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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Oh, I couldn't leave these forums without telling a couple people they won't have me to kick around any more ;)


Not that I'm planning on leaving, mind you. The game, or the forums. I'm a terrible person and enjoy Forum PvP. And that queue pops quickly.


Hah, so it does.


I have "episodes" where I'll follow the forums for awhile and then I leave them be. It gets too repetitive for me after awhile.


Game is dying!!11!!


EA/BW is ripping us off.


Game is too easy.


Game is too hard.


Etc. etc. etc.


Getting close to my limit again, too.

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Which is why I read your posts, and not others in the thread - you can separate proof and belief. I even expect there is a down-trend of the kind of players who do hang out on fleet, because they don't have anything else to do but the kind of end-game stuff that's facilitated by hanging out on fleet

This is exactly what I think it is...the type of player who hung around on fleet has diminished - raiders, PuGers and PvPers. Have they been replaced by new players who came back for the story content? I don't believe so...the drop off has been too steep imo.

Tux, I never go to the fleet unless I need to upgrade my gear. I then run to the fleet and get off quickly. I normally hang out in my stronghold or Odessan. Most of our guild is like that. We hate the fleet.

But then you were never one of the people I saw last June, July, August then were you? You were never counted in the 3-4 fleet instances right? So your absence isn't noticed by me (in judging fleet population I mean, not implying you don't matter or count).



I've been here since beta. Fleet has never failed me as an indicator to the servers health (this is my 4th server). I'm no expert, I don't have access to any numbers you guys don't...I'm simply saying that in my opinion, based off my experiences here, it is undeniable that the population has taken a sharp decline.


I hope I'm wrong...but I have enough confidence in my observation and conclusion that I do not believe I am.


edit: Just to be clear - I by no means feel the game is dying or dead...neglected, mismanaged, and stagnant, but not dead...I've just been responding to explain my observations.

Edited by TUXs
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There's a goose with little baby geese on BW's roof and ya'll still going on about dead/undead servers? pfff.
Goslings (as in Ryan). I hear Ryan Gosling has a new movie coming out. Maybe this is it?


And, yeah, priorities anyone? Honestly though, dead servers would be fine for me. But I'm scared poo-less of undead servers.

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Goslings (as in Ryan). I hear Ryan Gosling has a new movie coming out. Maybe this is it?


And, yeah, priorities anyone? Honestly though, dead servers would be fine for me. But I'm scared poo-less of undead servers.

Oh they're called Goslings, really? I didn't know that. I'm gonna see a goose now each time Ryan's on the screen.

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do you realize how unreasonable you're being here?


anyone on harbinger can support this. sorry i haven't been cataloguing fleet instance trends in anticipation for forum wars months later when people like yourself will just stomp and whine about "facts" when you have numerous people to support this occurrence.


you're basically denying the moon landing because i wasn't able to provide you gps confirmation that their bodies left the atmosphere.


I was on harbinger a year ago and i don't recall 4 instances of fleet at this time ... I remember it after KotFE dropped, after SoR dropped and for a few months after each but certainly not this time last year.


As to being unreasonable ... asking for evidence of a "fact" is unreasonable? So far we have someone's memory and someone who has hand written notes supposedly about the population a year ago - the laters credibility is all but shot by the silly game they play pretending to be 2 different people.

Your own credibility isn't a lot better looking over your recent post history and your chicken little syndrome "the game is dead" posts.

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It did. What would you like me to do to prove it to you?


... offer proof maybe or stop making assertions about population you can't actually support with any proof. already we have you saying 4, MCB saying 5 ... who do we believe? It's all starting to reek of hyperbole to me.

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The number of fleet instances HAS dropped. I misread what you had stated, sorry about that.


When I started on Harb almost a year ago, we would have 3-4 Pub fleets every night I played. Today, we get 2, and until this past weekend, one was usually very close to empty (20-40 people regularly).


What would you conclude from that?


3-4 instead of 4 instances now? These facts of yours sure do change.

It's your story you can conclude what you like from it ... I'm not going to conclude anything from your personal observations that I don't particularly recall and from the lowest point I've experienced in this game for the activities I like to do ( pugs ) which was a year ago.

Personally I find the population to be more healthy on harb than a year ago ( be it to other servers dieing off then so be it, I can only speak for Harb ). Can I prove it is? Nope but then I'm not the one running around with personal memories for facts.

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That's unnecessarily crude of you. You basically decided it was an obvious sign but that's your belief. I try to keep belief and assumption out of this. You are the one pretending that it has a specific meaning without knowing the reason.


It's equally possible that there are fewer people on the fleet because of the guild ships. As someone else mentioned to you, it's entirely much more easy for guilds to get guild ships since 4.0 is out. So why would you discount that possibility? Because you call it obvious, but it's only obvious if you choose to ignore other possibilities that are actually plausible.


It's a shame but typical.


It's entirely possible also that there are more instances now than a year ago ... we only have TUXs memory to work off which differs to mine.

Things were pretty bad a year ago for anyone with business on the fleet with only 2 ( rather bugged ) new raids at level and almost no one wanted to pug them.

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But then you were never one of the people I saw last June, July, August then were you? .


June? As in not a year ago as in after KoTFE was announced ( drawing people back ) along with subscriber rewards I believe?


If you are going to compare instances to a year ago actually compare it to a year ago :rolleyes:


What a waste of time people have made replying to your flawed logic.

