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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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Its excuses, coz Division, coz WOW new expansion, coz B&S, coz BDO, coz TESO new expansion, coz GW2 release and so on, so on.


The difference is that those games have the players. SWTOR does not. Can not argue against the OP's point. SWTOR has extremely low player numbers and it is showing in various aspects of the game. Been playing SWTOR since launch myself, not any more, but I can say that it did not have a good launch itself. Did not take long for sever mergers to kick in when the people began to leave. It is happening again and there are very few servers left.


Maybe the HK-55 weapons and helmet are scaring people away? Maybe the broken companions (Niko Occar)? The wonderful broken Agent chapter 10 ending? Maybe the lack of content such as NEW raids, PVP and ever shorter stories missions? I am sure others can add to the fact of what is happening to SWTOR.

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As I've said ... too many times, it seems ... threads such as this are best interpreted to include a giant "TO ME" in the proclamations of a game's demise. I have no doubt that SWTOR is dead ... to the OP. An alternative interpretation is to infer that OP uses the word "dead" to mean "not enough people doing stuff I want to do." Which may be true. I neither know nor care what the OP wants to do in SWTOR.


"Dead" is entirely subjective in this context. I play every night. I do all the same stuff I've done for years. I see my Guildmates around each day. I don't raid, but I see they are. From my perspective, SWTOR's "health" hasn't declined from what I observed two or even three years ago. If the OP can base his assertion on his personal experience, so can I. SWTOR IS ALIVE AND KICKING!


So...What youi're saying is...

''What the OP saids is true, from a certain point of view?'' :D

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So...What youi're saying is...

''What the OP saids is true, from a certain point of view?'' :D


Does that mean that Darth Vader killed SWTOR's father, or that Darth Vader is SWTOR's father?



Also, I've been trying to find a good reference to when the planetary instance size cap was increased, and in an odd twist, this thread is now one of the first results on Google...

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Does that mean that Darth Vader killed SWTOR's father, or that Darth Vader is SWTOR's father?



Also, I've been trying to find a good reference to when the planetary instance size cap was increased, and in an odd twist, this thread is now one of the first results on Google...


That was quicker than I expected

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The difference is that those games have the players. SWTOR does not. Can not argue against the OP's point. SWTOR has extremely low player numbers and it is showing in various aspects of the game. Been playing SWTOR since launch myself, not any more, but I can say that it did not have a good launch itself. Did not take long for sever mergers to kick in when the people began to leave. It is happening again and there are very few servers left.


Maybe the HK-55 weapons and helmet are scaring people away? Maybe the broken companions (Niko Occar)? The wonderful broken Agent chapter 10 ending? Maybe the lack of content such as NEW raids, PVP and ever shorter stories missions? I am sure others can add to the fact of what is happening to SWTOR.


It's when I hear things like this that I think something moves from "valid complaint whether I agree with it or not" to "this is just pointless grousing".


It's fine if you want "shorter story missions". Keep in mind 2 things:


1) This is a BioWare game, i.e., a game from a studio whose games are renowned for their story.

2) The focus of SWTOR has always been on story. Raids, etc. were put in at release to have content, and to attract players who were used to raids from WoW and other MMOs.


I don't know if you're aware, but every time we log into the game, BioWare is gathering a whole lot of metrics on what we're doing: what classes we're playing, what faction we're in, whether we're in a guild, how fast we're going through content, whether we're using XP boosts, whether we're F2P, Preferred or Subscriber, what we're doing on a given world ("Is this player running content?" "Is this player just standing around using the chat client?" "Is this player going into PvP?"), how much we use our personal ship, how much we use our Stronghold, whether we spend more time in the guild's ship, on and on and on.


Those metrics help direct where BioWare puts its limited development resources ("limited" because developers are human beings, who only have so many productive hours in a day, and can only do so much at once). They optimize those resources. They look at what the players who are here are doing, they find statistical trends, and from those trends they make conclusions about what kind of content is going to reach the most people.


