to play. If nobody's on, or nobody wants to run FP x, or Op y, I find things to do. Newsflash: I did the same thing when I first started that I do today, and, shock: I do the same thing in every MMO I've ever played. I won't be found hanging out in a central hub, or the forums, complaining because the people I prefer to group with aren't available, I'll be too busy doing other things, or, conversely, discussing those things on the forums.


I've already gotten a taste for this on my oldest of old guilds on Shadowlands. At around midnight eastern standard time the sidewalks magically roll up and a guild that normally has 20 or so people on goes down to 2 or 3. Forget the fact that the number of members is around 600 the inactives go back to the games launch. I'll level up toons or do heroics. While it's just me and one other in the guild person will jump on and immediately log off when they see only 2 people are on. For some reason recruiting new members doesn't really have an impact as people have many toons on many servers and usually play where there is the largest collective of people (Harbinger).


My only concern is why have a focus on guilds over the last couple of years to only then have a 'tiny island' in the ocean server setup. Separating the populations of the game where a good portion of economy and activities revolve around groups (not pug groups). Flashpoints, Operations, Starfighter, PVP need large numbers to function properly. A cross-server option would be an immediate fix and trump any kind of merge because people would know they could get a rapid pop and not be worried about the population of Odessen or Fleet or any of that nonsensical guesstimate type problem solving in threads like this one.

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Yes they are. Debate is dead - it's been replaced with denial.


^ This is closer to a troll type post compared to the example in my previous post. A post he knows full well is inaccurate but puts up anyway hoping to entice a negative response from his audience. :)

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$15 is a bit of a bargain for a solo player game - those XBOX One games are retailing for about $70-80. At $15 a month, you'd have to save up for 5 months to buy one of those.


And don't even try to pretend those don't have bugs.


Yup very fair though the point comes if you've done everything and only have new content to rely on at which time $15 a month isn't such a good deal.


Context really is each to their own in terms of value ... I figure as long as I'm paying I must be enjoying it.

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A new PVP game type, a new arena, and yet people say they're ignoring PvP. Tough crowd.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say TEC is a harbinger* of things to come for Group PvE - you don't build an on-ramp to group content without plans to put something at the far end of it. As someone else said - if you want to see more group content, play TEC. Move their metrics.


(* - choice of noun deliberate)


... TEC is solo designed to teach people mechanics? You can do it in a group and more or less ignore mechanics and it's so stupidly easy as to not bother not to mention I believe not much in the way of rewards for group play?

So if everyone goes and does TEC solo we will get more "one time was fun, two was ok, 3 meh not doing it again" content like TEC.


Actual PVE group content is what is required to balance out the game right now and content that people don't mind repeating for a month or two such as operations.

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Dark forces and Jedi academy, sucks they did not do more as I rather enjoyed jedi academy.


JK2 was standout imo especially for multiplayer. I spent a good couple of years on this mastering saber combat alone ( the force+gun stuff wasn't my cup of tea but still very popular ) even after JKA came out.


We'd even have massive single player or TFFA tournaments for cash on the cloud shark map arena with just sabers and force jump ( so no push etc. ). Tried a couple of times to take them global for bragging rights with home and away games but honestly the northern hemisphere teams just couldn't cut it. ;)

After 1.04 patch there was such a level of skill to the saber combat that I've yet to come across any other game that matches it in terms of melee skill required.


JKA was good and better solo story and play but I did find they dumbed down the saber combat a bit but damn siege mode was kickass fun, worth the price of admission alone. Strangely JKA died off online before JK2 did at least in the APAC region which is a testament I feel to how great a game JK2 was.


Hmm I might have to install a copy and see if I can't find some servers to have a play on even if I do have to suffer a large ping.

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... TEC is solo designed to teach people mechanics? You can do it in a group and more or less ignore mechanics and it's so stupidly easy as to not bother not to mention I believe not much in the way of rewards for group play?

So if everyone goes and does TEC solo we will get more "one time was fun, two was ok, 3 meh not doing it again" content like TEC.


Actual PVE group content is what is required to balance out the game right now and content that people don't mind repeating for a month or two such as operations.


They built TEC to teach "new" players mechanics. They came out and said that a couple of times. As for difficulty of TEX; you might not be the target for the difficulty curve - it's tuned for players who are just now getting ready to raid. Like, uh, me. I haven't beaten it yet (though my last run I was done in my client lag and a persistent failure for clicking on the enemy to actually target that enemy - the doombot got me after it got pumped up. Again.)


It's not aimed at you directly, but it's aimed to make more people like you - to teach them to respect and work with mechanics, understand how their class is put together, etc. It is a gateway to group content, per developers statement. Interest in it is going to be counted as interest in what it leads to,

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They built TEC to teach "new" players mechanics. They came out and said that a couple of times. As for difficulty of TEX; you might not be the target for the difficulty curve - it's tuned for players who are just now getting ready to raid. Like, uh, me. I haven't beaten it yet (though my last run I was done in my client lag and a persistent failure for clicking on the enemy to actually target that enemy - the doombot got me after it got pumped up. Again.)


It's not aimed at you directly, but it's aimed to make more people like you - to teach them to respect and work with mechanics, understand how their class is put together, etc. It is a gateway to group content, per developers statement. Interest in it is going to be counted as interest in what it leads to,


The difficulty I mentioned was running it as a group, there is no difficulty there. It's about spot on solo though.


