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Non META ship event on Harbinger


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Thanks for organizing this and getting people to join in with some different ship types!


I definitely gained some respect for the T3 scout as an all-game ship, and still hold that the T1 scout is very meta-worthy, particularly in TDM. It's a little less suited for Mesas and LS dom, though is good on Denon. It was fun getting games in with the T2 strike as well.


I'd definitely enjoy playing another non-meta event in the future!



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I had a great time as well all. Thank you for coming! All in all, I think around 30 people participated, give or take. So many non meta ships were flown by both factions.

Eud, you were on time. I had one game against you.


For future events, is it better for afternoon US or evening like most of the other events? The evening houred ones almost exclude EU players. Only the most diehard pilots are willing to stay or wake up at like 3am for them.

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Thanks for putting this together Maulkat.


As I theorized, in this atmosphere matches were more dynamic and fluid. The marked absence of Hyperspace Beacons and Ion meant speed really got to shine and of course as no surprise strikes were usable.

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For future events, is it better for afternoon US or evening like most of the other events? The evening houred ones almost exclude EU players. Only the most diehard pilots are willing to stay or wake up at like 3am for them.


Depends on what day it is. Hosting "worldwide" events is certainly easier on weekends. The time difference between EU and US west coast is around 9 hours (depending on where in the EU you are). If you don't want to exclude anyone the best time probably is on weekends (assuming most players don't have to work on weekends). Hosting events during 9am-4pm US west-coast time (PST I think) would result in 6pm-1am (GMT+1 / CET). However, hosting events in the morngin or during lunch is probably not a good idea which would narrow down the window to 1-4pm (PST) / 10pm-1am (CET).

You could host events so late, that it'd be morning in the EU. 12-2am (pacific) would be 9-11am in EU, but I somehow doubt that's a good time, because it excludes US east coast people and everyone is tired, some from staying and others from waking up.

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