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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Merges are called for but 1 server is just you being a drama llama. If you just add how many people are on fleet in each sever on peak that would result in 10+ instances on fleet.


It isn't doing that well but it isn't as bad as you've suggested here.

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Lets be honest here Menace... its a multiple personality disorder caused by a sleeper cell in his brain that was implemented in through agents of Konami to undermine EA so they win the worst company award again. I have yet to find out what the code word is, but when activated he seems to swap to personas like maximum ownage and a few others that im unfamiliar with. When activated each persona is completely unaware of the other, and they are unable to acknowledge one another, almost as if they exist in a different universe altogether. I may have to research this more and see how high up the chain this goes.




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Merges are called for but 1 server is just you being a drama llama. If you just add how many people are on fleet in each sever on peak that would result in 10+ instances on fleet..


And that bothers you? And besides that's what instances are for. And also a MEGA server has hardware to support this.

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The game is not in trouble, the server I play on is amazing and very populated.


People keep telling him this and he just ups and trumpets it again...and again. It's as if he believes that if he says it often enough it will magically become true.


There's no reasoning with him. He is myopic.

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People keep telling him this and he just ups and trumpets it again...and again. It's as if he believes that if he says it often enough it will magically become true.


There's no reasoning with him. He is myopic.


I have explained my position thoroughly and have given crystal clear examples and explained them in detail. If you do not agree with my assessment then that's fine. You have the freedom to believe anything you jolly well want.


And in response to you. I agree just because someone (anyone) pertaining to anything (any topic) repeats something over and over doesn't make it true. But on the other hand, someone denying that person over and over again doesn't make them wrong either. The door swings both ways on that one. And I have backed my position with demonstrable examples that anyone can observe. Many of which you and the "cult" chose to blatantly ignore.

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I am against 1 EU server since the EU is currently made up of German, French and English speaking servers, this would make a complete mockery of any general chat or group chat for that matter, as you can end up being paired with someone who you may not even be able to communicate with, it would certainly not help tactical's if you cant even give instructions to your group.


I mean when it comes to server merges perhaps something can be done I mean there are 3 english servers TRE is ok population wise but maybe, just maybe it would be better for populations to merge the other 2 servers together.

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1. Server merge per continent/language ( eng, ger, fra ... )

2. Cross server queue for ranked per continent ( EU, US ... )

3. Multiple queue possibility ( normal, soloranked, groupranked ... )

Edited by Opaknack
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1. Server merge per continent/language ( eng, ger, fra ... )

2. Cross server queue for ranked per continent ( EU, US ... )

3. Multiple queue possibility ( normal, soloranked, groupranked ... )

1. Not sure



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Game will be dead with 1 except for achievement conquest casuals. MMO with no new end-game = dead game. End of Subject but why make a new stupid thread on this.


Because he figures if he can cite that there are "x number of threads" about it, it somehow adds veracity to his claims. He just has to hope that folk don't catch on to the fact that HE started 'em all. ;)

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The game is just fine, and doing better now than it has ever in the past actually. There have been tons of doom and gloom threads throughout the years - but the game is continuing to advance regardless of the vocal minority of naysayers.


Sure it would be cool to have 1 east coast, 1 west coast and an overseas server...but guess what - some people enjoy their hermit style of gaming, many want to avoid the masses of not so great gamers and stupid general chat that reduces iq by the second.


There are also issues with consolidation, the primary one being guilds losing their decorations, ship arrangements and such.


Lastly new resources have been reallocated to this game from others, and there is a plan already for the game through 2018. In 2012, the doom and gloom said they would make it to 2014, in 2014 they said no 2015, in 2015 they said no 2016, here we are. Say no 2017, but guess what 2017 will be here for season 2 of kotfe without a hitch and it will continue on to new horizons in 2018 regardless of what doom and gloom a vocal minority may suggest.


Bottom line is there is enough revenue to keep this game profitable (subs a plenty and whales for cc and multiple sub accts). Its also supported from all angles, disney, lucas arts ea, and so on.



Its here for now, and unlike Star Wars Galaxies (my personal favorite) there isnt a licensure issue - that is the only thing that will kill something this big. There are plenty a players. Size of fleet doesnt dictate quality of game. Besides the fleets on the populated servers being more than usual, an active game means people playing the game and not sitting on fleet anyways.

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I will say this for the OP: if all you're here for is the PvP, you're going to be spending a certain amount of time waiting for the queue to pop. His misapprehension is that PvP queue times are the most important metric of overall health for this game. Since I've been playing (shortly before the pre-order deal for RotHC), this game has never been particularly PvP-focused.


I will also note that the devs foresaw enough ROI on doing PvP -dedicated content that they put in a whole new game type, and a new deathmatch arena.So, obviously, the devs not only don't believe the game is dying, they don't even believe that the PvP portion of the game is dying. Much less that the only thing left to do is go through PvP''s clothes and look for loose change.


Which brings us back to metrics/data vs anecdotes; BW has the metrics, we do not.

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One more thing (I promise this is the last for this thread):


MCB, all your not outdoorsy and/or PvP friends are probably ... over there --------------------> playing Overwatch. It's in open beta this week.

Edited by psandak
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Well that's the thing I have always found that common sense is not actually that common.


I thought it was one of the many powers Common received from that radioactive spider bite. "My Common Sense is tingling, I'll have to stop Dr. Octopus with a poetry slam."

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I play Star Trek Online and they use only a single server. It seems to work out for them pretty well but I think Star Wars has more players.


The real solution to me would be to allow players to transfer for free and place a cool down on it. Can transfer each toon once per year for free. I think that would allow people to play on the servers they want to and let the players off the dead servers for free while allowing those that enjoy empty servers to keep having those empty servers.

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I don't disagree. They should still merge servers. Just not down to one per coast, and one for EU.


I do, but that's besides the point.


No, it actually is the point. If, as Mad would have us believe, the game is dying, none of the stuff you snipped out of my post would be happening. You'd be on a planet, all alone in an OW Heroic, instead of getting random group invites to complete them, or just about needing a group to complete a "there's one mob that spawns, and 12 people after it at the same time" scenario like happens on DK in the Dark Temple.

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I have explained my position thoroughly and have given crystal clear examples and explained them in detail. If you do not agree with my assessment then that's fine. You have the freedom to believe anything you jolly well want.


And in response to you. I agree just because someone (anyone) pertaining to anything (any topic) repeats something over and over doesn't make it true. But on the other hand, someone denying that person over and over again doesn't make them wrong either. The door swings both ways on that one. And I have backed my position with demonstrable examples that anyone can observe. Many of which you and the "cult" chose to blatantly ignore.


IF what you're saying is not true, and IF someone is denying what you said is true, then yes, they can repeat it over and over to demonstrate that you're wrong. You see, the conditional listed first being "not true" means that by repeating that position over and over, you are, in fact, wrong. Pointing it out doesn't magically make you right. I've seen some of your "proof": Going to a server at times when the majority of the population is still in bed, such as 4 AM EST for an East Coast server. Or 6AM EST on a Saturday. I know the last time one of those popped up, I pointed out that I had indeed been asleep when the OP was running their numbers. I keep waiting for the "proof" of "but the servers are down right now, so the game is well and truly dead" during maintenance. It would have the same amount of validity of some of these other "proofs" I have read.

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