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Missable Companions..


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Why would you even do this?... This game has always been about the story of me and my companions.. I couldn't care less about big raids or any sort of grouping that forces me to wait hours only to play nice with selfish egocentric loud boastful players. No.. I enjoy the game playing the story and having casual fun with new found friends.


I came back from a long hiatus due to real life only to learn that I will never ever get a companion because it was made exclusive to someone subscribed on a certain few days? I dunno.. I don't wanna complain as I guess it wont be fair to people who scrape every penny to subscribe that day so they can have something exclusive but missing a companion forever seems awfully wrong. I'm just saying this sure makes me feel so deflated.. Of all the things you could have made exclusive it has to be something that is pretty much a part of the player itself. Hope you have some great things lined up because hearing this news killed all my enthusiasm for the game that has grown on me..

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And.....here we go again. :rolleyes:


*Drops mic & grabs popcorn


It's what forums are for.. Though trolling seems to be a majority entertainment nowadays.

Enjoy your popcorn and your exclusive nico, protect him with all your might. :)

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I don't see any reason why Nico shouldn't eventually be available via CM purchase at some point.


Personally, I don't care that much about exclusivity of content, gear, etc. I was a sub at the time and got Nico, etc, as part of that expenditure, but I wouldn't feel wronged by Bioware in any way if Nico or his gear showed up on the CM later this year. There's nothing about Nico, his coat, or his pistols that make me feel unique or special.

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Why would you even do this?... This game has always been about the story of me and my companions.. I couldn't care less about big raids or any sort of grouping that forces me to wait hours only to play nice with selfish egocentric loud boastful players. No.. I enjoy the game playing the story and having casual fun with new found friends.


I came back from a long hiatus due to real life only to learn that I will never ever get a companion because it was made exclusive to someone subscribed on a certain few days? I dunno.. I don't wanna complain as I guess it wont be fair to people who scrape every penny to subscribe that day so they can have something exclusive but missing a companion forever seems awfully wrong. I'm just saying this sure makes me feel so deflated.. Of all the things you could have made exclusive it has to be something that is pretty much a part of the player itself. Hope you have some great things lined up because hearing this news killed all my enthusiasm for the game that has grown on me..


You are missing all of a 5 minute story with Nico. He really does nothing else.

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Given that he was posting in November he was around when Nico debate was in full swing so Im calling troll :p


Either way, im bored (cycling gathering missions on 25 chars leads to forum browsing during load screens) so ill play along. When I take breaks from games i still take a couple minutes every couple weeks when they send me mail to see if anything that might interest me is forthcoming.


If you cant be bothered to spend a few minutes every few weeks to check up on a game you might go back to, missing out on something in it is all on you. (perhaps read up while sitting on the toilet with your phone instead of playing angry birds or candy crush?)


They sent out mails about it so you dont even have search, if you dont even check what they send you, its even more on you.


Especially if its something thats advertised for MONTHS. :rolleyes:

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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It's what forums are for.. Though trolling seems to be a majority entertainment nowadays.

Enjoy your popcorn and your exclusive nico, protect him with all your might. :)


But when you make it so easy :D ..... I mean it's not like there's a post STILL going from October 2015 on the first page about THE EXACT SAME THING ;)


You missed out....let it go. I missed out on the Hutt holotrainer because I didn't pre order RotHC. I figured they'll eventually sell one, & I was a long way from a lvl 50 character at the time.


"I" guessed wrong

"I" don't have a holotrainer now

"I" made it a point from then on if there was an award "I" wanted, "I" made sure "I" met the requirements.

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Because it negates the whole premise of "reward" for subbing at a specific time.


Just from my point of view, it doesn't bother me one bit. Someone else getting Nico at some point in the future doesn't take the Nicos I received on my characters last year away.

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If you cant be bothered to spend a few minutes every few weeks to check up on a game you might go back to, missing out on something in it is all on you. (perhaps read up while sitting on the toilet with your phone instead of playing angry birds or candy crush?)


They sent out mails about it so you dont even have search, if you dont even check what they send you, its even more on you.


Especially if its something thats advertised for MONTHS. :rolleyes:


^ This, really.


