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Producer Livestream Recap 3/9


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Crap I missed it,, Oh well, hey did they say anything about us if we are going to get the 1050cc e-mail or if they found out why only half the community got the e-mails :confused: Just wondering if they said anything on the subject and if they plan to give us this cc in a different manner since they haven't figured out yet how to send an e-mail or are we getting screwed on this too???
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No, I didn't. Point is you're assuming something got cut because they're still creating EC. Content creation is a very different animal from content tuning, so your premise is flawed

Yes. I assume something is being cut because 4-6 more weeks of "tuning" content that should have been out 4+ weeks ago still takes someone away from "tuning" something else. I have little doubt something is being cut because of this delay.


i have a very serious problem with EC. The gear that is going to be given to "solo" players is actually not worth the effort to do EC.


I already have 216/220 gear and that is without even doing OP so the gear they are giving out is really not worth doing this more than once, maybe.


Then you penalized group players as they don't get the rewards. Why? I don't need to prove I can do the EC because considering the gear and what I know about my class I already know I can do it. I much rather have fun doing this with my boyfriend but yet we are penalized because we want to do it together.


If that is the case, No thank you.

Exactly Casi...it's outdated and obsolete before it's even released.

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Why aren't commandos, vanguards and shadows/assassins getting subscriber rewards weapons that they can use too?


I would imagine you won't have long to wait before they do, maybe a month tops ;)


1st weapon rewards (April): blast pistol, sniper rifle, lightsabre

2nd weapon rewards (May): assault cannon, blast rifle, dualsabre

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  • Dev Post
How will the stronghold conquest bonus be affected now that our max number of strongholds is increased?


I checked with the team and there should be no effect on the bonus that Strongholds grant towards Conquests.


Eric can you please address why slicing nodes were nerfed from prototype lockboxes to premium lockboxes? Thanks for the update as well. :)


Slicing nodes were dropping more credits than intended so that changed allowed us to bring those credit gains back to a more desired range. This is also without impacting Slicing Crew Skill Missions, which can still drop Prototype Lockboxes.


SO many people asked on the stream and you told nothing.

Will season 7 lauch on 5th april, or you are closing ranked pvp?


The team is still discussing what the plans are for the start of the next Season. As soon as I have more information I will pass it on!



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I checked with the team and there should be no effect on the bonus that Strongholds grant towards Conquests.

Can you please clarify what this means? How much bonus will there be for four strongholds at 100% each, and how much total bonus will be there be for five strongholds at 100% each? :confused: :confused:

That sentence can be interpreted in multiple ways (no effect on individual bonus, no effect on total bonus, no effect on "you have to have each stronghold at 100% for max bonus").

Edited by Jerba
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  • Dev Post
Can you please clarify what this means? How much bonus will there be for four strongholds at 100% each, and how much total bonus will be there be for four strongholds at 100% each? :confused: :confused:

That sentence can be interpreted in multiple ways (no effect on individual bonus, no effect on total bonus, no effect on "you have to have each stronghold at 100% for max bonus").


Yup, happy to clarify.


The cap for the Conquest bonus from Strongholds is still 100%. This bonus is now calculated based on your top 4 most completed Strongholds. Meaning even if you have 5 Strongholds at 100%, your bonus will still only be 100%, not 125%. By there being no effect, I mean that if you have 100% right now, you will still have 100% when the 5th Stronghold is activated.


Hope that makes sense!



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Yup, happy to clarify.


The cap for the Conquest bonus from Strongholds is still 100%. This bonus is now calculated based on your top 4 most completed Strongholds. Meaning even if you have 5 Strongholds at 100%, your bonus will still only be 100%, not 125%. By there being no effect, I mean that if you have 100% right now, you will still have 100% when the 5th Stronghold is activated.


Hope that makes sense!



Thanks for the reply, that makes total sense! Good news for me, now I can start some decorating. :)

So far, I was always afraid to do any large-scale decorating; at most I'd just switch a few decorations around so the bonus stays at 100%. Now, we only have to keep four strongholds at 100% and can redecorate the fifth one without being under any time limit. :)

Edited by Jerba
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The cap for the Conquest bonus from Strongholds is still 100%. This bonus is now calculated based on your top 4 most completed Strongholds. Meaning even if you have 5 Strongholds at 100%, your bonus will still only be 100%, not 125%. By there being no effect, I mean that if you have 100% right now, you will still have 100% when the 5th Stronghold is activated.
That's great news!


Now I can reactivate my DK stronghold and fill it with trash for the 100% bonus and then de-trash my Yavin stronghold so I can decorate it in a reasonable manner while still keeping my full Conquest bonus.


Seriously, though... you guys should really come up with a different way to give a conquest bonus and just let us decorate however we want instead of making us fill our strongholds up with crap just to gain a numerical advantage.


