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Empire ALWAYS wins Warzones?


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Republic has been winning when I play against them in voidstar and alderaan.


I think it may be because republic seemed to have alot more experience with those warzones, since most empire players can't get into those warzones often. Although we rock at huttball.


Like I said republic has been winning against me when I play, but i can't get into alderaan or voidstar often

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WoW was the first ( I maybe wrong), the rest copied it. It makes sense thou and would be a easy win for Bioware.


Dark Age of Camelot was the first MMO to have battle grounds and the first MMO to have brackets.


Besides WoW has been and always will be the best parts of Everquest and the best of DAOC taken and put together. WoW only brought the WoW lore as something new to the genre which was apparently enough to make it blow up.

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Empire always wins on our server.



I do have to note that i spend about 8 out of 10 games playing against empire... mostly if not only because while I see ALOT of republic running around and do missions i hardly see them in pvp.


So what it comes down to on our server: high chance to play with your friends! random draw if they will be on your team or the opposing team :D


But empire always wins.



I believe this is because most pvpers and hardcore players tend to hang empire side. Not republic.



There really is very little difference between faction classes.


A decent commando is the same as a decent mercenery. etc etc.


most of it comes back to skill and equipment even despite of the buff.


I completely disagree with brackets btw.. but only because it should only take you about a week to get to 50.

Edited by CoreofexisteNz
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How to fix your problem:

Queue with guildies, learn the classes you're facing, and be AWARE.


I played about 40 matches today and won about 36. Was with guild mates the whole time. I play a Sage healer and have an absolute blast.


To the guys complaining they get tore apart by melee: You're a healer. You don't run by yourself. You kite melee into your Commando buddie's storm of bullets and you're fine. No reason you shouldn't last a decent amount of time 1v1 if you're smart, have about 30% force and they're not 50 decked in PvP gear.


The whole reason I rolled Republic is because I knew there would be way more Empire to kill. And they haven't let me down :cool:

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I believe this is because most pvpers and hardcore players tend to hang empire side. Not republic.



I just got the game and have not realy played it yet but from my previous experience with other MMOs I would say that the bad guys usually attracts most of the younger players. Lets face it, they look cooler and the storyline is usually cooler as well... :D


With younger players I mean up to early twenties, they are the bulk of the players and tend to have a lot of free time to play. By definition that usually make them hardcore players.


Been there done that... now I got a job and family to tend to that take quite a bit of time away from my game time. I don't have the time to be hardcore anymore. I also start to favour the "good guys", mainly in an attempt to avoid as many as possible of the immature players who seem to flock to the "bad guys" side. I'm not saying all on the bad side are immature but there are in my experience more of them on that side. Another reason is that there are usually less population on the good side which means less time standing in queue. Since I have less time to play I don't want to spend it in queues :p


This is just a bit of analysis I have made from my own experiences, but I think there are many players who recognize themselves in my scenario. There is no right or wrong with this, it just is. Everyone have payed to play and are entitled to play on whatever side they want, but population balance issues can certainly be frustrating at times.

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I think I know the real answer to this. I play empire. We get thrown into Hutball at least 60-70% of the time, and as for me I'm just so happy when I get put into Civil War, my favorite, that I play that game 150%. Empire is like dogs that the trainers starve so that they will be more vicious in the ring :rod_eyes_p:
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Same thing happens on my server, empire wins literally 90% or better. There are two primary reasons...


1. Empire seem to unlock most of their useful pvp abilities early

2. Empire took off pvp wise early on my server, at level 27 I was the highest in pvp zones fighting empire teams of 2-5 50's and the rest 25+


Basically, empire took the lead on my server and has such a strong hold on it. Every WZ is now at least 4-5 fully pvp geared level 50's who just rock the casbah vs our lvl 15-25's.


As a side note, a trend recently, 2 players for about 6 hours or so a night afk bot into almost ALL of our republic WZ's. They've both been reported OVER AND OVER AND OVER again and the only thing we get back is "This issue has been resolved" and closed tickets, yet they continue to bot/cheat freely.


So it goes with early game customer support.

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Mostly it's premade teams on the empire side that are causing the problems. Of the games I've played tonight pretty much all of them have had a premade team on the other side. The one that didn't we won.


SWTOR is yet another game whose PvP is ruined by allowing premades. Soon it will be all premades and solo players will stop queuing.

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I'm a jedi shadow on the exile's crystal, and we win some, lose some, it's when we don't play as a team we lose, tell your teammates what to do and you will win most of the time Edited by Aveas
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Teamwork and players who are good at their class is very important and I probably win 90% of the games I go in with 4 of my guild and then probably lose 70% of those when I queue solo. The biggest problem is when people don't follow tactics or are just bad/in-experienced with their class.


I have also started a post about resolve bar issues, which myself and some of my guild members have seen to often to just be "wai".


Another issue is how the Sith seem to have a lot of a certain 2 class types which are currently unbalanced and need addressing. The group formation should balance classes but it does not always seem to do that.

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This is all overblown. I group queue with my guild and win 99% of my games. My record is something like 30 win / 2 losses so far as a REPUBLIC guild.


Stop solo queueing and expecting rando's to carry you to victory.


Also, the Empire is comprised of almost entirely inquisitors and bounty hunters. Your pug vs that pug will almost never win until the classes get balanced.


Form your own premade



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This is where it starts.. "Empire ALWAYS wins"


Next you will want Empire Nerfed because your team cant learn new tactics and how to play. Not something I would air on the forums, I would simply consider talking to your guild about new tactics.


We only get Hutt ball because there's more Empire players Queueing for PVP. In turn we have to PVP with our self.

This. It's pretty even on Starstorm One. You win some, you lose some. You can't blame the lack of teamplay on something as silly as faction.


Mostly it's premade teams on the empire side that are causing the problems. Of the games I've played tonight pretty much all of them have had a premade team on the other side. The one that didn't we won.


SWTOR is yet another game whose PvP is ruined by allowing premades. Soon it will be all premades and solo players will stop queuing.



Derp, a premade = full ops team. So far we can only make a party with 4 players; changing to ops is a hassle since everyone needs to get out of any zones.


And since when were empire the only ones able to make a premade team?! Here's an idea: join a guild and create a premade yourself!

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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This is all overblown. I group queue with my guild and win 99% of my games. My record is something like 30 win / 2 losses so far as a REPUBLIC guild.


Stop solo queueing and expecting rando's to carry you to victory.


Also, the Empire is comprised of almost entirely inquisitors and bounty hunters. Your pug vs that pug will almost never win until the classes get balanced.


Form your own premade




You are in a guild premade you should win......

Pugs however is a different beast.

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on LoL i'd say it's about 50/50, i can win 10 - 15 games in a row, and the next time lose the same amount, guess i was lucky with the server choice, but as others have pointed out you see more of the OP classes on the imp side contra the rep side


The op classes being Mercs/Sorc, hell i've had games were i was fighting 7 sorcs -.-

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I don't care if we win or lose so much as if it's a competitive match.


The times you are in hutball and the other team has set plays like the ball carrier jumps in the pit, opposing team follows him and one of his teammates waits outside pit for a pass and walk in goal. And most of your team is on the other end of the arena fighting with one guy for DPS stats.


9 out of 10 times I know if my team can play by whether or not their is communication. This is why Alderan is the best game by far. People talk the most in that game.


My experiance Republic loses Hutbal 70%, Voidstar 60% and Alderan 50%

Edited by richardya
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