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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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True, true. If MadCuzBad sits here every day for the next four to six years, saying the game is dying, well, eventually, he'll be right.




Yep because he'll still playing in 5-10 years if it lasts that long and he'll have actual proof as he'll be actually the only person on the game.

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True, true. If MadCuzBad sits here every day for the next four to six years, saying the game is dying, well, eventually, he'll be right.




True. Even a broken 12 hour clock is correct twice a day.


What I want to know is if he is holding his breath through this multi-year campaign of his. Because he ought to be well beyond blue in the face by now. :p

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As healthfull server yes. Pubs are now ghost town and imps....almost the same.


ANY reference to PvP servers in the context of discussing the overall health of the game is misguided and misinformed. PvP in SWTOR is a minority interest group, and has been since the first year.


Besides...PvPers are among the most restless of MMO players and are notorious server hoppers..... and with 90cc server transfers ... even more so. Been going on since before the mass coagulation of PvPers on The Fatman (before they largely abandoned it as well and it got folded in during the last big server merge.

Edited by Andryah
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ANY reference to PvP servers in the context of discussing the overall health of the game is misguided and misinformed. PvP in SWTOR is a minority interest group, and has been since the first year.


Besides...PvPers are among the most restless of MMO players


Totally agree, but PVE can get restless, too. I haven't placed a deco in a stronghold in several hours, starting to twitch.

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You still claiming the game is dying, MadCuzBad? Keep it up, one of these days you'll get it right.


"Don't worry, the game wont last that long. If you dont believe me just read the forums."

MadCuzBad, 8th February, 2012


And I was correct. At the time I posted that, we had 188 US servers alone. Now we are down to just 8, and 75% of the 8 are at low population 24/7.


A game that was estimated to have had 200 plus million thrown at it, 4 years later is almost completely dead is not being around long. Compared to WoW, 4 years later is a drop in the bucket.


I was right again and it burns you so bad. I know the truth hurts sometimes, but in your case it really really hurts.


Have a nice day, and try to get over your madbro syndrome. Life is too short to be as angry as you are.

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As stated before, there's a difference between instantaneous death, IE plug is pulled next week, or a slow painful death, IE plug is pulled in two years. Yes, the game is declining according to TOR status as of late, but no, the game still has plenty of life left in it and will continue on, hopefully for another decade or more.


Seriously... please... can we go without all the snark, the smug, and the personal attacks for once? Make your point without those... and I'm sure the other person may join in a constructive argument instead of responding back with more smug.

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And I was correct. At the time I posted that, we had 188 US servers alone. Now we are down to just 8, and 75% of the 8 are at low population 24/7.


A game that was estimated to have had 200 plus million thrown at it, 4 years later is almost completely dead is not being around long. Compared to WoW, 4 years later is a drop in the bucket.


I was right again and it burns you so bad. I know the truth hurts sometimes, but in your case it really really hurts.


Have a nice day, and try to get over your madbro syndrome. Life is too short to be as angry as you are.


It definitely looks like you were correct - 4 years later and the game is still running and they are currently recording the next season. Everyone knows that means the game is dying. I don't know what madbro syndrome is, but I'll definitely have my doctor check me out for it while I receive some treatment for the burns that you just gave me.

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I'm just curious which "TOR killer" now pending imminent shutdown game MadCuzBad came back from to tell us how a game adding content on a monthly basis and making the publisher a lot of green is dead and buried.


It's okay buddy, It'll be alright. Once Star Citizen launches. In 2030.

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And I was correct. At the time I posted that, we had 188 US servers alone. Now we are down to just 8, and 75% of the 8 are at low population 24/7.


A game that was estimated to have had 200 plus million thrown at it, 4 years later is almost completely dead is not being around long. Compared to WoW, 4 years later is a drop in the bucket.


I was right again and it burns you so bad. I know the truth hurts sometimes, but in your case it really really hurts.


Have a nice day, and try to get over your madbro syndrome. Life is too short to be as angry as you are.


I'm not sure, but I'm thinking "madbro syndrome" would be more along the lines of having a thread that claims that the game is dead and a thread that claims that PvP is alive and well on the first page of the General Forums. Perhaps you should seek professional help?

