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The Hutts or the Dread Masters: which story arc did you like better?


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Post-Ilum and pre-SOR, The Hutts and the Dread Masters were the focus of the 2 main story arcs running concurrently and even intertwining at times. Out of the 2, which did you enjoy better?


I preferred the Dread Masters if only because we spent so much more time fighting them.


They drove Karagga mad (well I suspect he was already insane, but more insane), they broke Kephess and took over Denova, they opened a gate to R'lyeh , they stole and sowed dark seeds across the Galaxy, they tried to steal an army of HK-51s and in doing so united us with him (thank you for that one!!!), they gathered an army of mercenaries and cutthroats, they put up on hell of a fight on Planet Mordor (that's Oricon's real name:p).

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Hutt Cartel, by virtue of never having been able to hear what's happening because in DM because I'm too busy listening to the raid leader explain mechanics. Bioware deserves a slap in the face for forcing group content like that (Dread Masters ops) at the end of a single-player quest-line (Oricon).


It took them 'till the end of SoR before they finally learned their lesson on that.

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Hutts. Simply by virtue of not consisting almost entirely of OPs.

Actually all the single or H4 content of the Dread masters arc (Imperial Bellsavis, the dread seed questline, the HK 51+ Section X quests and Oricron) were all ok, some even highly enjoyable. But unfortunately due to the fact that I admittedly suck to much at this game to do OPs I missed out on the conclusion to the dread master questline..... and most of the other parts as well.

With the Hutt storyline at least only miss the build up for Makeb (Them driving the current Hutt leader insane making way for the new one that is behind Makeb) and the aftermath (Former Hutt forces being recruited by the Dread masters).

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Dread master's til the ops pain to get group it was


This. I loved Oricon so I was really upset that you had to do Ops to finish off the Dread Masters. I've never done Ops, I wouldn't have the patience for them, so I'm stuck never seeing the end of the Oricon questline. Their choice to put the DMs in Ops instead of two Flashpoints still baffles me. :confused:

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This. I loved Oricon so I was really upset that you had to do Ops to finish off the Dread Masters. I've never done Ops, I wouldn't have the patience for them, so I'm stuck never seeing the end of the Oricon questline. Their choice to put the DMs in Ops instead of two Flashpoints still baffles me. :confused:


It wasn't really a surprise, KP which hinted at the DMs was an Op. TFB which had the Dread Guard (the DM elite soldiers) was an Op. SV where you killed one of the DMs was an Op. About 50% of the DM story prior to Oricon was in Operations.

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It wasn't really a surprise, KP which hinted at the DMs was an Op. TFB which had the Dread Guard (the DM elite soldiers) was an Op. SV where you killed one of the DMs was an Op. About 50% of the DM story prior to Oricon was in Operations.


I understand that, I really do. It's just that playing through Oricon's solo mode story and being unable to complete it was grating.

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Dread Masters, no contest. Terror From Beyond and Dread Palace are my two favorite Ops, with amazing fights with really fun mechanics, stunning environments, and they're even somewhat difficult on Story Mode, which I think is a plus, since so many Sm Ops have been nerfed.


Also the DM arc doesn't make you fight Foreman Crusher, the most boring fight ever.

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RotHC. Loved Makeb's environment and it felt like actual progress was being made following Corellia in the war between Empire and Republic. No joined hands to face a common threat crap. It was cool for 30 seconds and then became a drag. Makeb's heroics, weeklies and Empire's story line were incredible compared to most things in the game up to now.


I love the DM arc as well but less love for cutting me off at the end and telling me to do the OP (which I did do but was so clueless and never did one before, so I spent more time reading instructions and not learning diddley squat). The daily area was awesome, heroic champs were different and patrolling which made it more fun, introduced me to a lot of things I skipped in vanilla (hello Interrupt) and felt dire. Not 'Chapter 1 boss' dire but actual 'everyone around me are going to pay for this dearly' dire.

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Oricon. The whole atmosphere is excellent, and the quests aren't mind-numbing.


I just wish we had been told a little bit more about the Dread Masters


and while I know it's a long shot now, an update on Calphayus if you finished Oricon Pub side and spared him would be nice.


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Gotta love the solo vs group bias in this thread. Many of those who chose Makeb did so solely because of "no ops requirement."


IMO I liked DM better because it is a side arc that weaves through the main story. Makeb is a 100% standalone story.


The analogy that springs to mind is that of a dramatic TV series. Most dramatic TV series have primary story arcs that build throughout a season, but they also have secondary story arcs and off-shoot stories. The vanilla class story+SOR+KotFE are three seasons of the series. The DM arc is a secondary plot line that starts in the middle of the vanilla story and concludes in season 2. Makeb is like a two or three part cliffhanger episode between season 1 and season 2 and is summarily dropped. The ONLY hint we get that it had ANY meaning is in KotFE...



When Lana is filling you in on what happened over the last five years, she specifies that those ships retrofitted with Isotope-5 could keep up with the eternal fleet... But even then, Republic characters think nothing of that. Remember, the Republic believed Makeb was destroyed and the isotope-5 with it. So where did the Isotope-5 come from? Plot hole? I guess it can be chalked up to memory loss due to carbonite freezing :p.


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The Dread Masters were neat, and better than the Hutts (heck, playing Karagga's Palace shows that the Hutts were mostly just a side-story to the Dread Masters anyway), but they were not integrated into the game well. The story should either be 100% Operations, or 100% available without them. The fact that even solo story was tied to them during that particular era of the game was a mistake.
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I prefered the Dread Master story, even though it was locked behind operations it was a bit more interesting and in context the reason for the Hutts aggression on Makeb. For while they really felt like a big threat as every operation seemed to be connected to them or a result of their machinations. Oricon was also really fun. It is a giant shame that they were mostly locked behind operations as many players did not get to enjoy that story like I and others did.


While I love how pretty and big Makeb is, I feel the story there is pretty awful especially for the Republic. The Imperial story is interesting, more so as an agent player, but isn't too exciting. Makeb is cool, just not as interesting as a story, and a way it would have been more interesting was if they made the direct connection that the power vacuum in the Hutt Cartel was due to the Dread Masters attacking the cartel and making them fearful of loosing their influence and power.

Edited by Kaprua
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