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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Eh even if you fix all game-related issues, some people will still manage to complain even if only about the fact there's nothing to complain about. "This game is perfect wtheck this isn't right it's not supposed to run this smoothly, where are the flaws?!?! That's not even normal, I bet it's some conspiracy to lull us into a false sense of security and then..!!"
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Bottom line is this. This game is in trouble. What we are witnessing is the symptoms of the problem. And the main sickness this game is suffering from is that too few players are being spread amongst to many servers. The games population at this point should be down to 2 servers. 1 EU, and 1 NA. There is no reason to continue more than 2 total servers for how many people are left playing this game. There is simply not enough players left to spread over 8,6,4, or even 2 servers at this point.


That is what instances are for. I would not mind seeing 10 instances of republic fleet at one time. Upgrade the hardware to support 1 mega server for EU and 1 for NA and end this madness. All this procrastination is doing is driving more and more frustrated players from a game that can not afford to lose any members. This has to stop and stop now. This company better get its act together and very quickly or this game wont see 2017.

Edited by MadCuzBad
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Another one of these MadCuzBad? Come on.... this is a copy/paste of the previous one in the petition thread. At least change it for petes sake...


While I do agree that some servers need a merge, to simply merge all of them is going to be to much of a hassle. Unless this game bombs harder than the ET game, I'm pretty sure its at least going to see 2018....

Edited by peter_plankskull
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Another one of these MadCuzBad? Come on.... this is a copy/paste of the previous one in the petition thread. At least change it for petes sake...


While I do agree that some servers need a merge, to simply merge all of them is going to be to much of a hassle. Unless this game bombs harder than the ET game, I'm pretty sure its at least going to see 2018....


Harbringer is down to 1 instance of republic fleet most of the time. We need this done and soon.

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Another one of these MadCuzBad? Come on.... this is a copy/paste of the previous one in the petition thread. At least change it for petes sake...


While I do agree that some servers need a merge, to simply merge all of them is going to be to much of a hassle. Unless this game bombs harder than the ET game, I'm pretty sure its at least going to see 2018....


Myopic, he is.


Post, he must.


I don't think the game is anywhere near ready to pop its clogs. I think there are some folks whose noses are out of joint because their pet aspect isn't as good as they want it to be or as it was or "could be" and they are very adamant in expressing how they feel. Zealous even.


We'll see. Time will tell but since I've seen just this sort of rhetoric for years, literally, I'm not inclined to be concerned plus I don't think EA/BW is dumb enough to be continuing development at the rate they are if they're working over a "corpse".

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Bottom line is this. This game is in trouble. What we are witnessing is the symptoms of the problem. And the main sickness this game is suffering from is that too few players are being spread amongst to many servers. The games population at this point should be down to 2 servers. 1 EU, and 1 NA. There is no reason to continue more than 2 total servers for how many people are left playing this game. There is simply not enough players left to spread over 8,6,4, or even 2 servers at this point.


That is what instances are for. I would not mind seeing 10 instances of republic fleet at one time. Upgrade the hardware to support 1 mega server for EU and 1 for NA and end this madness. All this procrastination is doing is driving more and more frustrated players from a game that can not afford to lose any members. This has to stop and stop now. This company better get its act together and very quickly or this game wont see 2017.


I completely agree with you. It's nice to see another player who isn't blinded to the facts.


I can see there are population problems right now and I feel that merging the servers would be better than giving out transfers again, as it could make servers die even more


However I do feel the game will still see 2017

Edited by DarthWoad
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Harbringer is down to 1 instance of republic fleet most of the time. We need this done and soon.


Really because I seeing 3 or 2 instance since the price when up. it has never got to 1. even on weekdays. But my mistake was to respond to you but I just wanted to point that out. so I just going to put you on ignore. I suggest that everyone instead I trying to Argue with him instead just put ignore or just do not respond to him because he wants you to respond to fight. And I will take my own advice

Edited by commanderwar
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There are too many people playing the game to switch to 1 server NA and 1 EU. Harbinger already had some problems with the bandwidth of its ISPs at prime time. If you put 3 times the population of Harbinger on a single server, it would be even worse. I’m not even sure that there is enough bandwidth available on the network to get a single server housing all the NA players and maintaining the local area normal internet operations. Using multiple locations for 1 server cause the same issues as Cross-Server queues and I'm not sure the engine can manage the delay between the parts of a server communicating using the internet when we still got to jump when out of a aoe.


That is even without all the languages problems that would occur on the EU one.

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I'm for one mega server.


What about the EU? What about languages? What about time zones?


Mega server is not the answer, I don't think. If mergers are needed, they will happen but consideration needs to be given to locations and languages and play style (I've no clue on the size of the RP community in this game so that may or may not apply).


No to mega server.

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There is no reason to continue more than 2 total servers for how many people are left playing this game.
Yes, there is. Two servers wouldn't be able to handle winter populations, or the pop surges associated with movie releases.


What about the EU? What about languages?
A fair point, and one most Americans won't consider. One solution would be to implement language-based zones for the EU servers, expanding upon the current pve/pvp toggle for zones.


What about time zones?
What about them? If anything, "time zones" just supports merging servers. Edited by Ansultares
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Hey, I'm on an english server and I'm still encountering French RP Guilds...


Quebec, no?


We have 'em on JC but try combining Italian, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Czech, Russian, Greek etc. etc. etc. in one place.


I played on a server like that once and my head about blew up.

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Yes, there is. Two servers wouldn't be able to handle winter populations, or the pop surges associated with movie releases.


A fair point, and one most Americans won't consider. One solution would be to implement language-based zones for the EU servers, expanding upon the current pve/pvp toggle for zones.


What about them? If anything, "time zones" just supports merging servers.


Disagree. I've played on servers like that and the "dilution" was a problem PLUS people tended (reasonably enough) to stick together based on their time zones so that they could guild up, group up etc. This led to isolation and not much building of an entire server community but rather a bunch of non-connected clusters of players from different world regions.

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Yes, there is. Two servers wouldn't be able to handle winter populations, or the pop surges associated with movie releases.




The server population on all PvE servers increased ~50% (and that is after they increased the sizing on several of them) during KoTFE and through the movie release. If this happened with only one large server in each region.. it would have been a disaster.


But getting the PuG addicted, instant gratification, players to ever look at this objectively is largely a waste of time. They want what they want, when they want it. Yet they will be the first to come to the forum and rail on log-in queues if the studio reduced the server farms to one server in each region.


Server sizing is for peak demand.. not average, and certainly not for the 2:00 AM local server time crowd, during the lull period between expacs. But I don't expect any such players to listen to reason.

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Disagree. I've played on servers like that and the "dilution" was a problem PLUS people tended (reasonably enough) to stick together based on their time zones so that they could guild up, group up etc. This led to isolation and not much building of an entire server community but rather a bunch of non-connected clusters of players from different world regions.
Better than the alternative; active for 2 hours per day, dead the rest.
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Better than the alternative; active for 2 hours per day, dead the rest.


Not sure what server you're on and sorry that it's that bad. Most servers, even in games where they are "full" are NOT full 24x7. Obviously there will be time frames when the majority of the people are at work or school and that's okay. I play during those times actually and rather like it but I can understand that for those who want/need others around they are quiet.


But cramming everyone onto a mega-server or two isn't going to solve the problem. People from various regions WILL play with one another due to schedules, language etc. and it'll end up much as it is now. I have seen this.

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Props if you open up that with multiple tabs.


Honestly to many players in one area at one time is just a cluster bomb filled with lag and to much chat going on at once to actually communicate with others. Imagine everyone at once looking for operations on the fleet.... dat spam tho....

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