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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Stop saying last year ... you've proven yourself you not comparing like for like data.


This is not the topic for you anymore.


How is he not? He is comparing exact data. You might not like the data, but it is demonstrable and repeatable.

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Stop saying last year ... you've proven yourself you not comparing like for like data.


This is not the topic for you anymore.

What are you talking about? Last I checked, 2015 still qualified as "last year"...hell, it was around June or July we moved too, so I'm comparing within a 10 month window.

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What are you talking about? Last I checked, 2015 still qualified as "last year"...hell, it was around June or July we moved too, so I'm comparing within a 10 month window.


Which are NOT comparable timelines to compare for population purposes being that KoTFE was announced in June last year and would ( and in fact DID if you follow torstatus ), along with the subscriber rewards, have done wonders for the population base.


Otherwise ... "OMG the population is 100 times lower than it was at launch! The game is dieing we are all doomed!" is sort of what I hear when I read your poor reasoned posts.

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How is he not? He is comparing exact data. You might not like the data, but it is demonstrable and repeatable.


Numbers people manufacture in their head and/or written on paper napkins ( that aren't even comparable to begin with ) does not constitute facts ... also you haven't demonstrated anything. You there were 4 instances ... I say there was 1. DUN DUN DUN ... who is right and who is wrong? I of course don't have facts ... just my own napkin figures that I'm afraid you can't see.

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Numbers people manufacture in their head and/or written on paper napkins ( that aren't even comparable to begin with ) does not constitute facts ... also you haven't demonstrated anything. You there were 4 instances ... I say there was 1. DUN DUN DUN ... who is right and who is wrong? I of course don't have facts ... just my own napkin figures that I'm afraid you can't see.


Your just wrong

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Which are NOT comparable timelines to compare for population purposes being that KoTFE was announced in June last year and would ( and in fact DID if you follow torstatus ), along with the subscriber rewards, have done wonders for the population base.


Otherwise ... "OMG the population is 100 times lower than it was at launch! The game is dieing we are all doomed!" is sort of what I hear when I read your poor reasoned posts.

What point are you trying to make exactly?


The only thing I've said is that the population is in decline since last year when I transferred to Harbinger and I absolutely stand by that statement. I've never said anything like what you're claiming above.


If I had to guess, I'd say it's about half what it was when we transferred, but I have no way to prove/disprove that, it's only a guess...it could be 10% less, could be 90%...all I know is Fleet has always been a good indicator of server health...nothing more.

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What point are you trying to make exactly?


The only thing I've said is that the population is in decline since last year when I transferred to Harbinger and I absolutely stand by that statement. I've never said anything like what you're claiming above.


If I had to guess, I'd say it's about half what it was when we transferred, but I have no way to prove/disprove that, it's only a guess...it could be 10% less, could be 90%...all I know is Fleet has always been a good indicator of server health...nothing more.


You tried to make out as though you were comparing a current point in time to "a year ago" when you joined the server ( go back over your own posts if you want "proof" ) . This is not the case, you are comparing it to 10 months ago when it had a significant spike in numbers from an explainable event - the KoTFE announcement and subscriber rewards.


As I stated your argument is about as valid as comparing current numbers against launch.


As for "fleet has always been a good indicator of server health" that argument has been shown to be weak in this thread alone due to the nature of the game now. About all you can truly say is "fleet a good indicator of operation pug health" with any sort of certainty.

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You tried to make out as though you were comparing a current point in time to "a year ago" when you joined the server ( go back over your own posts if you want "proof" ) . This is not the case, you are comparing it to 10 months ago when it had a significant spike in numbers from an explainable event - the KoTFE announcement and subscriber rewards.


As I stated your argument is about as valid as comparing current numbers against launch.


As for "fleet has always been a good indicator of server health" that argument has been shown to be weak in this thread alone due to the nature of the game now. About all you can truly say is "fleet a good indicator of operation pug health" with any sort of certainty.


That's total BS. There was no significant spike. They released KOTFE and the other servers were still shrinking. The only reason Harbinger had a "spike" is because it was the goto server for all those shrinking servers. Everyone said "wait till theforce awakens comes out, this game will explode with new players" Well they were wrong about that too.


Nothing has caused a "spike" in population in this game. It has been in steady decline chapter after chapter, expansion after expansion.. We are down to only a few playable server and those are suffering from player loss as we speak.


