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Bioware can we have content like this in a future expansion


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World of Warcraft: Legion


Level cap raised to 110

Additional character slot added.

To help the heroes of Azeroth prepare for the coming invasion, World of Warcraft: Legion will allow players to boost one character to level 100, including a newly created character, quickly getting them primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion alongside their friends.

Honor System: Fight for fame, glory, and a range of new PvP-specific powers as you face the opposing faction in Arenas and Battlegrounds.

Introduction of Honor Ranks and Honor Bonuses

Introduction of Prestige Ranks

Portrait badges based on PvP ranks

Class Orders, Order Halls and followers: Whether you’re paladin or warlock, unite fellow NPC members of your class’s order to carry out missions at your command.


New hero class — Demon Hunter: Unleash the demon within as an all-new melee hero class gifted with preternatural mobility—and the ability to metamorphose into hellish new forms.


New continent - Broken Isles: Discover the fate of a lost night elf civilization, confront twisted fragments of the Emerald Nightmare, and hunt agents of the Legion in all-new zones.


New zones:


The Broken Shore







New dungeons:

Black Rook Hold

Darkheart Thicket

Eye of Azshara

Halls of Valor


Neltharion's Lair

Suramar City

Vault of the Wardens

Violet Hold


New raids:

Emerald Nightmare

Suramar Palace


New worlds - Mar'dun: Created by Sargeras before his fall to capture demons and part of the demon hunter starting experience

New world bosses

Artifacts (36 to encompass all specializations): Smite the Legion with legendary weapons of lore. Earn Artifact power to unlock abilities and traits, and customize your weapon to suit your needs.

Trees for further spell/ability customization

Appearance customization

Artifact forms for Feral Druids

Improved transmogrification system

Improved social features

Edited by MallorHan
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The original dev team that started SWTOR is no longer working on this game so I am gonna go ahead and say it won't happen ever.


its taken 2 years for more pvp stuff...

its probably gonna be another 6 months to a year for another raid/flashpoint.


I don't know the size of SWTOR team but I am sure i can assume its no more then 20 people.

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''World of Warcraft''


Stopped reading.


I quit playing WOW just before SWTOR launched. Needless to say, when they do an expansion it is major. SWTOR doesn't come close to the content that WOW puts out. I wish SWTOR would be as dedicated to expanding their game as Blizzard is with WOW. I love SWTOR and won't be going back to WOW but I am jealous of the amount of content they get.

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Nice list of content but that's an expansion which is meant to last you about 1 and half/2'ish years. Sure there's patches/added raids in between but as someone who was there for the midnight hype of the latest release (WoD) and played through the content on 14 different max level characters.. the fun of it fades fast. It's great for the first few months but then you start wishing there'd be monthly new content instead. In WoW you can easily spent 6+ months bored out of your mind with nothing to do other than raid the same bosses each week, yawn your way through pvp or chase old glory without ever seeing anything new. Here we get a new chapter each month and sure it's not flawless, it's played through fairly easily but it's still something new to look forward to each month which I prefer over having to wait several months for anything remotely worth my time.
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Nice list of content but that's an expansion which is meant to last you about 1 and half/2'ish years. Sure there's patches/added raids in between but as someone who was there for the midnight hype of the latest release (WoD) and played through the content on 14 different max level characters.. the fun of it fades fast. It's great for the first few months but then you start wishing there'd be monthly new content instead. In WoW you can easily spent 6+ months bored out of your mind with nothing to do other than raid the same bosses each week, yawn your way through pvp or chase old glory without ever seeing anything new. Here we get a new chapter each month and sure it's not flawless, it's played through fairly easily but it's still something new to look forward to each month which I prefer over having to wait several months for anything remotely worth my time.


The content they provided in that one expansion for 2 years is more than we ever got between SOR and KOTFE. I think you're trying to hard to see the bright side of KOTFE and way to hard to shame WOW and there expansion. You downplay all of there content saying it last 6 months, but yet you look forward to a few hours worth of content over a few months which is mediocre at best. Not to mention the 4 month span we had to originally wait for chapter X.

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The content they provided in that one expansion for 2 years is more than we ever got between SOR and KOTFE. I think you're trying to hard to see the bright side of KOTFE and way to hard to shame WOW and there expansion. You downplay all of there content saying it last 6 months, but yet you look forward to a few hours worth of content over a few months which is mediocre at best. Not to mention the 4 month span we had to originally wait for chapter X.