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It's entirely possible also that there are more instances now than a year ago ... we only have TUXs memory to work off which differs to mine.

Things were pretty bad a year ago for anyone with business on the fleet with only 2 ( rather bugged ) new raids at level and almost no one wanted to pug them.


Only TUX? ROFLMAO!! Your joking right?

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


I see not one thing wrong with this statement. Spot on!

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It's entirely possible also that there are more instances now than a year ago ... we only have TUXs memory to work off which differs to mine.

Things were pretty bad a year ago for anyone with business on the fleet with only 2 ( rather bugged ) new raids at level and almost no one wanted to pug them.


Well, my personal experience on my server is that that there are more people on leveling planets than a couple of years ago and having guild ships also makes a difference. However, all this "evidence" is anecdotal at best.


He decided it's all the proof he needs to substantiate his opinion on the population. My stance is that if that's the only "evidence" you have (assuming that it's true to begin with), then it's not very conclusive. I cannot say whether the population on your server is healthy or not, but I can say that the "evidence" presented is insufficient.


You see if there are two possibilities, A and B. And then someone says A is true because of reason 1. Now I then look at it and see that reason 1 is not conclusive, so I mention that. For some odd reason people then think that I am defending possibility B. But I am not, I am just saying that the reason 1 isn't conclusive so it could go either way still.


Apparently, that's something he can't wrap his head around.

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oh hi strongholds was released August 19, 2014


what's the next desperate excuse?


You don't read very well do you. Yes they were released in 2014 but that didn't mean that suddenly everybody had a guild ship and started using it regularly as of August 2014. Also with 4.0 it's a lot easier to get credits and also a lot of older players who are endgame focused have left the game.


So if it's too difficult for you to fathom that some things take time to build up, especially with a 50 million credit downpayment which was much more significant than today, then I will try to feel sorry for you.


Again, I am not saying that the population hasn't dropped, but I am saying that fewer fleet instances by themselves are not conclusive evidence. They could be an indication, but the problem is that it could be an indication of other things as well and that's why more evidence is required to substantiate that claim.


In the end the only thing that is really telling is how many people actually play on the entire server and not just hanging on the fleet. Solo play, as you know has gotten the priority in the game and it shows on my server with more people being on the leveling planets to level or do heroics.


If you cannot see these trends then surely you are choosing to ignore them. It's not about excuses because I am not claiming that the population is fine. That is my impression but that means very little. You would do well to not be so easily pleased with flakey evidence.

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Well, my personal experience on my server is that that there are more people on leveling planets than a couple of years ago and having guild ships also makes a difference. However, all this "evidence" is anecdotal at best.


He decided it's all the proof he needs to substantiate his opinion on the population. My stance is that if that's the only "evidence" you have (assuming that it's true to begin with), then it's not very conclusive. I cannot say whether the population on your server is healthy or not, but I can say that the "evidence" presented is insufficient.


You see if there are two possibilities, A and B. And then someone says A is true because of reason 1. Now I then look at it and see that reason 1 is not conclusive, so I mention that. For some odd reason people then think that I am defending possibility B. But I am not, I am just saying that the reason 1 isn't conclusive so it could go either way still.


Apparently, that's something he can't wrap his head around.



We're dealing with a popular culture in which everything is about "taking a side", so that if you say "you have offered insufficient evidence to support your claim", many people will presume that you are attacking their evidence in support of some counter-claim, rather than plainly and simply stating that their evidence is inconclusive or weak.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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You don't read very well do you. Yes they were released in 2014 but that didn't mean that suddenly everybody had a guild ship and started using it regularly as of August 2014. Also with 4.0 it's a lot easier to get credits and also a lot of older players who are endgame focused have left the game.


So if it's too difficult for you to fathom that some things take time to build up, especially with a 50 million credit downpayment which was much more significant than today, then I will try to feel sorry for you.


Again, I am not saying that the population hasn't dropped, but I am saying that fewer fleet instances by themselves are not conclusive evidence. They could be an indication, but the problem is that it could be an indication of other things as well and that's why more evidence is required to substantiate that claim.


In the end the only thing that is really telling is how many people actually play on the entire server and not just hanging on the fleet. Solo play, as you know has gotten the priority in the game and it shows on my server with more people being on the leveling planets to level or do heroics.


If you cannot see these trends then surely you are choosing to ignore them. It's not about excuses because I am not claiming that the population is fine. That is my impression but that means very little. You would do well to not be so easily pleased with flakey evidence.


Guildships are counted as fleet. So again your trying to hard. The servers have deflated considerably.

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We're dealing with a popular culture in which everything is about "taking a side", so that if you say "you have offered insufficient evidence to support your claim", many people will presume that you attacking their evidence in support of some counter-claim, rather than plainly and simply stating that their evidence is inconclusive or weak.


You are quite right. Well put.

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We're dealing with a popular culture in which everything is about "taking a side", so that if you say "you have offered insufficient evidence to support your claim", many people will presume that you attacking their evidence in support of some counter-claim, rather than plainly and simply stating that their evidence is inconclusive or weak.


Salient point, this.

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You are quite right. Well put.


I have laid out countless un refutable evidence for the claims I make. Provable and demonstrable evidence that can be tried and tested to be proven accurate. That's a lot more than you can say for yourself while you scream and yell about how having 1 instance of fleet is better than having 4 and that the fact that we are down to 1 means nothing. Pulling your head out of the sand makes it a lot easier to see. Pull your head out and take a look. Its real easy to see once you do that.

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