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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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That's ok, just 18 more posts and we can finally lay it to rest ;)

Doing my part to make it happen :D


Small side note: Saturday night was the first time in nearly a year that I've seen three Pub instances on Harbinger. I realize there are a ton of people moving so it's not what it was, but it was great to see!

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If only Bioware would implement cross server. Then we'd never have to see these threads again and no one would have to be merged. Literally every other major MMO title offers some form of cross server. If SWTOR wants to continue to offer multiplayer activities like FPs, raids, warzones, etc. then they need this feature to stay competitive. If they don't want to continue this as part of the game, then they just need to say so and everyone can move on if that is all they cared about.
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Doing my part to make it happen :D


Small side note: Saturday night was the first time in nearly a year that I've seen three Pub instances on Harbinger. I realize there are a ton of people moving so it's not what it was, but it was great to see!


Are you sure it's movement, not just new players, possibly taking advantage of the double xp? Or older players finishing off some alts?

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Are you sure it's movement, not just new players, possibly taking advantage of the double xp? Or older players finishing off some alts?


Probably a bit of both. I know I've personally been playing more in the past week due to the double XP, at least on my alts.

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Are you sure it's movement, not just new players, possibly taking advantage of the double xp? Or older players finishing off some alts?

Of course not, only Bioware has those numbers - but I strongly suspect it is for the following reasons:


Have we had anything happen recently to draw in new players? No.

Have we had anything change recently that may prompt people to move servers? Yes.

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And if they don't, I will end up leaving the game. And I also was here since beta. I have been thru 3 forced server mergers and I would do it again without hesitation to increase server population.


For every 1 person like you who would leave, there are 100 others who wont and not only that but I know of 10 people right now who will re sub again if they do this. I would hate to see you leave but I have to tell you there are 100 people who will leave this game for lack of population to everyone 1 like you who will ragequit because of a forced server merge.


You really believe your own, made-up numbers don't you?


Your mind is so closed to the possibility something other than the death of the product is occuring because of your myopic viewpoint. You apparently cannot conceive that other play the game for different reasons and still support the game, seemingly _more_ than the 'elite players'.


PvP/Elite Raiders just cannot conceive that MMOs are not, in fact, dependent upon their good graces or even having such features in an MMO for it to be successful. I have played many that are/were plenty successful with little to no support for these playstyles.


All of your information, much of it I realize in your mind was 'researched', is, as has been pointed out to you, anecdotal at best.

That is just how information and facts work. You might have some facts, but they are anecdotal in nature because of the methods involved. Only EA has the real statistics on the usage of the game, period. No matter how much you love to ignore that, they know more than you do.


Now, while the PvP/Elite Raider aspect of the game _may_ be dwindling, as your 'evidence' and the anecdotal evidence of others seems to indicate, that does not, in anyway, automatically mean the game as a business is dead.


It just means the game changed and you cannot or will not accept what it has become.


If you _really_ think you know _so much more_ about running a financially successful game, then perhaps you should be sending EA your resume.


All financial information we have at this time points to the game doing just fine - just not what You want to to be doing.


You appear to still be young enough to know everything, but that too will change, or you will lead a very lonely life.

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Are you sure it's movement, not just new players, possibly taking advantage of the double xp? Or older players finishing off some alts?


There appears to be a general uptick on the servers (minus the old PvP servers), not just Harbinger, that coincides with double xp. [The exception being that since yesterday was mothers day... it was kind of a light play day until evening. Moms > MMOs I guess. :) ] Which to me demonstrates that many players continue to sub but may not be logging in every day to play right now since we are in between expacs, with the only difference being the log in flurry on patch day to consume the new chapter.


See... here's the thing.. some people think light player activity = no subs and game dead. In reality it only means light player activity, which can be because people are playing multiple games and spreading their time, or simply playing less but remain committed to the game. In which case.. the monthly chapter format is working for the studio in that it keeps players subbed and committed, even if they actually play less hours per month. And frankly... most players could benefit from playing less hours per month, IMO. It's really only a bad thing for people dependent on random grouping via queues, and perhaps some guilds that are lazy or poor at recruiting persistent players.

Edited by Andryah
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And if they don't, I will end up leaving the game. And I also was here since beta. I have been thru 3 forced server mergers and I would do it again without hesitation to increase server population.

We wish, but I doubt it.


For every 1 person like you who would leave, there are 100 others who wont and not only that but I know of 10 people right now who will re sub again if they do this. I would hate to see you leave but I have to tell you there are 100 people who will leave this game for lack of population to everyone 1 like you who will ragequit because of a forced server merge.

As opposed to one like you who will 'ragequit' due to a lack of server mergers? :rolleyes: I mean.. for every one like you, there's.. <insert whichever fictional, sorry factual, number you desire> who will stay if they don't merge servers.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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AND WE HATH SUCCEEDED! 200 PAGES! The Game is officially dead!


Nah, it's only at the start of the 200th page - we need to post a few more to fill the page to finish it.


2000 posts (and a movie?)

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Only he would be so cruel...


Any chance we can get an in-game achievement (or, even better, a title) for participating in the thread before it gets closed then?

Edited by CrazyCT
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Doing my part to make it happen :D


Small side note: Saturday night was the first time in nearly a year that I've seen three Pub instances on Harbinger. I realize there are a ton of people moving so it's not what it was, but it was great to see!


You and I both know it was primarily n'er do well Guardians sitting on their ship going about their nefarious ways...



Edit: And I get to carry the #2000 banner! :D

Edited by UberSamoyed
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You and I both know it was primarily n'er do well Guardians sitting on their ship going about their nefarious ways...



Edit: And I get to carry the #2000 banner! :D


Now, time for the annual post beating of the winner. *Hit* 1 post... :D

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Yeah, but his anecdotal evidence is MUCH more trustworthy then your anecdotal evidence!
But neither can withstand my Four Horsemen of Rhetoric: Hyperbole, Assumption, Strawman, and Sophistry (he rides the pale horse)!


I once saw twelve ... maybe twenty-seven ... characters all vying for Irradiated Rakghouls for the Republic Taris H2. We were tripping over each to get them. Ergo, Ebon Hawk is overpopulated.

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