I missed out on Nico, didn't feel bothered to keep tabs on the game because I hadn't played it in almost 3 years and wasn't sure if I was ever going to again. Hell I didn't know he existed until I spotted a thread with people whining about him. I may never have him, along with a bunch of other 'exclusive rewards' or whatever of the past few years.. oh well? It's the life of an MMO. Patches happen, expansions happen, new items are introduced and if you care so deeply about exclusive things you'd keep yourself informed whether you're actively subbed or not. If you don't then well.. your loss.

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^ This, really.


I missed out on Nico, didn't feel bothered to keep tabs on the game because I hadn't played it in almost 3 years and wasn't sure if I was ever going to again. Hell I didn't know he existed until I spotted a thread with people whining about him. I may never have him, along with a bunch of other 'exclusive rewards' or whatever of the past few years.. oh well? It's the life of an MMO. Patches happen, expansions happen, new items are introduced and if you care so deeply about exclusive things you'd keep yourself informed whether you're actively subbed or not. If you don't then well.. your loss.

I could not care less if EA/BW eventually makes Nico available via the Cartel Market. But not because so many players "missed out" on him. Jenny speaks wisdom. If you don't care enough about the game to simply keep informed, then why should the game care about you?


I tend to take long breaks from MMOs ("long break" = several months). But I always return to two games: LOTRO and SWTOR. Even if I'm not playing a game, I lurk the forums and read the emails. I stay informed because I know I'll be back. I also stay subbed during my breaks for those two game. I do not stay subbed or up to date on MMOs that I'll probably never play again. I'm still on my break from WoW (eight years and counting!). If I miss out on a sub reward during that time, the fault is mine, not Blizzard's.

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Why would you even do this?... This game has always been about the story of me and my companions.. I couldn't care less about big raids or any sort of grouping that forces me to wait hours only to play nice with selfish egocentric loud boastful players. No.. I enjoy the game playing the story and having casual fun with new found friends.


I came back from a long hiatus due to real life only to learn that I will never ever get a companion because it was made exclusive to someone subscribed on a certain few days? I dunno.. I don't wanna complain as I guess it wont be fair to people who scrape every penny to subscribe that day so they can have something exclusive but missing a companion forever seems awfully wrong. I'm just saying this sure makes me feel so deflated.. Of all the things you could have made exclusive it has to be something that is pretty much a part of the player itself. Hope you have some great things lined up because hearing this news killed all my enthusiasm for the game that has grown on me..


That moment when it dawns on you that this is the exact type of player bioware is targeting and suddenly everything makes sense

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SNIP....I don't wanna complain....SNIP


Actually thats exactly what you want to do and you did it.


However, you missed a sale for an item that is currently a once and done thing. Just like many other sales and bargains, once it's done. It's done.


If you want these things bad enough to complain about it. Maybe next time you will read up on SWTOR every now and then (even when you are not subbed) and stay informed so you don't miss out on another.


There are a ton of other generic companions. Pick one of those.

Edited by Quraswren
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Post-4.0 companions are easily ignored. They all the same. Nothing unique about them.


Pre-4.0 companions were different. Unique abilities, equipment, weapons. You could customize them within their DPS/heal, burst DPS/ AoE DPS, tank/DPS, and for treek, tank/heal stances. You could gear them out to be DPS monsters, or tank gods.


So, yes current companions are missable. Influence doesn't really matter overall. Post-4.0 companions perform at a significant lower level than Pre-4.0 companions. It was the gear that mattered. The majority of the community found gearing companions hard and thus we have been stuck with under performing pets.


Lower level and level sync you won't see it. Do harder content and the lacking abilities and power from Post-4.0 companions shows up. Pre-4.0 companions when geared properly were an asset in Hard Mode Flashpoints. A few of us had HMFP on farm, solo with those companions. It was the more challenging and rewarding solo gameplay PvE wise before 4.0. We can not do it with Post-4.0 companions. They can not survive through high burst DPS phases on bosses. They don't have the gearing and stats to mitigate damage, push out enough DPS, and heal through burst mechanics.


You asked for easy mode solo MMO with minor group content and got it.


I for one would gladly pay 14,000 cartel coins for geared companions.

Purple gear in a companion would last 8-10 levels. Companion gearing was easy.

Legacy gear made this even easier. Kaliyo would share my Powertech tank gear. Mako wore my operative heal/dps gear, vette wore my operative DPS gear.


