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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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If they create a mega server soon, then yes. Otherwise Im afraid you wont be seeing me soon. I will miss the forums, but the game in its current state I will not miss at all. Frankly it is more aggravating these days then it is pleasurable. But the forums I will miss. This account was made pre beta and I have been here since day 1. But enough is enough for me.


See yah tomorrow.

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If they create a mega server soon, then yes. Otherwise Im afraid you wont be seeing me soon. I will miss the forums, but the game in its current state I will not miss at all. Frankly it is more aggravating these days then it is pleasurable. But the forums I will miss. This account was made pre beta and I have been here since day 1. But enough is enough for me.


OKay, see you next month for your next ''I'm totes leavign this time, guys!"

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You're right, I'm putting too much faith in you. I'll see you next week.


I guess time will tell. But honestly my sub ends on the 25th and I will not be resubbing. I might try to see how long I can post past the 25th by not clearing my cookies. I know that if you don't clear your cookies that you can post for a while after your subscription ends.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


This entire time of 120,000 views, has anyone been able to give him an answer? Where do people run to if Harbinger dies? Have we reached the end of the rope? I see lots of bickering about non sense BS but no real answer to the question raised. Does no one have an answer for him other then personal attacks? Or maybe he is correct. The game truly has died and we have reached the end of the rope. Can anyone answer the question here? A legitimate answer to a legitimate question would be nice. Anyone? Or all you have for him is personal attacks?

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This entire time of 120,000 views, has anyone been able to give him an answer? Where do people run to if Harbinger dies? Have we reached the end of the rope? I see lots of bickering about non sense BS but no real answer to the question raised. Does no one have an answer for him other then personal attacks? Or maybe he is correct. The game truly has died and we have reached the end of the rope. Can anyone answer the question here? A legitimate answer to a legitimate question would be nice. Anyone? Or all you have for him is personal attacks?


He begged the question that the game has died. PvP is tottering, but the rest of the game, maybe not so much.

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This entire time of 120,000 views, has anyone been able to give him an answer? Where do people run to if Harbinger dies? Have we reached the end of the rope? I see lots of bickering about non sense BS but no real answer to the question raised. Does no one have an answer for him other then personal attacks? Or maybe he is correct. The game truly has died and we have reached the end of the rope. Can anyone answer the question here? A legitimate answer to a legitimate question would be nice. Anyone? Or all you have for him is personal attacks?


Many, many answers have been given over and over again. Harbinger isn't the last server, it isn't even the most populated from my experience. A hyperbolic title and not just unbacked claims, lies to support those claims. Not even close to the end of the rope. Now bugger off and go make another thread about how the latest event is more proof that the game is dead.

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Harbinger isn't the last server, it isn't even the most populated


Would you want to bet money on that or are you just trolling? Because I am fairly certain that is not debatable about Harbinger being the highest populated server. Actually not only un debatable but not even close. Would you care to bet some money on this or once again just trolling the forums for effect?

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So he is kinda correct, just not totally correct, but mostly correct? I don't know what to make of your answer.


Begging the Question is a fallacy in which the premises include the claim that the conclusion is true or (directly or indirectly) assume that the conclusion is true.

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Merage won't help (it will but only for a short time).

They need to do something that bring new players. I really don't think this new event will.


Personally I think this event was designed to drive players away so when they make the "EA will no longer be supporting SWTOR and as a result all remaining servers will be shut down etc etc etc" they will have less people effected by it. This event will un doubtedly drive hordes of current subscribers away from this game. A lot of people have been fed up and were on the fence of whether or not to remain subs. This event just knocked them off the fence. And the more people who leave now, the less people it will effect when they announce its closure in a month or two. IMO of course.

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de·ni·al noun /di- ˈ nī(-ə)l, dē-/

Definition of DENIAL

1 : a psychological defense mechanism in which

confrontation with a personal problem or with reality is avoided by denying the existence of the problem or reality

2 : refusal to admit the truth or reality

3 : refusing to admit the truth or reality of something unpleasant


This is still my favorite, lol.

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I have played on Harbringer for 2 years now. I was forced to server transfer off of POT5 (PVP) server because it became a ghost town. 30 minute que times during peak time. After peak time (mornings and late evenings) no que pops at all.

At the time I had a choice. Goto a populated server with que pops and leave my current server. At the time and still is the most populated server TheHarbringer was really the best choice.

The past 3 to 4 weeks on Harbringer has been the longest que waits in the 2 years I have been playing here. And in the past month has been getting slower each week. I play everyday at the same times so I have my finger on the pulse of Harbringer and know it well.


TLDR: Harbringer is heading down the same road as POT5 and has an eroding population. Only difference is this time for me is that when Harbringer dies off (and it is rapidly heading that way) there is no "GO TO" server like there was in the past. Harbinger dies, where do people run to? As I see it, there is nowhere to run anymore. We have reached the end of the rope.


Don't feel bad. Just logged into Bergren after a long hiatus to find myself on Corellia, alone. Totally, completely, utterly alone. Went to fleet, 10 people on.


Dead game is dead.

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Don't feel bad. Just logged into Bergren after a long hiatus to find myself on Corellia, alone. Totally, completely, utterly alone. Went to fleet, 10 people on.


Dead game is dead.


Its like that on all server right now. The game is in free fall and the development team is doing nothing to correct this. Very sad to watch this happen to a predictable reaction.

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Well considering that you posted it....


Some people like the smell of their own... roses. :rolleyes:




So, what's the current over-under one when MCB-MO or one of his other sock-puppets starts posting again after the magical June 25th date? I'd guess that it's under a week.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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In all seriousness, madcuzbad if your out there please post. You are hands down my favorite on the forums and my account ends tomorrow. I normally don't do call outs, but you not posting lately has made these forums dull. Do not let these white knights win. I got your back. Just jump back in the forums if your still out there reading this.
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