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How The Old Republic can compete and beat Guild Wars 2


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SWTOR is going to beat GW2 for me becaues I wont buy it as it is a F2P game after the initial box purchase and I will never play a non subscription game that is prone to have microtransactions like LOTRO turned into "Shrug"


You can't buy power in GW2, only cosmetic stuff, in fact, you can play all your life without paying for anything other than expansions, and still compete with everyone since there is no gear grind in the game at all, the basic endgame gear stats should be fairly easy to get.


Also any form of open PvP in GW2 will be better than SWTOR as it currently is

Edited by Fireline
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Guild wars 2 has me excited for a few things, the questing looks standard-interesting, the controls look smooth and it has an established world with several interesting factions. A lot of the posts on this thread just seem to be flat out dismissal of it.


For starters there are no elves in the game, sylvari are a race of sentient plants which are the closest thing as far as I know that come to elves.


Healing is regulated to a few support skills and everyone has at least one heal. I like this because honestly, no one ever seems to want to heal and healing generally means you spend all of your time looking at UI playing wack a mole with health bars. Its not fun for most people to do and waiting around or worse spamming chat for hours looking for a healer is obnoxious.


As far as I can tell in GW2 there is formal arena based pvp with equalized gear and level and etc and informal world realm versus realm pvp where servers fight each other.


There are no factions, no more of that terrible alliance vs horde, imperial vs republic debating.


Personalized stories, if done right this will be like SWTOR.


You can jump. This was kind of a deal break for me in GW1.


Also NCsoft is just the publisher isnt it? its being developed in house by Arenanet. NCsoft has no part in the development. I think we all know NCsoft has a reputation for making Asian grindfests.

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I really don't see how gameplay like this is competition with SWTOR.


GW2 is going to be the premier 3rd person mmorpg competitive pvp game


Swtor's is the premier single player mmorpg with some light pvp elements


2 different market's. Look at League of Legends. there is a very mild level grind to get runes and masteries. The majority of the game though is just pvp with your friends. And to think a game that emphasizes casual pvp with friends now has over 16 million users.


That is the market GW2 is going for. MMo players that have played WOW and are burnt out on the same old tab targetting mechanics.


Swtor's is for the player who never played WOW and wants a fun single/multiplayer experience.


2 different market's

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I really don't see how gameplay like this is competition with SWTOR.


GW2 is going to be the premier 3rd person mmorpg competitive pvp game


Swtor's is the premier single player mmorpg with some light pvp elements


2 different market's. Look at League of Legends. there is a very mild level grind to get runes and masteries. The majority of the game though is just pvp with your friends. And to think a game that emphasizes casual pvp with friends now has over 16 million users.


That is the market GW2 is going for. MMo players that have played WOW and are burnt out on the same old tab targetting mechanics.


Swtor's is for the player who never played WOW and wants a fun single/multiplayer experience.


2 different market's

What you have done is posted a video of what looks like the isolated pvp of GW2. For instance, if I post just the PVP game iin SWTOR, you could make the same argument.


Actually, GW2's PVP will be relatively the same as SWTOR. GW2 is a PVE game. So far, gameplay and demos have showed the same branch questing and the same type of combat system as SWTOR. I really wish folk would get off the fanboy highhorse and seriously look at this from a non-biased angle.


I have 3 accounts for SWTOR at 300 dollars for the whole set and 45 bucks a month. Obviously i think its a good game.

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I really don't see how gameplay like this is competition with SWTOR.


GW2 is going to be the premier 3rd person mmorpg competitive pvp game


Swtor's is the premier single player mmorpg with some light pvp elements


2 different market's. Look at League of Legends. there is a very mild level grind to get runes and masteries. The majority of the game though is just pvp with your friends. And to think a game that emphasizes casual pvp with friends now has over 16 million users.


That is the market GW2 is going for. MMo players that have played WOW and are burnt out on the same old tab targetting mechanics.


Swtor's is for the player who never played WOW and wants a fun single/multiplayer experience.