There's an inference you can draw from this: the kind of new content we're getting is what their metrics are indicating the largest number of regularly active players will engage with, what those players "want". That we're getting a very story-focused set of new content right now with Knights of the Fallen Empire is an indication that the story content was what the largest number of players previously engaged with. That it's coming in monthly installments is a matter of resource management: it's easier to put out small chunks and let players have dribbles of new content than make them wait a LONG time for fully voiced-over, cut-scened full expansions, which BioWare probably doesn't have the resources to do. The raiders may have left, as a player on another thread insists, because of a lack of new raid content, but BioWare is realizing (apparently) that the players left want story, so they're doing what they can to keep those players engaged. It dosen't mean they don't want to (or won't) do new raids for the game: I'm sure that content will come sooner or later. Right now, we're getting story content.


If you're unhappy with the population of the game, it could be you're just on the wrong server. Me? I log in and find, on average, around 30 or so people on from my guild until well after prime time. I go to Coruscant and there are around 100 people showing in that region of the game. I'm going through the Jedi Knight storyline right now (just came back to the game last weekend), and it isn't surprising to me that most of the story worlds are low population. It's honestly kind of a breath of fresh air, because it means I'm not competing for quest objectives (which was an issue when the game launched; don't get me started on how many rak-ghouls it took me to finally get enough blood for one quest's objective...).


I'm not focused on group content. I'm functionally treating this as "Knights of the Old Republic 3", and it just happens to have some social components, kinda like the chat client in Diablo 3. That's a rough estimation, because there are some MMO features that I like, but I played World of Warcraft for 10 years. I started seriously raiding in Wrath of the Lich King, and had done semi-serious raiding prior to that. Not too long after I hit the new level cap in Warlords of Draenor, what made me not renew my subscription at the time wasn't a problem with how the game was being developed, it was just exhaustion from preparing to enter yet another cycle of "Do Heroics to get blues, do raids to get Epics, wait for a new tier of raids to come out, replace existing Epics with new Epics", when the reality is what I cared most about was the story, and I could find synopses of the story online, and find datamined cut scenes when necessary. Some powerful gear that looked cool was neat, but it just wasn't enough to keep me giving Blizzard $15 a month anymore.


I'll be trying out Legion when it launches, but I don't know how much I'll be doing in the game after I reach the new cap on a Demon Hunter; I just don't know if I have it in me to commit to that endless cycle of gear/re-gear/rinse/repeat again.


So a story focus like we have in SWTOR is excellent for players like me. I have the good fortunate to be in that demographic of players that (at least for now) BioWare is catering to with this game.


If you're not happy with that development direction, that's cool, and entirely valid. Not every game is for every player. I don't like excessive grind and PvP, so I don't play Aion. I don't like playing with spreadsheets as entertainment, so I don't play EVE Online. I like comical sci-fi and exploration, so I play WildStar. I don't like the micromanagement and in-game currency sink of player housing, so I don't worry much about my stronghold in SWTOR, and am going to buy one solely to get the quest out of my log.


Do what you find fun, and if the game you WANT to play is no longer doing things you find fun, shoot the devs a note on a feedback form, and uninstall the game. That's the best way you can make your feelings known.


Griping that it's "dying" because you're on a low-population server and aren't getting the kind of content you want doesn't serve a purpose.

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I will leave when the que pops slow down to a point I don't like. As far as what I am saying about the current condition of the game. If you don't like it then **** and **** of this thread if it bothers you. Otherwise if you don't like it, lump it.


People like you have a real issue with truth. When its uncomfortable for you your reaction to it is kick and scream and flop around like a lunatic. You think by trying to bow up and start acting tuff that if you can make some sort of a point about it that you win or feel better about yourself.


Never said I don't like the game. I wouldn't be here if I didn't like it. But if it dies off to the point where I have to wait for que pops and there is no other server to go to for quicker pops, then as much as I like the game I am gone. And if you don't like that little fact, you can lump it. If that bothers you, well then to dam bad for you.


It would do you good to get over yourself. Take my advice or not. It has no effect on me, but it would do you some good kid.


Frankly, I wish you'd spare us all your sanctimonious bs and leave the game now. Your "advice" ? What advice are you giving? You're just QQing. And you want us all to agree with you, so you can feel like you are special.


The only people who really know the numbers at the dev's. Not me. And certainly not you.

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So I have to say that both posted links are sort of a misleading joke. There aren't that many AAA mmo's out there that are pay to play anymore. When you only have 5 of something, and then post a top five it then makes the point kind of retarded, since their actual revenue numbers could be abysmal compared to other standards other than a top five list. And while a limited number of mmo's doesn't apply to all their categories listed, it certainly applies to the one that swtor is in.