Maybe calculate the 100% bonus off total rooms unlocked and 50% of the hooks filled.

So that each room unlocked adds a percentage to the Conquest bonus up to 50% max and then each hook filled up to 50% of the total max hooks filled makes up the other 50% of the bonus but still keep a hard cap on that number by requiring all hooks to be available (i.e. you'd need to fill 238 hooks in the NS stronghold to get the full 50% deco bonus, but you'd need all the rooms unlocked to have access to the 475 hook cap).


That encourages stronghold participation on multiple levels:

1) More rooms unlocked = more bonus

2) Need all rooms unlocked to access hook cap.

3) Need to decorate but not over-fill to get the rest of the bonus.

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Are you not worried that having always two instances on planets (PVP and PVE) will only make them seem more empty?


How can you use over four months to discuss when a new PVP season should start? It's something that should just happen every X months, with a little break if there's new gear with an expansion, but on where near four-five months, it really doesn't take long to get a full set of ranked gear. A new season should be the easiest thing to do, and gives PVP'ers something to do.


And please no more HK stuff, try to broaden out a little bit. If you only do HK stuff, then someone who doesn't like HK will get absolutely nothing for over half a year. (and those who liked HK are getting tired of it by now) If you do some different things most people will probably get something they will like.

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So, basically I need to REACTIVATE a stronghold I deactivated in order to activate Yavin, and fill it AGAIN?! How about you let me keep my 100% SH status and not waste my time with this BS... AGAIN! I already had to refill Tatooine. :mad:
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So, basically I need to REACTIVATE a stronghold I deactivated in order to activate Yavin, and fill it AGAIN?! How about you let me keep my 100% SH status and not waste my time with this BS... AGAIN! I already had to refill Tatooine. :mad:


Yup, happy to clarify.


The cap for the Conquest bonus from Strongholds is still 100%. This bonus is now calculated based on your top 4 most completed Strongholds. Meaning even if you have 5 Strongholds at 100%, your bonus will still only be 100%, not 125%. By there being no effect, I mean that if you have 100% right now, you will still have 100% when the 5th Stronghold is activated.


Hope that makes sense!




Wish granted, if you already have 100% you get to keep 100%. A 5th SH doesn't help at all.

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So, basically I need to REACTIVATE a stronghold I deactivated in order to activate Yavin, and fill it AGAIN?! How about you let me keep my 100% SH status and not waste my time with this BS... AGAIN! I already had to refill Tatooine. :mad:


Uh... No?


As it stands your current 4 are left untouched. If they grant 100% bonus you have 100% bonus.


When/if you reactivate the 5th once they do that patch you get one that you can decorate and have as empty or full as you want. No need to fill it and make it 100% complete.

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Wow. Thanks. A stream that needs not one, but two recap responses. That's not how it was put in the stream, but ok.


I missed the stream, however...


I keep hoping this will go live on PTS so we can actually see the 5th in action. Right now we cant get all 5 there so can't test. I missed the livestream, but saw the recap here.

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Thanks for the highlights, but Eric can you please tell the devs we are fed up with the HK-55 Subscriber rewards there is more characters to KOTFE than HK-55. Think outside the box please.

/Disagree. I like the idea of all the rewards being based around a shared theme, and I'm on-board with that theme being HK-55.


I thought the helmet looked disappointing in the ads for it, but in-game I think it looks solid. Now I'm looking forward to the vibrosword and pistol that are part of April's reward, and hoping for an HK-themed chest piece, minipet and another weapon set that includes a rifle and electrostaff.

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Thanks for the highlights, but Eric can you please tell the devs we are fed up with the HK-55 Subscriber rewards there is more characters to KOTFE than HK-55. Think outside the box please.


Its not going to change considering they already spent time, money and planning on the rewards. They aren't going back on that. Also considering this:





We have a whole host of new subscriber rewards for you as well:

  • There will also be additional monthly subscriber rewards throughout Season 1, most of which will be themed around HK-55.



Been stated since the December live stream that this is what they were doing.

Edited by Nightblazer
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Slicing nodes were dropping more credits than intended so that changed allowed us to bring those credit gains back to a more desired range. This is also without impacting Slicing Crew Skill Missions, which can still drop Prototype Lockboxes.

Someone should tell the WeekendRebel.

Edited by trueKieran
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Well, at least I'm gratified that I don't have to buy Coruscant AGAIN just to decorate it AGAIN after I deleted it several months ago when it was 100% filled and decorated to my satisfaction so I could get Yavin. I mean, that would've really sucked...
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Slicing nodes were dropping more credits than intended so that changed allowed us to bring those credit gains back to a more desired range. This is also without impacting Slicing Crew Skill Missions, which can still drop Prototype Lockboxes.





Thank you for answering my question Eric. I really appreciate it. :)

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