Its funny how you talk about this spike as if it is or was real. I play this game everyday and use the who tab constantly for guild recruitment all the time. And whether you want to believe it or not really makes no difference, but this game is in serious decline population wise. Call it what you want, but its true. Its not even debatable.


These population debates are so wacky. I feel like I am trying to explain to someone that water is wet and they keep telling me its not. Its not even open for debate but somehow there is a handful of people who do.

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My personal feeling is that they hit a high point last Oct, the movie hype slowed the decline though the holidays, but population has been getting worse since Jan. The subscriber rewards aren't enough of a hook to keep people staying with the chapter content release. I know several people who have left and plan to come back for a month when all of chapter one has been released so they can play it as one long story.


The big problem is that last May was the start of 12xp, and that along with teasers released for the new expansion kept people interested enough to keep playing. Now, the only teases have been about the start of chapter two and "More of the Same" isn't enough to keep up a subscription, especially when you can leave and then get the entire story later.

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Note about guild invites, as a GM with an imp/pub combo on Shadowlands, I expressly forbid, and require my officers to inform recruiters, that ninja invites (unsolicited invites) are absolutely not acceptable, and that our guild spam cannot occur more frequently than once every 10 minutes per planet.


If someone does not respond directly to the guild recruiter's gen chat spam, recruiting doesn't occur.

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Note about guild invites, as a GM with an imp/pub combo on Shadowlands, I expressly forbid, and require my officers to inform recruiters, that ninja invites (unsolicited invites) are absolutely not acceptable, and that our guild spam cannot occur more frequently than once every 10 minutes per planet.


If someone does not respond directly to the guild recruiter's gen chat spam, recruiting doesn't occur.


Bless you. Now, if we could just get this adopted as "standard". I know, I know, asking too much but man I hate those random invites. I'm STILL getting them on that character even though I got her in our guild. Go figure.

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Note about guild invites, as a GM with an imp/pub combo on Shadowlands, I expressly forbid, and require my officers to inform recruiters, that ninja invites (unsolicited invites) are absolutely not acceptable, and that our guild spam cannot occur more frequently than once every 10 minutes per planet.


If someone does not respond directly to the guild recruiter's gen chat spam, recruiting doesn't occur.


That's an awesome policy -- I wish all GMs would adopt that rule.


It doesn't surprise me at all, however, that a certain poster is also the sort who spams guild invites constantly.


"Move to my server, so I can get what I want." -- over and over and over.

"Join my guild, so i can get what I want." -- over and over and over.

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It doesn't surprise me at all, however, that a certain poster is also the sort who spams guild invites constantly.


"Move to my server, so I can get what I want." -- over and over and over.

"Join my guild, so i can get what I want." -- over and over and over.


Yep yep. :)


And I agree.. blind guild invites suck and is a ban worthy offense, IMO ... for spamming. Same with the forum spamming over the same topics.

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Yep yep. :)


And I agree.. blind guild invites suck and is a ban worthy offense, IMO ... for spamming. Same with the forum spamming over the same topics.


Pretty sure that what the "reject auto guild invites" option is there for. If your unguilded use it. If your guilded it doesn't apply to you. Its that simple.

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That's total BS. There was no significant spike.


Torstatus says otherwise and I trust that over your napkins any day.



Nothing has caused a "spike" in population in this game. It has been in steady decline chapter after chapter, expansion after expansion.. We are down to only a few playable server and those are suffering from player loss as we speak.


If there are 2 instance of fleet right now and in 6 months there are 4 ... that is a spike. You might not want to call it a spike but it is a spike.


Its funny how you talk about this spike as if it is or was real. I play this game everyday and use the who tab constantly for guild recruitment all the time. And whether you want to believe it or not really makes no difference, but this game is in serious decline population wise. Call it what you want, but its true. Its not even debatable.


See I have the best proof available to players who aren't working for Bioware and that anyone can go and look at and that is Torstatus. It shows statistical trends and is about 100% more reliable than a) your word b) your napkin c) your word on /who stats you wrong on a napkin.


These population debates are so wacky. I feel like I am trying to explain to someone that water is wet and they keep telling me its not. Its not even open for debate but somehow there is a handful of people who do.