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And I was correct. At the time I posted that, we had 188 US servers alone. Now we are down to just 8, and 75% of the 8 are at low population 24/7.


A game that was estimated to have had 200 plus million thrown at it, 4 years later is almost completely dead is not being around long. Compared to WoW, 4 years later is a drop in the bucket.


I was right again and it burns you so bad. I know the truth hurts sometimes, but in your case it really really hurts.


Have a nice day, and try to get over your madbro syndrome. Life is too short to be as angry as you are.


To be fair, it still did better than most of the MMO, including most of the MMO which came out after it.


But yeah, it didn't meet the expectation and it could have been much better if Bioware could have got enough ppl/support to keep the new content coming out. The 2.0 cycle was the best.

Edited by Slowpokeking
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It definitely looks like you were correct - 4 years later and the game is still running and they are currently recording the next season. Everyone knows that means the game is dying. I don't know what madbro syndrome is, but I'll definitely have my doctor check me out for it while I receive some treatment for the burns that you just gave me.


The height of irony is that guy calling anyone else a "madbro" when he uses "bro" terminology left and right and likes like the biggest dudebro these forums have seen in a long time.

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Given that Disney cancelled Clone Wars despite them having plans for 3 more seasons it does make it clear that the Star Wars name is no guarantee that the plug wont be pulled when something better (in this case Rebels) comes along.


The way the game is going and that the devs have reached out off the books




but does not engage with the customer/player base does not seem good. The community team here constantly ignore any questions about the level of the content or the direction of the game while the producers are looking elsewhere. By the time they start talking honestly with the players it will be far too late.

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Given that Disney cancelled Clone Wars despite them having plans for 3 more seasons it does make it clear that the Star Wars name is no guarantee that the plug wont be pulled when something better (in this case Rebels) comes along.


That wasn't about "better", what was because Carton Network had control of Clone Wars and Disney wanted the show on one of their own networks.

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It really is interesting how many people are blind to the decline of this game. it is not dead but it is bleeding out quickly. fabboyism aside they need to take swift action to bring the game back to life.


The most "reliable" method I've seen posted is torstatus? Tell me, does it know how to differentiate between Standard before they increased server capacity and Light afterwards? What happens if both of these levels indicate the same, or close, number of players?


Riddle me this, as well: Which of OP's threads are we to believe? This one, where PvP is dead/dying therefore the game is too, or this one where he's trying to prove that it's alive and well? It really is interesting to me how many people see a bandwagon that conforms to what they believe and just jump on it, even when they find themselves on bandwagons that are diametrically opposed.

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The way the game is going and that the devs have reached out off the books




It was a passing comment, meant to reinforce that the devs do care and are listening. Nothing sinister was presented in that article re devs "reaching out, off the books". In fact it is probably somewhat common in the industry. And it makes sense, when a studio is trying a different approach to content releases. They keep a pulse both on player feedback as well as internal analytics.


but does not engage with the customer/player base does not seem good. The community team here constantly ignore any questions about the level of the content or the direction of the game while the producers are looking elsewhere. By the time they start talking honestly with the players it will be far too late.


While they do not answer every question that enters the forum (honestly who would, given some of the questions and the hostile manner in which they are presented), they do answer questions and it is pretty clear they do read them even if they don't answer them. [Note: I'm not saying they are great at clear, timely, and unambiguous communications... they are not by any means best in class in this regard].


Stop catastrophizing, IMO. :)

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It really is interesting how many people are blind to the decline of this game. it is not dead but it is bleeding out quickly. fabboyism aside they need to take swift action to bring the game back to life.


This is largely nonsense.


Just looking at long term trends via torstatus (which you can do by the way) .... the daily population activity is doing what it always does 4-6 months after an expac release. We see peaks and valleys via torstatus on "activity" and there is nothing abnormal about this particular post exapc cycle other then it stayed at peak a bit longer, courtesy of the timing of the recent movie release, before returning to the "tween-expac" valley.


And... just because daily player activity levels are moving back to the valley between expac releases, that in no way means that subscriber levels are notably lower (none of us know on this one).


What will be really interesting is to see if they continue with a monthly chapter format at the next expac release, or if they abandon that approach. What they actually do next time around will tell us volumes about how well the approach actually has worked with the player base.

Edited by Andryah
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