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Game has died, Nowhere to go


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I probably have been...but that's because I think he got ripped a new one well before he (as far as I know) began getting upset.


He made this post and it was a legit question...Harbinger is great and VERY healthy...right now....but what happens next time?


Like me, he's probably on his 4th server...he's seen this before too...it crossed my mind as well...I just don't think he deserved the beating he got for asking that.


I get that. I just think he was hostile and combative from the start. He's never going to get the response he wants from most people though, as it's difficult to see past all the insults and aggression in everything he posts. Valid arguments and questions are lost behind his attitude.

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What would you be using it for, just to taunt him? If so...it's inappropriate. If it's to get others to laugh at him...it's inappropriate. In fact, I can't see a good reason to use that meme...what was your reason exactly?


Becuase it fits perfectly with the post.

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Becuase it fits perfectly with the post.

How does it further the discussion exactly? I would find it rude and unacceptable because it's being posted ONLY to taunt...no other reason. If you disagree with someone, explain why. Resorting to pictures is weak.

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No problems. I came in at F2P and there was lost of hostility towards players like me at the beginning, and you were a shining example of a veteran player who was encouraging and friendly towards us. You still are, most of the time. I just feel that you're been giving MO more of a free pass on some of his behaviour. :)


Go read my original posts. I quit posting in 2012. Only when I saw the game going into a what I see as a dangerous position did I begin posting again in 2016. And when I did I got absolutely wrecked by a core of people who refused to allow my view point to be legitimized. And what started off on a very calm and relaxed conversation turned into a full time 100% defensive position I was forced into. And I decided after getting wrecked 24/7 on the forums to go from defensive to offensive. And now I refuse to take any more crap from this core of groupies who think it is funny to try and wreck me ever time I post.


That is why I say NOW if you mess with the bull, your gonna get the horns. That was not my position at first, but it is my position now. I will not go defensive with this group any longer. Now you take a shot at me and my post, I'm coming back 10 fold and 10 times stronger of an attack then the attacker. Its just how it is for me at this point. I did not start the fight, but I assure you I will finish it.

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Go read my original posts. I quit posting in 2012. Only when I saw the game going into a what I see as a dangerous position did I begin posting again in 2016. And when I did I got absolutely wrecked by a core of people who refused to allow my view point to be legitimized. And what started off on a very calm and relaxed conversation turned into a full time 100% defensive position I was forced into. And I decided after getting wrecked 24/7 on the forums to go from defensive to offensive. And now I refuse to take any more crap from this core of groupies who think it is funny to try and wreck me ever time I post.


What an "interesting" revision of history.


Anyone who wants to actually read the posting history will see you dropping in out of the blue to attack anyone who so much as said "Your claims do not match my experience" -- and that's pretending your identical writing style and quirks and identical "insult first, ignore questions later" posting style didn't make it clear that we're dealing with one person, two accounts between MO and MCB.



That is why I say NOW if you mess with the bull, your gonna get the horns. .


Yeah, that's pretty much what happened to you -- when you treat the people around you like crap, they don't react well.

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Go read my original posts. I quit posting in 2012. Only when I saw the game going into a what I see as a dangerous position did I begin posting again in 2016. And when I did I got absolutely wrecked by a core of people who refused to allow my view point to be legitimized. And what started off on a very calm and relaxed conversation turned into a full time 100% defensive position I was forced into. And I decided after getting wrecked 24/7 on the forums to go from defensive to offensive. And now I refuse to take any more crap from this core of groupies who think it is funny to try and wreck me ever time I post.


That is why I say NOW if you mess with the bull, your gonna get the horns. That was not my position at first, but it is my position now. I will not go defensive with this group any longer. Now you take a shot at me and my post, I'm coming back 10 fold and 10 times stronger of an attack then the attacker. Its just how it is for me at this point. I did not start the fight, but I assure you I will finish it.


Except I wasn't attacking you. I genuinely meant it here, and in the other thread, that I hope you find something else you enjoy out there. I'm sorry that you've had such a bad time here that you automatically viewed my well-wishes with hostility, when none was intended. :)

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Except I wasn't attacking you. I genuinely meant it here, and in the other thread, that I hope you find something else you enjoy out there. I'm sorry that you've had such a bad time here that you automatically viewed my well-wishes with hostility, when none was intended. :)

Your post came off as genuine...Max's did too. I think he meant hostility prior to that :)

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Except I wasn't attacking you. I genuinely meant it here, and in the other thread, that I hope you find something else you enjoy out there. I'm sorry that you've had such a bad time here that you automatically viewed my well-wishes with hostility, when none was intended. :)


He's probably used to dealing with people like me who've gotten so sick of his act that we don't care if he's happy.

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How does it further the discussion exactly? I would find it rude and unacceptable because it's being posted ONLY to taunt...no other reason. If you disagree with someone, explain why. Resorting to pictures is weak.


It's not to taunt, but it was a shorter way of pointing out just how juvinile and egotistical it came off as.

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It's not to taunt, but it was a shorter way of pointing out just how juvinile and egotistical it came off as.

And...how does that further the discussion? Does it add to the debate or not? I'm guilty myself of going off topic all the damn time...but I generally try to stick to it. So...how does your meme do that?

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Unfortunately, judging by his response to me here and in the other thread, I think he meant it. It's sad that this place has affected him so badly.

I agree...it's sad. He's a good guy who adds to the game imo.