Yet you keep posting :rolleyes:

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Torstatus says otherwise and I trust that over your napkins any day.





If there are 2 instance of fleet right now and in 6 months there are 4 ... that is a spike. You might not want to call it a spike but it is a spike.




See I have the best proof available to players who aren't working for Bioware and that anyone can go and look at and that is Torstatus. It shows statistical trends and is about 100% more reliable than a) your word b) your napkin c) your word on /who stats you wrong on a napkin.




Yet you keep posting :rolleyes:


What server are you referring to? Because Harbinger had a spike of transfers. But every other server I know of took a nose dive within the past year during all these expansion you talk about. There was only one server that surged and it wasn't because of an expansion craze.

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What server are you referring to? Because Harbinger had a spike of transfers. But every other server I know of took a nose dive within the past year during all these expansion you talk about. There was only one server that surged and it wasn't because of an expansion craze.


The game as a whole.

Go to Torstatus.net - click either North America or Europe up top - go to population trends down the bottom - use the bottom slider to look at different points in time.


Europe - no heavy status at all for about a month mid May-Late June last year - then late June boom heavy all the way through except an odd dip in September then dies off again in February ... we can't compare February to last May because there was a server capacity increase but we can say that server numbers jumped up late June onwards.


North America - Same trend as above, same conclusions as above except the odd September gap is missing.


Also if you look from February onwards whre the heavy practically stopped there is a noticeable trend upwards in standard status between Feb -> late March where it tends to remain pretty static from there on.

This means ideally population took a big dive in February as we would expect after the allure of an expansion wears off but has actually managed to slightly climb up from there and remain fairly static there on.


Now you can allude to your /who crap all you like or your magic napkin numbers but at least torstatus is actual data you can look at and form reasoned conclusions from where other people can see the same data to contest said conclusions.

Anything else you have to say around your non-sensical data should be more or less ignored because so far between you and TUXs you've not put forward one shred of tangible proof for peer review by those participating in this thread.

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Pretty sure that what the "reject auto guild invites" option is there for. If your unguilded use it.


Thank you captain obvious, but that is insufficient.


All the reject switch does is prevent the popup. You still see spam of the auto-reject in the chat window... and some people will spam it multiple times because they got an instant reject. It's obnoxious how some people will hit your with half a dozen or more in a row... apparently not wanting to take NO for an answer.


Players need to just stop spamming guild invites, or any unsolicited invite for that matter. ;)

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What server are you referring to? Because Harbinger had a spike of transfers. But every other server I know of took a nose dive within the past year during all these expansion you talk about. There was only one server that surged and it wasn't because of an expansion craze.


Uninformed generalizations such as this undermine your credibility in discussion MCB.


Begeren Colony increased in player activity ~ 50% with the KoTFE release back in October. Biggest surge ever on that server. After 7 months, it has returned to just about where it was this time last year.


I know that Ebon Hawk surged similarly as well, though it has not tailed off as much as Begeren. I don't play this server as often as BC, but there have been plenty of players in the forum reporting that EH is doing just fine.


These are both traditionally RP servers, so it's no surprise they are less sensitive to player angst over queue times or PvP in general.

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Thank you captain obvious, but that is insufficient.


All the reject switch does is prevent the popup. You still see spam of the auto-reject in the chat window... and some people will spam it multiple times because they got an instant reject.


Players need to just stop spamming guild invites, or any unsolicited invite for that matter. ;)


Make a guild with just your players. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. The games population on just about every server is horrifyingly low and your worried about guild invites? There are 5 different resolutions to fix that. But this game nose diving into the ground is an issue of much much more importance and a little more difficult to fix at this point.

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Make a guild with just your players. Other than that, I don't know what to tell you. The games population on just about every server is horrifyingly low and your worried about guild invites? There are 5 different resolutions to fix that. But this game nose diving into the ground is an issue of much much more importance and a little more difficult to fix at this point.


I don't need a one person guild.


Less players wearing their backsides as hats and insisting on spamming invites would be a nice social change in the servers though. But I'm not holding my breath.


And no.. you can keep insisting until you turn blue and the spittle is covering your display screen, but the game is still not nose diving as a whole. :rolleyes: Don't know what else to tell you... you are not entitled to insta-queues tailored to your personal play schedule.

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