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Hacks in GSF


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I noticed some very strange behavior in a game I had just now. This particular gunship (you can see him in the screenshots) was inside the pillars, yet kept shooting both BLCs and railguns. I wouldn't normally accuse of hacks, but I went there three times, flew around him looking for a way in, and every time he killed me while out of LoS.


Here is a screenshot I got of him killing someone, and here is one of the game's ending.

Edited by Greezt
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Sometimes I have seen people inadvertently ending up inside of geometry in this game. It is quite rare, but when it happens, you can clearly see outside while others cannot see inside. I can't recall if firing was effective in this situation or not.


This guy may have found a little way inside somewhere at that spot. I remember years ago in Halo 2 my friends and I would spend hours trying to fling ourselves outside of the invisible boundary and usually ended up doing it, spending lots of time walking around exploring the outside of the map, and sometimes even walking directly on top of the invisible barrier looking down on the map.


Also, he may have just crashed in a funny way and ended up inside the walls with no way out, so decided to just shoot, it may have been a fluke.


Either way, I highly doubt this is some sort of "hack"


Good eye greezy

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I thought so too, but then I was told that the same person had done that previously (as can be seen in the ops chat).

He also seemed pretty adept at handling himself in there, turning and shooting at people around him.


I end inside the scenery myself quite often, but I always die. I've never been able to move in it, much less kill people.

Edited by Greezt
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There's a vertical tunnel around the D3/D4 line where you can intentionally become practically invulnerable. You fly in from below, you can shoot out, but nobody can shoot in. There's also the pub cruiser near B in Exosphere where you can get in and be effectively invulnerable.


I know polygons are visible from only one side because of how pretty much every 3D game ever released does back-face culling: depending on what order the vertices of a triangle are in, and if the draw direction is clockwise or counterclockwise, a polygon will have either a positive or negative sign. Depending on this sign, the graphics engine will run it through the rest of the rendering engine, or just ignore it for the rest of the frame. This works because an object will tend to be a closed... something. All of the triangles with one sign will be on the side toward the viewer, and the other sign will be on the side away from the viewer.

Collision detection for guns may also work this way, or it might be because of the minimum range mechanic.


I've also known line-of-sight to have lag issues: I've hit things which the game said had just gone around a wall and were unhittable, and I've fired multiple railgun shots into a perfectly lined up drone (usually sat B in mesas from above), only to keep missing.

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I remember years ago in Halo 2 my friends and I would spend hours trying to fling ourselves outside of the invisible boundary and usually ended up doing it, spending lots of time walking around exploring the outside of the map, and sometimes even walking directly on top of the invisible barrier looking down on the map.


Ah, good times...


~ Eudoxia

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Once I found myself "stuck" in the cruiser in Lost Shipyards. I was able to shoot and hit whoever came into my LOS, but nobody could shoot me. After the match, one of my friends from the other side I had killed asked how I did it. I have no idea, but if I moved I would have SDed (not going to happen) and nobody could shoot me.
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  • 4 weeks later...
wel its a glitsh i guess...i had it myself a couple of times with my bombers ...i wanted to hide under a satelite and flew in to close and got stuck...if i wanted to fly out nothing happend accept i got damage and if i continued to fly out my ship would blow up....but while i was stuck i could turd and aim and shoot and drop drones and wel kept the satelite XD
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I witnessed this on Battle Meditation some time ago - it was a gunship pilot, dont remember the nick. He did that 3 times in a row during DM at their pub cruiser, when I was pursuing him. Aimed at the same spot and bounced in to his safe haven, but i dont think he was able to shoot through. There was a narrow gap, but couldnt get there the normal way. Edited by DarthMeridian
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