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If you still haven't received email with cartel coins code, please post here.


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I think that goes to show you have not opted in to receive promo mails? That was one of the requirements.


I am opted in, I checked, also I wouldn't have gotten the email about the new chapter if I wasn't.


And now to clear up my mess. I have found my email. About a year and a half ago I came back to the game after a long break to find someone had hacked my account, taken all my credits and sold off everything worth anything on all my imperial toons. In the process of getting things righted I had to change the email I used as well as all passwords. The email for this code was sent to the old email I used before the hack and that's why I didn't find it, it was in a spam folder. If anyone else has changed email for the game, maybe try checking the old one.

Edited by LeeLoou
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Hey folks,


Over the past few days we’ve reviewed player accounts who indicated they had not received their Cartel Coin/Chapter I subscriber email. We discovered a few reasons why this may have occurred:

  • Some accounts opted-in after the February 14, 2016 deadline.
  • The email was received, but it may have gotten deleted, lost in a secondary folder, missed, or landed in a spam folder.
  • Sometime in the past you marked one of our SWTOR emails as spam or possibly reported it as spam, and your email client/provider “black listed” our emails. That means we may actually be sending you emails, but they are being blocked. We suggest you check with your email provider/client and verify that is not the case.
  • There was a small number of players who were missed in the original set of emails and we’re sending them the same promotional email. If you were one of these players and don’t receive your email by tomorrow, you may also want to review the above bullets.


With all of that being said, we are going to be sending another batch of emails. This new batch of emails will include the following accounts:

  • All accounts who were sent the email previously, but did not open the email.
  • Any account that opted in by Monday, February 22, 2016 (to essentially catch anyone who wanted to participate)


The email subject line is either "A Familiar Face Joins Your Team - Play Chapter 10 Now!" or "Chapter 10 and Firebrand are here - Play Now!" and was sent from the swtor@email.swtor.com email address. Our plan is to send out email over the next two days, so look for it in your mailbox.




Hi Eric - so, it seems for me (and several others) this has not yet resolved the issue. I can confirm all appropriate eligibility requirements for my account... confirmed subscriber... (both for years). I can also confirm no indication that my email is blocking or moving to other folds (and have checked all other folders, including searches). I have always received emails, newsletters, etc from BW.


I can also confirm that I have still not received any emails as noted in your post update and no codes. NOTE: I use gmail, and always have with this account.


I'm sure you can appreciate that this is frustrating for all subs, and dare I say particularly frustrating for those who have been contributing and enjoying the game since launch. Hoping you can assist... what happens now? Can you send again if we provide a different email address... can you just manually add to our accounts... anything else?




Edited by Johnycat
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Hi Eric - so, it seems for me (and several others) this has not yet resolved the issue. I can confirm all appropriate eligibility requirements for my account... confirmed subscriber... (both for years). I can also confirm no indication that my email is blocking or moving to other folds (and have checked all other folders, including searches). I have always received emails, newsletters, etc from BW.


I can also confirm that I have still not received any emails as noted in your post update and no codes. NOTE: I use gmail, and always have with this account.


I'm sure you can appreciate that this is frustrating for all subs, and dare I say particularly frustrating for those who have been contributing and enjoying the game since launch. Hoping you can assist... what happens now? Can you send again if we provide a different email address... can you just manually add to our accounts... anything else?





I agree with the above poster. I verified everything exactly as "J" did.

I have EVERY email EVER received from email.swtor.com since September 24, 2011 in my Gmail box.

I can think of no reason as to why I would not have received this promotional email. I assumed I was in the "small number of players who were missed in the original set of emails", but I have yet to receive an email and now I am concerned that I may not be included in your second attempt over the next "two days".

Thus, I called your customer service only to be emailed a link to your most recent post -- http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8834505#edit8834505 and told to post on this thread. The referral wasn't very helpful as I have already posted on this thread and it was the cited developer post that prompted my call. I do not blame the customer service representative for the poor solution--she was just forwarding information she was told to forward.


It would be nice if we were able to have someone individually verify a specific reason as to why we did not receive this email.

I am confident that I did everything correctly. I checked all of my Gmail folders including trash and spam. I looked under all of my Gmail tabs (yes....I am VERY familiar with Gmail. I know how to use Gmail--I use all of my tabs!). I am confident that the email never arrived.

Am I asking too much to have someone give me a reason/rationale as to why a "small number of players who were missed in the original set of emails" were missed? I am one of them. I want an assurance that the oversight was fixed so that I do not miss out on future promotions.




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Been a sub since 12-16-15 and have had all 3 boxes checked since that date. I have no-reply@bioware.swtor.com noreply@em.ea.com admin@swtor.com swtor@email.swtor.com all on my email list as approved. I have yet to get any promotional emails since I've been a sub. I only get the monthly cartel coin grant emails, cartel market purchase confirm emails, and thread subbed emails from the forums.


I have checked every folder I got on my email account and still nothing. My email provider is comcast if that matters. Please fix this. I really would like to get the emails I've been signed up for since December. I'm a paying subscriber and this whole situation has me rethinking that for the first time. :(

Edited by skinsrich
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I still have yet to receive anything as well and I verified everything. I even went to add the email address listed to my safe list yesterday and it was already there. I don't know exactly why I am not receiving the email unless they have not sent them all out yet? Waiting a few days between responses just frustrates us,,so please any help would appreciate us who are still waiting.
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