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And of course his own ongoing aggressive, insulting behavior, habit of dismissing with a sneer anything that's not his pet segment of the game, posting under multiple sockpuppets, spamming threads and posts about the demise of the game and the supposed worthlessness of all servers not his own, ignoring direct questions in favor of spamming the definition of "denial"... had nothing, nothing at all to do with anyone's negative reaction to him.


No, not at all, totally undeserved, and he was totally a nice dude driven off by a bunch of mean forum-elites.


Whether he does all that or not, its still better imo to simply walk away than picking up the gauntlet and then engage in meaningless insults or stooping down to his supposed level. Besides being the bane of many jokes and superstition, their isn't yet solid proof the two are the same person/poster.

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Are you guys trying to get this thread closed? Because this is how we get threads closed.


And I for one have gotten a lot of amusement from it in the past few months.

Geezus Ian...I've tried plenty of times to get this one closed lol

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I have not logged into this game in over 6 weeks. This is the last day of my subscription and figured I would drop in and say my final farewell. Game has been uninstalled so all I can do till my sub ends is post on the forums.


Subscription Plans


You have 1 day of subscription play time remaining.


Your account will move to Free-to-Play status if you cancel your subscription and your paid game time runs out.


Ill be back when bioware creates a mega server. And if they don't this will be the last time I log in because I will not play un subscribed and I will never ever subscribe to this game again unless a mega server is formed. So other than that, that's about all I can say. The only way you will see me in 48 hours from now is if bioware announces that they are creating a mega server. Other than that there is a 0% chance of you seeing me here in any more than 1 day when my subscription runs out. Unless you subscribe you can not post in the forums and minus a mega server you will never see me subscribing to this game again.


Lol ... 5 pages since you just posted this most recent "farewell". I'll let others work out that those posts weren't 1 day or 6 weeks apart.


Your trolling skills really aren't that flash I thought yet ... 5 pages ...

I think it's either a sign of how poor the community is at spotting the obvious trolls or many are so bored with the game they reply anyway.


I personally do it for something to do during my breaks since I can't play at work. ;)

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The PVP is just like this game other than it has class balance, larger maps, and ZERO queue times.


And it's an FPS shooter ... rather large different there really. :rolleyes:


The rest of your post helps us all understand why TUXs is so defensive of you at least, could never work it out before.


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Finding a good game wont change my opinion of propagandist like you. TUX is a gentleman and is very wise when it comes to MMOs. I however am not as gentlemanly as he is. Where he will refrain from a full out attack because he is a gentleman, I will walk in, kick the door down, and smash and kick the tables over.


I have had my fill of people like you who will try to attack a gentleman like TUX. I could care less what you think of me or how I handle myself. But if you mess with the bull, you will get the horns. So if you don't want a war on your doorstep then don't attack me or insult my friends. Best thing to do if you don't like me is just please please please add/ignore me. Because if you push me, I'm gonna push back 10 times harder. You have been warned.


Lol not many posts make me literally actually laugh out loud these days but this one did, bravo. :)

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Lol ... 5 pages since you just posted this most recent "farewell". I'll let others work out that those posts weren't 1 day or 6 weeks apart.


Your trolling skills really aren't that flash I thought yet ... 5 pages ...

I think it's either a sign of how poor the community is at spotting the obvious trolls or many are so bored with the game they reply anyway.


I personally do it for something to do during my breaks since I can't play at work. ;)


I stand corrected. I thought I today my sub was up. I just checked my account.

Subscription Plans


You have 10 days of subscription play time remaining.


Your account will move to Free-to-Play status if you cancel your subscription and your paid game time runs out.


When I unsubbed last month I was reminded by a friend that I will lose my 2 guild ships (imp and pub) when I go F2P. I completely forgot about that. I panicked and resubbed right away to straighten that issue out. Me and some friends from SWG purchased those ships and I am the last one playing. We had over 700 people in our republic guild mostly people just doing conquest and total strangers.


Anyhow I had to remove all members from the guilds besides the people from SWG who bought the guildship originally. There is no way I am letting anyone outside our core group get those guildships which we worked hard to acquire. I would scrap them before I let someone else freely acquire them and do who knows what with them. So that is why I am subbed right now. And I could swear it ended on the 15th not the 25th, but it actually ends on the 25th.


It doesn't matter anyhow. I un installed this game for the first time since launch. I run solid state HDs and I needed the room for other games that I will play and since I am done playing this one I removed it. The $15 is no big deal, but enough is enough for me and I have to move on. And the bitter taste I have for the game recently wont allow me to even give this game 1 more dollar. If I was just needing a break I would continue to pay. I could care less about $15. But the way this game is handled now, no way. I wont give them a nickel.


Anyhow have fun mocking me and raging all over the forums because you cant stand the fact that I fire back at you. Looking back it is funny how this OP got so derailed by the small group of instigators. It is just as disgusting for your group of bullies on the forums trying to derail anyone who goes against you as it is the way the development team is handling this game. IMO your both equally disgusting.

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As I understand it, you can actually post here until the maintenance after your subscription ends.


Yup that is correct but that's not the case here. I still actually have a sub until the 25th. For some reason I had the 15th in my head but I was wrong. But yes as long as you don't clean your cookies you can still post for a long time after your sub ends.

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The rest of your post helps us all understand why TUXs is so defensive of you at least, could never work it out before.;)

What are you implying? You're naming me by name...explain what you mean.

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