Not shaming WoW one bit. I have always played it and will again once the xpac hits. I just prefer BW's method of releasing content vs Blizzard's method which is my personal preference. I *might* be biased in the wrong sense as I didn't re-active my SWTOR sub until December 25th'ish 2015 (after last playing it in March 2013) so for me it's been new content almost each month. The WoW xpac may very well offer far more than the periodic content SWTOR gets but for me, in my own personal experience, it always ends up *feeling* like less because of the big drought you hit once you've played through it. I don't prefer one game over the other really, I'm just more prone to liking the idea of smaller but more frequent content releases vs. 1 big one over a longer period of time.

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I quit playing WOW just before SWTOR launched. Needless to say, when they do an expansion it is major. SWTOR doesn't come close to the content that WOW puts out. I wish SWTOR would be as dedicated to expanding their game as Blizzard is with WOW. I love SWTOR and won't be going back to WOW but I am jealous of the amount of content they get.


I'm not fooled by this. When a WoW expansion drops, by the next day, there are already people complaining that they burned through all of the content, no different than when a new expansion drops for TOR.


IIRC, when Pandaria was released, there was even an NPC that warned you about exploring it too fast because you would quickly burn through it all in a few hours.


The enter key is a very strong key

By pressing enter

I can cause a line break

which makes one or two sentences

look like a long list

of things


Abusing the power of the enter key to make 5 hours of content look like a grand list of features doesn't fool me and it shouldn't fool anyone else either.

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Not shaming WoW one bit. I have always played it and will again once the xpac hits. I just prefer BW's method of releasing content vs Blizzard's method which is my personal preference. I *might* be biased in the wrong sense as I didn't re-active my SWTOR sub until December 25th'ish 2015 (after last playing it in March 2013) so for me it's been new content almost each month. The WoW xpac may very well offer far more than the periodic content SWTOR gets but for me, in my own personal experience, it always ends up *feeling* like less because of the big drought you hit once you've played through it. I don't prefer one game over the other really, I'm just more prone to liking the idea of smaller but more frequent content releases vs. 1 big one over a longer period of time.


My bad for using the word "shaming" I should of used another word, I guess ... personal preference... is better? I'm glad you enjoy both games and I guess its left to personal preference if you like one or the other. I'm not going to call you wrong as its personal opinion, but I am happy you enjoy the periodic monthly releases more, however I myself disagree with that.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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One of the features in WoW and in Neverwinter that would be nice to have for SWTOR... an in-game Calendar that lists out when events like Bounty Hunter's week occur.


I've tried many different MMOs and all have some nice features that I'd love to see in other games, but I have to admit... I don't actively use the calendar a lot but... it so nice to have as a reference so that I know when an event is.

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The original dev team that started SWTOR is no longer working on this game so I am gonna go ahead and say it won't happen ever.


its taken 2 years for more pvp stuff...

its probably gonna be another 6 months to a year for another raid/flashpoint.


I don't know the size of SWTOR team but I am sure i can assume its no more then 20 people.


does anyone even working on it anymore? Cos all u got in the last 6 months was cartel shyt and bugs.

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I quit playing WOW just before SWTOR launched. Needless to say, when they do an expansion it is major. SWTOR doesn't come close to the content that WOW puts out. I wish SWTOR would be as dedicated to expanding their game as Blizzard is with WOW. I love SWTOR and won't be going back to WOW but I am jealous of the amount of content they get.


Oddly, there are youtube videos of Hitler complaining about the lack of content in the Legion update for WoW. I guess it's true, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

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Nice list of content but that's an expansion which is meant to last you about 1 and half/2'ish years. Sure there's patches/added raids in between but as someone who was there for the midnight hype of the latest release (WoD) and played through the content on 14 different max level characters.. the fun of it fades fast. It's great for the first few months but then you start wishing there'd be monthly new content instead. In WoW you can easily spent 6+ months bored out of your mind with nothing to do other than raid the same bosses each week, yawn your way through pvp or chase old glory without ever seeing anything new. Here we get a new chapter each month and sure it's not flawless, it's played through fairly easily but it's still something new to look forward to each month which I prefer over having to wait several months for anything remotely worth my time.


The latest WoW expansion received the same level of mixed reception as KOTFE because it only had one major patch. Previous expansions, such as Catacylsm, Pandaria, BC or WotLK, provided huge front-load content as well as frequent raid and daily hub updates. There are content droughts between the last patch and the new expansion, but even those are about the same length as the content droughts here in SWTOR. Plus, each of their raid tiers tend to be 1.5-2x as large as SWTOR's, and they happen 2-3x per expansion.


Then again, they have a budget and a development team consisting of more than 4 people.

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That would be a great expansion.