Edited by Holocron
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So I have to say that both posted links are sort of a misleading joke. There aren't that many AAA mmo's out there that are pay to play anymore. When you only have 5 of something, and then post a top five it then makes the point kind of retarded, since their actual revenue numbers could be abysmal compared to other standards other than a top five list. And while a limited number of mmo's doesn't apply to all their categories listed, it certainly applies to the one that swtor is in.


Well, that's fine, I look forward to you and people like you claiming this game is dying in March 2018.

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So I have to say that both posted links are sort of a misleading joke. There aren't that many AAA mmo's out there that are pay to play anymore. When you only have 5 of something, and then post a top five it then makes the point kind of retarded, since their actual revenue numbers could be abysmal compared to other standards other than a top five list. And while a limited number of mmo's doesn't apply to all their categories listed, it certainly applies to the one that swtor is in.


The list was the same as it was in 2014 - indicating that SWTOR has not lost ground relative to other games in the category. Which, while that doesn't rule out category-affecting issues (which we know are there from other reports), it does mean SWTOR isn't in a uniquely bad position.

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Well, that's fine, I look forward to you and people like you claiming this game is dying in March 2018.


I'm not saying the game is going to die. In fact it would take either EA shutting it down cause it was costing too much to maintain over the revenue it was generating, or a new SW MMO launches, at which point it would probably close down at the launch similar to SWG when SWTOR came to the scene.

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So I have to say that both posted links are sort of a misleading joke. There aren't that many AAA mmo's out there that are pay to play anymore. When you only have 5 of something, and then post a top five it then makes the point kind of retarded, since their actual revenue numbers could be abysmal compared to other standards other than a top five list. And while a limited number of mmo's doesn't apply to all their categories listed, it certainly applies to the one that swtor is in.

If SWTOR's out-earning games like FFXIV, ESO, Blade and Soul, LOTRO, EQ2, DCUO, and Wildstar, I think that's fairly noteworthy in a discussion over whether or not this game is dead/dying. Unless people think all of those are on death's door, too. (Okay, Wildstar might be :p)

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If SWTOR's out-earning games like FFXIV, ESO, Blade and Soul, LOTRO, EQ2, DCUO, and Wildstar, I think that's fairly noteworthy in a discussion over whether or not this game is dead/dying. Unless people think all of those are on death's door, too. (Okay, Wildstar might be :p)


Out-grossing. I don't think we've seen the rankings of net revenue.

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So I have to say that both posted links are sort of a misleading joke. There aren't that many AAA mmo's out there that are pay to play anymore. When you only have 5 of something, and then post a top five it then makes the point kind of retarded, since their actual revenue numbers could be abysmal compared to other standards other than a top five list. And while a limited number of mmo's doesn't apply to all their categories listed, it certainly applies to the one that swtor is in.

The part that caught my eye is where Lineage and TERA are above SWTOR...I don't know much about either game, but I'm disappointed we're not above both of them...I mean, how many TERA movies are there? TERA toys? TERA novels? TERA coffee mugs? From exposure alone I would assume SWTOR should have been above both.

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The part that caught my eye is where Lineage and TERA are above SWTOR...I don't know much about either game, but I'm disappointed we're not above both of them...I mean, how many TERA movies are there? TERA toys? TERA novels? TERA coffee mugs? From exposure alone I would assume SWTOR should have been above both.


I've barely even heard of either one... are they Korean or something?

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The part that caught my eye is where Lineage and TERA are above SWTOR...I don't know much about either game, but I'm disappointed we're not above both of them...I mean, how many TERA movies are there? TERA toys? TERA novels? TERA coffee mugs? From exposure alone I would assume SWTOR should have been above both.


Plus Tera is been out forever, so we should absolutely be above them.

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I've barely even heard of either one... are they Korean or something?


They are two old *** games that never went anywhere. Lin. did okay for a sec, but has lost most of its players over time. Tera was hyped pre-launch, but like many mmo's it kind of failed at launch and has been on a slow life support since.

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Out-grossing. I don't think we've seen the rankings of net revenue.


This likely why EA has been slashing the dev team and resources like mad. They are trying to reduce the cost of business for the revenue stream we now get, which certainly can't support the resources we use to have and still remain profitable.

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