2 different market's


Let me tell you something right away that will make GW2 gameplay much better than SWTOR


Quote from blog:


"Our programmers added technology to our skill data to allow us to specify a point in an animation at which the player could start moving again. This made skills like Savage Leap not only more functional but tremendously fun to use. This technology came in right before gamescom, so we were able to showcase it with a few important skills in that demo. Now that the technology has evolved, not only does it allow players to specify when they can start movement but it also allows us to transition into queued skills so that we can improve responsiveness. We went through every skill in the game and set up these animation breakout timings and the results were fantastic, but we didn’t stop there. I know many people have also noticed the more polished nature of the animations in the G-Star demo. Since we were able to go back and polish it, we also took a look at the impact of the new blending changes and made some timing changes to existing skills in order to give them more-appropriate anticipation, swing time, and follow-through to match the smoother feel that we were achieving with the blending. This really shines with things like big hammer swings, which now have slow buildups, quick attacks, and somewhat lengthy follow-through, depending on the skill. Ultimately, it creates a much more visceral and immediate system, which helps us straddle the line between action game and RPG."

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Frankly SWTOR will probably be buy to play by the time GW2 launches, and for all the rest of what GW2 does it really doesn't mean anything till we get to experience it. Most of what Rift hyped about turned out to be really meh and you hear the same language from GW2.


Having said that, I hope it's great and I'll definitely be playing it if it lives up to it's promises.

Edited by alkanterah
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What you have done is posted a video of what looks like the isolated pvp of GW2. For instance, if I post just the PVP game iin SWTOR, you could make the same argument.


Actually, GW2's PVP will be relatively the same as SWTOR. GW2 is a PVE game. So far, gameplay and demos have showed the same branch questing and the same type of combat system as SWTOR. I really wish folk would get off the fanboy highhorse and seriously look at this from a non-biased angle.


I have 3 accounts for SWTOR at 300 dollars for the whole set and 45 bucks a month. Obviously i think its a good game.


What ive done is post a video of a single instance map of pvp.


The open world pvp is currently being developed. A recent reddit post by a GW2 dev said they have destructible castles in game now and siege equipment. He also stated that they have started testing large scale battles of 250 vs 250.


I didnt say SWTOR's is bad in comparison.


In fact I said that SWTOR will be the better single player experience and RPG for roleplayers.


GW2 will be the best game for pvp players who want pvp without inflated stats.


Personally I often get so geared in these games that pvp becomes boring. One shotting new players is only fun for so long.


Swtor's is a great game. It is the best single player mmo ever released in fact.

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"Our programmers added technology to our skill data to allow us to specify a point in an animation at which the player could start moving again. This made skills like Savage Leap not only more functional but tremendously fun to use. This technology came in right before gamescom, so we were able to showcase it with a few important skills in that demo. Now that the technology has evolved, not only does it allow players to specify when they can start movement but it also allows us to transition into queued skills so that we can improve responsiveness. We went through every skill in the game and set up these animation breakout timings and the results were fantastic, but we didn’t stop there. I know many people have also noticed the more polished nature of the animations in the G-Star demo. Since we were able to go back and polish it, we also took a look at the impact of the new blending changes and made some timing changes to existing skills in order to give them more-appropriate anticipation, swing time, and follow-through to match the smoother feel that we were achieving with the blending. This really shines with things like big hammer swings, which now have slow buildups, quick attacks, and somewhat lengthy follow-through, depending on the skill. Ultimately, it creates a much more visceral and immediate system, which helps us straddle the line between action game and RPG."


This ^^^ x's9000

Edited by Godsfear
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Guild wars 2 has tons of pve (in fact I think most of it is pve) with dungeons and raids, so while it gives a lot of attention to pvp its certainly not shutting out the pve market.


I agree tons of people are burnt out on WoW but I dont think GW2 is built that was just because of the burn out. They just set out to innovate because honestly every game that tried to beat or mimic WoW with WoW like gameplay has just been swallowed up and spat out by WoW.

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You're so right SWTOR has nothing to worry about if this is a open world raid boss.


I mean how can you even compare. SWTOR's graphics are so much better. I mean how can you compare?


Youre link here really shows how much better swtor's is.:cool:

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SWTOR won't survive another 6 months. Once Diablo 3 and GW2 launches, it's lights out.


Any gamer knows this game was a total waste of money, luckily nobody put much effort into it so no waste there. The handful of fanbois won't be able to pay the bills to even keep it on life support.

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SWTOR can compete with gw2simply by staying true to the debs vision and not careening all over the place trying to make everybody happy..... The trinity works and helps me learn and know how to play my character in a group....limited options means that I can't choose a bad combo because I didn't study the how to guide......quests in a Lin ear form means there is a plot and story not random events that have no meaning.....in many ways TOR and GW2 are not in competition...... They are very different and will attract different people....this is a good thing because I love all the things you want TOR to change....and you most likely wouldn't like how I would change GW2..... There is room for both.
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Here's side by side video of TOR's epic boss combat, and Guild Wars 2's "epic" boss combat. I don't think TOR has anything to worry about.



