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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Yes, go back and read. I just did that earlier. And it seems every time I got my back up or snapped off it was in defensive mode, not offensive. Go start on page 1. This thread started off perfectly fine. Go thru the first 3 pages and nothing at all until the attackers jumped in.


And yes you attack me I attack back. I am not perfect by any means and I am not saying I am right, but you go back and re read the thread and in its context and look at how many times I was attacked. And you want me to just lay down and take it? Or not defend my position? You defend your position. I cant defend mine?


The person most attacked on here has been me. Most of the time I attack it is in response to someone trashing me or my position. Go back and re read it. I did.


You mean page 1, where you had already starting acting like queue pops for group content define the fate of the game, for everyone, no matter what they actually enjoy about the game?


Or page 2, where -- in response to people comparing fleet instance count as a measure of population -- I pointed out a technical detail, that instance maximum sizes have been tweaked upwards, and you went off on me about it?


Or page 2, where you started spamming the definition of "denial" at people because of course, if their experiences of the game or what's happening on other servers doesn't align with your personal bugbear about queue pops, then of course, they must be "in denial"?


Or from the very start, the way you've been telling anyone who said anything that didn't support your own self-absorbed, self-important, dudebro rage, that they were an idiot and should shut up?


...or years ago, when you were already posting that the game was "dead"?

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It seems there's a double standard for many people here. They can attack you, but then they get bent outta shape if you reply in kind...not that I think you should, but it's hard not to.




And never mind how that right there describes dudebro to a T.


He started out this thread with a premise and attitude and outright statements that dismissed anyone who didn't agree with him as being "in denial"... dismissed any observation, experience, or evidence that didn't match his own as meaningless... and dismissed any aspect of the game that's not his own personal priority as worthless.


Dudebro -- "This game is dying, and I know this because I can't get queue pops!"


Someone -- "There are tons of people on my server most of the time, and things seem to be going strong from my point of view."


Dudebro -- "OMG, you blind morons, you're in denial, without instant queue pops for my content, this game is dead! My own server that I'm on right now is the last place to go, after this, the entire game will die! Your servers and your experience and whatever you like to do in the game are meaningless and worthless!"


Many other posters have tried to point this out, and all he's done is continue to double down, time after time. He has continued to act more and more like the stereotypical toxic PvP player, while bemoaning the lack of PvP queue pops... to the point where he started responding to people with "UMADBRO?"

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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He started out this thread with a premise and attitude and outright statements that dismissed anyone who didn't agree with him as being "in denial"... dismissed any observation, experience, or evidence that didn't match his own as meaningless... and dismissed any aspect of the game that's not his own personal priority as worthless.


Dudebro -- "This game is dying, and I know this because I can't get queue pops!"

No...he started out with THIS:

TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.

And he has a legit question...where do we go once Harbinger goes the way of POT5?

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Maybe not in his very first post, but still on the first page - in reply to

Just give it a month assuming they aren't going to delay the new warzones, as a new interest will arrive in it and old players will be returning. Until then I wish you luck on the queue times and not getting pubstomped.


we got the following -


Your response is of no consequence. I don't say that to be rude, but what you just said is meaningless to the post.


So, someone showing support and sympathy, asking him to wait a couple of weeks and see what happens, even wishing him well, got told that his post was meaningless? That sounds more like someone who just wants a fight. Like if he can't get a queue to pop so he can have a fight in-game, he'll start one on the forums instead.

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I have a serious question to the veteran players that say they are still having fun. What are you guys doing to keep it fun?


I continue to make 3rd/4th/5ths of any one of the classes in-game because I genuinely still enjoy running through especially the original 3 class story arcs, taking a slightly different approach to it each time. I make sure I don't play 24/7 and binge everything because I know otherwise I'll just get burned out. Some times I'll stand at the GTN for hours instead browsing gear and playing dress up because why not? I enjoy reading and writing game related fan fiction outside the game and hanging out on the forums which is still mostly a positive experience. I look forward to each new Chapter that's released even when some turn out to be a little disappointing. Many of those things keep this game fun for me and overall, I'm still happy.

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I have another theory.


A couple times now, I've tried to engage you in a reasonable conversation on this subject. Asking you direct questions, not attacking, not trolling, not belittling. With no response. You've expressed zero interest in a reasonable conversation.


But then someone else comes along and attacks your ideas and suddenly you've got plenty to say.


So my theory is that because you can't PvP in game, you're trying to PvP here on the forums. The purpose of this thread isn't to make the game better, but to alleviate your boredom.


Decided to re-read the merged megathread from the start.


The above matches my experience -- every question I've asked of Mr Umadbro has received a response that can be paraphrased as either "I don't care about anything other than my queue pops" or "what a stupid question".

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I have a serious question to the veteran players that say they are still having fun. What are you guys doing to keep it fun?


I try to set myself new challenges - Try to get a character to 65 without leaving the first planet (GSF, PvP, and FP's are allowed), get to 65 without ever visiting a trainer or choosing an Advanced Class and only using the 2 starting skills, speed runs to see which class I can level fastest (Gunslinger is top at the moment with just over 12 hours), currently levelling solely on story but with all XP buffs (guild, legacy and consumable) to see if you can cap.

