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Request to have more forum moderators


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Most of the thread seemed to be asking for dev involvement over moderation. It's nice to see posts from the BW team to show they ared getting our feedback, but it doesn't change anything if they are reading and simply not responding. I can definitely say that the moderators remove and consolidate threads already and nothing more is needed on that front.


Toxic posters are allowed to post day in day out doing nothing besides personal attacks or majority of their post is going to take a stab at the user more than the subject. I'm not saying everything should be all baby mode were we can't joke every now and then... but I'm sure we can all name a few people who constantly antagonize the subjects or other posters.


Maybe im still annoyed from my last infraction which was a simple joke got removed and all... but I don't know, I just wish their was a larger care taken in these forums, maybe from the devs as well.

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Toxic posters are allowed to post day in day out doing nothing besides personal attacks or majority of their post is going to take a stab at the user more than the subject. I'm not saying everything should be all baby mode were we can't joke every now and then... but I'm sure we can all name a few people who constantly antagonize the subjects or other posters.

This bothers me to no end too Peter. I don't care if people disagree with me on a topic or subject, we all have our reasons for believing what we do, it's the fact that there are a few who do nothing but attack others, that I do take issue with.

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Toxic posters are allowed to post day in day out doing nothing besides personal attacks or majority of their post is going to take a stab at the user more than the subject. I'm not saying everything should be all baby mode were we can't joke every now and then... but I'm sure we can all name a few people who constantly antagonize the subjects or other posters.


Maybe im still annoyed from my last infraction which was a simple joke got removed and all... but I don't know, I just wish their was a larger care taken in these forums, maybe from the devs as well.


And if you watch the same toxic person spam threads and derail conversations and attack people endlessly for weeks on end with no action taken, and then you finally throw your hands up and say "knock it off, you jerk"... guess who's going to get nailed...

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And if you watch the same toxic person spam threads and derail conversations and attack people endlessly for weeks on end with no action taken, and then you finally throw your hands up and say "knock it off, you jerk"... guess who's going to get nailed...


Or make a sarcastic joke :(.

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This bothers me to no end too Peter. I don't care if people disagree with me on a topic or subject, we all have our reasons for believing what we do, it's the fact that there are a few who do nothing but attack others, that I do take issue with.


Yeah well, yer just a meany meanhead that is never logged in whenever I go to Harby. So there :p


Erm, okay so maybe you're probably in bed by the time I log in, but still, meany meanhead!

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I don't want one thing over the other, I want enough content to satisfy everyone, I want the story only peeps to be happy, for our hardcore NiM raiders to be happy, for our casual raiders to be happy, for people who do group content like flashpoints to be happy, not to favor one over the other. Sadly, for whatever reason, Bioware Austin decided to go headfirst into a story only route so now once season one is over, its going to leave our story oriented folks left with nothing.


Absolutely spot on the mark Peter.

Pretty much the biggest issue in the community causing a great deal of the animosity. Catering for 1 group and neglecting the others.

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I welcome anyone to reply but how did this become an us vs them post? Look Andryah, I've played since day 1 and I have seen the comments, concerns and decline in active users. If you want this game to survive longer, than you might want to get on the wagon and not on the other side.


Why because Andyah told you how gaming forums are, and not what you wanted to hear? She/he is absolutely correct,devs are not moderators.

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Yeah well, yer just a meany meanhead that is never logged in whenever I go to Harby. So there :p


Erm, okay so maybe you're probably in bed by the time I log in, but still, meany meanhead!

SEE! Name calling!!! I knew they were talking about YOU :p(I KID!!!)


I'm sooo reporting you...you will rue the day you called me "meany meanhead"...huh...rue the day...that's a saying you don't hear that often...sounds kinda evil doesn't it?

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And if you watch the same toxic person spam threads and derail conversations and attack people endlessly for weeks on end with no action taken, and then you finally throw your hands up and say "knock it off, you jerk"... guess who's going to get nailed...