What killed it was x12XP boost, the current purple mission giving x8XP boost, level too fast, not enough credits and Comms for gearing. Add in level sync and now gear means nothing. Leveling is still way too fast. People don't know their role and abilities. Let alone want to spend time on tweaking proper gear on themselves or their companions. Thus we in the garbage state we are currently in.


BW devs were not talking to each other with all the changes 4.0 NGE added. I'm going to call it NGE because since 2.6 to currently a lot has changed. Abilities removed, merged, changed from active to passive and the balance issues all contribute to a junk system in KOTFE. It's a different game. A new game with garbage enhancements to a more simple minded casual cummiunity.

Edited by knowmyname
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I missed the date by three days and was really disappointed. But that's just how it is. If you don't stay subbed you will miss out on stuff. So what? Kotor throws tons of cool comps at you with way more story than Nico anyways. I just got on with my life and swtor, made sure I'd get HK-55 and hope to see Nico on CM sometime.


/edit: I mean kotfe of course^^

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A sliver of the small room became visable as Niko cracked open the door. With the door opening wider, light from the ship invaded the darkness exposing a small bed and an old almost rusted sink. Moister from the rain outside mixed with the smell that was a kin to what you would get if you washed two banthas and left them in a room for weeks without drying them.

"hey...you there?" the sound didnt echo. "hey....are. you. there?" Niko's frustration begain to come to the surface as the tattered ends of a well worn trench coat brushed up dust from the floor. Several large droplets of rain escaped from the brim of his hat, dove to the floor, and began a dance as dust and water began negotiating for dominance.

"i wont ask again." the words trailed a bit. they almost sounded certain, but they both knew it was not true.

"yes. its been a while." came from the darkness in front of him. Relaxing a bit, Niko moved his hands from his blaster and searched for source of the response.

"agreed. it has. had i known..." the voice opposite him interrupted, " thats not necessary. this was my fault. you said not to go to uldum." the figure moved a bit towards the exposed bits of the room and rose a bit. Niko extended his hand and the two grasped forearms as the other stumbled. "thank you for coming, though."

"of course." the sentiment was sincere and was accepted., " i have news of a new opportunity with the cartel that i think you would be perfect for."

"yea? sounds...." it had been a while since he was needed and the prospect of a new job excited him, but he didnt want Niko to know, "sounds interesting."

"it is, " Niko responded as he moved to grab a satchel from floor behind him. "here. some clothes and food." Water splashed across the room ending the previous dance of dominance and claimed its throne upon the floor. "Idem, we leave when you are ready."


Minutes later the two ascended the ramp into Niko's ship. Idem turned to face the small shelter he had called home for months, spat in its direction, and turned to face Niko. "you know, mom would have been upset had she seen how i left the place."

"of course she would have" Niko said knowingly, "but she wouldnt know which of us actually caused the mess."

"oh, i think she would, but I dont think others would have" Idem finished as the ramp closed with a hiss.

"yorue probably right, "Niko responded with a small chuckle, "now, lets see who can tell us a part on the ship.!"

both men continue their banter as they entered teh common area to the stunned faces of Niko's crew.


Coming to the Cartel Market: April 2016. Meet Idem Okarr....Niko' s long lost twin brother!!

for only 3500CC, explore the galaxy, inspect troops, take down the bad guys, and learn the true meaning of, "artful biological re-calibration" with Idem and his witful banter. Never before has the galaxy seen such a scoundrel--well, except for Niko, of course--and now YOU can, too!!


But act now!! Ibem will only be available for a limited time in a reoccurring bi monthly offering. Dont leave Ibem stranded like his brother...recruit him to your Alliance today!!.

as an added Bonus: receive the trademarked Okarr family trench coat and blasters to complete the package for an additional 1500cc.

but wait...there is more: if you act now and purchase both Ibem Okar, mackdaddy dude, AND the Okarr Item package, you will gain access to the newly redesigned OKarr Swoop Bike in awesome Idem Blue for only 2200CC!!


Why wait? Dont! Ibem is looking to adventure with YOU!!!


**for an additional 1500CC you can unlock Ibem Okarr, Scoundrel extraordinaire, on each of your characters across your legacy.



ok, it is supposed to be Nico...not Niko...argh....