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I would like to suggest they should add something like Star Trek Online has done with it's Foundry tools.


Star Trek Online has the ability for players to create content. It's a neat feature and adds new content to the game that can be really fun to play.

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That sounds more like someone who just wants a fight. Like if he can't get a queue to pop so he can have a fight in-game, he'll start one on the forums instead.
At last, a viable solution to the OP's issue. If all the PvP servers die, he can just move his PvP to the forums. Forum PvP seems very robust these days. So, there actually is somewhere to go.
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Decided to re-read the merged megathread from the start.


The above matches my experience -- every question I've asked of Mr Umadbro has received a response that can be paraphrased as either "I don't care about anything other than my queue pops" or "what a stupid question".


Sums it up quite well Max. :)


He is dismissive of anything other then his own interests, and hostile to anyone that points this out to him or tries to advance discussion beyond his personal bias.

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At last, a viable solution to the OP's issue. If all the PvP servers die, he can just move his PvP to the forums. Forum PvP seems very robust these days. So, there actually is somewhere to go.


Heh.. won't work though. Because he is not particularly good at forum PvP, IMO. Plus he will be mad that we don't queue up on the forum to PvP with him 7/24 and most importantly fall on the forum floor and play dead when he attacks. :p

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Heh.. won't work though. Because he is not particularly good at forum PvP, IMO. Plus he will be mad that we don't queue up on the forum to PvP with him 7/24 and most importantly fall on the forum floor and play dead when he attacks. :p


I don't know, every time I que I always get stuck in the 'Off Topic Blits' map..

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Heh.. won't work though. Because he is not particularly good at forum PvP, IMO. Plus he will be mad that we don't queue up on the forum to PvP with him 7/24 and most importantly fall on the forum floor and play dead when he attacks. :p

And yet you call PvPers "antagonistic"...

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You do realize that most of you are acting like children right now, right? I mean you're now not much better than the guy you're mocking and aiming those comments at.


I haven't read every single one of the 800+ comments made thus far though it's glaringly obvious some were made by the OP that rubbed others the wrong way but still.. why stoop down to that level when you can shrug it off and walk away instead? Carrying this on and responding to him with condescending, accusational tones and making little jibes..? Shake it off, be better.

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You do realize that most of you are acting like children right now, right? I mean you're now not much better than the guy you're mocking and aiming those comments at.


I haven't read every single one of the 800+ comments made thus far though it's glaringly obvious some were made by the OP that rubbed others the wrong way but still.. why stoop down to that level when you can shrug it off and walk away instead? Carrying this on and responding to him with condescending, accusational tones and making little jibes..? Shake it off, be better.


I now you are, but what am I!?


In all seriousness, being the 'bigger person' never has seemed to work. Responding in kind however always proved effective.

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You do realize that most of you are acting like children right now, right? I mean you're now not much better than the guy you're mocking and aiming those comments at.


I haven't read every single one of the 800+ comments made thus far though it's glaringly obvious some were made by the OP that rubbed others the wrong way but still.. why stoop down to that level when you can shrug it off and walk away instead? Carrying this on and responding to him with condescending, accusational tones and making little jibes..? Shake it off, be better.

EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Jenny.

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Telling someone "You're being a jerk" when they are, in fact, being a jerk, is not the same as being a jerk.


There's a space between jumping in feet first and gleefully exchanging random insults on one hand -- versus being so concerned with maintaining absolute decorum that you let someone else throw their ***** around the room without ever commenting on it, on the other hand.

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I now you are, but what am I!?


In all seriousness, being the 'bigger person' never has seemed to work. Responding in kind however always proved effective.


Yeah. I realize my comment may elicit "zomgosh you're as bad as us now" but it's not meant as such. I just feel that if you carry on that way and continue to stoop down to the level of the person you're so offended by, it diminishes the value of every point you're trying to make in what could be a sensible conversation, by behaving just as badly.


Oh well c'est la vie right?

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Jenny is right.


This thread (like so many others before it) doesn't even concern itself with the original issue anymore: The OP's totally unjustified proclamation that his experience with long PvP queue pops proves definitely that SWTOR has "died" as a sustainable source of entertainment for all players.


At this point, you're all just monkeys flinging you-know-what at each other. As much as I enjoy a trip to the zoo, it's hard to feel that anyone owns the moral high ground when everyone is caked in monkey poo. Fling enough simian excrement around the room and everyone looks the same.


It's been three years since I wrote anything with so many monkey-poo references. I hope you're all happy with yourselves!:mad:

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Jenny is right.


This thread (like so many others before it) doesn't even concern itself with the original issue anymore: The OP's totally unjustified proclamation that his experience with long PvP queue pops proves definitely that SWTOR has "died" as a sustainable source of entertainment for all players.


At this point, you're all just monkeys flinging you-know-what at each other. As much as I enjoy a trip to the zoo, it's hard to feel that anyone owns the moral high ground when everyone is caked in monkey poo. Fling enough simian excrement around the room and everyone looks the same.


It's been three years since I wrote anything with so many monkey-poo references. I hope you're all happy with yourselves!:mad:

Pretty sure you've just described what a troll would consider "mission accomplished" - so props to OP there at least.

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