Big reason I've simply taken a few steps back when it comes to engaging myself in discussions lately. Getting tired of certain attitudes, people taking every little word the wrong way and going into full on defensive mode and the way certain posters have changed and not exactly for the best. Not to mention the double standards and constant rehashing of the same old arguments that leads to nothing other than personal attacks and people stomping their feet arguing who's opinion is more valid. No thank you.

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No I do not want more moderators first things will not improve communication with devs and then you know it will be harder to get away with how many things I get on this forum especially on weekends. Anarchy has its benefits.
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Big reason I've simply taken a few steps back when it comes to engaging myself in discussions lately. Getting tired of certain attitudes, people taking every little word the wrong way and going into full on defensive mode and the way certain posters have changed and not exactly for the best. Not to mention the double standards and constant rehashing of the same old arguments that leads to nothing other than personal attacks and people stomping their feet arguing who's opinion is more valid. No thank you.


F....forgive me Jenny... if I knew you felt this way about me.... I...I....I.....:(.

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What would your reaction be if every time you walked into a room and told people what you were working on, or why something is a certain way, the people in the room called you liar, every name in the book, and accused you of

not doing your job? What would your reaction be if no matter what you said, people would twist your words

and try to make it sound like you dont care?


I tell you exactly what your reaction would be. You would quit walking into that room.

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What would your reaction be if every time you walked into a room and told people what you were working on, or why something is a certain way, the people in the room called you liar, every name in the book, and accused you of

not doing your job? What would your reaction be if no matter what you said, people would twist your words

and try to make it sound like you dont care?


I tell you exactly what your reaction would be. You would quit walking into that room.


The times Ben posted on these forums, its been literally met with nothing besides joy, praise, and laughter. Not to mention Bioware Austin doesn't exactly have the best track record of doing things on time or at all.... "better than cross server" .... "courting gifts have been fixed..... companion romances are fixed" etc. etc.


Time to bring yet another example of the great battlefield 4 and battlelog. People literally bombed battlefield 4 to the depths of Satan himself slamming it with memes, low scores, and insults such as "battlefield 3.5" because of how buggy it was on release. DICE were admitably scumbags and went to work on battlefront while DICE LA worked on their mess. Despite all the flak they got from youtubers such as Angry Joe, Level Cap, Jack Frags, and others, they still progressed to make what battlefield 4 is now, one of the best FPS games in history by fixing the game and connecting with the community through the CTE. They gave us night operations completely free as a apology of how bad battlefield 4 was on release, and on top of that gave us plenty of Easter eggs to work with through past games and engaged actively with the community. They actually created a map based on player feedback alone which they gave us free. Can anyone truly say that the devs listen to us on these forums or on this game or make up for game breaking bugs going on since release of KOTFE?

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I'll be a forum moderator. I could use the money and I'm on this game/forum 24/7 just about. Tell me, Bioware, where to send my resume and I will. I can be fair. I'll sign papers. I don't care. Long as I get more than minimum wage, I'm good. Come at me, bro! =)


Seriously, if we do need moderators, I ain't got anything else to do.


And we do need active, 8 hours a day moderators. Not community managers who have other things to do like post things Bioware tells them to. They just need someone to go through, clean up the site, ban people who need it. Remove or move posts that need it. Follow posting rules, etc.

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And we do need active, 8 hours a day moderators. Not community managers who have other things to do like post things Bioware tells them to. They just need someone to go through, clean up the site, ban people who need it. Remove or move posts that need it. Follow posting rules, etc.

Yeah, there's no reason they should fear a player who might have an agenda that could come back at them right? I mean, the people who haven't been banned, probably haven't been because Bioware actually doesn't think they need it...right? Yet you think in your employment pitch, you should have mentioned that?

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Big reason I've simply taken a few steps back when it comes to engaging myself in discussions lately. Getting tired of certain attitudes, people taking every little word the wrong way and going into full on defensive mode and the way certain posters have changed and not exactly for the best. Not to mention the double standards and constant rehashing of the same old arguments that leads to nothing other than personal attacks and people stomping their feet arguing who's opinion is more valid. No thank you.