Edited by Qouivandes
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If anything I wish they would make use of the abundance of companions

Like the ability to add more than on companion to a mission to increase crit chance etc

As it is, got a ton of comps and most of them are never used or summoned for anything

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if this game doesn't miss something right now, it's companions. You, like, can't spit without hitting one. There are so many of them, you can't even remember their names. Bleh.


Sadly this. Aside from Marr and Theron, I prefer the original companions for each class. (Well except for the ones i didnt like, out the airlock with you Ashara and Pacifist Cedrax!)


But the oodles of new ones?


Again, Marr, and Theron. The rest can go wander off into wild space and I wouldnt even notice they were gone.


Esoecially all the ones who speak gibberish. Unless your Khem or Blizz, go gargle and hoot elsewhere.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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A sliver of the small room became visable as Niko cracked open the door. With the door opening wider, light from the ship invaded the darkness exposing a small bed and an old almost rusted sink. Moister from the rain outside mixed with the smell that was a kin to what you would get if you washed two banthas and left them in a room for weeks without drying them.

"hey...you there?" the sound didnt echo. "hey....are. you. there?" Niko's frustration begain to come to the surface as the tattered ends of a well worn trench coat brushed up dust from the floor. Several large droplets of rain escaped from the brim of his hat, dove to the floor, and began a dance as dust and water began negotiating for dominance.

"i wont ask again." the words trailed a bit. they almost sounded certain, but they both knew it was not true.

"yes. its been a while." came from the darkness in front of him. Relaxing a bit, Niko moved his hands from his blaster and searched for source of the response.

"agreed. it has. had i known..." the voice opposite him interrupted, " thats not necessary. this was my fault. you said not to go to uldum." the figure moved a bit towards the exposed bits of the room and rose a bit. Niko extended his hand and the two grasped forearms as the other stumbled. "thank you for coming, though."

"of course." the sentiment was sincere and was accepted., " i have news of a new opportunity with the cartel that i think you would be perfect for."

"yea? sounds...." it had been a while since he was needed and the prospect of a new job excited him, but he didnt want Niko to know, "sounds interesting."

"it is, " Niko responded as he moved to grab a satchel from floor behind him. "here. some clothes and food." Water splashed across the room ending the previous dance of dominance and claimed its throne upon the floor. "Idem, we leave when you are ready."


Minutes later the two ascended the ramp into Niko's ship. Idem turned to face the small shelter he had called home for months, spat in its direction, and turned to face Niko. "you know, mom would have been upset had she seen how i left the place."

"of course she would have" Niko said knowingly, "but she wouldnt know which of us actually caused the mess."

"oh, i think she would, but I dont think others would have" Idem finished as the ramp closed with a hiss.

"yorue probably right, "Niko responded with a small chuckle, "now, lets see who can tell us a part on the ship.!"

both men continue their banter as they entered teh common area to the stunned faces of Niko's crew.


Coming to the Cartel Market: April 2016. Meet Idem Okarr....Niko' s long lost twin brother!!

for only 3500CC, explore the galaxy, inspect troops, take down the bad guys, and learn the true meaning of, "artful biological re-calibration" with Idem and his witful banter. Never before has the galaxy seen such a scoundrel--well, except for Niko, of course--and now YOU can, too!!


But act now!! Ibem will only be available for a limited time in a reoccurring bi monthly offering. Dont leave Ibem stranded like his brother...recruit him to your Alliance today!!.

as an added Bonus: receive the trademarked Okarr family trench coat and blasters to complete the package for an additional 1500cc.

but wait...there is more: if you act now and purchase both Ibem Okar, mackdaddy dude, AND the Okarr Item package, you will gain access to the newly redesigned OKarr Swoop Bike in awesome Idem Blue for only 2200CC!!


Why wait? Dont! Ibem is looking to adventure with YOU!!!


**for an additional 1500CC you can unlock Ibem Okarr, Scoundrel extraordinaire, on each of your characters across your legacy.



ok, it is supposed to be Nico...not Niko...argh



ROFLMAO....and this was actually better than the 1min story we got with Nico :D



And for the record... I don't care at all if they put Nico for sale on the CM. I rarely ever use him, & none of my characters have his affection above 3.

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