Horses for courses I guess because I think GW2 looks more interesting from those vids :p


I really wish folk would get off the fanboy highhorse and seriously look at this from a non-biased angle.


I have 3 accounts for SWTOR at 300 dollars for the whole set and 45 bucks a month. Obviously i think its a good game.


Bit of a hypocritical comment don't you think? I mean we're not being biased here but how can you even consider your view as being non biased when you're obviously a huge fan of SWOTR lol.


I love playing MMO's and play them all as they come out. GW2 has been on my radar for sometime. I wasn't going to play SWOTR, as I'm not interested in the SW story, but I enjoyed what I played during the beta - sadly I can't say that has been reciprocated during launch. I don't think they've done anything that shatters the mould of MMO's however - The voice acting thing will become old on the second play through of an alt to anyone that is not a diehard fan of SW.


Only the fans of SW will stick with the game though. In 6-9 months it will have it's core players, but it will fall into the "just another MMO, move along" category. While WoW has revolutionised the way we play MMO's (they used ideas other MMO's had and bettered them), it's also ruined peoples acceptance of any game that tries something different.


Everyone wants a polished game straight out of the box which can also be blamed on console gaming. I've been guilty of that myself and have a low tolerance of the developers releasing content 1 month after release. It wasn't being developed, it wasn't being tested, it was ready to ship when the game was launched, but it holds people in to the game that would otherwise un-sub after the first month. Basically they left the content out to ensure they had the casual and non-SW fans locked in for another month.

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Thankfully Anet has focused a lot of attention on making GW2 sociable; something that Bioware has fell painfully short on. SWTOR is plagued by fighting over nodes (when they work), competing for mobs, arguing over having to wait for people to read/enjoy cinematics (yes, on day 2 there were already people complaining), not helping other players in trouble (obviously no benefit to them), abysmal grouping features (no one wants to play healer/tank due to respeccing fees, and lack of any decent feature to form groups beyond a lackluster lfg flag and having to filter a zone's chat spam), and the list goes on and on. Anet has paid very close attention to a lot of the issues that make mmorpg's antisocial. They've gone to a great extend to remove any possible briefing from their game, something I am excited to finally see. Not cringing when you see another player will be a refreshing change.


There's a very long list of things that Anet is working on implementing to make their game dynamic and enjoyable, and hopefully it pans out for them. But, for the meantime, we are left with a relatively static SWTOR that has very well written story lines (big kudos to the SWTOR writers and voice actors). SWTOR has their work cut out for them. They're going to be faced with (and rather quickly) the fact that they have a rather static game (hence little incentive to alt beyond storyline quest) with little end-game content (PvE and PvP). Alternatively, Anet has gone to great lengths to make a dynamic world that will "hopefully" make for very different experience when alting, and they've "supposedly" invested a tremendous amount of effort on PvP (joy to those who are waiting for the resurrection of DAoC PvP). Of course, all of the praise for Anet has to be taken with a grain of salt, as they've haven't been subject to the scrutiny of "real" players yet.

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Here's side by side video of TOR's epic boss combat, and Guild Wars 2's "epic" boss combat. I don't think TOR has anything to worry about.



The fact that u compare a mid level open world raid boss to an endgame operation boss its pretty hilarious

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The fact that u compare a mid level open world raid boss to an endgame operation boss its pretty hilarious


google guild wars 2 dragon fight, the actual epic fight, not the midboss. I've playd that, most amazing combat ever and very realistic to how dragons are presented in novels, huge hulking beasts that take tons of tactics to take down.


But the videos show the daunting hill SWTOR will either have to climb or be settled with. Take away all the shining lasers and blasts and the combat is fairly the same as any boss you've fought in any MMO. Even with the mid boss, look at the amount of terrain you have to cover in GW. Check out the interaction with things in the field. I thought SWTOR missed a golden opportunity by not allowing every class to utilize cover in some way. The more I play the game the more i feel so rediculous shooting someone at point blank range and them shooting me back, or shooting someone while they hit me with a sword.


There's an old game called shadowrun, for the genesis, that was the best example of how to use gun combat in an rpg.

Edited by dontadow
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Guild Wars 2 is FREE to play. Other than buying it.. not even in the same group. What you HAVE to start to wonder or worry about is how NCSoft is going to make MONEY! Everything is not getting better because they went free to play. Does anyone have a clue as to how much just one server cost to run?


Anayway GW2 is not out and to say what it will be or nor is silly.


the same way it has and is still making money with the first guild wars.

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