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What's changed since late 2014?


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They have added a new story chapter that no one gives a **** about. If you consider that a "change".


Oh, and they have altered cartel packs so they drop rare items even less frequently than before making the cartel pack buyers angry as a pack of rabid wolves.

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Late 2014 would be before 3.0 right?


Well they changed class balance so that Sorcs are the OP heals, merc heals still sucks, They nerfed the fun out of Engineering (Removed the 1M cooldown for double roll), but gave it back to all the specs.


Balance is probably worse than before, and there hasn't been a new map since Queshball yet (Supposed to be one in development), the lack of matchmaking is ridiculous now...


You get the idea

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Healers got buffed, specifically sorcs. Burst DPS got nerfed.

Tanks Defense stat is useless so there are Immortal Jugs running around in DPS gear topping pure DPS specs.

Warzone performance is somehow worse than ever.

Massive faction disparity, causing certain guilds to run 8 man FOTM comp premades in regs.

Edited by Ruhun
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Been away from this game since maybe 10/2014, used a friend referral link (thanks Tux) because, well no good reason tbh.


PvP development/direction still awful?




Powertechs are still very easy to play, surprisingly though their burst is even stronger than it was;


Sorc Healers are small gods who walk the earth healing to full and making you pay for the temerity of trying to attack them.


A little while ago, they buffed the tanks' damage powers A LOT to help them hold aggro in PvE. Side effect is that many PvP tanks are foregoing tanking gear for DPS gear and thus being stronger as tanks and as DPS. It's a very special feeling to Wither for 10K on 8 people BTW. :D


Merc healers are objects of abject pity.


Honestly, other than the above, I don't think it's too bad out there.

Edited by Master-Nala
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Healers got buffed, specifically sorcs. Burst DPS got nerfed.

Tanks Defense stat is useless


1- Do you think healers were underperforming before Sorc buffs?


2- You don't think burst dps are fine right now?


3- Were things like defense/shielding viable at any point in SWTOR pvp?

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1- Do you think healers were underperforming before Sorc buffs?


2- You don't think burst dps are fine right now?


3- Were things like defense/shielding viable at any point in SWTOR pvp?


I don't think they were underperforming, the sorcs that are Gods now to us mere mortals were still pumping out impressive heals before their buff to both mobility and output. The Sorcs that were sh*t now can survive an onslaught of good DPS.

DPS is more or less fine, but it's unable to keep up with the current Tank/Sorc healer meta.


I can't say if Defense/Shielding was ever viable, but why are there so many Shanks compared to before?

What changed?

Edited by Ruhun
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A little while ago, they buffed the tanks' damage powers A LOT to help them hold aggro in PvE. Side effect is that many PvP tanks are foregoing tanking gear for DPS gear and thus being stronger as tanks and as DPS. It's a very special feeling to Wither for 10K on 8 people BTW. :D


I think another reason this is happening is because purely defensive stats don't really work in PvP. Not saying the reasoning you stated isn't relevant.


How can it be resolved?


Simple. Or something like that.


1- Roll back the damage buffs to tanks and buff the potency of offensive stats for tanks to compensate. Throw bonus offensive stats on Tank PvE gear and leave Tank PvP gear as is to ensure tank threat remains reliable in PvE.


2- Increase the potency of defensive tank stats in PvP. Make shield/defense matter and allow them to buff key tank abilities like invincible/endure pain/force scream bubble/enraged defense etc. Make certain defensive tank abilities rely on defensive stats, punishing tanks that choose to "skank tank" with considerable survivability nerfs.


3- Completely remove the ability of offensive stats to provide buffs to defensive tank abilities.

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DPS is more or less fine, but it's unable to keep up with the current Tank/Sorc healer meta.


I think the issue lies with changing tanks so they tank in PvP instead of DPSing in DPS gear. It will make this strat less effective and less common. It will also give players that don't utilize the strat better survivability against them and equal footing to combat them.


I can't say if Defense/Shielding was ever viable, but why are there so many Shanks compared to before?

What changed?


Damage buffs were applied more than once to tanks to enhance their threat potency in PvE.


This combined with the fact that defensive tanking stats remain useless in PvP since day 1 of SWTOR have made skank tanking not only a more attractive option but the only option in order to remain competitive.

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Hai sir. You still kickin it on PoT5, or has that server finally shut itself down.


Well would never aspire to be imprimis, but my understanding is that POT5 is a ghost town. I fled a while ago. Harbinger is I think the most populated server where you can get regular pops in all 3 regs brackets. EH also has pretty quick pops. I won't comment on quality. You can see the umpteen-million "woe is me" posts for people's thoughts on that... which is, I guess, kind of me commenting on it. :D

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Pistols. That's a name I have not seen in a long time...long time. In fact, when I saw you in a different thread my first thought was that it was a necro.


Mostly echoing what others have said. Sorc heals are running rampant (sorcs have phase walk now lololol). Merc heals are sub-par in terms of sheer HPS output and don't have any good anti-focus/escape tools (nothing new), operative heals are not bad, but can't touch Sorcs. Immortal Jugg in dps gear is common - high damage reduction from tank stance with great defensive cooldowns and good damage output. Some burst specs (Deception, AP PT) got their burst nerfed shortly after 4.0 launched, making Sorc heals even better.


BW is focusing on single player RPG stuff over everything else. Many PVE operations players have left the game because there have been no new operations since 3.0 and they have no immediate plans of making more. BW is banking on people paying a subscription to get a new 30 minute single player story chapter every month or so, even though people could easily just cancel sub, wait for all the chapters to come out, and play through with one month's sub. But we are getting a new warzone and new arena in the next few months, which is nice.

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More bads/less talented pvpers are plaing.


More people are ************ .


Most of the above just can't adapt to the new meta, the rest can't actually play any of the classes to even half their potential.


Balance isn't as terrible as most people make it out to be, it's different but probably slightly better than when you left (every AC has at least one ranked viable spec).


Bioware is still clueless about pvp, or any QoL changes that would help the pvp community.

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