While I like the principle of the episodic content the writing team or possible person doesn't seem to appreciate if your doing one chapter a month, it can't be filler. You can't have chapter after chapter where the goal is to recruit someone and then alerts where the goal is to recruit someone. Each chapter has to move the story on in a meaningful way. I can't think of any tv show that would only have one chapter a month and then have that chapter hiring a mostly disliked companion where the result of the chapter is fluke that there was something to pick up along the way.


This coupled with the feeling that the entire team is below 20 people who can produce 45 to an hour of content a month and generally not that impressive, the theory was great the execution has not been.


When you look at legion and what that brings you can understand why ToR is losing players as it is. But taking the world leader may be unjust. Elder Scrolls Online had an expansion yesterday, free to subscribers and 4 months since the launch of their last DLC. It looks to be offering 20 hours of story and a number of additional features and new maps and game play mechanics. Now comparing that to chapters 11, 12 and 13 and so far all we know of is one Alert possibly a couple more in 13.


Without knowing the inner workings of BW Austin its hard to know what the problem is but clearly things aren't working. Its becoming more like Star Trek Online only without the fleets or obsession with trying to get certain actors into the game. And that is know to be a small team.

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World of Warcraft: Legion


Level cap raised to 110

Additional character slot added.

To help the heroes of Azeroth prepare for the coming invasion, World of Warcraft: Legion will allow players to boost one character to level 100, including a newly created character, quickly getting them primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion alongside their friends.

Honor System: Fight for fame, glory, and a range of new PvP-specific powers as you face the opposing faction in Arenas and Battlegrounds.

Introduction of Honor Ranks and Honor Bonuses

Introduction of Prestige Ranks

Portrait badges based on PvP ranks

Class Orders, Order Halls and followers: Whether you’re paladin or warlock, unite fellow NPC members of your class’s order to carry out missions at your command.


New hero class — Demon Hunter: Unleash the demon within as an all-new melee hero class gifted with preternatural mobility—and the ability to metamorphose into hellish new forms.


New continent - Broken Isles: Discover the fate of a lost night elf civilization, confront twisted fragments of the Emerald Nightmare, and hunt agents of the Legion in all-new zones.


New zones:


The Broken Shore







New dungeons:

Black Rook Hold

Darkheart Thicket

Eye of Azshara

Halls of Valor


Neltharion's Lair

Suramar City

Vault of the Wardens

Violet Hold


New raids:

Emerald Nightmare

Suramar Palace


New worlds - Mar'dun: Created by Sargeras before his fall to capture demons and part of the demon hunter starting experience

New world bosses

Artifacts (36 to encompass all specializations): Smite the Legion with legendary weapons of lore. Earn Artifact power to unlock abilities and traits, and customize your weapon to suit your needs.

Trees for further spell/ability customization

Appearance customization

Artifact forms for Feral Druids

Improved transmogrification system

Improved social features


Yeah, BUT: We got about 15 mins of cut-scene and 20 mins running around fighting trash mobs. And boss fight that our companion did alone. - And a Naked AJ.


C'mon Blizzard, FGS, keep up!


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WoW is subscription only (unless that has changed recently)and the expansions cost...what? $50-60 US?


So The one month playing the expansion will cost $50 - $75 right off the bat? (Depending on if a free month is included) Now would the players of this game be willing to sub only to provide the revenue and pay that expansion price, then x-pacs of that level might happen. I am not being a Bioware or SWTOR cheerleader here, simply looking at this from a cost and ROI point of view.

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WoW is subscription only (unless that has changed recently)and the expansions cost...what? $50-60 US?


So The one month playing the expansion will cost $50 - $75 right off the bat? (Depending on if a free month is included) Now would the players of this game be willing to sub only to provide the revenue and pay that expansion price, then x-pacs of that level might happen. I am not being a Bioware or SWTOR cheerleader here, simply looking at this from a cost and ROI point of view.

For that much content, hell yeah I'd pay that. However, the last paid expansion we had was Makeb...and it freaking sucked! Bioware can't deliver anything worth $50-60.

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WoW is subscription only (unless that has changed recently)and the expansions cost...what? $50-60 US?


So The one month playing the expansion will cost $50 - $75 right off the bat? (Depending on if a free month is included) Now would the players of this game be willing to sub only to provide the revenue and pay that expansion price, then x-pacs of that level might happen. I am not being a Bioware or SWTOR cheerleader here, simply looking at this from a cost and ROI point of view.


I would not hesitate in buying an expansion for SWTOR for 50$ if had the same level of content like wow expansions, it's better than spend 13$ monthly in 30 minutes cutscenes and 30 minutes fighting skytroopers each month

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