Jenny I wholeheartedly think that you are a genuine and good contributor on these forums. I understand your frustration and the last thing I'd ever want is someone feeling silenced because of others. That is wrong and the furthest thing I'd ever want from any member in this game is to stop discussing and contributing to the game even if I disagree with them. This community can only get better if we stop seeing each other as just another poster, maybe I'm an idealist but I've seen some of the best people in gaming play SWTOR.

Edited by squirrelballz
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What would your reaction be if every time you walked into a room and told people what you were working on, or why something is a certain way, the people in the room called you liar, every name in the book, and accused you of

not doing your job? What would your reaction be if no matter what you said, people would twist your words

and try to make it sound like you dont care?


I tell you exactly what your reaction would be. You would quit walking into that room.


Let's say you're one of the people in that room, and a person whom you are hoping to hear from comes in, infrequently, and says, "Hey guys, I'm going to talk about things - I know you want to hear them - and I really will talk about them. Soon." But that person doesn't say anything. Pretty soon you'd start yelling at that person for wasting your time.


I can grant some people are toxic, that's easy. But look at Ben's post. It said, literally, nothing. I have no new information after reading it. People get upset when I point out it has no substance. People judge you for calling out what they do say without following through, and act like we've been going through tiny fine print to find problems - but anyone with an average memory can remember being let down. We'll never go this long without an operation again! We have better ideas than cross-server! Soon!


My favorite bit is the entitlement argument. We're entitled to nothing, but the gold posts - they're entitled to immunity from well-deserved criticism? I wholeheartedly believe that they'd post more if they weren't attacked, but I don't believe for a second that they'd actually say anything more.


It's a crying shame. I still kinda like the game, and I bet I'd have a lot more people to play with if BW was just a little more transparent.

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Let's say you're one of the people in that room, and a person whom you are hoping to hear from comes in, infrequently, and says, "Hey guys, I'm going to talk about things - I know you want to hear them - and I really will talk about them. Soon." But that person doesn't say anything. Pretty soon you'd start yelling at that person for wasting your time.


I can grant some people are toxic, that's easy. But look at Ben's post. It said, literally, nothing. I have no new information after reading it. People get upset when I point out it has no substance. People judge you for calling out what they do say without following through, and act like we've been going through tiny fine print to find problems - but anyone with an average memory can remember being let down. We'll never go this long without an operation again! We have better ideas than cross-server! Soon!


My favorite bit is the entitlement argument. We're entitled to nothing, but the gold posts - they're entitled to immunity from well-deserved criticism? I wholeheartedly believe that they'd post more if they weren't attacked, but I don't believe for a second that they'd actually say anything more.


It's a crying shame. I still kinda like the game, and I bet I'd have a lot more people to play with if BW was just a little more transparent.

Great post, brilliant points.

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We'll never go this long without an operation again! Soon!


How many times do I have to say it, they kept their word, they ARE going "this long" without an operation, just not the way you perceive it. Instead of a shorter amount of time between operations, its longer, which, actually still is a different time frame than they set originally. Dey kept deir truth I tell you :D!

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I'm sure any BW employees assigned to moderator the forums will do as fine a job as they do in answering tickets and following up on customer service issues.

I've gone 4 years without having to contact CS...in the past month, I've had to contact them twice. Both times, my ticket was answered the very next day.


They get a bad rep here on the forums...but they've been nothing but spectacular for me.

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The karma is real... I supposedly called out the moderators for being absent on the job and they respond to my post :D.... or maybe is that irony?


Either way while apparently their is SOME form of moderation, they seem to not always be up to par and maybe they need to be a bit more strict in the future.


Now watch me get some time in the barn in the future after claiming they need to buckle down more :p.

Edited by peter_plankskull
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I know that bioware is everyone else is doing their best but the truth is, I rarely see dev replies to many, many, many posts. I know devs can't view all post but the amount of post that do get replies seem so small. Many questions and I'll admit questions that are not simple ones often get passed up and at some point, this is where the gamers that pay for the game are entitled to some sort of answer. People simply feel like their concerns are being noticed and giving replies really feels like we're part of this game as a whole.

Please hire more or get more involved in this forum community a bit more.


I take it you like to stab things. :D

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