Whilst they may very well have said what you just stated all it takes is them is to look at the metrics, as you mentioned, and go "oh wow look at how many people do this solo, people love solo let's make more of it!". Even though the idea of it in the first place was as you say to help people get into group content.


I've lost a lot of faith over the last year or two of Bioware being able to interpret their metrics correctly and act accordingly.

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The difficulty I mentioned was running it as a group, there is no difficulty there. It's about spot on solo though.


Whilst they may very well have said what you just stated all it takes is them is to look at the metrics, as you mentioned, and go "oh wow look at how many people do this solo, people love solo let's make more of it!". Even though the idea of it in the first place was as you say to help people get into group content.


I've lost a lot of faith over the last year or two of Bioware being able to interpret their metrics correctly and act accordingly.


You'll note the solo+ mode gives out nothing. It would appear to exist so that people who aren't ready to solo can still get Bowdaar, get a handle on mechanics, what have you.


As for your interpretation of metrics; well, I'd be very shocked if any upcoming content-as-content does not have some kind of solo/small group option. The days of "this is solo content, this is small-group content, you can't solo it, this is large-group content, you can't solo/small-group it" divides are likely gone; or at least the limitations will be more relaxed. Instead of SM/HM/NiM, I'd guess we're going to see [solo/2-4/4-8] modes on "group content." You won't have to group; but you can.


The "Eternal Champion Suggestions" thread explicitly said it was an on-ramp to group content; which is why the gear is fixed-stat and inferior to entry-level Ops gear.

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This is absolutely correct. So this "it's an MMO and people should be grouping for everything" argument can finally be flushed, not that I've seen it in this topic, yet. For the last ~2 decades, I've been playing MMOs. If I didn't have a group for something I wanted to do, I did something else, or I solo'd it, or tried to. I have never sat around complaining that I can't fill a group for specific content. I'll fill it, eventually, or someone else will want to run it later on, and I'll get it then. I do that here and I do it in DDO, I did it in Aion, and Rapplez. I did it in Guild Wars and Runes of Magic. I'm not dependent on the community to be able to play, if I'm in the mood to play, I'm in game, and if I can't get a group, I solo. Been that way for nearly 20 years, and sometimes, gasp, I'll even play SP games, the horror.


Wow. A rational gamer. Kinda like seeing a unicorn....

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So much wasted effort, so little time left...


To go back to what Tux wrote: GSF is played by some, not nearly enough for Bioware to do anything new about it. I am sure some people wanted it, so they got it eventually. I would want swoop races, pazzak and a few more but I do not see BW doing anything about it...and those "things" have been around as feedback since the game came out.

PvP they will not touch because it opens up serious questions about how much is enough to make it something more than a minigame. I already had my fill of "giving" any feedback regarding this subject, too bad BW could not have just scrapped it alltogether like they did with 8vs8 ranked...still the elephant in the room, they just took it out of the porcelan shop. Way too many open issues BW will not touch, or better yet will not "give out" to make it something more and quite possibly better.

Operations are complex, need to be worked on over several "layers" and the implementation should be close to flawless, which if any1 remembers has rarely been the case with the ones Bioware introduced in the past 2 years. (exploit, wink wink)

Not to mention how long such things take to get fixed, and I have been gaming for almost two decades now. Do not care what people think on this claim but I have never seen a game fail so often in so many different aspects.

The level of incompetence, be it old or new features introduced straight away or over a course of time...it just is amazing how many **** ups BW allowed themselves.

So back on track, if all you want is a cinematic singleplayer game then that is what you got and will get for the foreseeable future. Unless something drastically changes I personally will treat this game much like any other singleplayer game.

I will wait to pay for everything I can "get" for my money instead of feeling cheated for supporting a skeleton of a game that has not had anything to keep me around for longer than half an hour a day...if that much even.

So plan a year ahead, and then drop by and see what is new...any other MMO I have played has had me going for some time, if this story focused drivel is all BW wishes to do in the future I will consider not even touching this game ever again.


Oh, and about that doom and gloom stuff so many like to comment:

It is quite simple, you either take the bait and wriggle for awhile or you just move on and ignore the bait. And the only true bait left is the freaking cartel market. Sub rewards are there and have been since the start as a motivation to get free coins. Forget about being locked behind the whole F2P/Pref. options, it is the coins that truly matter and have way before any other option than sub was introduced.

To cancel sub and come back after 9 months right before the KotFE release would have been a much smarter move than to stick to cutscene, fight, cutscene, fight, cutscene, choices matter much but it is really all just the same.... just my personal experience so far with this expansion.


Play it or leave it, at least you got the privilege of a choice.

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I've already ejected from one of the tributary threads once; the only reason I haven't unsubbed from this again is that I'm afraid another thread will get dragged in and I'll go "hunh? What'd I miss?"


Let it go

Right now, merging the threads about merging servers should be a higher priority than server mergers. It'd be good for the game and stuff.
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Right now, merging the threads about merging servers should be a higher priority than server mergers. It'd be good for the game and stuff.


This game is sliding away. I cant believe they are dragging their feet on these mergers.

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Server mergers. Are you new to MMOs or you just didn't know what I was referring to?


No, it's just that you seem to think that there are going to be mergers. I know there are about 4 or 5 people on the forums think that it's the only way to save the game, but haven't ever heard anything from anyone, you know, official like.

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